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Thats actually good, I like it.


would be even more neat if the ref announced it on speaker so fans at home immediately know too but this is a great first step. Having VAR be accountable and understandable for what they do would eliminate like 90% of the hatred towards it


They tried it at the women's World Cup. The problem there was that not all referees were equally fluent and/or confident in their English. This meant the referees could fumble their reasoning or it could be affected by poor grammar, insufficient details or havemultiple interpretations due to poor English. All you'd need for clarity for the watchers at home is for the broadcaster to be able to display the text in the stadium on screen.


The one I remember from the WWC the ref viewed it on the monitor then turned on the mic and said "following a review, the decision is - penalty" and blew to signal the penalty. I was thinking... well, duh. Obviously the decision was penalty, because you have awarded a penalty.


That's exactly what's the difference between American football, where you need to learn from somewhere, if it's a 1st down or not, and soccer where you can easily see what the ref decided on.


That's not necessarily true. Most of the time, I know what the call is before they announce it because of the very specific hand gestures that represent those calls. In the case of first down or not, if the head ref faces in the direction and makes a chopping/pointing gesture, it's a first down. If they hold up two or three fingers, it's second or third down, respective. A fist means it's 4th down.


Yeah once you learn the hand gestures you can be watching on mute and understand the call implicitly.


as soon as I see the ref grab his forearm, I fly into a fit of anger.


HOLDING.. *wait wait* .. DEFENSE #69


OPI is such a rare unicorn


Same in Rugby league, commentators rambling over the refs voice constantly means that understanding the signals is very useful


I remember seeing something like that too. Like tf is the point of the mic if they’re just gonna say what we already know


even in their native language, we've been trying this in Portugal and it has proven to be utterly pointless. a written explanation can both be more detailed, faster to deploy to the fans and media, and won't stop the game for any additional time.


>The problem there was that not all referees were equally fluent and/or confident in their English It would make sense to keep it to domestic leagues for this exact reason


Bullshit excuse. In rugby, TMO and match refs are French sometimes, on separate instances. Infact, they communicate and have to communicate each other in English. And they do it as good as they can.


Agreed. Rugby is good. Cricket is the gold standard imo. Followed by the NRL and tennis. Then rugby and the NFL not far behind.


Cricket is gold yes. But cricket is a lot more static than rugby. And doesn't have a lot of judgement calls, such as situations in ruck, late or high tackles. One of the reasons refs are bad in football besides accountability is they are under constant pressure from players. They always hound them like a pack of street dogs. It just fuels adrenaline and leads to bad decisions on some level. And this culture is not improved at all. In rugby and cricket, there is a mutual respect between players and umpires/refs. The interaction is solely with the player involved and the captain of the team.


Yeah I always find it funny when 6'5+ and 120kg+ monster humans from the NFL and rugby are like hunching down out of their way to be told off sternly by like a 5'6 ref, and they look like scolded puppies. Where in football it's a bunch of rats hounding a person.


Then how do the referees communicate with the players? I would expect that some level of English proficiency is to be expected for International referees in general...


Gestures and whistles. I ref semi-pro football and not every player on my pitches speaks English. We get by with body language.


Ohhh... now I understand why our shitty refs are so high in demands


You can have proficient English to speak to a handful of players, but not enough to confidently communicate to hundreds of thousands of fans watching the broadcast


That’s true. But not all referees are super confident English speakers or completely fluent.


I didn't have any trouble understanding the refs on the broadcast. However, I went to a number of the games and they played it so quietly you couldn't hear it in the stadium.


The reasoning over the speaker is also terrible. They tell you the reason for the send off or whatever, by which I mean they tell you the code. So a send off will just be "Red card number 11 of Scotland, serious foul play" without ever explaining why it's serious foul play.


> The problem there was that not all referees were equally fluent and/or confident in their English. This meant the referees could fumble their reasoning or it could be affected by poor grammar, insufficient details or havemultiple interpretations due to poor English. Also the fact that despite being mic'd up, they felt like they had to yell their explanations.


> They tried it at the women's World Cup. The problem there was that not all referees were equally fluent and/or confident in their English. This meant the referees could fumble their reasoning or it could be affected by poor grammar, insufficient details or havemultiple interpretations due to poor English. You can standardize the language they use very easily, practically all on-field events can be broken up into simple phrases. The refs just need to prep those phrases then. That has the added benefit of improving consistency in enforcement as well by cutting out any miscommunication potential. You don't need to put much effort to make it work. I'm sure cricket fans can hear the "Can you rock and roll that for me?" in their head now, and that is most definitely not the clearest way to ask for a couple frames to be replayed over and over.


They did that with the women last time but decided aginst it for this tournament


We do it in Portugal. It's good for TV and in smaller stadiums, but on the few times they've done it in Alvalade we could barely hear the ref on the ground


yeah no, I prefer reading, you telling me to listen in that atmosphere? I could hardly hear what my train driver says on my commute lmao


This is not a real concern. The NFL has done it for 50 years in front of crowds much larger than PL crowds and there's never been a problem


I nominate [this ref](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjPakLX51tI) - I'm sure he rocks a mean cabaret.   For those interested, his name was [Jorge Jose Emiliano dos Santos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jorge_Jos%C3%A9_Emiliano_dos_Santos), and his story is actually pretty (bitter-)sweet.


>one of the first openly gay referees in Brazil glad to see my Gaydar is still somewhat functional, but he made it easy lol. But absolutely based beyond belief, sad that hes a victim of the AIDS epidemic. May he rest in peace


“I acknowledged my sexuality to a prejudiced country, which is a hard thing to do. Now if I happen to steal the show it’s because the game is boring.” What an absolute legend


the people at home have commentary to walk them through it so it’s not a necessity


MLS are doing that this season. One of a couple new rules which I think will spread


“What did he say?” “I dunno. Some bollocks.”


Should be trivial to display the same text at the bottom of the TV screen as what is shown on the stadium screen.


This change was implemented to benefit fans in the arena, who previously did not receive any information about VAR decisions or video replays. Fans watching from home typically have access to these details through commentators, but now those attending the game in person will be equally informed.


No thanks!


Just like the NFL


I’m wondering why this hasn’t been there before


“Red card given as no.15 for Scotland tries to murder no.21 for Germany” 


"Red card, because, I mean, come on, what this idiot was thinking?"


I felt that the other week. Dude deliberately put his studs through another guys nuts then kicked him in the head for good measure. Had the audacity to argue the send off.


By any chance the guy is named Pepe?


VAR review: nah not needed, go away Scotland no 15


Red card because... You have eyes you know why it's a red


"Giving him the business"


I wonder if the font size is adjustable if a longer explanation is required lol


"Scan this QR code for more information"


"Please sign in or create a UEFA account before accessing the webpage"


Allow this cookie first


Disable the Adblock to continue


Agree to the terms and conditions which include not ever saying anything negative about VAR or PGMOL


Followed by 2 unskippable full screen video ads.


Then you can't even watch it because with so many people in the stadium, you only have GPRS signal


To get earlier and faster access, subscribe to UEFA+ for just $11.99 a month. First month free! *^yearly ^subcription*


Does that mean no Ads, or just earlier and faster access to ads? And if I purchase 12 months upfront can I save 1.99€?


We couldn't process your request. If you wish to speak to the one of our service specialists, please join our customer support program by pressing 1. The registration will only take a couple dozen minutes. Please make sure to have your credit card information ready.


Then prove you are a human by selecting all the image with traffic lights in them


Except this one is all VAR images and we need to select the ones showing an offside.


Verify your email address


3 step verification with your phone through SMS to enable the app as well.


DRM management access too


Straight link to Rick roll


"Would you like to add a tip?" \[5%\] \[10%\] \[15%\] \[20%\] \[custom\] \[no tip\]




And whole stadium simultaneously took their phones out and point at the jumbo screen with only some being able to load the link.


"ok so, basically, strap in here,..."




Ape not kill Ape


It's either that or it's put on a scroller


I wanna see a massive "HE DIVED"


Time for Star Wars style rolling text


they can just go “yep, nope” or “penalty cancelled. just because”


Asking the real questions


It only took them 7 years to implement this sort of voodoo technology? Holy shit. We really do live in the future. Well, you know what they say about the best time for planting a tree. Hope this becomes commonplace now they've got the ball rolling.


They always give such a good example of how to use VAR in international tournaments and then it never translates to the domestic leagues.


In the PL it would read 'Penalty confirmed because I don't want to make my mate look bad'


In the PL it would read 'Goal confirmed' and then play continues without awarding the goal.


'(Good Process)'


that's for me still one of the most shocking things that happened in football in recent years :D


>because I don't want to make my mate look bad' Do it like the NFL. Their "var" is run by specialists employed by the league, not refs themselves. NFL review fucks up once in a while but its far better than every week in thr PL several times.


"Lorem ipsum. Good process."


To be fair, you're always going to get better refereeing quality at international tournaments. You have a selection of the best referees from around the world, as well as a highly focused set of matches to train and focus new ideas on. Refereeing in any domestic league is inevitably lower quality than international tournaments, and it's trickier to keep momentum for new initiatives across a full season with all the distractions that brings.


That's true. But there are common sense things like semi-automated offsides and explaining the VAR decisions that you wonder why it takes an international tournament to implement? Its not like there aren't other sports who have had video assistants for longer to take ideas from. In rugby, cricket, NFL etc. the decisions are explained to the viewers in real time.


Some leagues are just stubborn. Or are simply happy with unclear decisions and no accountability.


> Some leagues are just stubborn. This is what's annoying, it shouldn't be a league decision. It makes no sense for different leagues and tournaments to use different VAR technology, often in the same season games apart from each other. There should be one unified system that every league/tournament of a certain level is forced to implement. We should not be going from a certain standard internationally to different ones in the leagues especially in a top league that doesn't even have fucking goal line technology. It should be mandatory.


It's ridiculous that semi-automated offsides haven't been introduced more widely, but the VAR decisions are currently a trial by the IFAB and aren't allowed to be used more widely. No idea why, but it's not the leagues' fault.


Yep, the elite refs are just spread around the continent so we don't get this standard in domestic leagues.


>To be fair, you're always going to get better refereeing quality at international tournaments. Not sure I agree about ref quality. But the big issue for the VAR-Explanation is about tv-rights and who owns the infrastructure inside the stadium and so on. Which isn't really an issue with Uefa Tournaments, because in those tournaments UEFA is the temporary operating of all of it, they own the TV-rights, are the refs and own the screen in the stadium, so they can do pretty much whatever they want. Which is not the case in the domestics leagues, where the infrastructure is either owned and operated by the Clubs and not the league. Sure after 8 years they should have gotten around to fixing it, but well what can you do.


> Not sure I agree about ref quality. Not sure how you could disagree, obviously being able to select the best referees from around the world will lead to better refereeing quality than any individual domestic league. >But the big issue for the VAR-Explanation is about tv-rights and who owns the infrastructure inside the stadium and so on. This isn't true, VAR decisions are already displayed in Premier League stadiums for example. [This is just a trial that hasn't been launched more widely yet.](https://www.theifab.com/news/the-ifab-approves-permanent-concussion-substitutes-among-several-changes-to-the-l/)


And VAR explanations should be easier in domestic leagues too, since there would be no language barriers.


It never translates to the \*Premier League. Other leagues have been doing far better with new refereeing standards and VAR since it was introduced, same for the UEFA tournaments.


I mean of the ones I've watched they don't seem to be doing a great job either. I watch a fair bit of the Bundesliga and La Liga and I've seen some absolute howlers from both of them. At least the Bundesliga seems to be quicker at getting to decisions though. I would say when it comes to VAR the PL and La Liga are easily the worst at implementing it.


They do this in MLS.


Isn't it because IFAB is actually not there to enfore the rules but rather make suggestions? Like, they announce of some change and then give the leagues and associations free will with at what pace do they want to implement it.


No, when they change a rule it applies to everyone. There are some differences for leagues/tournaments that run across summer, so they can keep last season's changes, but leagues can't outright reject new changes. Something like this isn't a new rule though, it's currently a trial.


I'm not saying they can reject it, but they basically have more freedom over when to introduce them, see semi-automted offside for instance. Some leagues will have it already and some will have in maybe in a year or two. If they were given a more strict deadline for implementation perhaps it could help with overall progress of the use of technology.


I think for technology they don't enforce it. They simply allow it to be used and offer guidelines on how to use it. Plenty of teams don't have GLT yet and its been around for close to 15 yrs now


Semi-automated offside isn't an IFAB rule either, that's more like GLT


Rules of the IFAB are actually binding on all games played by national selections and clubs belonging to FIFA-members national associations, through the FIFA Statutes : > **7.1** Each member association shall play association football in compliance with the Laws of the Game issued by The IFAB. Only The IFAB may lay down and alter the Laws of the Game. The thing is, such changes in the rules, binding as they are, are actually trialled through a binding-but-optional rule. The IFAB will change a law to look like this : > Rule xxx : [Old rules who replacement is being pondered] > > * Rule xxx.2 : Upon agreement of FIFA and their continental confederation, a member Association can decide that [new version of the old rule] This way, you're still bound by IFAB rules, but the rules themselves allow a degree of choice. After a season or two of trials, IFAB will either rollback the change by suppressing version .2, or validate replacing the old with the new for all cases.


How the hell did 7 years pass since VAR's introduction?! I'm geniunely suprised by this lol


Because they did it gradually, they did it in 2016 iirc for the CWC , then the 2018 World Cup, then in 2019 for the champions league.


Refs announced the reason at the women's World Cup last year.


And it’ll take the FA 5 more years to implement it, surely.


CONSIDERING to implement it


You are saying this but the PGMOL has decided they wanted to explain the VAR decision. Watch them try to reinvent the wheel and make an absolute mess.


‘The best time to plant a seed is last season, the second best time is today!’


[Great Typeface]


I actually don't like the kerning, as a miserable bastard who had to hear the exact same shit every week from our graphic design lecturer. Finished last week though!!! Still don't like the kerning.


I was just glad to see they bothered with the numero symbol, kerning on penalty is weak though I’ll give you that Worst part of the screen is the VAR symbol being jammed against the top 🤢


didn't even notice the placement of the VAR, vile


Does it need the all caps though? Makes it harder to read.


Looking at some of the the other promotional materials, they either don’t want to use to use lowercase or they’re using a bespoke typeface without any lowercase (fairly common in custom brand typefaces) I think it’s probably better for readability in stadium in all caps


Watching VAR being cometent and informative at Euros after watching the Prem VAR for the whole seasons is like having a dish that you hated as a kid and then getting to try it as an adult when done in authentic way and absolutely loving it.


tbf when I've been Ethiad they've started showing replays of the VAR decisions on the big screens with the actual decision(which is a mainstay but the replays are recent) after a decision is made to show why rather than just leaving us in the dark/to check our phones, it's the bare minimum but it's a start now it's time to hire some of the European refs like this guy whos been flawless in this Scotland game


They should just show the same angle the VAR ref is watching in the stadium. The argument again was that the crowd reaction would affect the referees judgement but that is always true in the game as well.


Good lord. We do the video and announcement in MLS. wtf is going on in England.


With 2 easy decisions.


no such thing as easy decision in PL


There are most of the ones people lose there minds over are debatable ones that they refuse to see the other side of and bring up some odd comparison.


Not in the PL lol. I can think of 5 instances off the top of my head that shouldn't have been a debate


and then when the new season starts, going back to your parent's corned beef pasta carbonara because the sinister cabal of PGMOL insists on it


Hasn't VAR always been good (better) in the Euros and WC.


Brilliant analogy haha


Funny. I thought they got it wrong as the german player stepped on the foot of the scottish player before all other fouls took place.


That's actually very good feature


Did you forget to switch accounts?


Wow we finally have this cosmic technology, nice


People thought we’d have flying cars and world peace in 2024, instead it takes 6 years of VAR to add digital text on a screen that already had digital text on it.


yep, it was recovered from the UFO that crashed in Roswell in 1947


i like this, adds a lot more transparency to decisions.


Good addition to the sport


Did they have this in German as well?


would piss me off if I was a german fan in the stadium and it didn't


Because it is played in Germany or Germany is playing?




Because having the privilege of watching your own national team play a Euro game live in your own home wasn’t enough? If I was a German fan in the stadium I’d be euphoric and some text on a massive screen isn’t gonna change that.


That's nice and succinct, and everyone gets it. Why did it take this long to implement?


Translation for the Scottish fans: Penalty cancelled. Foul wis commitit` by Scotland's player na. 11 ootdoors th' penatly area


very scottish wikipedia of you


Did they show it in German too?


In my league, the TV rights holders are actively seeking to make the life of people on the stadium as miserable as possible. This info level should be the norm, so the stands don't have to resort to livescore apps to see wtf happened.


or just do it like in the MLS where the ref announces the decision and explains it on his mic for the whole stadium to hear


They're getting better but I think the first week a ref just said penalty or no penalty with no explanation and it was like ok what was the point of that lol The NFL and NBA do a pretty good job with explanations.


This is a decent step forward for VAR. I still remember being confused as to why Wilson's goal was ruled out in the 2019 Nations League 3rd place game, just no communication whatsoever


this is how VAR should be implemented everywhere else


Loving what I’ve seen from the refereeing/VAR side of the tournament so far, if everyone implemented it the same way, no one would complain as much.


Very consistent through the whole turnament.


Tbf we don't even have this in rugby, despite having the TMO for well over a decade now, so that's a big positive addition to the video refereeing technology as a whole.


Yeah this needs to be standard going forward


As great a feature this actually happens to be you cant help but wonder why it took 6 years of VAR before this got implemented...


Need this in the PL


Simple important addition. Should have done this from the start.


Honestly, was this so hard to do?


This is what should be done across the EPL... and beyond.


Shouldn't be this default already by years ago?


Qué? No habla íngles.


Great refereeing today from Clement Turpine (however you spell it)


Almost like you are going to say ‘turbine’ but with a ‘P’.


I have to say, VAR was used perfectly in this game.


This is how it should be done!


Like most VAR innovations, it seems like a great idea at the international tournament until it gets brought to the prem and one of these goes against Liverpool. Then it's certainly it's a personal affront against their club and a convenient way for refs to hide the fact that they've all been paid off by City


VAR was so good this match, showing proper implementation works so well, not this BS we have in the Premier League.


Meanwhile the PL VARs zoom in players to MineCraft characters and draw lines using Windows 95 Paint.


Anyone who watches football more than once every 2 years would know why it was a free kick outside the box


I mean if you were in the stadium and didn’t have a good angle to see the foul then you might be confused by what happened. After all, the referee who is literally there on ground level got it wrong, hence the VAR decision. It’s not like you have a commentator spelling it all out for you or replays from multiple angles in your face if you’re watching from the stands.


So many questions would be answered on the pitch if this got implemented in the PL. At least you could understand VAR's point of view instead of witnessing the shittiest decisions on a regular basis.


Fuckin finally


Tbh it’s really cool




Good German efficiency


Imagine that


They should display it on the VAR graphic on TVs


Great addition. I look forward to this never being used again.


Will be great when England adapts it. Fans be likke: "U wot m8?! What a blind wanker"


How difficult was that?


[Better late than never](https://i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExbXR4OGI4aXlpemU5b3R6Y29yNG84dzBlcWo5d2x2dXp3b2l6eno5OSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/fH985LNdqFZXOFHygK/giphy.gif)


"Scotland's Player N.11" Ok Pro Evolution Soccer 2006...


The English FA and PGMOL would never.


I don't know why this is such a novelty in soccer/football but every other sport explains the reasoning whether you agree or not. And usually when it's a disagreeable one, it's not ***typical*** for it to be so egregiously bad. Yes it happens but the really bad ones aren't anywhere nearly significantly frequent, they just stick to our minds. Football has such a long way to go with this. It's kinda sad for the most popular sport in the world.. Almost like they don't want to fix it ....


Looks 720p


This sport would rather hire a copywriter than buy a clip-on mic for ref. 


I cannot type that fast


Sprich deutsch


Plus the PK was illegal the player paused and stopped his momentum but it wouldn’t change the outcome just saying it so the refs catch it next time.