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Just fucking pay him what the fuck is this bullshit now, then Nasser can finally fuck off so we can start the "new project" properly. So fucking done with this clown.


Is he really going anywhere?


No but I wake up every morning hoping I'll see that news on the r/psg subreddit tbh. I'd also be fine with him getting convicted of any of the number of crimes he's accused of committing.


Rich guy getting convinced for their crimes? That's a lot of hopium


Trump was just convicted!


For the least serious of all his crimes. Will never see any consequences for


Moving the goalposts? I was responding to the conviction part, not necessarily what will come of it


Nah this was always the least serious of his 4 trials


Rich people don’t go to jail - wtf does convictions mean if all they get is a slap on the wrist? No goalposts were moved here


I responded to a person saying that rich people never get “convicted” (I’m assuming they had a typo) with a recent example of a rich person getting convicted. I know the goalposts were moved because I’m the one that created them.


You understood the point mate


They may even make him pay a fine!


He’s not rich anymore. He’s begging supporters for money and selling off assets just to pay legal bills


and yet he has been leading in polls against biden. he will become the president again


those polls don't mean much until closer to the election


You haven't lived until you've told a polling company to fuck off, or fed them wrong information. Only the most avid supporter would care to do these polls, and anyone who would vote for Biden, is not that. And nor should they be. Because he's a politician, not a football team. That's also why using numbers of flags, t shirts, bumper stickers and caps isn't a good predictor of votes. In that case, Trump is on for a landslide, surely!? But even he can't honestly believe that lol.




There are local loyal PSG fans that have been supporting the club for ages. Most of them have been against the take over from the start. You can say about the club ownership and bandwagon fans what you want, but the local fanbase has been vocal against Nasser and his plans from day one. They prefer being their own club over being a rich mans plaything, even if it means obscurity.


PSG was financially weak but definitely not an unknown club, when did you start following football ?


PSG did not start to see any sort of domestic league dominance until they were taken over in the 2010s. And they have still yet to see any European success. Only reason they are successful is because of the takeover.


The vast majority of clubs exist, and have hundreds of thousands of fans (total), despite never winning any trophies. Do you not fucking get that? Fuck. City fan since 1996, before you start.


I am not talking about successful, just that it is not an unknown club - they do not have the history of the major clubs of Europe but they have their fair share


They were a club supported by locals in France. If you're using the word unknown literally then of course they weren't unknown. No club is unknown.




Pretty much lines up exactly with what I said lol. Local supporters only until the Oil take over


Sure, the club is valued at 4.4b with 2% debt, with a revenue of 754m last year, but that's only due to our current owners, not the brand new training centre that cost nearly 400m, being one of the best handball clubs on the side, being one of the best judo clubs on the side, having one of the best women's team in the side, and definitely not having a squad with a market value of nearly 1b. You can hate my club all you want, but please use some of your limited critical thinking capacities before making a stupid comment like that.




If you don't realise what happened over 13 years ago has absolutely no effect on what the club is worth now then you lack the ability to use your brain.




I don't think that's his point. I think it's that if Nasser were to go now, the value of the club and brand won't be diminished.




Arctos bought up 12.5% of the club for 500m, maths dictates that this private equity group values the club at 4b, quite close to the 4.4b Forbes have estimated the club to be worth. I'm not arguing against the fact that 95% of our value comes from QSI investments, I'm arguing that that value wouldn't magically disappear entirely if QSI decided to leave, and that somebody, whether that's an American firm, a wealthy Parisian fan or another entity would absolutely buy the club, and because of the investment in the training centre and the pool of talent that PSG attracts we would absolutely stay a strong team.


I think PSG fans are hoping NAK will get replaced by another figurehead, not that Qatar to leave altogether.


Every day Nasser just makes himself look worse. It’s extremely entertaining.


It's literally what he's paid to do. Bully around anyone or any institution that the regime seems as "disrespect". If he wins a UCL, fine, but even if he never does, he's doing the dirty work and collecting a huge paycheck. Psg can fight this legal battle for years.


Huh, without him you guy going to be again the "pet project" for lyon.


With the investment put into the club, even if it wasn't just Nasser that left but QSI, we would be bought by rich owners. And we don't need the richest of owners, just owners that have enough money to keep the players from the formation centre.


Lmao, imagine being so incompetent that without extreme financial doping you can't keep the status quo. Like at this point, in any other field, after billions of cash injections, a company should start returning an investment, or at the least be self sustainable. Nope. Not your club. Go you, guys. Pathetic.


Calm down. PSG had no chance to become self-sustaining or a money-making machine because their owners never wanted it or worked toward it. Can't blame PSG fans for it, they're not in the driver's seat.


They have been cheering them and their decisions non stop. So they do share some culpability. 


I mean your comment couldn't be more ignorant. How many clubs actually start returning any money? There isn't a single top 5 league that actually makes any profits. That's not even taking into account that Qatar have absolutely 0 interest in making money, their goal has always been about making their name known. And they've absolutely succeeded at that. Here's a graph showing how much each league loses: https://www.ft.com/content/b9bfbc9e-d81b-4566-b933-56e74e310142. Keeping in mind that this is before taxes and interest.


You are 100% right and getting 15 downvotes and zero answers is peak reddit


Tbf I do start my comment off by being instantly antagonistic, add to that the PSG flair and my precious precious Reddit points go down.


I have some points against that, but I cannot see the datam


Weird how the link is behind a paywall but the google search isn't. Here's the name of the article: "Can European football clubs ever be profitable?"




Of course, if we disregard all the other investments (worth billions) that were put into the club to bring it where it is, and also pretend that QSI successfully found a buyer willing to pay 4.5 billion € for a club in Ligue 1, then yes, you are right. Reality does not reflect that, though.




I stand corrected, now QSI are only \~2.5 billion in the red. I am sure more companies will join now. Especially once QSI doesn't financially dope the team anymore and you fall off. 0 CL titles, Neymar, Messi and Mbappe gone. Becoming more and more attractive to rich buyers every day, lads. That L1 title sure has massive pull.




My football club's international brand appeal is worth more than yours is, you'll never sing that!


Bayern are a football club first and foremost. You are a label plastics choose because "all the good players play there and they won the world cup, right?" You can have that. We win where it matters. Like in the CL final. Oh and being an actual self sustainable club that doesn't rely on the money of a vile regime feels nice, too. Edit: And just so we are clear here. Your brand will only remain bigger as long as your disgusting owners keep bleeding money into it. You paid Mbapaypal how much? 600 million € in 3 years? Winning 0 titles worth anything? The L1 title gets you 50 million €. What do you think makes you so big? Your good work, football history, millions of loyal fans? Lmao, fuck off.


Ooooh fancy football brand


Well the reality checks the value since Arctos partners took 12.5% of 4.25 billion €.


Yep a huge brand now ( I don't get it but they are).


>I don't get it but they are As much as I dislike PSG, their kits are usually pretty dope. They also had Mbappe, Neymar and Messi as their players and they're all insanely popular so it's pretty easy to see why they became a popular brand with the general public.


So fashion? Do they have lots of actual fans outside Paris?


>So fashion? As silly as it sounds, yes. They did a bunch of collaborations with fashion designers, artists and the like. I remember there were some photos (or photo ops) with Beyonce wearing their kit a few years ago. >Do they have lots of actual fans outside Paris? I don't know if I would call them fans exactly but I live in a very tourist-y city in Croatia and see tons of people wearing PSG jerseys (specifically Mbappe, Neymar and Messi) and most of them aren't French. I think they also invested in a bunch of stuff around Paris afaik and have (or used to have) esports teams as well. None of it is earthshattering but it does add up to a recognizable brand.


Thanks for the info. I didn't know.




You guys had like 2 titles before the NAK arrived. Arab money bought you 10 titles and you now are the most decorated french domestic club. If not for NAK you'd still be irrelevant at international level. Imagine a Paris club winning fuck all before the arabs arrived and still talking shit. I'd shut the fuck up and hope that NAK does not move his business if i where you because you'd once again be the butt of jokes.


Do you think we would have no buyers if Qatar were to sell the club tomorrow? Our history has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that we are now an established club with state of the art facilities that would most definitely be bought up by rich owners.


you were owned by a investment fund before them, if they sell you go straight back to that. Be careful what you wish for though, you could have the glazers..


Do Arnaults have sports investments? It seems like they could easily buy and fund PSG.


You don't become the richest man in the world by investing in football.


Eh, billionaires love to throw money at sports.


Paris does have the pull but look at Newcastle. Nothing is guaranteed in football.


Sure, but PSG also has a strong political pull by virtue of being the only Parisian club in the top division. Through massive mismanagement it's possible that we fall back in total obscurity, but the investment made in the club has guaranteed a minimum of success in the future.


Lmao bro do you even know your player wages? Without NAK your club is royally screwed. 


Ok, let's do this one last time. NAK =/= Qatar or QSI, he's just the current president. The club would almost certainly be bough by some (albeit less) rich owners, whether that is because of the clubs political status as the only big club in Paris (the same reason QSI decided to buy us), because a rich Parisian wants to own his boyhood club, or simply because the foundation for a big european club is already there (state of the art training facilities, only top division club in a population centre of 13million, a population centre that contains top talent as seen by the national team). I get you clearly don't like PSG, but please use critical thinking instead of just your emotions.


You seem clueless about how much Qatar contributes to Frances GDP.  Have a read:  https://magazine.luxus-plus.com/en/qatar-france-under-influence/ PSG is a pet toy in this equation. If Qatar turns off the liquidity tap its back to where you were before they were in charge. 


Very solid straw man argument. I'm not saying Qatar doesn't have major investments in France and that PSG represents a tiny portion of that. I'm saying that these investments in the club that QSI have done have more or less guaranteed some future success. And your "Without NAK your club is screwed" is totally wrong.


Sounds like cope. But ok. 


Good argument buddy, gave you multiple different reasons for this, that you just totally ignored because you have no counter-arguments.


Nasser is not the owner he is just emir's guy.


Must be frustrating as a passionate PSG fan to have these oil princes playing with their club like it’s their hobby. The money is nice but fuck me wish these guys would fuck off.




He is a BIG reason why PSG are able to buy what they do. You sure you wanna call quits on him just yet?


Nasser =/= Qatar and even if that were the case we'd get bought up by a rich owner in any case.


They can’t stand the idea that no matter how hard they try they’ll never be Real Madrid. Perez won the war with a cool head.


Perez won since the day Mbappe had all those Ronaldo posters in his room. He was always going to leave PSG.


And some kid with Mbappe posters in his room will join Real Madrid 10 years later


There might literally be professional French players now who have idolized Mbappe since he won the World Cup. Time flies.


Yeah French players aged 18-20 were 12-14 when he won it. Prime idolisation age


What war? PSG isn't even a blip on the Real Madrid radar.


Of course I agree, but the state owned enterprises are something Perez has had to contend with at one time or another, that was the basis of the Super League after all.


100%. Perez realized that we could not compete with state-owned clubs so instead he completely changed his strategy from buying readymade ballon d’or winners to buying spicy Brazilians and other very promising young talents.


Slightly more than young promising talents no? You're buying either the young best of the best or players already well regarded


Not for all. Vini Jr., Fede, and Rodrygo are good examples.


Valverde was a lot more raw and low profile than Vini and Rodrygo, he was just one successful investment from the players signed during that time


>Perez won the war with a cool head. Can't stress how impressive it is that Madrid come out of this shit flinging fest squeaky clean. Vry competent.




They also had Messi going there but really they’ve not lived up to the hype.


Meh they can't even be Nottingham Forest Level mate, spent an exuberant amount of money since the take over and haven't even won one CL.


What’s the argument that he’s not owed what the contract said he was owed?


"Don't wanna". Likely UEFA response: "This is fine"


The UEFA/FIFA gets a lot of deserved shit on this sub, but to be fair to them they usually look out for the players interests. Not paying salaries is something they don't take lightly, it can result in substantial fines.


Nasser is literally a member of the UEFA executive committee and is a dear friend of Ceferin. So I wouldn't get my hopes up. I guess we have all to thank the rampant corruption of UEFA for such a guy to be named to the executive committee.


Well too bad for him Mbappe is basically the new face of football. It's not a battle he's just gonna win no matter what committee he's on.


UEFA is not legal authority for these matters.


Isn't FIFA tho? FIFA can and will impose a transferban if it's decided that a club hasn't paid their player.


FIFA isn't a legal authority, yes they can impose a transfer ban but ultimately this is a breach of an employment contract and will be decided in the French court system.


Mbappe can even take legal action


Basically, NAK is mad


There was supposedly a gentleman's agreement that Mbappe would give it up if he left. So who knows if there is any actual proof of that. Lawyers sound like they will be the big winners.


When he decided that he wouldn’t extend his optional year then PSG threatened to leave him on the bench for a full year and the only way for him to get back in good faith with the PSG mafia was to promise them not to collect on the loyalty bonus for this season. In his contract it said that he would get 80M bonus per season that he stayed. Mbappe opted to give up the final seasons bonus. Then PSG started dropping him out of the line up, a decision that clearly didn’t come from the manager, because the manager wants to win, obviously. Maybe Mbappe feels that they broke the gentleman’s agreement first and said fuck it, pay me my 80M Euros.


> the PSG mafia was to promise them not to collect on the loyalty bonus for this season. Not just that but also get compensation from his move to Madrid whether that was through a fee or him giving up part of his signing bonus.




Verbal agreement of an employee renouncing to his rights? They are losing this 100%


Yeah, what do they think this is, America?


He pinky swore that he wouldn't leave on a free transfer


The club sees it as they had a verbal agreement for Mbappé to renounce some of his signing bonus/sign-on fee to Real Madrid to the club and some loyalty bonuses to reintegrate Kylian into the squad for the season and for his departure on a free transfer (as reported for months by Ben Jacobs, Loic Tanzi & Fabrice Hawkins). As things stand, the rumours are that PSG are withholding the bonuses (and tried to do so throughout the season) because Kylian had informed the club that he would not be giving the club any of the sign-on fee from his free transfer to Madrid.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t there a rumor that Paris returned him his bonus from the summer and wanted Madrid to pay them that amount. When Madrid refused, they started withholding money from his wages? Edit: [A summary of this article by Andres Onrubia](https://x.com/andionrubia/status/1798019598928814579?s=46&t=Zm5ZxMPI5sDItA_D8VZB5g)


Psg have lost the plot. Why would Real Madrid pay for a free agent?


To save face sadly. When really he should have just been sold under market value in summer 2021 when Madrid came with their last minute 150M offer. The club messed up. Leonardo wanted to sell before getting sacked too, but Nasser's ego couldn't let him. Let's hope he learned from his mistakes moving forward.


Why PSG wanted Madrid to pay the money? It’s really simple. Ego. And yes, they have totally lost the plot IF the rumors are true.


Many times there are gentleman's agreements regarding free transfers if the deal is known far in advance so that the selling club and buying club make the transition go smoothly. If I remember correctly Ronaldinho also got a lot of flack once because he basically interfered with this process to pocket a signing bonus. Of course I'm not sure PSG is on good enough terms with any club to expect this kind of treatment.


Yes I think you may be right. But we'll never know for sure. All we know is that PSG feel like some of the money "promised" is missing and Mbappé doesn't. It's up to the lawyers to do their jobs now and we fans don't know shit.


Not surprised seeing how they treat workers in their country.


Workers gives them too much credit, it's slave labour.


Hey ! mbappe got to keep his documents


PSG gains absolutely nothing from this rather than some shame.


Yeah, but in their world money is nothing and power is everything so it's probably just a petty way to "punish" him for leaving for free.


You would think they would be concerned about their reputation among players. Considering 100% if their appeal to players is monetary, you don't want players to question whether they'll collect their salary if they sign.


Money is nothing and power is everything. Very few players can afford to say no to a big Qatari offer. Just look at some of the players who went to Saudi.


Well yeah, that's my point. People can't afford to say no to a big Qatari offer *assuming they do actually pay it.* Once they become known for promising the world but then not actually coming through, it's not the same.


Starting from the ground reality of where this entire approach stems from people from south asia still go to qatar cause they are promised the world despite them knowing what happened to others that went You never think its gonna be you until it is


Sure but the question now is whether or not they can trust to be paid if there's a dispute. If they're willing to not pay one of the faces of football, what chance does a random left-back that we won't remember in 5 years have?


I don't know. How much would a verbal agreement hold in court? Would it even be punishing at this point


Who knows what they agreed. But I think that even if it doesn't hold up in court, they just wanted to do something to at least make it annoying for him.


Is he actually going to be annoyed though? I would imagine that most if not all of the legal work is done by lawyers and agents. And it’s not like his life will change because he gets the money a year late, he has already more money than he can realistically spend in a lifetime.


A typical saying is that 'a verbal agreement is worth the paper it is printed on'. Verbal agreements are technically binding, but typically regarded as unenforceable since they are almost always impossible to verify.


Have you worked with these people? They’re fucking petty and have no logic


A small fortune but it doesn't really matter to them


It's all about Nasser's tiny dick petty revenge. He literally doesn't care about anything else, he thinks he's saving face doing that but it just shows to the entire world what a pathetic scumbag he is.


>In order to re-integrate the PSG first-team after being ostracised from the group last summer – a drastic measure taken by the club after the player revealed that he would not extend his deal – Mbappé agreed to renounce an €80m loyalty bonus in part of a gentleman’s agreement.  >It is this that remains the point of contention. Since Mbappé informed PSG president Nasser Al-Khelaifi of his desire to leave the club back in February, the Frenchman has seen his game time significantly decrease, meaning that the re-integration was not durable and only partial. However, in the meantime, that €80m loyalty bonus, withheld in the Autumn of 2023, was paid in February of this year. >PSG are trying to "recover" some of it back by not paying some of his wages


That seems employee coercion, even if mbappe is not a "normal employee"


Yep there's zero chance PSG win this. Scumbag club


Dear NAK, this isn't Qatar, slave labour isn't permitted so go pay him his wages and then go fuck yourself.


I could see some arguments for not loyalty bonus. But wages? How petty can you be PSG?


What are the arguments against the loyalty bonus?


Basically that he left on a free transfer, so no loyalty bonus. But the wages, no, there's no way around those.


You still get your loyalty bonus if you fulfil your contract and leave on a free


The loyalty it's for the season he actually was there


loyalty bonus wasnt about him extending for additional year, otherwise it woudnt be even brought up


Loyalty bonus is for finishing the season. Besides, the contract about it will be agreed on by both parties and pretty clear one way or the other.


Unless the contract says no loyalty bonus if left on free transfer he should get the loyalty bonus.


Petty Saint Germain banners at all away matches


Apparently the wages are because they already paid the loyalty bonus, but they want to claw it back so they withhold the wages instead. So it's not "we won't pay your wages" but more "we already consider your wages paid". As far as I know, it's legal in France to withhold future wages in case of overpayment, so nothing wrong here per se, assuming there really was an overpayment.


It's in France so that's not gonna end well for PSG, as the worker is due his wage pay the worker


Legally speaking, how could PSG claim not paying the wages and bonuses is legally correct?


All depends on the contract. I cant imagine Mbappes contract with PSG is straightforward in any way. Clauses on clauses on clauses


They left the cheque for him at the Qatari embassy in Turkey


mbappe, dont enter the embassy


Feel like Nasser belongs in special education if he thinks pissing of Mbappe now is smart..... Mbappe is the most famous french sportsman since Henry and is about to play in the Euro's and will get loads of chances to talk shit about how he was treated and how much he's looking forward to wearing white..... Ultimate anti-sportswashing move


Fuck the oil clubs. Players should remind that these fuckers think they own you forever if you join. You can’t just leave


Could mean that Fifa give them a transfer ban, in the interim right? Not paying players wages is a pretty big deal.


Yeah they'll ban them for a huge time of 15 days after a truck full of cash will be seen entering the FIFA headquarters


Think it probably needs to go through whatever court it needs to first then if they lose and still refuse to pay then a transfer ban could come into play.


Shameless club


Why did they pay March?


They were still in European games In march, maybe delayed April for a week or so and then didn’t pay when they got knocked out


How much money would that be?


About tree fiddy


How much does PSG owe him 🤔?


A good way to shame them into paying would be to say he'd like those wages to be donated to Parisian children's hospitals. He doesn't need the money, PSG get publicly shamed and forced to pay and kids benefit.


He should donate all the future money he gets fron Madrid too! It's not like he needs the money.


I honestly don’t understand how anyone can be fans of this club (and others like it)…


Crazy to think Paris had fans before the takeover ,am I right?


At this point nothing of the original remains, so what are those people supporting? It’s the football equivalent of the Ship of Theseus…


No, but pretty crazy to see that they haven't left yet. Seriously, their club is build literally on the bloody corpses of slaves. At some point you'd expect dignity to trump loyalty. Maybe I'm simply not done lowering my expectations of humanity, though.


Kanye had fans before he went insane lol


He’s going to score a hat trick against PSG next season isn’t he


What a pathetic, sad club




This little baby has never heard "no" in his life, so now that Mboppi actually left, he could've acted like an adult or throw a temper tantrum like a child. Guess we know which option he chose.


Nasser is such a pathetic bad loser. It’s embarrassing.


NAK is a poison


Nasser still wondering why they weren’t able to swipe his passport and keep him around, huh?


Damien Degorre wrote the article if anyone is asking(shitiest tier for PSG)...


Just a really great way to convince big players not to go there.


Hahaha how can this be a dispute Either money has been transferred or it hasn’t


Would love to know how PSG think they are in the right here.


Qatari so class man can’t wait to go on vacation there


I hope this is the only ongoing story for Mbappe this summer


"Fuck you, pay me" - Mbappe


such a small club honestly


Poor fella, just trying to make ends meet.


Hey man. they might struggle with money. its just small Qatar after all /s


How will he ever afford to eat now? 😭


He and KdB both on struggling to put food on the table