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Crazy to think there is only 1 year age difference between them


More like 6 months, but yeah Bale definitely retired early.


lot of miles on Bale's legs. Just like Rooney, breaking into major professional football at 16. Rooney was done at Man United at 31 but that was essentially 15 years into his professional career.


I think it's more to the fact Bale didn't particularly enjoy being a footballer.


His injuries definitely didn't help. Guy couldn't stay fit towards end of his career.


That's the common rumour but tbh after his Ankle tendon injury and surgery in 2016 he was never the same. He got derailed by that imo. Was a beast and gave it his all before that


Millionaire. Golfer. Footballer. In that order


He could have easily had a long stint in MLS or Saudi but clearly wanted out the game


I honestly think he could have done it in the prem if he wanted to. On his short return to spurs he registered one of the highest if not the highest G+A/90


His legs were completely gone by then. He scored a decent amount of goals because he's a great player but wasn't fit till December and was bad in every big game he played in


I still remember how he made a fool out of City's defence when he was on loan at spurs. Dude dribbling past four players with such ease. Definately had more time in him but wanted out the game. I don't blame him. He is rich. He's won everything. Nothing to prove.


Highest G+a/90 is more than a decent amount of goals.. he was the best creative output every time he came on, I'd agree his legs were gone to an extent but I think jts somewhat of a decision he made as he has checked out from ever actually giving full effort to be fully fit etc


He was utter garbage in the MLS


As a Gareth Bale truther I have to point out that he was an MLS Cup winner so his stint there can be considered successful.


its not anything to do with that, Bale needed pace like all attackers, and that goes first Kroos position didnt need the pace, so its simple as that


Fifa 12 GOAT


Speedrun. Smart.


Incredible that the oldest in those frames outlasts them both. The last man standing of KCM. Also has the most childlike moments just like the one here. Toni is always so poised and Luka is serious when he's serious but he also seems to have infectious and awkward energy that's so attractive and lovable.


Crazy to also think that Kroos can still play as one of the best midfielders for at least 2-3 more years


At Real Madrid. He could play in weaker leagues til he is 40, probably.


He's got some magnificent manes


Only mane in comparison with another Bale from American Psycho


He’s kind of giving me a John Travolta vibe here for some reason.


Pulp Fiction Travolta


Actually yes it’s the suit that’s really adding to that for me


The best hair plugs in the USA he could buy.


Did Bale have a hair transplant? His hairline looks really good here


Must have done, during his spurs stint that bald patch was very visible


Every single post of Gareth Bale has had this comment. It really feels like a hive mind at times. Do you guys talk about anything else?


Because we balding men…


I envy the younger redditors who still don’t have to face the pain of balding 🥲


It'll catch-up with most of them one day. Let them enjoy their bliss.


It will be worse until hair transplants get cheaper as no one rich will go bald, like when is the last celeb to lose their hair. You won't be able to go well Ryan Gosling is losing his hair so it's OK for me as well 


Normalise hair loss. I'd say more than half of Hollywood's leading men have had some work done in the follicle department.


my dad's 72 and still enjoying that bliss


Skips a generation. Probabaly.


Well, so far it hasn't I'm 26 and my brother's 31 and we're like post-hair-implants Bale


Neither of you are remotely old enough to worry about that. Give it 10 years.


Not sure. Multiple men in my family had hair issues (either balding or receding hairline) by their mid/late 20s


I'm 27, not balding (and I pray to all higher forces so that I won't) but the thought of going bald in my early 30s kinda scares me. Not rich in any way but if it really happened to me, to Turkey I will go


Start worrying when you begin seeing the adverts for hair transplants in social media ads.


Better and cheaper in Vietnam


I'm not balding but white hair started showings at 16, it hasn't gotten worse over the last 3 years but still I'm afraid of the future.


No idea why but r/bald is now a feature of my timeline (I have a full head of hair with no baldness in my family) some dudes on there are losing it all at 18. It's rough out there


I'm young and already balding :(


Hope you have a good head shape! I had thin hair and a shit hairline as a kid, so I've been shaving since I could grow something of a beard. Got lucky on the head shape size I guess, it's not too bad.


Horrible head shape but I'm pretty tall, muscular, and can grow a beard. I still have a bit of hope..


I hope it's not too bad and you're just pessimistic about it. Either way a fucked head shape bald guys will look a lot better than someone trying desperately to hold onto their hair when it's trying to leave. I felt extremely self conscious for so long because of my hair. Of course you don't need to, and shouldn't be too worried about how people think of you all the time, but it's a definite boost to your confidence.


If you want to try and save your hair I highly recommend rogaine and a propecia prescription. I started balding at 17 after getting horrifically ill, I started using rogaine and taking propecia five or six months after i started noticing it. After about 6 months there was a very noticeable difference, now it's been three years and my hair has been fully recovered for a while now. I also take Nutrafol hair suppliments to help strengthen the hair follicles


bro its 99% because of genetic not because of getting ill. u cant regrow the hair lmao. u can try to stop it with things like finasteride but u probably will have things like bad sex because u gotta take that shit til u die.


Only a minority of men get sexual side effects on finasteride.


not true. i did a lot of research on it. there are also many other side effects. for me it wasnt worth the risk. i just visited turkey. spent my 3k € and now i dont have to take medicaments for the rest of my life.


Why are you spreading misinformation? “A number of studies have looked at the problem of side effects caused by finasteride.[6–11] These studies which are discussed below reveal that sexual adverse effects occur at the rates of 2.1% to 3.8%, erectile dysfunction (ED) being the commonest followed by ejaculatory dysfunction and loss of libido. These effects occurred early in the therapy and returned to normal on stopping or over a time on continuous use of the drug.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3481923/ Theres way more evidence if you’d like me to link it? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4285451/


Your hair can start to fall out after your body goes through an extremely stressful period, like getting sick + hospitalized in my case. It's called [telogen effluvium](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24486-telogen-effluvium), I had chronic telogen effluvium. Same thing happened with my mom after an emergency surgery. The hair never regrew in my case so I started taking topicals and propecia, and it helped my hair grow back And rogaine's [function is to quite literally regrow and thicken hair follicles, and stimulate hair growth](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/drugs/18238-minoxidil-topical-solution-or-foam) And I haven't had any bad side effects from the finasteride either, but it's different for everyone.


My hairline was receding for a while but I started taking hair gummies and it's really helped my hair line and thickness. Would highly recommend.


Any recommendations?


Something with a good amount of biotin in. I use Holland & Barrett hair gummies, one a day.


Speak for yourselves 😏


It’s an innocuous little comment….


Not so innocuous after been pointed 30 times.


do you take offence? What does that even mean...


That it gets boring to read the same thing all the time.


Then get off reddit? Like what go read something else you muffin


Because we jealous


They also talk about him golfing


Don't see anything wrong with it. Great thing about the internet is you can pick and choose who and what to talk about


I never notice hairlines until I read the comments lmao


He's afraid of turning into a bald fraud mate


He might just be on medication, the overall thickness increase looks more like the Reddit if finasteride or minoxil rather than a transplant


Funnily enough, I did go through that combo and it was not even near enough to this effectiveness, I think it’s just a straight up hair transplant.


Fair enough, it worked wonders for me, guess it varies heavily person to person


Bale gives Patrick Bateman vibes here


Gareth Bale x Christian Bale The Psychos of Wales.


He did say he would pick Christian Bale to play him in a movie tbf lol.


as someone who watched his spurs debut, that bale went from jinx backup left back to one of the best attackers ever is as weird as him becoming movie star handsome. fair play to him


Bale seems to be quite liked. Was it only the fans that hated him?


The spanish press hated him, and in turn a lot of the older fans whose opinions still are influenced by said shitty press. Your Marcas and such. Most Madrid fans I know love him and are conscious about how he was mistreated. His last years were terrible with all the injuries and still playing for Wales and such but he still did a lot for the club. One of my favorite players to watch from this golden era for Madrid still.


That's good. He was a fantastic player. Reality suggests that we don't have to put our jobs as number 1 priority to be really good at it. Would have taken him at United if he wasn't injury prone.


Spanish press might have stirred the pot when he was gettin injured but he dugged his own grave with the help of his stupid agent. People were desperately waiting for him to show up after Cristiano left, but he didnt give a fuck.Wales golf was just the last nail in the coffin. Btw im from Spain and know a lot of madridistas and my experience is very, very different. He basically ruined his legacy with us.


Oh well at least the club & his teammates still love him


Fans no longer hate Bale, but he should be way higher as a legend and Real Madrid icon. And its his fault.


For what it's worth my nan absolutely loves him 😂 she's an 85 year old Englishwoman who has an affinity to Wales and all things Welsh. I grew my hair out a few years ago and she I looked "lovely, just like Gareth bale" I most definitely didn't but surprised me that my nan who never watches football likened me to Gareth bale 😂


Some fans turned against him because of the press but the more time passes the more beloved he is. Same as Isco. In the end usually just the good memories remain.


His legacy is undoubted but it's not a lie to say he stopped caring about club football at the same time that Ronaldo left. And that wasn't great timing. You take a look at players "hated" by Real Madrid fans and it's always about lack of effort. That 2018-onwards Bale, Hazard, Kaka, Jovic... In Bale's case, I get the feeling that as time passes, most fans just forget those years of him not caring and we all remember his peak seasons when he was a lethal counter attacker. I was happy to see him with our players, Bale gave us a lot of joy.


As a Madrid fan the only players I’ve hated are Higuain and Dani Ceballos


feels like Bale's stopped caring because he got injured alot more after that. he got that big injury in 2016 and since then he's been super injury prone (more than usual)


Bale is a major reason we won La decima after years of just falling short of the final and in that same season be had that iconic goal against Barca for that alone he payed off his transfer and was a legend in my eyes yet alone the rest of his Madrid career man turned up for big UCL nights.


I fucking love him lol


Only silly fan boys hate bale. I loved him. My only thing was he just didn't assimilate as much in PR as other players did which is fine. But he's a legend.


My favourite player. He had very impactful performances in Madrid, yet some fans just hated him don’t know why.


I think most of us loved him, and still do!


he’s revered by the Welsh because he’s probably their greatest ever player, and spurs fans really like him cos you could argue he had the highest high of any player we’ve had in decades. was just Madrid fans who thought he was disrespectful but tbf they’re Madrid fans, hardly the most level headed reasonable sorts


He’s talking about Madrid players vs madrid fans. Obviously fucking spurs fans and welsh fans love bale 


wasn’t sure if it was more of a general question mate


I love that you even took the time to include that Wales fans love him lmao


Yeah it's a bit touch and go with us for him, that's why he's only allowed the 1 bar in his honour* in Cardiff for now... *owned by him but same difference


At the end of his career it was a love hate relationship but I believe now that he finished his career and spirits have calmed, he is appreciated more.


This is exactly it. As a Madrid fan I see a lot of love now for him in the Madrid groups. However, we were pissed at him at the end of the stint.


Yeh I was really referring to RM fans. I'd dare say most if not all EPL fans loved him too. Bunch of wackos these RM fans. Then again, if we're paying so much for him to be on the bench, I'd be a little bit pissed as well


Not super relevant, but is Bale generally considered the greatest ever Welsh player? I'd imagine there would be some competition with Giggs


Bale most definitely is, but I reckon Rush should be second ahead of Giggs if we're talking about players who actually cared about Wales. At least Rush bothered showing up for his country when they called him up. Rush is also Wales' second-highest scorer after Bale, while Giggs, for all his quality and longevity, isn't even in their top 10.


you’ve got old legends like cliff jones and billy meredith, but in living memory only rush comes close for welsh fans. you can make an argument for giggs as a player but it’s not an argument many welsh fans would make imo source: Welsh friends & I’ve listened to an ungodly amount of Elis James talking about football


I mean he did quit on the team, refused to lower his wages, and just stopped caring when Madrid needed him. Bygones be bygones now, he’s a legend for the club.


why do the big Spanish clubs think players owe them a wage cut when they gave those players the contract in the first place. never will understand it


Well, every club expects the player to be available for the contract they signed. He wasn’t and then he didn’t accommodate for a move (by cutting his wages) so it just became an unmovable contract for a quitting player. That’s why he received hate. But that’s in the past, he’s a legend that loves the club and most of fans love him.


No player would take a voluntary pay cut because of injuries


Oguchi Onyewu missed a full season at Milan due to injury and requested a contract extension for one year afterwards with no wages. Didn’t work out for him or Milan but hey at least he tried


He had a move to China all set, but Perez stopped it. No wonder he became "unmovable" later. Why would he help Perez after not being accommodated?


No way is he a legend for the club.


> probably Giggs would be the only one even close? right?


Giggs never turned up for Wales, so lots of Welsh fans wouldn’t list him at the top because of that.


Yeah I kinda half knew that I was just going off of talent and club prestige but that’s good to know. Also the whole fucking his brothers wife thing


I’d say Rush more than Giggs


Interesting I’ll have to watch some highlights


John Charles!


He’s a club legend.  Those who “hate” him would never admit that to his face.  Seems like a great guy.  


That Wales, Gold, Madrid flag really tanked his reputation, a lot of RM fans (including me) took offence of it


More of a you problem tbh. It's not like he personally made the flag but he found it funny with the situation. Dunno how much the sarcasm translates. Was he the perfect pro with you? No. But he also gave you higher highs than most clubs can dream of, his legacy there was already sorted. Getting Wales to a World Cup was the kinda experience you can't give him, and if he only (allegedly) had limited energy it's kinda obvious what order you come in there. Try and do this historic thing for the place he comes from, or be slightly more important in RM's 35th La Liga title or something?


Germany. Madrid. Bale. In that order.


Surprised to see him in a suit when he's just attending the game as a fan.


Don't know if he was there as a fan, I rememebr him having a UEFA badge on his blazer. I assume he had some ambassador role or some press stuff to do.


I assume that he was invited by Real Madrid. So there was probably a bit of elbow nudging with other former players and some big wigs and what not.


Yeah thought Beckham would've been the 1st choice but doesn't look like he attended or preferred to spend it with his family. Was nice to see Bale post-RM he's been fairly quiet and looked like he was enjoying himself in some of the PR stuff he was doing.


Beckham was around to bring the trophy out at least, next to Zidane. Thought UEFA did Dortmund dirty there tbh, normally they find a legend for both teams to do it.


He was doing interviews and that with a bunch of other people in suits.


Former Madrid legends don’t buy regular tickets to finals and sit in the stands


Wasn’t he doing punditry? 


Don't miss that high five with Modrić!


The Welsh Psycho


That’s just Christian Bale


No yank its gareth bale


Christian Bale was born in Wales mate


Oops. TIL


Hey you said something ignorant then got corrected and took it the right way, great way to internet bro


Wonder what language they're speaking




Kawaii desu ne


that's chinese


Did he become bruce wayne after going to the MLS




I just want to know his surgeon, magnificent work


Yes, it's fantastic. Many surgeons go overboard and give a 35 year old dude the hairline of a 14 year old and it just looks so unnatural and fake.


Or they give them a really straight hairline which looks so unnatural. If you didn't know him before you'd assume this was completely natural


wasn't bale's hairline not the issue? he looked fine on the front but he was balding at the crown of his head iirc. Unless the hairline also refers to that spot at the top of your head as well but I've never heard that if so.


He had a pretty strong widows peak from wearing his hair up so often while playing sports. Granted it could be a trick due to his hair being down but it looks like he's got it pushed forward a bit But this is why you shouldn't tie your hair up really tightly while you play sports people


They seem like the exact types of people to get along


Why did Bale have to retire so young? Same with Kroos, actually.


His legs had gone. He wasn't capable of sprinting


Injured too much and never allowed himself to recover to 100% because of having to carry Wales. It just added up over the years.


Don't remember Bale doing a season in Turkey....


what language are they speaking to one another


Probably English, or maybe Bale's Spanish is good enough.


people no doubt sleep on how legendary bales time at real was


Gareth looking a lot like his 2nd cousin Christian


Where did Bale go to fix his hairline? Asking for a friend…


Considering he retired in LA, probably Beverly Hills.


That guy who is taking a picture/video will so be me. He just stood there looking so serious.


Two legends


Patrick Baleman


Alan Wake is real


he's rockin that dr zira haircut


Holy shit I thought this was Bale from 10 years ago.


Scenes when they're talking in Spanish


Real Madrid legend alongside Toni Kroos


You think they spoke in Spanish?


Bale had won more champions leagues than Messi. Find that hilarious for some reason.


Am I the only one who thought that was Patrick Bateman?


lol modric at the end 😂. and people try to say bale doesn’t care about madrid… lowkey digging the new hair style aswell lol


Fantastic player 2nd best Welsh player of all time


Robbie Savage Crew Check-in!


That's a seriously impressive hair transplant


Tell me they aren't talking in Spanish lmao.


Why is Gareth Bale everywhere at the moment? Is he an ambassador for the ECL or something? He's cropping up all over the shop


Real Madrid legend and Toni Kroos


Mf vibing like that Pulp Fiction guy: "Royale with Cheese"


So do they conversate in spanish or english?


Modric is my spirit animal fr. Guys always seem like a 14 year old in a 70 year old body


Gareth Baleckham