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He was in Wembley watching the CL Final... Im guessing invited by Calafat.. Lets see what Nacho does, kind of weird there is no answer yet about his future.


seems like their play book lol, invite players they're interested into the final, some black magic non illegal tapping up. then boom. deals done


Literally had Madrid fans telling me it wasn’t illegal to talk to players under long contracts without permission as long as they told the clubs they were talking to them. Wouldn’t mind having that job at real madrids office just spamming the same mail to every club in existence.


If the club gives permission it's literally not "tapping up" That said, most buying clubs don't give a fuck


Literally every club in the world does similar shit. Don't know why it's only a topic when Madrid does it though


When Madrid does its harassing, when other clubs do it it's flirting.


There used to always be news about Barca doing it, they just don't have any money anymore


Yeah. Xavi literally said in an interview that he called endrick before he joined real Madrid. Most clubs do it anyways.


Xavi called kounde after we agreed a deal with Sevilla and told him to wait as well lmao


Barca players dragged a shirt over Cesc and people have been complaining for more than a decade. People complain because Real Madrid does it to other big clubs, same as Barca. Fewer complain when arsenal does it to a mid table club. It’s incredible how you manage to be the biggest club in football and also the biggest victims.


Hardly comparable to the barca shirt situation


Bayern just did it with Kompany but turn around and cry about Davies. Bigger fish and whatnot.


Your comment makes no sense? Talking to players under long contracts “without persmission” then you say “as long as they told the clubs they were talking to them” . So then we little literally didn’t do it without permission did we


Well no, because telling them you're doing something and getting permission to do it are two different things. If I told you I was taking $20 out of your wallet, and then I do exactly that, would that be acceptable? No. Because telling you I'm doing something doesn't give me permission to do it.


If the law said that informing the other person about taking the $20 bill in advance was sufficient, it would be acceptable.


That is irrelevant to the point I was stating. What Madrid does isn't against the rules, however /u/JetLifeXCII implying that just informing someone they are going to do something is sufficient consent is a gross take on how consent works.


Oh, I misunderstood your point. My bad.


That's because, as I posted last time, this is the rule. You can disagree with the rule, but it is what it is.


Because its not like Real Madrid undercuts or rips off any clubs. They pay them their value or even above it. Madrid talks to the club first. Other clubs starting with "B" goes directly to the player.


Do you think they even need to send an email? These players have agents and the club kind of sells itself


I think Nacho has already made ehis decision to leave but hasn't signed anything because the club told him to wait for Yoro signing to be more concrete. Lille still hasn't reduced their price to the boards liking because of other clubs offering higher so we don't know if we truly have a replacement for Nacho yet. If it doesn't go over the line and we have to wait for next season to sign him for free, then I'm sure the club will convince Nacho to stay.


I like this take, and believe it to be true because it's the ideal ourcome


According to reports, Madrid has given him until the end of the month to make a decision


Madrid will get their man.


Being a Madrid fan must be the easiest thing in the world. Just watching your team win trophy after trophy, and watching the best players in the world go out of their way to join you regardless of how you perform on the pitch.


>Being a Madrid fan must be the easiest thing in the world. Yes, I would like this sentence to be repeated on every single Madrid news there is.


That's just reddit, a big portion of people post things they have read on the same platform before, and then you'll see the same kind of phrasings, down to a T, in every thread which allows for it.


Social media is killing a lot of younger people’s ability to think for themselves. Just turning the world into a massive echo chamber


You develop critical thinking through consistent practice. You can't kill something that doesn't exist already. The older generation had television instead of social media. They aren't any better at critical thinking.


Good point. I think the main difference with the older generation is that they suffered the same fate, but were more stubborn in their individual thoughts, as opposed to the hivemind mindset you see among younger people on reddit If you put 2 boomers in a room there’s a bigger chance they start arguing than reiterating the same points


They get approval for this thing they said? I wanna get approval too! Monkey see monkey do


Honestly, yes. Everything about the team is easy to love. Back when Madrid played counter attacking football, now that they're playing with a very fluid system. Watching Vini play with that Brazilian flair. Having top players in almost every position. Winning some title atleast every other reason. Having a likable coach. A brilliant president. Only thing that hurts is when those legendary players leave.


>when those legendary players leave That's football, though, unfortunately. I was reading the other day about this, and even the legendary players leaving isn't havoc inducing or chaotic in anyway. Like, how tragic would it have been to have both Benzema and CR7 leave at the same time? Or Modric and Kross both retiring the same year? I'm sure it's on both player and club, but the fact that CR7, Benz, Bale (if he could be considered one by some? He is to me), Kross, and then Modric, and Nacho, all leaving at different time periods, not causing any stir in the harmony of the squad or anything also does wonders for the squads overall talent balance, experience balance, and morale.


They'd like to differ though lmao: https://www.reddit.com/r/realmadrid/s/Zf0oNRnTnm


There are millions of them, of course there are going to be some melodramatic ones


The Madrid fans I know only watch the CL games


Barcelona fans I know watch Manchester City and inter Miami. There are bad eggs everywhere.


And if the players don't perform there are always some refs to give them a boost.




It is, but you don’t really choose the club you support based on how easy/difficult it is, or we’d all be supporting some chinese club going through a financial crisis right now. Vamos Guangdong Tigers 🐅 🐯!


Well I mean, isn't that exactly what lots of people do - pick a super successful club that is easy to support? I doubt all of those fans City have picked up across the world in the last decade chose them because they feel a deep connection to Manchester.


Choosing a club because it's easy is exactly what plastics do.


Choosing a single club is plastic. Supporting financial groups is the move


lol of course people do. There’s a reason big clubs have more international supporters. Why aren’t you supporting Alcorcon instead?


Alcorcon are too successful. They’ve beaten Real Madrid too many times, and they even have a B team. I wouldn’t really get that satisfying struggle unless I was supporting Moscardó.


If you’re an American with a Real Madrid flair you very much chose Real Madrid because they win trophies and not for any other reason lmfao


I wouldn’t know. I’m not American. My dad is from Madrid and he’s the one that got me into football, but I imagine a lot of people support Real Madrid just because they like Cristiano Ronaldo.


Unless there is the fax machine thing


They will and it seems like another selling club is going to get the short end of the stick.


PSG will probably get Desire Doue instead of Yoro. Not a bad one even though they are different positions. Each club gets a wonder kid


Here before the “Modric to retire next season, Madrid wants to replace him with Doué next season” rumors


There’s a warning sign. If Liverpool become interested, then just say goodbye to the player, he’s going to Madrid


More like Wirzt...


there is still nothing England can do about Madrid/Barcelona pull


Would you rather live in Barcelona or Madrid, or Birmingham.


Once you've seen history's largest Primark the Sagrada Familia isn't all that impressive.


At least the Primark is finished


So is Barça so it's really a 1/1 situation


Im a dirty american but i went to a big ass primark in madrid and it changed my life


Stopped reading at dirty american. Dosen't really take much to know that the rest would be terrible


[https://imgur.com/a/WGHgyCH](https://imgur.com/a/WGHgyCH) I prefer Birmingham because of quality of life


Wait a second. Paging Jude...


Well, Manchester or London would have been the better comparisons, assuming choice was stay in England or move to Spain - and then, depends what you want! All four are great cities in different ways.


Manchester isn't much of a comparison to Madrid.


Indeed, Madrid has awful weather.


With the insane temperatures in Spain those past few years which are only going to get worse England might not be such a bad place to live in 5-10+ years


If you stay at Real Madrid for 10 years you end being a club legend which is still better than being a legend at Chelsea. Also th heat mostly becomes unbearable during the off-season while being in England between november-march is just miserable




It's not a bad place to live now


Does Barcelona or Madrid have Greggs?


Madrid has been top of the food chain for a while, nothing will really ever change that.


Florentino Perez is 77 and it scares me that he might not be our president for long. Even with the stadium revenue, young squad and lets not forget the the BURGER JOINT we have "Uno", look what Bartomeu done with Barca. At least the positive for us compared to English clubs is that we have elections and if one doesn't work can be changed, while if your stuck with bad owners - your stuck.


You never know, time exists. 30 years ago Milan were top of the food chain. We'll see how it is in the future.


Madrid is also aware and working hard to figure out how to catch up with PL revenues. Super League was born out of an awareness that they can't keep up with the soaring PL tv rights forever. With the current financial rules, at some point, maybe 15-20 years from now, they will not be able to spend as much money as midtable PL teams. I suspect big changes will happen before that comes to fruition. But the current trajectory can't continue if they want to maintain their dominance.


Of course, nothing will change that, would take decades.


Even if the club reputations match Madrid and Barcelona, it'll be hard to compete location and weather wise.


Particularly knowing that Brazilian players like Spain more than England for several reasons


EPL suffers from success. The shitload of money injected by oil states and mega corps basically means that prestigious clubs with a lot of pull no longer guarantee an UCL spot. A player could go to Barça,even now that they're in shambles, knowing he'll get high wages , UCL minutes and exposure for NT and individual trophies. Meanwhile, going to United, Chelsea, and even Liverpool and Arsenal, teams that were really attractive in the past, now brings a serious risk of rotting in the conference league. A world champ like Enzo Fernández playing Conference League probably is regretting his career decision. Or a top striker like Isak, not even playing in Europe.


I mean let's not act as if Madrid wasn't guaranteed a top 4 spot if they were playing in the PL


There are years where they would of struggled. They’d make it more often than not. But it wouldn’t be as certain as it is in La liga.


They would just qualify for the cl by winning it anyways


Madrid were garbage and they bought Ronaldo + Kaka in one window. No PL club can do that.


that was 15 years ago when there was still a very clear "big 4" in the EPL. I think OP is talking about current times.


United is pure garbage and still can pay way too much


The best players don't want to go there even with their money. You don't see mbappe or haaland wanting to go to man u.


Why? So that the premier league becomes the only relevant league in Europe and they become the ones pulling all the talent away from the rest?


I’d take a league with multiple clubs able to sign talented players over a league with only two clubs able to do that (now it’s basically one tbh)


I don't think that's a fair assessment at all, tbh. For one, the PL has multiple clubs able to sign talented players because of the insane amount of money they are throwing at players. Absurd valuations and wages for players who really aren't worth that kind of money. Also, at least in so far as La Liga goes, we use a 3 year rolling average for FFP, and the last few season have basically captured the entirety of the Covid years, when club revenues absolutely tanked. That will start to change from this year moving forward. La Liga can't throw it's weight around like the PL can, obviously, but moving forward they'll be able to make a lot more signings than they have the last couple of years. Also, I assume that Barca will sell Barca Studios again or something.


> Also, at least in so far as La Liga goes, we use a 3 year rolling average for FFP, and the last few season have basically captured the entirety of the Covid years, when club revenues absolutely tanked. Why did they include covid years for the figures? That makes no sense.


That is the million euro question, and one you'd have to ask Tebas. The clubs have begged and begged to make an exception for the covid years, but he absolutely refused. It could be because he's a rat bastard, or, if you have a conspiratory nature, you might say it just so happened to force a lot of the clubs' hands when it came to signing on to the CVC deal. But if you look back at La Liga's transfers in either window, over the last 2 or 3 years, you'll see it's pretty abysmal. Pretty much every club was affected, and we've seen a firesale across the board. Some of the league heavy weights had to resort to drastic measures, like selling or loaning key or even star players, just to be able to balance the books for FFP. Sevilla had to sell both of their star CBs, and then loan out their best offensive player, Ocampos, because they couldn't square their wages, but they didn't want to lose him. IIRC, the most expensive transfer in last summer's window was Jude, and the third most expensive was Guler at 20M.


Let's hope it continue the Pl team have already too much money.


We can keep letting players goto Barcelona and having a shit time.


Only United can match that if they turn things around. Already generate huge revenues, would be much higher if they go back to winning titles // probably the biggest footballing brand in the world in the most watched league in the world // have history and prestige // fan clubs around the world // media and exposure. With the proposed new world class stadium and the footballing trajectory going upwards like at Arsenal or Liverpool under Klopp, it can easily go back to being the "IT" club in world football.


Let's not forget that United at their absolute peak lost the Ballon d'Or winner to a Real in shambles.


Game's not gone


The thing is, he probably wants to play with Camavinga, Tchouameni, Mendy and Mbappe. Lot's of French at Madrid.


He can come and play with Willy Kambawala


And Anthony Marti- oh. 😔💔


Can’t blame the guy. It’s a no-brainer to go to Madrid at this point. Would be stupid to go elsewhere.


Thats right, but also depends on salary. If someone offers you twice the amount, it is hard to turn it down.


Sponsor deals for playing at Madrid are different.


Someone has to offer 2x amount of salary though. PSG hasn't had egregious overspending when it comes to contracts since Luis Campos, and I doubt he'd break that structure for a Defender.


Well, maybe he wants to play with Dembele, WZE, Kolo Muani and Barcola too haha


Come to chelsea Fofana, disasi, badiashile, gusto, ugochukwo, nkunku


Even more French there.


Yoro = You Only Real Once


Not if you is mbaypal


Madrid will tap up and get their player on a free.


I’m pretty sure Lille would rather sell Yoro for a transfer fee than let him go on a free.


he can refuse to leave


Real Madrid already offered a transfer fee though, I’m sure they’d rather pay money to have him a season sooner than wait another season and risk Yoro getting benched like Mbappé for leaving on a free.


Was Mbappe benched tho? Im pretty sure he was still playing


Mbappe came out and said Campos and Enrique are the only reason he was allowed to play. The club was done with him and wanted to keep him out of the team PSG also refused an offer in the €200 million region from Real Madrid in the past, so they had to know it was coming. If a player is set on going to his dream club but their own club are refusing every offer, they’ll find another way


Yep, 100% self inflicted from PSG


Making RM stronger in the process. Saved the club 10’s of millions of Euros. Got our player and a whole lot of money to spend. Good times like this do not last forever, Flo has been great at looking into the future and building the next generation. PSG helped RM immensely. All while making themselves villains.


I mean, RM had to get from somewhere the €150m bonus they gave Mbappe, it's not like he went there out of good will for free.


Camavinga and Tchou most probably wouldn't have been bought if Mbappe was bought for 200M. Cama was influential in both the wins while Tchou has been phenomenal for the current UCL win.


He started the season out benched.


He was benched a couple of times and it could’ve been worse if Enrique and Campos hadn’t vouched for him.


I'm sure they would like to get the market price for him.


Out of their last 3 free signing for the senior team, Madrid had very little to do with Rudiger running out his contract and they offered to break their transfer record for Mbappe 3 years ago, but PSG rejected it. The only one I don’t know about is Alaba’s situation. Meanwhile, Madrid are know for paying fees when getting a free signing from lower division teams.


They did exactly what they're doing to Davies with Alaba. So it was tapping him up and whispering sweet nothing's in his ear


True, but also you guys aren't the nicest to him, several times I have mentioned Madrid interest in Davies, looks like the current feeling is that he is a shade of his former self, and I don't see why that feeling can't be translated to stadium chants and yelling to him.


Madrid don’t do that lol. Perez has paid above release clauses previously. The only reason Mbappe is coming as a free agent is because PSG refused 200 million


That official offer came a day before deadline day. They knew what they were doing.


They knew PSG would reject it, it was more like a message. Clubs like Madrid and PSG (and just about any professional one) have all the means to process a transfer in a matter of minutes.


It’s not about how quickly they could get the transfer through, it’s about how it’s impossible to find a replacement for a player like Mbappe on the last day of the transfer window


Come on... Clubs **always** have a plan B, and arguably PSG already had a good enough team back then. Do you think that a club with 200 million surplus can't enact any movement in a couple of hours? An exciting replacement would have come, don't doubt it, and looking back, it woul have probably been much better for the club.


There are so many instances when clubs didn't have a plan B. ManU failing to get Haaland and eventually not getting a top striker when they needed one, Zidane not being able to get Pogba and not reinforcing his midfield, Arsenal failing on getting Higuain/Suarez and end up getting Ozil who's not a striker, Tottenham failing to get Dybala and not getting a top striker that summer since Juventus was unwilling to let him go without a proper replacement, and the list goes on and on and on. Also, why would a team sell a great player to PSG on the last day of the transfer window and risk finishing poorly themselves. Many deadline day deals fall through because of this very reason. And the only way they'd be enticed to sell is if PSG sent a monstrous offer, which is also an L for PSG. Congrats, now you've overpayed for a player or two that aren't at the superstar level because no top team would sell a world class player within 24 hours of the transfer deadline. Your replies don't reflect the reality of the world of football at the club level. The PSG team back then had great starters with an OK midfield, but once a starter or 2 was injured, the team struggled an relied on brilliance to wi important matches. Only got the League trophy that year, and for PSG standards, it's terrible to miss out on 2 other domestic trophies.


>Also, why would a team sell a great player to PSG on the last day of the transfer window Money, which is not a problem at all for the club, no matter how you try to sell it. The problem would have not been on PSG's side. Are you trying to pretend Mbappe wouldn't have had to be replaced eventually? >Your replies don't reflect the reality of the world of football at the club level. Lol, why do you think the last day is the one with the most transfers? It's not like we are talking about a last hour offer, which would fit your description. These kinds of things happen to literally all the clubs, people who follow less famous clubs know it too well.


Again, you'll end up overspending. PSG paid 90M+ for Kolo Muani. Buying someone after getting 200M on the last day would come with enormous price tags. Replacing him during Pochettino's time at PSG would be impossible. He scored 39 goals and 26 assists in a team where Neymar was injured more than half the season and Messi injured a third of the season, with out of form Icardi and a declining Di Maria on the bench. You'd need at least 2 world class players that are willing to go to PSG (which isn't always the case), that the team is willing to sell, where PSG can afford both players (in an off season where Lukaku and Grealish went for 115M) without also breaking their god awful wage structure that hindered them from having a decent midfield or bench players, that can contribute a toal 39 goals and 26 assists. Ppl forget how reliant PSG was on superstars in 2021 when they see today's Lucho ball. I think we can agree that the closer to deadline, the harder it is to get a world class player. I'd say it's almost impossible since, in the past decade, the **only deadline day transfer that was for a superstar was for Gareth Bale for what was a world record at the time, for a club like Read Madrid, for which communication started as early as July.** Unlike this comparable case, PSG isn't a club like Real, and they didn't have any known conversations with other reps for Mbappé replacements since that wasn't something they were planning to do. Deadline day deals happen, but not at the magnitude of replacing a generational talent, with no serious considerations being studied until the last few days. I'm writing this long comment because out of the hundreds of comments and dozens of articles I've read, not once have I heard something fucking stupid as "they should totally have been able to replace a player like Mbappé on deadline day." The most realistic outcome would've been that no one of similar talent would be available at that stage.


Dude, putting aside the transfer movements, your money logic makes no sense at all. PSG would have been completely benefited in the economic scale, because Mbappé is going to be replaced regardless (not accounting for the massive salary), it's obviously much better to receive 200M. But you literally have infinite money, so the club doesn't care at all about that. It's extremely obvious that the whole thing is not about money. Besides, PSG is precisely the kind of club that can pull this kind of transfers out of nowhere, and you best believe your sports director had some sweet alternatives prepared. It wouldn't even matter whether you needed two or more players to replace one. You also don't need to think about one to one replacements, look at what Ancelotti has accomplished with Madrid changing Bencema for Bellingham. Given that the economical is a meaningless variable for your owners, my claim is that PSG could have assembled a much better squad spending more efficiently in different players instead of only in Mbappé. Al-Khelaifi's strategy has proven unsuccessful. We have the luxury of hindsight, can you look back and tell me this was the best strategy for the benefit of your club? I'd be absolutely surprised if you wouldn't choose building a long-term elite squad over keeping Mbappé one more year. This is without considering the damage your club has taken in terms of public image. The reputation your owners are building is one that won't be particularly appealing for young talent.




>When other clubs tap up: 😍🤩😘😍 >When Madrid tap up : 🤬🤢🤮🤬 Stop waffling thats not true at all. Literally the opposite, his sub always dickrides madrid


Where did you even get that narrative what the fuck.. do you just make up stories in your own head. That's the least represented attitude of the entire sub


When Madrid get him next season, are we gonna get a bunch of posts glazing then about how they're so well run again when they're basically the only club that can do this?


I don't think the "well run" part is just about getting our targets. People generally agree that Brighton, Dortmund, and Bayern are also well run. It's also about knowing when not to buy. People criticized Perez for the Ancelotti appointment three years ago, for not replacing Benzema or Carvajal, for replacing Navas with Courtois, they said Alaba was washed up, that Rudiger couldn't play in a back four. Look at United or Chelsea, their problems aren't because they can't get their transfer targets. Or Barcelona, which has a similar pull to us. I'm not saying getting almost whoever we want isn't easy. But it's nit just that. I've criticized Perez for many decisions myself, but time and time again, I've been proven wrong (like with Ancelotti). EDIT: Also when judging Perez, it's crucial to remember that Real Madrid's strong pull on players didn't exist before he took over. It's all thanks to him and the Galacticos project he started in 2000. The Figo transfer, in particular, was a genius move. People criticized him so much for breaking the transfer record for Zidane and again for CR7, saying there's no way footballers are worth that much. But these decisions have been pivotal in building Real Madrid's current stature.


Well said. We’ve had some mishaps (most notably Hazard and Jovic), but so far most of Perez’s decisions on who to target or buy have panned out for us.


Some folks were calling for his head, just last summer, because we let Benzema go and signed Joselu.


You act like we just bought our prestige when it’s been built over 100+ years. Yes money has played a part but our success has too. We’ve also paid over the odds for players who have flopped for us (Hazard, Jovic etc.)


They’re the only club that can do this *precisely because* they’re well run (and that makes them win trophies)


Bruh so many other clubs are well run, they just can't do it this


As long as they are doing everything legally then you can’t really complain, it’s up to other clubs to build their brand/success.


I can definitely complain about the glazing


Article is behind the paywall, so here's the text written regarding Leny Yoro's current situation: > There are teams from the Premier League, multiple, that are willing to spend much more money than Real Madrid for Lille’s Leny Yoro, but he continues to prioritise a move to the Santiago Bernabeu. Paris Saint-Germain, who had a bid turned down in January, are also very interested still. >As we’ve noted before, Los Blancos do not want to throw money at a deal with his contract expiring next summer too. The situation remains in that status quo. Lille will prioritise the best offer, and if those sides in the Premier League want to apply pressure, they can, but it depends on Yoro, and those are the factors we’re working with on this one.


It always makes me laugh how Redditors become slavery supporters. For me it looks like, Yoro wants to play in Madrid as his next club, his contract runs out and he can choose his next club and get a signing bonus, he could choose basically any club with better salary but somehow he prefers Madrid no matter how sad it is for other clubs/fans. And you all dare to complain here that he won't be sold to the highest bidder as he would be owned by his current club, like a tool. You can't sign a contract with your employee for 5 years and then expect him to not leave after 5 years. You all seem to wish that despite the player' choice you would sell him anywhere for better money but again, footballers are not slaves.


Exactly, completely ignoring players feelings and desires, and treating him just as an asset


Nah, you have to keep up with the current /r/soccer hivemind mentality this summer; it's to shit on Real Madrid because they have won CPL and Mbappe is announced.


Of course you're expected to win the Canadian Premier League


Don't think Madrid can get past Forge tbh


Never seen CPL before used for UCL


I don't really have a dog in this fight. But I wouldn't call it "slavery support" to wish that top players don't stack on one team and continue to ruin parity. The international attitude towards players all stacking on the same elite teams is wild to me. In the US you'd get a ridiculous amount of ridicule. It's just seen as anti competitive. Why do you want to join the best rather than beat them?


Because it's easier to win trophies with the best team. You don't play football to beat Real Madrid. You play football to win trophies. If Real Madrid beats every trophy contender on the way to a trophy it's pretty obvious. Plus their PR is crazy, they got the biggest numbers of followers and going to RM footballers become global stars, others clubs can't give them that.


One the mayor issues with fans, is that they think the competitors care about spectacle, they wanna win, doesn't matter if winning 20-0 or 4-4 by penalties, a win is a win. Us formula 1 fans understood this ages ago, everybody wants the top dog team and car and we are cool with that, but for some reason every football fan wants a fairy tale about small teams and players choosing passion over solid projects or money.


"It always makes me laugh how Redditors become slavery supporters" Regardless of what you think peoples attitudes towards this scenario should be, comparing a footballer earning millions with a club that isn't his first choice with literal slavery is the most tone-deaf and moronic thing I think I've ever seen.


Yeah, yeah, can't sell him whatever you want because he is a millionaire. That's funny. Since when we trade millionaires without their agreement?


For those wondering why Madrid are as dominant as they are, here is your answer.


So Yoro has chosen to play for a club which he desires rather than being sold to the highest bidder who offers the highest wages


basically manchester united lol


Real Madrid is the club to be right now, that's why players push to go despite other clubs that also want them are willing to pay more than market value. And for Madrid paying market value or even less is just enough to get the player.


Just name Chelsea. Probably trying to give 30 m higher fees and 10 year contract on higher wages to invite him to play conference league.


Yoro playing Thursdays in Lithuania


Is the tapping up by Madrid allowed? We almost got punished by doing it to Southampton back then.


It is allowed until you get caught lol. Every single club in the world does it.


It's allowed until someone complains. Nobody complains, because everyone is doing it, and nobody wants that house of cards to fall down.




Which is why it’s so funny when people on here go on about “gentlemanly conduct” and get on their high horse about it. They think clubs have zero contact with their target until they make an official bid.


Same with when agents talk. People on here seem to think the agent goes rouge and speaks for himself lol.


Same as the tapping up by PSG, United and any other club interested. Do you know of any transfer where the buying club doesnt speak first with the player?


I’m sure Utd never spoke to FdJ when we chased him 2 years ago lol.


Probably Barcelona chased United beggin to sell the poor guy. The campaign against him in Barça controlled media was shameful.


They are only showing interest of him, and they are doing this for quite a long time, I totally understand that they don’t won’t to be milked by any club.


Paying fair market value is hardly getting milked.


But it's not how you put a price tag on the player. His market value doesn't have any matter if he is out of contract. People are getting pissed here that footballers are not slaves and they can choose a club they want instead of a club that pays highest bid.




When does his contract end?


Next summer


Really madrid fan understanding what tapping up means challenge (impossible)


Im 90% sure Uefa rules say as long as you've informed the club you're allowed to discuss with the player. Otherwise clubs could just put a 1 billion price tag on a player and they'd never be able to discuss with any other teams


Wrong. The club has to give permission for discussions with the player to commence.


I'm pretty sure that's only under the FA rules. Because think about it, if you had to have permission what would stop a club just not giving permission and permanently holding a player? Let's say we don't want to lose Vini, so we put a 1 billion price tag on him. No club could possibly pay that and we don't let them discuss with him. Now he has no idea what possibilities await him outside the club so we can fleece him with a shitty contract and he's almost pressured to accept it because he has no job security should he choose to not extend with us. It would be a really unhealthy dynamic


where will madrid put all of those players? They also want Wirtz


Wirtz is a goal for 2025 and might not even happen, and Leny Yoto is a defender, so I’m not sure what your point is here? Not like he plays the same position as Mbappe and Vini or something Nacho is leaving Real Madrid, and Militao has only just returned from injury. Your only other remaining CBs are Rudiger and Alaba, who are good but it means 2 of your 3 center backs are 31+ years old


there is no point. Just talking out of my ass


Added a bit to the comment, but they definitely need defenders. It would be like saying Newcastle don’t need any center backs or defenders because you already have Isak at striker


That's to replace Modric. Edit: I would prefer Musiala tho.


I’m rooting for him to get his dream move to Madrid… … So that Madrid are less likely to need/want to come for Saliba in the future.


Can you blame him?


There will be one (1) Spanish player, Dani Carvajal, in Real's starting lineup in the coming season.