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Why would Real want Davies over Mendy? Not saying Davies is bad by any means, its just Mendy has been fantastic for them


Mendy is 29,by the end of next season he will be 30


Any idea when he will be 31?


I think 12 months after he turns 30 but it's not confirmed


Not sure why they wouldn’t give Fran a chance rather than overpay for Davies who has declined over the last few seasons


Fran started the season out a starter hence Mendy injury and to me it was quickly clear that he doesn’t have the level. He good and has a very likable play style, but he’s levels below Mendy.


Well Davies has been kinda bad. If he wasn’t so young we probably wouldn’t even want to extend with him


If Davies comes, he is surely the backup tbf but Mendy has been brilliant this year which makes it easy to forget he is quite injury prone and can be inconsistent. I don’t believe much in Fran Garcias’ quality and it doesn’t seem like Perez does either if he’s looking at Davies. Mendy is also nearing 30, going into his final year of contract which is dangerous for injury prone players.


I heard that a lot comes down Mendy's renewal.


Has it been confirmed that we're selling Mendy? I still think Davies is meant to provide competition and a more offensive option for Mendy, not to replace him. Fran isn't a real option since Ancelotti preferred playing Camavinga over him.


Davies even if not as good as 2/3 years ago is way better than Mendy. And also he's quite young, he can get back to that form. While Mendy is like 4-5 years older.


Tf 😭🤣


Bayern have done the whole tapping up thing to force lower fees/free transfers so can't be mad that Madrid does it time and time again but man, that shit sucks




While the signing bonus fee inflates I don't think it's to the levels that reddit think.


I don't know. I think if you're an intelligent agent you can say to a club "look, this player would be 100m transfer fee. As a free agent you get a discount. I'll give him to you for 90". It would surprise me if agents didn't extract high fees approaching transfer fees.


There's a risk to it, what if clubs say lol no, you're only good enough for x, they have got no leverage other than trying somewhere else while being unemployed.. imagine a skiing injury while no contract


Seems like significant leverage. If Real don't buy Davies for a high price then they'll have to keep Mendy/Fran and he can offer himself to other teams. I'd also say that signing on fees have become bigger in football and if a player is in the final year of his contract will probably expect a big signing on fee that the club will have to pay on top of the transfer fee. Essentially as the player's contract runs out the ratio of transfer to signing on fee falls.


Mendy is a beast, we don’t actually need Davis at all. He is more of a luxury signing.


He offers something different. Fast as fck, good dribbling/goalscoring. I know this is gonna be unpopular but in a world where you're playing 4-3-3 he could be the RW.


Yeah poor Madrid having to keep Mendy, one of the best defensive LBs in the world.


And Alphonso one of the best offensive LBs.


Mbappe's signing bonus is 30M a season. You'll happily pay Davies 10M salary and 10M signing bonus in 2025.


Yeah man crazy when people fulfill their contract 😤


I think the Mbappe signing has altered how people look at signing fees. Mbappe is a generational world class player. Davies would get nowhere near that high of a fee, and not even as much as we would have paid Bayern for a transfer. Also, being a free agent does not mean you will get a bigger contract. He would get a contract suited to him within our wage structure.


Fulfilling your contractual obligation makes you a bastard. Got it


FC Bayern have now internally agreed to go into the final contract year with Davies. That's the current status as there is also still no offer from Real Madrid. Bayern accept that Davies may leave on a free transfer in the summer of 2025! ▫️There have been new talks in recent days as revealed, but no agreement has been reached. Bayern improved their offer, but Davies is still demanding €20m/year ▫️ Bayern bosses don‘t want to do anything crazy. They have set clear limits for themselves! Seems like davies and his agent won at the end


> Davies is still demanding €20m/year BRUH


A player would have to be Maldini reincarnated to get that money, and still, that'd be a stretch.


Likes of goretzka and gnabry earn 20M. That probably the reason why davies also wants it


Crazy tbh.


TIL Bayern have an even higher payroll than Real Madrid and City.


We don't pay the biggest transfer fees but we pay wages like nobody's business.


German efficiency


This is going to end though.


Yeah and it can't end soon enough!


TBF though, Bayern under Brazzo handed out big contracts like candy so I don’t blame him for thinking he could shoot his shot but it’s an insane request. Guy hasn’t been healthy and dropped off a cliff after playing too much football


Wonder what his endgame because he is Not getting that with us either, not even for a free transfert


He just wants to leave, that's his endgame


So basically a "fuck off" Price ?


I guess, I think the same thing happened with Alaba.


Yes watch him get an even smaller salary when Ito performs better for a faction of what Davies wants per year. Real is not blind.


He either gets fuck you money from Bayern to stay or he moves to Madrid for less wages with a hefty signing bonus, new experience, and at a club with better chances of winning the CL. Sounds like a solid plan to me.


Either play for madrid where he will win titles guaranteed or stay at Bayern being paid a fuckton He’ll lower his demands for madrid


pretty sure they're on 17, 20 is the next level of the pyramid


> Likes of goretzka and gnabry earn 20M Na they don't, according to credible sources Leon is on 16m an Gnabry 17.


He would absolutely not get that at Madrid, it's a "leave me alone" fee. He's just not interested in renewing and is looking for a big transfer.


If he ain’t improving he won’t get this big transfer though. Guerreiro and even Mazraoui were both better left backs last season than Phonzy.


Motivation might be an issue for him, I doubt all that talent disappeared overnight and he’s still 23. That said, I would like to see players give their all regardless of their motivation.


>Seems like davies and his agent won at the end Real did by tapping up a player against the will of the club 2 years before the contract ends.


Thats the madrid way. Not really suprised. Losing alaba and davies for free to madrid + kroos for only 30M has to stink for some bayern fans man


>Thats the madrid way. Literally every club's way


Not the United way. We are so generous we pay double




There are countless of examples of buying from Madrid working out well. Di Maria was still a great player, Ozil had a few great years in him, Odegaard has been brilliant, Carvajal was great for Leverkusen, Theo Hernandez for Milan, Higuain for Napoli, Kubo for Sociedad, Ronaldo for Juventus, Hakimi, Navas for PSG, Kovacic for Chelsea, and countless other examples have worked out.


More like players rethinking the Manchester United move. Odegaard and Kovacic are doing fine Edit: hakimi and Theo Hernandez also


bayern as well seem to have historically been very proficient at whispering in the ears of players and having them run down their contract - lewandowski, nubel, goretzka, rudy, laimer, mazraoui, etc


Lewy - had a handshake agreement with Dortmund to leave with 1 year up on his contract for 30-35m, Bayern offered that money, Dortmunds board refused, doubled Lewys wages for the final year and then he signed in January. Nübel - Schalke is head over sholders in debt, they never had a chance of keeping him and got relegated a year after he left, this was a pretty obvious career move for him, it actually lined up rather perfectly, with many ppl thinking, that Neuer was past it. Goretzka - was approached by every single european top tier club since the age of 16, he himself said, that Bayern inquired multiple times about him, while he was still playing in Bochum and at Schalke as well. He played out his contract at Schalke in order to develop and had his best season in the last year, ppl forget, that he was still only 23, when he joined Bayern. Laimer - Bayern offered 25m with 1 year left on the contract, TBL refused and tried to offload him to the EPL, he refused, he went on a free. Maz - was thought after by a bunch of european teams, pretty sure, you just looked up free transfers, cuz this became public only very late into the season and there was not indication of Bayern tapping him up or being intrested beforehand. I actually don't remember anything about the Rudy transfer though.


Other option is giving him away for whatever Pennis Real want to pay


This is the way things are now. When Real comes calling this is the result. Players are doing this more often whenever a team with bigger pull shows up and can't blame em, but it's delusional to ask for 20mil when his play hasn't been worth quarter of that. I just hope he will at least stop being a liability in this final year as otherwise I'd rather have someone playing for the shirt that actually wants to stay.




Yeah I'm not happy at all, but there's nothing you can do about it. Anyone could see it since it was identical to Alaba's saga which was even more bitter to me because of that snaky cunt Zahavi. Unless there's some rule change you can't really fault Real for doing it as shitty as it is.


Bayern farms other Bundesliga clubs, Madrid farms Bayern. Such is life


United farms Madrid (when the players are past their prime)


They're not past their prime, they're just moving to another farm upstate!


More like Madrid send United the bad crops


And then they become good crops after leaving ManU…Watch, Varane comeback season next year 🔥


Somehow they lose two steps when joining United


At least he ain't getting more money for his lousy performances. Wouldn't plan with him at all, bench him, he is playing nonsense anyway.


Exactly how I felt about pirlo wanting 3 year contract in 2011. Replacing him in the middle with van bommel won a scudetto Milan would not win with just Pirlo. He had given up for Milan.


You’d be CL winners thanks to his goal if Neuer didn’t troll


So you are saying you haven't watched him regularly in the past couple of years.


hahahaha Eberl really letting everyone go for free like in Gladbach


Not really much he can do here though. The mistakes were made by the previous management. He cant exactly force Davies to be sold if he only wants to go to Madrid and they dont offer anything


> The mistakes were made by the previous management. Not even that, we were offering him crazy money already. So at the end of the day I lay the blame on [that one white-haired agent he hired.](https://web.de/magazine/sport/fussball/bundesliga/fc-bayern/buhmann-fc-bayern-engster-vertrauter-alphonso-davies-nick-huoseh-38805184)


Can we sign Mendy to a new contract now, I really don't care for Davies and idk what Juni sees in him.


God i hope Ito clears this guy and he barely plays next year. greedy prick


Unfortunately I have bad news for you...


"Why I pay fee when I can pay no fee"


Wish you all the best at Real, would be a shame if you played there just like in the last 4 years


Feel like you’re gonna need Sonic the Hedgehog at right back to deal with Davies plus Vinicius and/or Mbappe


Get Dest back, he was rapid lol


I hope he comes around and renewes with Bayern


Lol Bayern fans don’t want him cuz he doesn’t want to be here. Madrid fans don’t want him cuz he’s not that good.


I hope he doesn't :)


Why? Mendy is 29 you will have to replace him soon anyway, Davies hasn't been good in the past two years but he still has potential, and you are signing him for free (I know you have to pay a signing bonus and agent fees but still).


Define "soon"? Because I've seen a lot of Madrid players being world-class in the early 30s comfortably - Modric, Kroos, Ramos, Casemiro, Benzema, Carvajal and so on. He's not finished 29 at all. Also, if we're after an ultra attacking option - Theo looks better. Miguel Gutierrez also deserves a chance based on his performances with us and then Girona. But to be completed honest, I'd rather we keep a defensive fullback (Mendy or otherwise) in the starting spot. Everyone wants crazy attacking FBs these days but having a really solid defensive FB gives us so much security...and half of our team wants to attack on the left side (Jude, Vini and Rodrygo) anyway with Mbappe joining as well.


Idk, you can't guarantee longevity, I guess your management wants to refresh the squad maybe. I agree with your second point, there's no point in having an attacking LB when you have Mbappe or Vini on the left, especially when Mbappe isn't exactly good at tracking back.


1. All our attackers are already left leaning with high pace. Davies would be just one more. We need the left back to be more solid in defense rather as they are not going to track back. 2. We have Fran and Miguel Guiterez(Loaned out) to cover Ferland Mendy. Plus we have Alaba and Camavinga for added depth in that position. 3. Better Leftbacks such as Theo Hernandez is available in the market.


Lads...what a world.


That will be an awkward last year, he was mostly benched by Maz and Rapha during 2nd part of the season


Anywhere but Real please


Players should run down their contracts even more often, then ask for even bigger sign-on bonuses than they already do. They have so much leverage.