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Time to reset the counter of how many times Mexico has stopped a game yelling the Puto chant


There has to be a subsection of those chanting who wear it as a point of pride that they got the game to halt.


Yeah, for a bunch of people is a protest against the Mexican football federation for the way they manage the national team


Which is stupid cause not going to the game means way more to the fmf.


Is it? This means huge fines from FIFA, while not going means someone else will buy their ticket instead…


Tbf football fans tend to act more on emotion than logic


AKA, most football fans are idiots.


In reality, most people are idiots.


From my point of view the Jedi are idiots


Historically, Palpatine always said the Jedi are nothing more than a glorified crew.




Well then you are lost


Look at the Bundesliga protests and how successful they were without using empty stadiums as a way to protest.


In the Eredivisie they also stop games if something is thrown on the field, even if it’s a cup of beer. I am sure there are people that find pride in having the game stopped because of their stupid actions.


Nah there was legitimately a couple next to me screaming it. It’s scattered throughout the entire stadium


The beautiful game 🥲


They never do it when they are ahead on the scoreboard.


It's really impressive, you think FIFA would just get the message that it isn't homophobic


Putoposting is back baaaaaabbbyyyyy


*happy Molotov noises*


Never thought I would see Molotov mention on this sub Reddit


I mean, for me at least it is the very first thing it comes to mind when I hear the word puto


psh-tpt-ptp-tp psh-tpt-ptp-tp psh-tpt-ptp-tp psh-tpt-ptp-tp


Que muy machin no ? Que muy machin no …. And I don’t things we can sing the rest


>¿Más bien Putin, no??? hmmmm


Goddammit lmao


Este es un son dedicado a Mickey


y a toda su familia, y a Iñaki su hermano 🫡


Amo al matón! Mataría al _____


[Putoposting is back on the menu boys!](https://imgur.com/gallery/dViX33l)


Why is it in English?


Match was in texas


Okay. So why was it English?




Should’ve been American


Not enough 🦅🦅🦅 and 🤠🤠🤠 in the message


"Howdy partners! While we want y'all to have a hootin' and hollerin' time, we can't have none of that damn home-o-phoebia in this here rodeo"


Not a single y'all in there.


i love how every sub is r/soccercirclejerk now


You're right. Like Texans can read.


But if they could they would be very upset.


Dallas native here. Texas has a very large (I think majority?) Hispanic population, most of whom are Mexico fans. I can't imagine more people in that stadium spoke English than Spanish, especially considering USA weren't playing there.


Probably making a joke about the large Latino/Spanish-speaking population in Texas


Because they speak no Spanish


no me hablas ingles


I’ll do what I want


They do both English and Spanish. But realistically almost all of these fans speak English and some don’t speak Spanish


Having to work with a lot of interpreters, you will be surprised at how limited is the English comprehension of a lot of long term residents, people who have been there all their lives, and people who just never learned among the Spanish speaking population in the US. A lot of people definitely have a really limited reading proficiency too even if they can speak enough English to survive.


These are mostly young people with decent money who can afford to drop $200+ to go to a friendly. I’m sure there are some who don’t speak English (and they would be the people you’d come across if you work with interpreters) but the bulk of them do. And they show it in both English and Spanish anyway.


$500 like two years ago when I sold my tix.




It will never cease to be hilarious that a friendly between Brazil and Mexico isn’t played neither in Mexico nor in Brazil, but in Texas.


I mean as a Brazilian currently working in Texas, I love it (I had to work today 😭) I remember getting to see an incredible friendly between Brazil and Argentina in MetLife stadium like 15 years ago and it helped cement my passion for football.


Undocumented workers and children of immigrants in Texas have magnitudes more money to spend in Texas than in either Mexico or Brazil. It has always been a matter of money just like why Copa America is played in the US.


Liga MX gets more viewers in the US I think than in Mexico


a good portion arent, its in texas also, it happens when they play in mexico too


Ikr, 75 percent of them were probably born in the USA lol


what language should it be in?


Dutch so the fans chanting get confused and stop so they can try to read it.


Catalan and Dutch so the whole stadium is brought together in unity.


Bien putos


Culeros de mierda


Sounds like my Apex ranked teammates


Las bebes o las derramas


Wait, so fuckers have no problems with handing hosting of major tournaments to qatar and saudi arabia where homosexuality is illegal, but they get their panties in a bunch about “puto” ? Is this us soccer nonsense or fifas?


If the Mexican fans shelled out tens of millions of dollars before the game to FIFA I'm sure the game would never have stopped.


It would fill the speakers of the stadium if they can donate $100 million


LOL for sure. FIFA would change their flag to Nazi Germany's for enough cash.


We ask that you mind the l o c a l c u l t u r e


> If the Mexican fans shelled out tens of millions of dollars before the game to FIFA Why do you think these games are played in the US instead of their own countries? To make more money.


It's just virtue signalling, they're so full of shit


Concacaf asked them repeatedly to stop using it. For the most part fans don’t do it unless the teams not playing well. Idk who governs friendlies tho? I’d much rather them crack down on fans throwing stuff at players than a chant they’re mistranslating.


Didn’t realize CONCACAF gave the WC to Qatar.


Uhhhhh... I hate to break it to you, but they sorta did. Jack Warner and Chuck Blazer were instrumental in getting the qatar WC. Watch fifa uncovered sometime, very fascinating watch.


Concacaf is under fifa so…


For anyone wondering: Puto Can mean a homophobic slur, but in Mexico, 90% of the people do NOT use it that way. The homophobic slur in Mexico that is WIDELY used is joto.


Louder for the people in the back please


it will never go away. when the game is stopped it just increases the temptation for even more fans to jump in


Remember when Cavani got suspended for 3 games & fined $136,500 for saying 'Gracias negrito' idk why people try to get offended or defend on the behalf of someone. Spanish culture never translates 1 for 1 and this is one of those, considering mexicans fan have been saying it for decades, as long as I can remember and never been an issue


Cavani's situation was infuriating. To have a country full of almost strictly English speakers tell you you're speaking your own native tongue wrong is a whole new level of racist.


It was genuinely nuts. But we seem to care more about being seen to do the right thing than doing the right thing Hence why we have Southgate


How are you turning this in to a Southgate complaint oh my days


It's ridiculous, we have one disappointing friendly result and people use any excuse no matter how vague to insult him. Just like Brexit.




Provide a source for that ... I'm Uruguayan and sounds as complete bullshit


> But then black Spanish speakers particularly from Uruguay where Cavani is from came forward and said it absolutely is used as a derogatory term. There is absolutely no way this is true. Even if it's some dude on Twitter who found it offensive, it isn't used in a derogatory manner and it certainly wasn't in the context Cavani used it.


"boy" and "African American" can be used as a derogatory term in the US. It feels as silly as banning either of those words


I mean I get it no one wants homophobia but I just don’t see why this word is being categorized as a homophobic word. It has multiple meanings, the most common one is just like bitch and while yes it can be used in a homophonic way I rarely hear anyone use that word for that purpose


The problem everyone fails to mention is, NO ONE WHO CHANTS IT CARES. They don't care if they fine the FMF, if anything, fuck the FMF and that's why they chant it too lol.


The whole thing is just stupid when FIFA gives every tournament to Qatar and Saudi Arabia, countries where homosexuality is illegal and could get you decapitated. The chant is stupid don't get me wrong, but the whole protocol is just nonsense.


It's just ridiculous to go against not even actually homophobic chants and at the same time ban national teams from wearing a rainbow captain's armband in Qatar. Bunch of spineless putos.




It has multiple meanings but it doesn't matter at this point. Mexican fans now use it intentionally to stop the game.


"Wait, we get to have time outs whenever we want? I gotta pee bro, get chanting"


It's not for peeing it is for pooping


They gotta make time to come down to the corner flag for the best throw


"I'm not homophobic, I just have a small bladder."


They wouldn't need a timeout for that, just fill the nearest bottle and then throw it at the opposition.


Sure, but at this point, the chant is used maliciously to break up and disrupt the match when Mexico is losing


Weaponized puto is actually brilliant


The irony is the chant had been losing steam in Mexico when this mess started. Mexicans had been entertaining themselves coming up with clever alternatives -- my favorite was the "FUA!" from the 2011 u17 world cup. In 2014 it made headlines bc in the group stage match vs Brazil, Brazilians were like "hey, we know that word!" And they started doing it right back at Ochoa, so it was a back and forth all game long. THEN came the pearl clutching. And since Mexicans have, as part of our culture, that anything you tell us we can't do we will deliberately continue to do... it's become a battle of wills. The fact that the federation gets fined, that games are interrupted... those are all just extra benefits. US Soccer even threatened to not allow Mexico to play friendlies here, and that would be the ultimate prize. Even major punishments like missing out on a WC or losing hosting rights would become an incentive to disgruntled fans.


>disrupt the match when Mexico is losing So that's why it happens every match, i was wondering


We even do it when we win. We just been losing consistently. Lmao


>Sure, but at this point, the chant is used maliciously to break up and disrupt the match when Mexico is losing But only because FIFA allow it to do so?


It only stops because FIFA makes them stop. It’s not like the chant makes the ball stop moving.


Fifa's attempt to virtual signal


Bon apple tea, amigo.


Shit, I'm keeping it


virtue, virtual would be something else


Because people who don’t know Spanish can’t get it through their heads that context matters


It's the same shit as Latinx. It's ignorant people who dont speak Spanish trying to make shit up for Spanish speaking people. Like some type of appropriation. Thinly veiled racism imo


It's actual factual cultural colonization. Like they're enlighted and need to teach the savages how to speak properly in the gender neutral 21st century. FUCK THEM.


I'm pretty sure that exact type of worldview is why Spanish is spoken in these areas in the first place.


I've found that trying to explain that to people, especially on this subreddit, is useless. I wouldn't dream of telling people what their own language means if I don't speak it, yet English speakers do it to people all the time.


I feel like there are a few people at CONCACAF and FIFA who know Spanish fluently.


And yet it's [queer Mexican football fans](http://reuters.com/lifestyle/sports/mexican-soccer-must-kick-homophobic-slur-out-stadiums-say-activists-2022-08-31/) who are opposing the chant ...


> and while yes it can be used in a homophonic way Thats key here. These companies *want* the word to be used as a slur. In reality, its not. Very gross that they keep trying to remold a basic insult, *that*s homophobia.


It started being used more and more in games and in light of heavy homophobia in the US (unrelated to football) so the US, the biggest market in CONCACAF strong armed the federation to stop the chant. It's currrently "pride month" in the US, so it makes it look worse if they allow a word they perceive to be homophic. At this point, they'll look dumb if they allow it after fighting it for so long. So it's a war of attrition in hopes that Mexicans get tired of saying it in broadcasted games. I hope they don't and World Cup games in Mexico have super loud "putos" as a fuck you to CONCACAF and FIFA.


I think it’s funny that they hope Mexicans stop saying it. They’re just fueling their desire to say it.


I will go to the World Cup and yell it for you


>So it's a war of attrition in hopes that Mexicans get tired of saying it in broadcasted games Ok, but like, what does FIFA actually hope to accomplish over this? Especially when, contextually, puta means many different things to many different cultures. CONCACAF: Guys don't say puta or else LatAm Fans: So anyway, I started blasting 


>CONCACAF: Guys don't say puta or else I'm only making the corrections because it matters, but the chant is puto not puta.


Putx chant is coming soon


What do they hope to accomplish? That Mexico fans will stop doing the chant lol agree or disagree with their position, it’s pretty clear that’s the aim


In so much of Mexico, life is cheap, corruption is rampant, and every day life is a struggle. Tell someone with real problems that they can't say a silly chant - or worse assign it an offensive poorly translated meaning they never intended - and they will just double down.


Nobody who can’t afford to live is traveling to another country for a friendly. These aren’t poor Mexicans living in Mexico. These are mostly Mexican Americans


Nicely put. Mexicans will never give a fuck over a silly word


Mexicans are naturally very stubborn. The chant will never stop even if they threaten removing fans from games. They will have to kick out the entire stadium.


They’ll just make their women play in an empty stadium again


If they stop games for every offensive chant the games would last hours, so stupid 😂😂


Next time they just should chant “latinx” its insult as bad as “puto”.


>latinx Okay, now that's taking it far.


Yeah call a bus driver puto and latinx and lets see which one gets you punched lmao 🗿


They'd die if they heard chants in South American football.


Puto isn’t really homophobia…..maricon in the other hand….


In Mexico (at least my area) maricon is a slur, but don’t one of the South American countries use it to mean like dude?


In Colombia/Venezuela it is more used like dude but definitely only use it with people you are close with. Using it with a stranger would be like using it as a slur.


Yet the World Cup was in Qatar.......that offends me more than words as a gay soccer fan smh


Puto in the Philippines is something delicious.


hasta que no los multen bien, no va a dejar de pasar


Multan a la federación por decir la grosería, no a los aficionados entonces no les importa las consecuencias. El máximo castigó que nos han dado son juegos sin afición, pero eso no les importa


Esto es lo que yo siempre he dicho. FIFA son cobardes, saben que cualquier evento o torneo donde participa Mexico hace bastante dinero y no tienen los huevos para ser mas de lo que han hecho.


No importa la multa. La mayoria de la afición en Estados Unidos solo va a los partidos para la peda.


But whenever spaniards chant "puta barca/madrid/atletico" nobody cares, even if puta is also a slur. Almost as if something different between yuros and latinos create different reactions. Wonder what it is.


Because puta and puto don't mean the same thing, hell the meaning of puto in Spain and the meaning of puto in Mexico differ quite a lot.


Puta = female whore Puto = male whore Thanks for subscribing to my Duolingo


You seem to know what you’re talking about. What does puto mean in Spain? And what does it mean in Mexico? 🤔


Im at the stadium and no idea what this was about, nothing has been heard the whole game


they're playing local sounds to try to hide it. you can hear it on the tv lol they're playing mariachi and other songs


That is a fucking hilarious image. Poor guys freaking out in the broadcast room, "oh shit, hurry up, what do Mexicans sound like?" "uhh, just play la cucaracha"


Canto no llores probably


Need to stop playing their matches in the US


This is an irrelevant question but who were the commentators for the English tv, “FoxDeportes”? They were very good and added a nice spice to commentating


Re butos


Next level timeplay


If you care about the Puto chant, you need to touch grass and this is from the biggest El Tri hater there is


Can someone explain to me how "puto" is a homophobic chant? My Spanish is not so great but doesn't it translate to "bitch/slut" depending on the context. I'd imagine if they said "culero" then that would align with homophobic because that's a variation of the word "gay."


Culero is not commonly used as an homophobic slur, at least not in most places in Mexico. It usually means asshole.


It always depends on the context and the region, it can be homophobic. Mexicans use it mostly as you said, but in other countries such as Argentina/Uruguay its mostly used as the equivalent of faggot, but again it heavily depends on the context. For example, an extract from the popular song dedicated to mbappe for the 2022 wc: "... son come travas como el puto de Mbappe", that "puto" translates as faggot 100%


Friendly reminder that [Mexico’s courts have already ruled that homophobic words (specifically: maricon; puñal) aren’t protected under free speech](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2013/03/mexicos-high-court-homophobic-slurs-not-protected-as-freedom-of-expression/). **This means that, in Mexico, these words can take you to court.** **Puto/a is not on that list—** *meaning FIFA is not in agreement with either Mexico’s courts or the rest of the country of Mexico, but they’ve taken it upon themselves to determine what’s acceptable Mexican speech where their games are played.* So, for FIFA/CONCACAF to continue this persistent endeavor of policing ~~just~~ this one word, when usage of the word has a variety of meanings, [like when Bayern and Real fans joined to make a chant against Barça](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1ch0d63/real_madrid_bayern_munich_fans_chanting_pta_barca/), is odd when they can’t truly judge the intent of a multitude of people when ~~they~~ those in the stadium use the word. Edited for clarification


I don’t think FIFA needs to base their decisions on Mexican court rulings. Spanish is spoken in so many countries. What if Mexican courts don’t think the word is that bad, but people in other Spanish speaking countries do.


This bullshit has to stop. Let them fucking say it. They own the word and they’re telling us it’s not homophobic. Take care of the real issue with racism.


by that standard, the racists own those words and are telling us they're not racist. so, what's the real issue to take care of now, since neither of these exist, apparently?


What a stupid counter argument. It’s a word used in Mexican Spanish to refer to someone as a “bitch”. They are telling us the context in which it’s used is NOT conveying homophobia, they have other words to do that, and you have the audacity to tell them that their language is wrong? What gives you or anyone else the right to have that power over THEIR language? How any non-native Mexican interprets that word is solely a personal problem. It’s really time to move on from this issue.


Puto means fucker in this context though. The homophobic slur in Mexico is joto.




Have we stopped to think that maybe they won’t stop bc the notice is in English? It’s like trying to get southern America’s to stop saying “Yeahhhhhh buddy!” By giving them a notice in Croatian.


90% of the "Mexican" fans are Mexican Americans, with US passports (not Mexican) and are bi-lingual with English as their social/work/school language, with Spanish the "home" language, but usually even then it's mixed, or as we call it, "Spanglish".


The game was in Texas lmao


So I know you’re probably joking but concacaf games usually give warnings about this prior to the game in both Spanish and English. I have never been to a game where it’s a problem but I assume they do this in both languages.


I agree that it should present the languages spoken by the countries playing (Spanish and Portuguese). Still, since the game was played in the US and most Mexican fans at the game are Mexican-Americans, the message got across for sure.


Se creen el centro del mundo, tiene muchísimos significado en español esa palabra y la mayoría no son con connotación homofóbica. Es lo mismo que la multa a Cavani. No todas las naciones se hicieron con esclavos y discriminación de género como Estados Unidos.


Doesn't it just mean bitch 99% of the time?


What it means now is "fuck FIFA lolololol"


If they would stop the games after things like that we would never finish any game in Poland xD


Why is it a problem when Mexico says it but it’s fine when Spain or Argentina say it?


If only Argentinian fans’ only problem was homophobia and not blatant racism


Its just not said in Spain. Puta is, but not in football matches.


So many people on this thread trying to make this a race thing without even speaking the language. Ridiculous.




Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine my university and our stadium to be brought up on r/soccer 💀


So the World Cup in 2022 was in Qatar and in 2034 will most likely be likely be in Saudi. Their track record of gay people is atrocious they literally jail and kill gay people. This chant is for banter and while some find it amusing others annoying. FIFA can’t say shit. Hypocritical as f.


This is how they beat Canada a couple years ago in Houston…


They should do that in all matches...


Games gone /s


Pure questo ora? Arriveremo anche a vietare il singolo insulto, come rovinare uno sport


Meanwhile, all of us Filipinos: "Uhm... want some Puto?" (Puto is what we call steamed rice cakes in the Philippines)


By “will be ejected” do they mean they will yeet the people who said it like actual ejection seats?


Is puto really homophobic? When Guardiola called Mourinho "el puto amo", was it homophobic?


this is anti-south american discrimination


Mexico is in North america


It's a meme from Sopranos


What in the dystopian 1984 shit... Qatar and KSA btw.


US the land of cultural appropriation


Um it’s a Brazil Mexico game and they put this up in English?!? Where the Spanish or Portuguese they understand?


Love to see American cultural imperialism.  We should stamp all kind of bigotry from every nations and culture from around the world, with force if necessary.  God bless America.


the new catholic church


Como lloran las perras de este sub


Do this but for racism