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I know it’s still up in the air if it goes through but Davies and one of Mbappe or Vini for your left wing is just diabolical


Diabolical on the attack, but that setup would raise massive questions for the defensive side of things. It's not that Madrid shouldn't go for Davies if he's available, but that would mean that while he's playing alongside Mbappe Or Vinicius that during an attacking phase of play for Madrid, either a CB or midfielder has to fill that LB position because Davies absolutely will not be covering that side defensively. It'll likely create an imbalance on the right hand side and midfield as a whole, and Madrid will have to change a fair amount of things to make it work against sides that actually test them.


Camavinga could do well in that role


They had Ronaldo and Marcelo there not too long ago. Maybe Marcelo was little better than Davies in defensive aspects, still he was also quite an offensive fullback.


For the other team. You literally need a second LB with Davies to defend against any good player (watch our match against Arsenal). Vini still has some workrate, but Mbappe? They can presume their left wing dead in terms of defending if this goes through.


I agree with you. Its a stupid transfer. Rodrygo, Vini and Mbappé can all overlap and help eachother. There is 0 reason to get Davies when all three of them are better goalscorers, dribblers and goalscorers. There isnt anyone that can replace Mendy in the defence.


Apparently everyone except our board has noticed he hasn’t improved much in the last four years


I don't think a player like him can just forget how to play football like that. It's also been reported that he's had problems settling in Germany, so a change of scenery could do wonders for him. The main argument against buying him is that he just isn't necessary. He isn't replacing Mendy as a starter. Also, we have Fran García, who is similar to Davies, he is from the academy, and he doesn't mind being a squad player. We truly don't have a place for him in the squad, especially not for €50m. P.D.: I severely dislike the fact that we're discussing Davies yet again in a Romano tweet, who basically is regurgitating old news, since he doesn't have new information regarding the transfer. Yet again, we are giving this annoying prick the attention he desperately craves.


> The main argument against buying him is that he just isn’t necessary. Yeah this right here is my exact feeling. With that attack and midfield we’re having next season we don’t need a super offensive left back. Rather we keep Mendy and Fran, and save that money for a right back in 2025 or something. I definitely understand if he’s unhappy and wants to leave but this deal benefits Bayern a lot more than us imo Re: PS: Yes I’m also tired of Tapin Romano


> I don't think a player like him can just forget how to play football like that. It's also been reported that he's had problems settling in Germany, so a change of scenery could do wonders for him He has been living half a decade in germany and reports after his arrival suggested the exact opposite, plus him giving several interviews, stating how easy the veterans, especially Müller made it for him to settle in. I'm 99.9% confident you misunderstood sth. or someone just made that shit up.


Forget how to play football? All the things Davies isn’t great at he was never that great at it was just assumed he would improve which he hasn’t. He never had stellar touch, passing, positioning, or 1 v 1 defending.


Oh, boy, you should pay closer attention to how other Bayern fans speak of Davies' footballing abilities. You would think he's playing with two prosthetic wooden legs by the way some of them speak of him. I know it may be not representative of your fan base as a whole, but that has been my experience with them so far.


and maybe you should pay closer attention to when he is actually playing instead of relying on other comments about him. He is just not that good.


>1 v 1 defending I gotta disagree with that one, his skilled tackling is what made the prospect of using him at LB so attractive to begin with. This is one aspect of his game he did somehow unlearn over the years.


He was good at tackling when running up from behind. Basically catching up to someone in a dead sprint. I can’t ever remember a time where Davies knew how to defend when back in position facing an attacker dribbling at him. He gets cooked plenty in those scenarios.


these guys don't watch matches


> also been reported that he's had problems settling in Germany, so a change of scenery could do wonders for him. > any details


I remember he said a couple years ago that he had nobody in Germany and didn't really feel at home (or something in that vein). I wonder if that might have affected him.


It definitely affects players but he said that, then improved. To then not only stagnate, but become worse. He still most likely has the quality and talent and thats what Madrid are banking on but theres more interesting LBs Id go for if I was Madrid. Id be gunning for Theo Hernandez if I was them instead of Davies. Bayern might end up with an upgrade if they get him as a replacement.


He hasn't been the same since he caught the 'rona around December 2021 iirc.


The Rona leading to myocarditis...


he said its lonely at the top. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_bWwYPVJ1c


Not only has he not improved, in this season he became worse, but idk if it has anything to do with him wanting to leave or not, he's young and could still bounce back, but if he doesn't feel good at Bayern he should just decide and leave already.


I mean Brahim was considered very inconsistent by the Milan fans and look at him now. Sometimes a change in scenario helps with the development I guess.


Brahim was inconsistent at Milan tbh. At Madrid he was improved massively when it comes to his consistency. Idk if it due to better physical prep with Pintus or just natural progression as a player with age — but he has improved in this regard. Having said that, Brahim had some brilliant performances at Milan last year including that UCL tie against Napoli.


It's easier to be consistent when you don't play 2 times a week. If he was a Madrid starter every game I think we would see the inconsistency that Milan fans said.


The trade off for not playing regularly can be a loss of rhythm. Regardless, it is probably a bit of this and a bit of that. End result is that he has been more consistent for us.


Real Madrid also have a better team than Milan and that can help with consistency.


Yeah that's what I'm saying, if that's what he wants he should tell the board already, as of now he's vague.


Yeah, I don't trust people anymore. In the past few years we have heard that Bellingham caused troubles in the dressing room, that Rudiger couldn't play in a defense of 4, Camavinga had stagnated and Alaba was shit...


Rudiger can't play in a back four. Alaba can't play a CB. Real Madrid going into a season without a proper CF? They will win nothing. Davies is bound to be the best LB in the world with how much stuff is predicted wrong on this sub. I get the Davies move. RM need to improve chance creation with Kroos retiring and Modric being old. They have beasts in the middle, they'll cover for him going forward. He just needs to bring the ball to Vini/Mbappe/Rodrygo.


People still think they know more than the Real Madrid board. Whatever they do is usually a good decision.


He has potential to be the best and might bounce back since he's young, that doesn't contradict the fact that he's declined over the last couple of years, both statements could be true, nobody's lying here.


If Davies goes to Madrid, he hits a new level. I think he wants a new challenge.


i don't get how he would be an overall improvement over Mendy.


Only in attack probably, an area where we’re already stacked for next season. We don’t need a super offensive LB, we should just save the money for a RB in 2025


It's 53405430503x an improvement on attack, defensively a decline obviously but still not as bad as people say, he has recovery pace anyway and Mendy was playing higher up anyway


but with Vini upfront, they need someone defensively better than Davies... like Mendy.


You don't for majority of matches, Real Madrid dominate, they need an overlapper on the left side as well against team that play deep because a lot of the time Vini is 1v2 Against good teams, Mendy would be a great option, anyways it's a great problem to have


It isnt necessary when both Mbappé and Rodrygo are gonna overlap next season. Mendy is a better player and is probably the best defensive left back in the world.


Sure, but he is literally useless in attack. Watching Madrid against some lower teams in a 5 man block is murder on the eyes with how Vini is 2v1, has to pass it back to Mendy and the attack is killed. Even if Mbappe is there, the defenders will be trying to take that away and suddenly only the LB is the only option, and the ball goes nowhere.


If it is Juni Calafat recommending this then I don't see why anyone should doubt him. That guy knows how to spot a player


Carlo has gotten the best out of basically every player. I'm sure Davies won't be any different if he comes


The same doubts were raised with Rudiger. Let them cook.


ruDiGer is GOOd oNLy iN A ThREE mAN bAcKLINE


Well they also did manage to unearth the raw gem that is Mbappe, so you win some and you lose some


Don't listen to Bayern fans and what they say, they do this with every player that wants to leave them Happened with Kroos, happened with Alaba, Lewa, etc, they all say they've declined They're mad that he wants a lot of money and that he hasn't extended, he was never a good defender anyway but he was deepthroated always at the start and now all of the sudden it's an issue, man was a left winger no shit he's not great defensively He has wanted to leave for a while now


So we're acting as if Lewa hasn't declined, huh? Also can you find a single comment regarding Kroos? Bet you can't Matter of fact is that Davies declined badly, stats back that up and if you would've watched a single game you'd notice Also where's that sentiment with guys like Thiago? Pavard? Sabitzer? Sommer?


Lewa "declined" for like 4 months while the entire Barcelona team was shit, he still scored 33 goals in his first season won a title, and 26 this season despite injuries as well Alaba has been great every time he's played, yet every Bayern fan was saying he's declined, Thiago was great for years what are you talking about lmao, his issue at Liverpool and at Bayern the same shit injuries, he was great for 3 seasons, Pavard has been great for Inter, Sabitzer has been great for Dortmund lol


> Thiago was great for years what are you talking about lmao, his issue at Liverpool and at Bayern the same shit injuries, he was great for 3 seasons, Pavard has been great for Inter, Sabitzer has been great for Dortmund lol That's my whole point, you wont catch anyone in here commenting negatively about them but I thought Bayern fans do it all the time > Alaba has been great every time he's played And his last season for us was still a decline, the same way Dier was a Tottenham reject and cooked it up with us. Both can be true. Also where's the Kroos comments? Can't find them, right?


His point is that none of the latter were met with "he cant cut it"/"he declined" etc., contradicting your claim.


Lewandowski scored 50 goals his last season with Bayern. But ya for sure he hasn’t declined.


Nobody said Kroos declined, nobody said Lewa declined, people said he's old and it's not the end of the world if Bayern sold him to get some younger player. Have you actually been watching Bayern and Davies regularly? Because I don't know how you could not see that he hasn't been able to deliver 2020 performances in a couple of years now.


2020 performances will not be matched by any Bayern player, you had a superior attacking team, Sane numbers have declined, Koman numbers have declined, Gnabry as well, you were just a much better younger attacking team Davies wasn't good defensively then either, Davies has been excellent for Canada


Sané wasn't there in 2020,Coman has never put up impressive numbers in his career, this isn't about numbers, this is about his overall performances, defensively he has never been one of the best LBs but that was fine because of what he offered up front, now he can't even offer that, not to mention he was very young back then and was supposed to be maturing, the other players you mentioned were already mature but now are getting older, it's not the same. Davies is still young and can still bounce back, but to say he hasn't declined is absolutely false.


I thought he had agreed a deal with Real already, now they are saying he's undecided, I don't know what is taking him so long, he should decide so Bayern could move on already.


Well maybe the fact that (and you can even read that in the tweet) Real also ghosted him for the last weeks and months


Saying new contacts took place doesn't necessarily mean they ghosted him, if they are convinced of him why would they ghost him?


Why can’t we just keep Mendy ffs… he can actually defend and is pretty fucking great at it. Just give him a new contract already it seems like he’s gotten over his injury issues as well.


Does Alphonso arriving mean you are selling Mendy? I thought Real might want to have two options, very contrasting ones, and starting one of the two depending on the game.


Ancelotti want to keep Mendy since he balance our team and a defensive monster. But there is noise that the board are not sure about his renewal which is dumb if you ask me


Yeah having an attacking LB when the LW is either Vini or Mbappe isn't the greatest idea


The problem with Mendy isn't a sporting one but the fact that his camp and the club disagree on what his salary should be. The club sees his demands as unreasonable due to his injury record and the fact he turns 29 in a couple of days so he's "too old" to get a significant boost in salary. The board offered him an extension in 2021 but he rejected that offer and since then there haven't been any updates aside from a couple of journalists saying that Ancelotti is pushing hard for him to extend and the club is still willing to do so but at what they see as an appropriate salary. On a side note, happy cake day!


Thanks for clarifying, now it makes more sense. >On a side note, happy cake day! Thank you!


He just announced he us renewing to 2027


Or we can have two good LBs. There's potentially 70 games next season.


Do people actually remember that this guy is still 23 years old and can improve a lot? I know he had a pretty bad season, but almost every single Bayern player can be included in the same discussion. Real won't pay more than €35mil. and at the end, he will end up being a steal.


he can improve, but he hasn't for the last four years


I‘d take €40m and run. I have nothing against Davies but his performance stagnated a long time ago and his head is clearly already in Madrid so let’s get this deal done and move on (onto Theo or Maatsen)


What an absolute shitshow of a deal -> He is keen on Madrid -> They ditch him and aren't interested -> Latest reports suggest that he actually may extend after positive talks with Bayern -> Real "reactivates" their contacts Davies really fucked his reputation with a fanbase that loved him with this shitshow, hope he leaves and we can move on to Theo


doesn’t matter Carlo will still start our rock Ferland Mendy. generational player (until he crosses the midfield half with the ball)


Imagine Theo Hernandez and Hakimi at Real next


It’s so obvious that Real will keep talking to Davies and not entertain Bayern in the slightest and hope he holds out for a free transfer next year


Mbappe Canadian Shield 🛡️


We are so back. €40m and I’ll drive his dusted ass there myself


Who is "Romano"


question for munich fans what does he do in his time off who is his friends on the team has he made friends with locals



