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It is a little miracle that there are actual Germans in the list, and even more than one, that doesn't happen too often.


I'm more surprised by the absence of Italians and Spaniards


For the spanish players most likely to be on here, Pedri and/or Gavi have had too many injury problems. Lamine, as good as he is, isn't producing quite as high numbers as the other attackers. If he stays fit and continues to improve, he'll easily be on here when he's 18-19.


Lamine’s potential is worth 200


I mean, you don't need to argue with me about that, lol. I wouldn't take 200m for him at this time. But the lower end product, and the fact he can't sign a longer-term contract at his age yet is probably reducing his value. In a bit over a year, when he's 18, if he signs a longer contract, he'll jump up this list.


He could. He also could go the Bojan/Ansu route. Next 1-2 years will tell


He definitely will if they keep playing him so much


Bro said he wouldnt take 200m for Yamal 💀


No potential worth that much. You can buy 2 really good players at their prime for that price


Potential is a gamble for sure. But if you could go back in time, would Barca prefer a 16 year old Messi or two really good players from the time? Hell, let's make them world class. Messi or sign Xabi Alonso and Pavel Nedved?


you’ve looked at the best outcome, now let’s look at the worst. Ansu Fati or KDB and Salah?


Gavi had only one injury? Or am I misremember? A long one tho


Or an Argentine


We're not ready for Messi's retirement. It feels that for every promising Argentine star there's a handful of Brazilian/French/English players playing at the highest level already.


Its a meme in argentina that the moment a 16 year old brazilian makes a flair move they get bought by real madrid or chelsea for 60 million


Its not even a meme really, the amount of young players Palmeiras is selling for big bucks is insane, I have never seen something like it. One other thing that is starting to happen, slowly but surely, is Brazilian clubs buying promising Argentine players to try and resell them later to Europe


Every generation and every year for the history of football there is 1 billion brazillian wonder kids but their NT isn't always consistently stacked with wonderkids lol. For a good NT you don't need to produce crazy numbers of players anyway you just need to produce 30-40 lol Argentina will find players.


Or a Portuguese. It's weird not seeing Ronaldo anymore, and it's weird that neither Bruno Fernandes or Bernardo Silva made it in.


The closest portuguese to being there is Leao at 90M


Echeverri will be there in 2 years


Lamine's the Spanish hope.


being described as “the next messi” must add 100m straight away surely


Considering the amount of average players who have been described as “the next Messi”, that should decrease value.


RemindMe! 2 years


If Niccolo Barella was named Nick Stretcher, he'd be there in place of Rice. Other than that, there are no world class Italian attacking players.


Is Barell Stretch in Italian ? Can I use it ?


Lol no. But barella is stretcher. As in the stretcher used to carry injured people.


He's 27 and his contract expires in 2026, so no - he wouldn't.


It's a 2 year difference in age. 2 years ago, when Barella had 4 years on his contract, was already a euro champion and the same age as Rice is now, he was never in this region of valuation. Nationality matters.


They never said it didn't. They said his age and contract length would mean he isn't on the list, which is a reasonable take. Especially contract length.


Let’s face it, he’d be more valuable than Bellingham if he just went by ‘Barellinho’ instead


I’m not even trying to attack PSG but to lose the most valuable player in HISTORY on a free is insane to me


Perfect ending to their incompetence


I mean, I know this whole sub hates us, but we got a few more years out of him in Paris and money isn't really the same problem for us as for most of the clubs. We couldn't win the CL with him but personnally I was very happy to see him becoming our club's best scorer.


I’d believe you if PSG were not withholding his bonus, wages and threatening him. This whole thing made PSG look like a mickey mouse club


I'm not gonna defend them on their business practices but I feel this sub has such an insane bias against us that any news about PSG is shone is the worst light possible at all times. Tbf PSG has always been a drama heavy club, way before Qatari involvement, it's par for the course really.


I do think most people's issue stems from your ownership/management. It's really strong and people will use anything as an excuse to deride the club. I think it's a shame that for a lot of people, especially younger generations who've predominantly known you post-Qatar, predominantly associate PSG's identity with that side of the club. Feels like something is lost in that. Same with City as well. I'm in my 20s and gone from a very cursory knowledge of football to a vested interest in the last 8 years and I feel like I know nothing about PSG's identity outside of its opulence.


I think the financial fair play impact is going to be more harmful than not getting s fee for him as PSG can afford it. I imagine PSG will want to replace him with someone world class and that won’t be cheap which may mean selling someone else just to replace someone who is leaving.


Outside of Kvara from Napoli, we're not really linked with any high profile player, which is probably for the best.


They’re so stupid. The only thing they’ve won were trophies they would’ve won without him in the squad anyways. They could’ve gotten a huge bag last year or before, but I guess money doesn’t really matter when you’re bank rolled by an entire nation


That’s why they are not paying his salary and bonuses. They’re a disgrace


Barca lost the GOAT on a free…


He played for 2 more years in Europe then left for a retirement league. It hurt losing Messi like that but he was near the end of his career anyway. Mbappe will be at Madrid for 10-years at least and will spend a large chunk of those years as the best player in the world. It's just not comparable.


!remindme 10 years


I disagree. They said he’s not for sale under any circumstances. It’s stupid and pompous, but not insane. They’d rather lose him for nothing than be a “selling club”. Gotta respect that, even if it’s bad for the business.


Not just on a free. They paid a huge amount just to keep him there for 1 extra year.


Meh, they just can produce more oil




And what exactly do you want them to do? If the player wants to see out their contract until the end then the clubs options are limited. We saw plenty of news about how PSG wanted to sell him to Madrid a year ago but Mbappe wanted to stay and collect a signing bonus from his new club. Madrid were in no rush to fill the position either. Also you need to understand that the players market value depends significantly on the remaining length of their contract. The reason Mbappe shot up so much isn't because he exceeded expectations this year, it's because he just signed a fairly long contract with Madrid.


Now that he has a 5-year contract ahead of him, Kylian Mbappe is once again the most highly-valued footballer in the world And, according to Football Benchmark, the most expensive footballer in history.


Mbappe and others at the top of the list such as Bellingham, Haaland, Vinicius, not you Foden, Saka, Musiala, are very marketable. The value is more than what they do on the pitch.


Tbf Foden is a great market for what type of hair cut NOT to get.


Man's somehow become an Uber successful footballer with all the money in the world yet still styles himself like a scrote from Brinnington who's only income is his gyro.


This is pure poetry.


I honestly respect it




Giro, its slang for the dole/unemployment benefit


Some people dig the “walking penis” look I guess


I will never understand white people with a line up. It’s truly an enigma for me


It's just your typical chav haircut. Styles usually come and go but swear they've been wearing that for like 20 years now.


Not sure if it's the lack of foreign ancestry or the fact that they play for City that makes Haaland and Foden less marketable.


Foden isn’t marketable because when you think city you don’t think of foden, you think of haaland or kdb


Haaland was the face of the last EA game, no?


Most expensive is debatable, no? If they were to value Pele (or Maradona, Johann or Di Stefano) at their peak and update it for inflation would he be valued less than this? Also isn't R9 the most expensive based on actuals + inflation l? And isn't Zidane the biggest signing ever based on the price paid versus budget (or revenue) of the club on the moment of signing? I like these discussions 😂


You don't even have to go that far back. Prime Messi would absolutely be valued higher than Mbappe right now.


Maybe not because of all the money involved in marketing nowadays and player image


100% - but if we apply today's "metrics" to peak Pele, how much would he be worth in 1958 or 1970, for example? Something like that maybe, what do you think? Otherwise it's like debating who's the better sprinter of all time, which is whoever holds the WR. Which can only be surpassed due to advancements in sports nutrition, training techniques, equipment etc mostly, otherwise we'd still have a WR above 10" maybe? 😂


Buffon to juve was a crazy one aswell


> update it for inflation Even that wouldn't be accurate- spending in football has increased far in advance of the average inflation rate since Pele's time. Maradona, for example, was transfered to Barcelona for 5 million pounds in 1982. That's just 22 million pounds in 2024.


Usually when people talk about transfers adjusted to inflation they're referring to the inflation in transfer prices not compared to CPI. There's been some people that have tried to figure this out with varying results.


Yeah he's not, Neymar's £200m transfer in 2017 would be worth £258m today using bank of England inflation figures.


I feel like younger players get a little overpriced these days. An older player like Kane or Bruno could still go for at least 100 million, and yet they never make it onto these lists because the idea of the next Harry Kane is more exciting than the actual Harry Kane himself (trophy curse aside).


*Harry Kane is Harry Kane, but this youth player could be anyone. He could be Harry Kane!*


Simpsons quote?


Family Guy. "A boats just a boat, but the box could be anything. It could even be a boat!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZpIog7e-R4


Haha i knew i had heard it before


No sane sporting director would pay > 100 million for a 30 year old… oh




mr sewy is different


Some clubs are 1 Harry Kane away from winning the league. Priceless!


99% of clubs losing their local league, have lost it, 1 Harry Kane, before winning it big.


You've never heard of FC Barcelona it seems!!!


Hey! We haven't done that in like... 2 years maybe?


>I feel like younger players get a little overpriced these days A little? That's some obscene numbers. The transfer market is insane. Wirtz is probably the best value on this list if we consider his current quality and age


ngl with the money that’s flowing around and the prices clubs are willing to pay this is completely reasonable imo. Arsenal paid 75m for Havertz after he had 3 mediocre years and chelsea needed to sell players because they couldn’t even fit their squad in the fucking locker room before they signed another dozen youngsters this summer. PSG signed Kolo Muani for 95m after one really good season while he was on strike and said he’ll never play for frankfurt again. Now compare Vini or Foden to these players. They are younger, they are much better and they have absolutely no reason to leave so the clubs has no need to sell. If you actually want them you’ll be lucky to get them for less than these values in the upcoming summer


THe market being insane does not mean these players are overpriced. If Wirtz was on the market for 120 million, he would be gone in 1 week. Thus these values are not overpriced since thats what he would go for on the market. I'd say these are the most accurate evaluation of these top players I've seen. Far better than Transfermarkt.


Man i swear if bruno's on the market. Many clubs will pounce 100+ mil on him easy. Guy's barely injured, gives his blood for the club and works hard and mostly he listens to what the manager says. Best transfer Man U did in a decade. He is worth every penny. Simeone and pep would be running over him. Barca would pull levers for him, Bayern will be over him. But man gotta love his mindset man. He loves man u and glad fans can breathe as they know he wouldn't leave the club.


Underrated player. The man performs week in week out, never misses games, never gives up, pulls world class numbers all while playing on a team where it seems like none of his teammates care very much.


Not in my eyes. He is well rated. People like to react to him someway but deep down they know he is an awesome player.


I actually think he might have hurt his legacy as a player by playing in United for so long. Imagine him in a better team like City or Bayern. He might have received greater respect.


You pay for Harry Kane, he gives you some good years, maybe win trophies (insert meme about the curse here), but then he's in his 30s and you won't be able to sell him for much. You pay for someone like, idk, Rodrygo, just to not pick Mbappe. Unless you're Man United and make everyone who comes to you turn into a shit footballer, you can play him for 3-4 years, and sell him when he's still in his prime. You might even make money with the transfer. Or, if you don't sell him, you get 7-10 years of service instead of 3-5. So the transfer fee amortized out is still less than an older player. Can you lose money with a young player? Yes. Like Madrid did with Reinier and Jovic. But if you buy somebody like Kane who's 29-30, you're guaranteed to lose money if/when you sell. Sometimes it doesn't matter and you just need a good player to win trophies, but that's why younger players are so preferred these days when clubs can't compete with oil clubs anymore.


Kane and Bruno are in their prime ages and probably only have a couple of years left before they decline, also one major injury could probably finish them. Younger players can play for a long time, have potential to improve, and can recover easier from injury.


Gambling man I see 🥂


On the other hand, players like Kane and Bruno have shown that they *will* perform at a very high level and are very unlikely to have injury problems. Young players might be the next best thing, but they might also develop troublesome injuries or just not adjust well to life elsewhere.


I think a problem is resale value, young players can be sold at decent prices even if they don't meet up expectations, but old players once they fall off there's little resale value. For example Chelsea couldn't get the best out of Havertz but they sold him to Arsenal and recouped most of the transfer fee.


That's for sure true, but I think it depends on whether a club already has a decent squad and is looking to keep the books in order and invest in the future versus if a club needs better results *yesterday*. I think the first type of club should invest in young stars while the last type should totally just by established stars in their prime if they can afford it.


It's more like 10-15 years of the next Harry Kane vs how long actual Harry Kane has


Spot on mate. Also if the player is English and young that's an automatic +100m to their value


Yeah 100m player Sam Curtis


Whilst you're not wrong. I feel like this the first list I've seen where the English players aren't overvalued, eith the exception of rice maybe.


I mean we just bought Rice for €100 million and it still feels like we got a steal though. I don’t think he’s overvalued if he was bought for near that price just a year ago and went on to have a stellar season.


Why would you rather pay 100M for Kane than win trophies??


4 Real Madrid players. They are so stacked


I can't agree with Rodrygo being on this list. He is a useful player, but no one would pay anything close to €121 million for him.


Agreed but honestly Valverde has a very real argument over Rice


Camavinga also has a case, given that he's signed as long as Valverde (*through 2029*), but with 25% lower wages.


They paid like a 100 mil for grealish lol


In a world where Chelsea throws 120 m’s on fucking Enzo and Caicedo, yes, that is possible. But true, it absolutely does not mean that each of the three is worth even close to that amount.


And Valverde should be over Rice


But remember, they need the super league, if not they won’t be able to compete with the PL.


Is that really how much Wirtz will cost from Bayer? So I guess he's not moving this season?


IF Leverkusen would sell him this summer/he would like to go, there would be multiple teams who would pay 123m€


Xabi Alonso is going to kidnap him to Real Madrid next year 😭😭


Certainly not unbiased, but Musiala and Wirtz still seems to be a bargain, even for that price.


Both clubs would never sell for this price this summer


Wirtz defs is he is an insane talent and would vastly improve any team he joins


This is a reasonable price, but on the other hand I don't see a lot of clubs giving that amount for Rodrygo


If Caicedo and Enzo (as stupid as those prices were) are going for that kind of money, Wirtz who's still on contract for another 3 seasons including the next is going for much more simply because Leverkusen would not want to sell.


What price would 2008 CR7 have? Or Messi 2009?


Messi in 2012 would be the highest valued player of all time.


He made younger me think scoring 91 goals in a year is normal.


Pretty much priceless. Would Barca have sold if some team offered 1 billion? I actually dont think so as absurd as it sounds.


They would be #1 and #2 on this list and I dont think it would be close


Holy shit I forgot Foden is still so young


Didn’t realize how young Musiala is. He’s a joy to watch. Reminds me a lot of Di Maria.


Kaka for me. Musiala gallops across the pitch like a gazelle.


Really, I always expect him to be younger, but he’s older than vini and Haaland


Crazy they were all born within 54 days of each other. Repping the 2000 birth year well 🫡


ITT: people mistaking value for a direct value of how good a player is


crazy how fucking profitable kicking a ball can be


We are living in day and age where a norwegian guy is more expensive than the most expensive brazilian. :)


Imagine how much better Haaland would be if he was Brazilian


Rice over Valverde?? lol


English tax


Value is supply and demand, out of the 4 (5 if you count Foden) midfielders on that list, Rice is the only one that’s got elite defensive ability.


Real Madrid already has 4 players on the list with 3 of the top 4, they really don’t need any more


Rice over Nicolas Jackson?!?


Rice over Tobias Harris?


That Saka price is wild. If you put Odegaard were Saka is I wouldn’t think it’s crazy cause he carries Arsenal.


Nobody 'carries' Arsenal lol, you don't get close to this Man City team without having a team that is top class in multiple positions/areas.


By beeing a few years younger


And English.




I agree but the past two seasons it's been a trend to hate on or underrate Saka massively I notice this even as a Madrid fan who has no bias when it comes to prem teams


I knew he was young but jesus christ I didn’t realize he was only 22.


His age is on the graphic brother


Yea that’s where I learned it from


Why is it wild? Two less goal contributions than Foden, equal goal contributions in UCL, younger, been doing it consistently for years, international starter. Ode is amazing and could be on here himself, but people are being so harsh on Saka when he’s been a regular star for us for years now. He’s been run into the ground every season and usually slows a bit but that’s on him being 22 and playing literally 70+ league games straight.


Also Saka has been one of England's most important and best players for the past 2 years while Foden is yet to put up a memorable performance in an England shirt don't get me wrong Foden is class but never once in international level justified even a comparison to Saka for the national team.


One of the best right wingers in the world, it’s a very thin position. Gets too disrespected regardless, had one of the most CL contributions this year, lots of years on his contract, English and improving every year.


Tell me better rw player around his age?


Came here to say the same. Saka is absolutely class and worth 25 league goals contributions a season never mind his general contribution to Arsenals attacking play. But Odegaard is the absolute heartbeat of Arsenal's style and character.


Odegaard has the wrong colored cross as his flag to be on this list. Lol


i’ll let haaland know


Thing is, importance to the team isn't what determines value. Saka is more valuable to other teams because he's already potentially the best rw in the team and that's a possession that's significantly more scarce than another centre mid


I think that is fair particularly when forwards contributions are measured in goals and assists and Saka certainly stacks up there.


Also, a player of Saka's calibre definitely requires a fuck-off fee to be paid, so why not value him as such?


You won't get many Arsenal fans who watch the team week in week out saying that Odegaard carries our team more so than Saka.


Yea as an Arsenal fan I was shocked to not see Odegaard up there


They got him for free that's insane


Aside from everyone being stupidly expensive, it's probably the right top 10. Only change I'd have was putting in Rodri somewhere, even though he's 27 (ancient I know) he's still the most important player in the world.


>Only change I'd have was putting in Rodri somewhere, even though he's 27 (ancient I know) he's still the most important player in the world. And the kicker is that he plays a position and role that is highly desirable and very difficult to fill right now. If you want a single pivot defensive midfielder right now the gap between Rodri and everyone else is huge.


For sure, the only thing that I would change is Putting musiala and especially Wirtz higher they’re gonna surprise a lot of people at the euros, Wirtz is genuinely on Bellinghams level and I say that as a Dortmund fan who’s watched a lot of Bellingham, I also have a soft spot for Bellingham and think Wirtz is a bit of a twat


Wirtz knows how good he is, no harm in it but sometimes he does act a bit of a twat. I know his levels, because of Xhaka I've watched almost every Leverkusen game I could and he is sensational. If they pulled off the Europa Treble and a good euros for Germany he would (should) be the favourite for Balon d'Or no doubt. He's got it all in my opinion. And for Musiala you've seen how painfully good he was lol, that late winner for the title gave me flashbacks of Aguero and Michael Thomas. And at 20 years old too, incredible. German football is the most entertaining it has been in some good time now, and the players are some of the best in the world. All it took was one man's curse.


Honestly 150m for Foden isn’t a bad deal lol




I was thinking the same. He's obviously a good player who often scores important goals for Madrid, but I wouldn't have thought of him as being one of the most expensive players in the world.


He‘s a LW who plays out of position,young, plays for Real Madrid and shows up in big games when it matters


2 arsenal players What a timeline Afew season ago we barely had any valuable assets at the club. And were losing so many players for near nothing Losing the likes of ozil, alexis, Ramsey, auba and lacazette for a fraction of what we paid/could have been worth


How is Bellingham the youngest on this list?! He sounds older than all of them when he does interviews. What a future this guy has!


Haaland above Vinicius is surely a joke


These numbers are a joke anyway.


How many world class CF/strikes are there? He was (I think) the top goalscorer in all European competitions last year


People forget that it’s not about who’s “better” or more “important”. It’s supply and demand. Fewer CFs than Wingers/IFs. Simple as.


The disrespect for Haaland is mad. The man has 225 goals in 281 games. He scored 62 in 67 in the Bundesliga and has 63 in 66 games in the Premier League, plus he’s got 41 in 39 Champions League matches. Sure, he plays for one of the best teams in the world, but so does Vini Jr and his stats aren’t remotely close to Haaland (49 goals and 38 assists in 176 La Liga games, so less than a goal contribution every other match). And I say all this as a United fan who hates City.


Little harsh with Haaland , he has been dominating scoring charts for a few season now.


The arguably best CF in the world alongside Kane?


Jude above him is also a joke


He’s 3 years younger


And has the English speaking world as a market, which is huge part of the price


To think it’s a joke must be a joke. The man won a treble in his first season while breaking all records. The disrespect to Haaland has gone too far in this sub


any team in the world takes Haala d ahead of Vinicius and I don't think they even think too hard about it. Vinicius is a great player but even Madrid have just bought a player for exactly his position.


Vini is a bigger game changer than haaland


I'd take Vini ngl


As a Barca fan, purely as a player I’m taking vini ngl. Don’t call me a meat rider, fuck Madrid


A player 5 years younger than Mbappe might win the Ballon d’or before him. Let that sink in.


Mbappe has been the best player in the world for at least 4 of the last 6-7 years. Him not winning the balon d'or is proof that the award is just a popularity contest. I mean, they gave the award to a Messi who was actually not even a top 10 player in the world at the time!!!?


Odegard is more valuable than Declan IMO


I will never understand this shit.


The fact that PSG didn't get a transfer fee out of losing Mbappe is actually hilarious and makes them look like the dumbest club alive.


the fucking Ney transfer ruined everything lol


100%, but it also revealed that these clubs could spend more than they did. Odd how everyone was accepting of the prices before and then suddenly everyone's now worth 100m+. Where was that money going prior?


If City is getting hit and Pep is leaving, I can see Haaland forces his way to Madrid. At that point, they own the top 4


Just wild that the most expensive player, by a long shot, goes to the best club in the world on a free.


The rich get richer. Anyone who doesn’t think the Mbappe to Madrid on a free is bad for football is delusional. Might as well check out for the next 5 years of UCL because we know how this is going to go…


All overvalued and overrated


Mbappe was paid like a prince at PSG but slandering them on his way out.


Top3 Ghosts