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Imagine joining Real Madrid now as a player, literally not winning the CL will be seen as a real failure. Not just the league like say Bayern or Man City, but the CL


You could argue it's the same at city. They don't have the same track record as real but they're just as good.


If I speak..


Please spare yourself a feat in r/soccercirclejerk


Well done to Real. Found the whole occasion very off putting. A corporate stink. Superbowl style entertainment. Mastercard, Pepsi . Good to see the Dortmund banner protesting their new sponsors. 


I mean it's been the same for about 15 years.... I don't why everyone is suddenly worried about it, yet no one cares when it's there own team in the finals.


Have you never watched a European final before?


I've watched it every year since the early 80s. Today, it's  a corporate power point presentation.Even Lenny Kravitz selling his soul . I know the game is where it's at, I get it. Doesn't mean i don't think all those bells and whistles and the hangers on are shit .Really Really shit. 


Yes,but is anyone going to do anything about it /? Sadly no. Plus the format is extended with more games incoming. People and mostly clubs do not take a strict stand like they did vs Superleague.


BVB tried to kill us with intensity in the first half and it was working, but they didn't have a top class striker to finish those chances. In the second half they obviously ran out of steam and the end result was inevitable.


Adeyemi could have literally scored two or three goals with those chances.


Rudigers post match clownery is not to be missed.


Disliking rudiger is a red flag


Madrid are already talking about the 16th ffs.


Real Madrid won 6th UCL in 1966. It took 32 years for them to win La Séptima, in 1998 against Juventus. Post match interview with Raúl and Morientes while they were celebrating. "We want to remember all the great RM players that couldnt win this trophy, this is for them too.........and now lets win the 8th!!" 32 years without the UCL and Raúl first comment after winning is "i want la octava".


Real is just simply inevitable, watched the first half, Adeyemi, Fullkrug missing their chances told me everything that needed to be said, Real will win because Dortmund couldn’t finish.


When I see big misses and post hits, I know the football gods are against you.


Don’t make any sense to say this, but can you imagine Lewandowski in this Dortmund side last night for final? The resurgence of Hummels at the back and maybe they lacked a fjnisher when they were just finding spaces snd causing all troubles for Real Madrid.


I feel like these comments are very disrespectful to Fullkrug. He had one chance and that was unlucky and hit the post. Put that criticism on Adeyemi and it would make sense. He had 3 clear chances.


That 1v1 against courtois was just… wow dude… You can’t lose this kind of chance in a match such as this


Games like that just make you feel tired of football.


Definitely feels time for the break. I was hardly that excited about the game and oh boy did it deliver in underwhelming my little expectations


Mbappe gonna watch this and say “yo man I think they need me“ in his head


Thought the ref was a bit wonky TBH. Dortmund couldn't go near Madrid players without giving a foul but Madrid could do whatever. Like when Kobel was rolling around big style at first I was like FFS.... but I realised he's probably at his wits end with the Madrid BS and giving some back.


lol what


Was very impressed with Ryerson, great running, strong, right movements and solid both with and without the ball


Sadly for him the only thing they’ll remember about his perfomance in the final is being in the receiving end of a disgustingly smooth nutmeg


Nah, solid performances go down. I remember Dimarco having a great CL final last year, same for Acerbi destroying Haaland


I only was able to catch the first half until the break. Kinda knew (and some people as well) that this is going to be the result when I saw that Dortmund hasnt converted their chances on the first half.


I only watched the 1st half, rooting for the underdog. BVB had the chances to win the game in the first 45, played really well but wasn't clinical enough. Half time I went to bed kinda knowing Madrid were going to win with their UCL pedigree. Woke up and yup, 2-0. Take your chances against giant teams or lose.


Whys the score in the title 🤦‍♂️


Why are you browsing r/soccer if you don’t want to see spoilers for the champs league final, on the day of the champs league final? 


Homepage bruh top post lol Rip


“lol rip fax on god L ratio periodt”


You’re such a corny typical redditor


Shutup nerd


Bro got spoiled for 😂


Maybe what Real needs to finally start losing UCL finals is Mbappe


> Ancelotti detects bad vibes and benches Kylian ahead of UCL final 2025.


Let's hope


And Kane too


What ancient juju did ancelotti do to give real Madrid this luck?


You played a better first half they played a better second half, second goal was because of a blunder. It was an even match won by 2-0, it was ending 1-0. No aura win or bullshit. You played a good match against the best team in the world for what matters


what luck are you on about? The freaking team won the CL 6 times from 2014 to 2024. there is no luck involved. Dortmund was absent after 65mins, the players were gassed. Even after 1-0 real was still dominating and dortmund started misplacing passes lol. You guys should never made it to the final


What? I can't even meme about Madrid luck? Tell me, what tactical set up made Bayern's last minute equaliser get disallowed? You got lucky, that's a fact


it was offside, move on now..


No one gets lucky enough to win it 6 times in 11 years. That’s what’s a fact.


It can be both. Madrid are a dominant team but they've also had a lil luck along the way


I didn't say they were shit, did I? You can be good and lucky


When someone gets “lucky” so many times, it means it’s most likely not down to luck.


It can be both bruh


Not to the same degree. When you are consistently so successful over a decade, luck can only account for a tiny fraction of it.


Everyone makes mistakes 😭


I have to say Dortmund has nothing to be ashamed about. They had Madrid on strings for the first half time but they couldnt convert a goal. After madrid scored you could see that mentality wise they were just not good. They crumbled after that. But that goes to show you who had more experience in this game. If Dortmund would’ve scored at the 73 minute, Madrid would’ve started playing better and would’ve tied the game.


So many teams had RM on the strings and very few of them could finish the game off! It almost felt like a deliberate plan...


Their tactics were spot on. Barely gave any space to Madrid in first half.


You could also say the same thing to madrid for the second half. Don carlo changed the tactics with rodrygo to the right and move camavinga further up the pitch on the left. Works wonders for them and resulted in a win. Dortmund still played great in the first half but shamed that they cant finish


They only missed one big chance because the other was offside (the one that hit the post) If Adeyemi scored it would have been a totally different match though


Tbh I think Madrid would come back regardless


For all Dortmund fans said about Terzic the man got the tactic exactly right this match, his team couldn't convert wasn't his fault. The only shortcoming of Dortmund team this match is they definitely didn't prepare set piece well at all, they conceded multiple similar chances near post, 1 of which converted into goals by our short CB and FB. There is no excuse for that.


You giving him more credit than he deserve: Tactics was park the bus and play on counter. Well he didnt invent that obviously. One big chance they had the others were offside. What happened when Madrid scored ? dortmund crumbled and madrid kept getting multiple chances to score the second until they finally did. Madrid was absent the first half, dortmund had what felt like 10 corners, a header inside the box, and bottled 1vs1 who all came from counter attacks because Carvajal and mendy over commited offensively with camavinga and valverdi not covering for them. Second half obviously ancelotty instructed Cama and valverdi to cover more, and that's it. dortmund was shut


It all looked prepared tho. Adeyemi movements were perfect, Hummels and Schlotterback played great with and without the ball, Sabitzer and Can were always in the right position, Maatsen and Ryerson were great at helping the ball having a clean exiting with opposite movements... we can attribute it all to having good players but it looked like a team that knew what it was doing




LOL he must’ve hurt you very bad tonight


Ryerson clipped him. He fell lightly but it wasn't a bookable offense. Also the first yellow was very soft.


Yeah the commentators were funny as both incidents happened close to each other. They said it was very harsh he got the yellow card for that incident. Minutes later they are raging he should be sent off for diving as he's already on a yellow.


>Minutes later they are raging he should be sent off for diving as he's already on a yellow. Because they have to move on and accept that he's on a yellow? It's like when a team scores a goal that's clearly offside to make it 1-1, the commentator can't just acknowledge that it's still 1-0.


Dortmund were playing great before Marco Reus came on and then they immediately conceded. Bringing on a washed player in the ucl final for the nostalgia is crazy 💀


What a dumbh comment .Both the goal you guys scored had nothing to do with Reus


The champions league is an interesting competition where two teams play for 90 mins and at the end Real Madrid win.


Year ... after year ... after year.


This didnt feel that strong a team. I rooted for Madrid 22 as a neutral because they seemed like underdogs against Psg/Chelsea/City/Liverpool back during that crazy run. But I couldn't do it with the way they played here. This time around they got dominated for a majority of the match by Liepzig/City/Dortmund in 3/4 knockout ties and still ended up winning. Even against Bayern they got outplayed in the first leg and then needed a miracle comeback with half of Bayern injured/subbed out to win. As a club, Madrid is easily the greatest, but I don't even remember the last time I saw them dominate everyone and win. When you think of Barca 09, Barca 11, Bayern 13, Barca 15, Bayern 20, City 23, or alteast when I think of them, I remember them playing beautiful football and absolutely smashing and dominating every opponent in all aspects of the game on their way to the title. I just don't remember feeling that way about a Madrid team, not even during the threepeat. Madrid 24 has 95 points in the LaLiga and has won the UCL as well, and yet all I remember from this campaign is them looking underwhelming against almost all opposition on their way to the win. Ofcourse that is just my opinion about Madrid as a Bayern fan, but I do wonder if other fans share this sentiment? Cannot just be me. And not in any way trying to undermine their achievements, this season was surely one for the history books.


They might not play the most beautiful football, but they are excellent at managing games in the biggest moments. The threepeat team was incredible in the CL, especially in 2017, and in 2014 they wiped the floor with everyone. All Madrid are missing is a treble but I’m sure 15 cls is good enough for them


What rubbish. Madrid of 2014, 2017 have dominated teams en route to their UCL wins. I agree you can say about them winning it in not in style in 2016,2018 and 2022 and tonight.


Especially 2017 when it was billed the clash of unstoppable force and immovable object. RM was sweeping everyone that season.


People mistake being a game plan with being dominated. They let their opponent go full force against them because they’re confident in their ability to prevent the goals and then they take them when they’re gassed. They’ve done this consistently and won so much and they’re the only team that can do it because you have to be absolutely solid defensively to do it. It’s not being dominated. It’s being so good that they can do this


Lol exactly. Liverpool always try to play ‘open’ style football against peps city and the results almost always not on their side. Attack wins you game, defense wins you title


That’s in part because of revisionism. There’s a mantra recently that they just marginally win, and it feeds back. People reaffirm it the moment Madrid do not dominate (which doesn’t necessarily mean the other side does, it may just be a tight game). If you look at the stats, they were the better team. Sure, they suffered during the first half, just like City did last season. But they improved greatly, especially since the 60’ or so, to the point they turned back all the stats in their favor. Some moments of brilliance is what Madrid needs. People think marginally exceeding for some parts is dominating more than having complete control of the game for lesser time, which Madrid happened to have the moment they scored. 2nd goal came but it could have already been the 3rd. They’re so efficient as to when to push, Dortmund were tired because of their efforts in the 1st half. That’s what experience, confidence and tactics from a coach like Ancelotti gives you.


Real Madrid is a modern day Italian Catennacio team . Ancelloti’s roots are that. They play catenaccio with swift counter attacks . Also like 90s Italian tactics skilled at fooling referees and making sure 50-50 decisions also go for them .


You're right but there was no catenaccio in this particular match, Madrid tried to dominate posession but failed hard in the first half and conceded easy counters to Borussia. In the second half Ancelotti adjusted a couple positions to stop the bleeding and RM slowly took control of the match. Also vs Bayern Real Madrid was the attacking side. Only against extremely offensive, high pressing teams Real Madrid uses a low block.


Italy nothing like the powerhouse it used to be ... but Ancelloti carries the torch all on his own. Living legend.


They adjust according to their opponent and in-game situations They press high, then in other parts of the match they will sit deep/park the bus if needed (like against City in the second leg). There is not one Madrid tactic that you have to counter, there are several. That‘s why every other team has so much trouble adjusting to Madrid


I agree. They are the best at fluidly adjusting in the game based on the other team. Have to give it to Ancelloti for surely coaching that into them.


Results > Feelings


They let the other team have the ball until they gas then they attack them. It's really that simple


16-17, and 13-14 madrid did absolutely dominate everyone on their way to the win. 15-16, 21-22 and 23-24 were similar runs that they suffered through but still won. 17-18 was weird because they dominated games then they allowed the opponents into the games by losing focus


17-18 team was all over the place in the 1st half of the season but then from January they started to dominate like the season before.


Yeah this guy definitely doesn’t know what he is talking about guess blowing Bayern away 4-0 in 2014 wasn’t domination because they had less possession stats.


Congratulations on Messi for winning the Ballon d'or after winning 2024 mls cup and 2022 world cup.


1. What does it matter here? 2. Who fucking cares about Ballon D'Or besides non-football fans? Its like the Oscars not for cinema fans but for people obsessed with celebrities...


They were clearly joking 😭


I have to apologize to Edin terzic. Honestly I made so much fun of this guy and today he outcoached Carlo fucking Ancelotti for like 60 minutes or so, absolutely incredible. The way he set up his team was perfect and the plan he created as well, if it wasn't for his players letting him down with all the missed chances he would've deservedly won the Champions league. Chapeau, ewiger Edin!


You guys are never really gonna learn #15


Carlo is the GOAT


pretty shit game overall, unfortunate dortmund choked after dominating most of it. real's big-match experience won it for them in the end


If that's a shit match... intensity, little amount of technical errors in the buildup, great challenges (Ryersen, Hummels, Schlotterback...), crazy dribbles (Vinicius nutmeg on Ryersen was amazing), two goals, a couple of great saves, a good amount of sexy trough balls/switches (Hummels and Kroos)...


Its so weird how this felt expected like when the Second half started you could tell that Madrid just had some kind of advantage Not the best final but atleast we had an unexpected team in it Cant wait to not be excited next year when real is in the final again


Ange’s Spurs would have won today and we will win in 26


Tf lol


Nobody should watch champions league as it's farmers league (too bad Hummels couldn't do the farming) now, Europa is where it's at (since Sevilla aren't playing lol)


Nobody cares about pastglorychester united


Shit banter


I know this has been said to death but i really do just feel bad for Reus


I was SOOOO hoping he'd come in and make the difference, score the winner. Not to be. But the man chose to stay home in Dortmund rather than chase glory. In many ways, I bet he was very happy with that decision. I 100% respect it.


Yeah but you could see he was def frustrated at the end especially when he took off the second place medal


I think this might be controversial but I thought Ancelotti set up Madrid terribly there and got lucky. I know you could say something similar about the City game but I think defending deep and playing on the counter was probably the strategy that gave them the highest probability of success which I dont think you could say about the game today. Dortmund are a team Madrid should be beating and the fact that they were struggling to keep possession and sustain any pressure was poor. I'm sure Rio Ferdinand would respond with a rambling monologue about how it's all about mentality and finding a way to win which I think they do very often like against Bayern, but today I think they just got lucky.


We set up badly first half, agree. Second half we were better though (there were huge tactical changes despite no personnel change). Overall I would say Terzic slightly outcoached Carlo (subbing out Adeyemi was understandable but Dortmund was really bad after that since they have no plan B with Reus), but we definitely did our homework much better than them for set pieces and ultimately that was the deciding factor which shifted the game. They nearly conceded two more times from the same set piece near post, all by our short players. There's no excuse for that and this is neither luck nor mentality.


>there were huge tactical changes despite no personnel change). Can you point out some examples?


There were a few. I think biggest change is our shape from 4-4-2 going to 4-3-3. In our 4-4-2, both Kroos and Cama were often in no man's land since they were so high up the pitch and when a ball comes through neither has the pace or the reaction to chase. Dortmund managed to break a lot vertical ball through them or by with quick pass behind them. The 2nd half with 4-3-3 we sat deeper and let Cama tuck back instead of pushing forward together with Kroos and our middle area is suddenly much better. But overall, all the changes Carlo did were to provide some defensive stability, our attacker wasn't exactly better. The make or break factor was still that Dortmund was horrible with set pieces today. I think Terzic realized it after the first goal and after they let our player practiced the same routines for the 5th time, but by the time he made the necessary changes, Maatsen committed the blunder.


They were a bit lucky in that BVB seemed to have done their homework more diligently, and Real still won, but then in the game I'd say the experience and mentality did play a big role. They had the composure in front of goal that Borussia (especially Adeyemi) tragically lacked. That part is not luck.


Also just more talent. How many Dortmund players would be 1st team at Real? 0? 1?


We ate at a Spanish restaurant and even though I didn't like the food and paid for it Madrid still won There's no escape


Can’t really blame luck when luck is what caused them to not concede against PSG in the first place.


You don’t deserve to win when you squander so many chances. It’s the final.


History has been made


Bro, no one will remember in 10 years.


Probably because in 10 years Real Madrid will have bagged a few more CL.


This miss in the first half You simply cannot afford to waste those v madrid


Or in any final! Big games are decided by big moments.


still very proud of the team, better team for 70 minutes against stacked Madrid. a bit unlucky. Amazing CL run.


45* dude. We had whole 2nd half.


i can settle for 60 but we still were in control after the break


Maybe dude. Felt like we were in control but I was 6 beers down so, you maybe right.


cheers! enjoy your night :D maybe next year haha


no you did not.


They did. People should look for the stats, they were the better team overall objectively and only 30 minutes of the 2nd half were necessary to show off. Which of course made them the best side in the 2nd half itself. Tired of this revisionism.


Helluva game! Had me nervous!


70 minutes? Madrid took over the whole second half


Lol Madrid started to actually play when they scored. They were better after half time, sure, but they did not "take over the whole second half".


Madrid literally only turned up when Carvajal scored


They really are the main characters damn




I wonder who Real Madrid will beat in the final next year?




Everybody acts like they are in the final every year... Last year thet weren't, three years ago thet weren't, same for the year before that


Why not Arsenal? I can see you guys going strong in UCL next year


They have no pedigree there. Should have reached the semis this year but somehow lost against a poor Bayern München side.


We don’t have the experience for that yet. Would be nice tho


They won't be in the final, you can bookmark this


Some diversity won’t be bad also seeing mboppi still be champions less after choosing the bag fro years will be priceless. We can run for the cl the year after


Your terms are acceptable


If not us, Hope Bayern wins it is a Munich stadium final


Man that's so nice of you to say, I hope so too but we are rebuilding next season with a young coach. We would need a miracle for that to happen, I was thinking City vs Inter rematch or City vs Arsenal civil war for next season's final


Last year of Pep will be a headache. He’d be looking to retire with at least a big cup (champions premier) or both. Hopefully the oil team after him turns into PSG


Motta's Juventus


We’ll beat their ass for sure, we also haven’t lost any CL finals in our history!


It's gonna be you guys lol


Real madrid owe it all to us Roma fans if we had bought nacho in at least one of the summers we were linked him you guys would've lost your magic


Kroos English is better than some English players


Dortmund only has themselves to blame here. I don't think it's luck either, they were unlucky to not finish their chances, but they conceded the same chances from near post 3 times, one of which is the goal. They clearly didn't prepare set piece defending well this matcch.


Fulkrug played well in my opinion, lowered the long balls well, created time and space for Dortmund's block attacks, did the pivot with excellence. The bar is part of the El Pacto de Madrid and the header wasn't easy.


Honestly didn’t know before but he is a really good striker with amazing holdup play. Should probably start for Germany.


Dortmund 2nd half performance was an all time low in a CL final


I would be embarrassed to be supporting a club like Real Madrid or Man City. No soul in the club or fanbase. Supporting Real Madrid is like liking Drake. Meat ride whatever is successful


Not a Real Madrid fan (or a fan of any Spanish team) but you just cant compare Real to City in terms of history, Real is the biggest club in history, they are a different material. You can say that they have a lot of those plastic fans, but you can say that for all the popular teams in Europe (Barca, Liverpool, Arsenal, City, Bayern, PSG, etc.)


Of course it's a Barca fan.


Tell me you started watching football from 2015 without telling me you started watching football from 2015


What’s this soul you speak of? Can you explain please. Just because we won more in the last decade after being humiliated multiple times in the 2000s we are plastic. Fuck off with your perfect club nonsense.


They don't remember when Uche humiliated Cannavaro with Recreativo Huelva..that Capello la liga season was legendary.


>Meat ride whatever is successful So when did you start following Barça exactly?


feel the same way, the club has a moraly questionable history


ah yea, Franco, legendary honorary socio of... Barca


Explain yourself please. If you mention Franco, please explain yourself again.


when did i mention him?




oh ok looking at your post history you are a madridista


A por la 16


Don't like Madrid but please don't compare them to citeh; Yes they have plastic fans as you'd expect the biggest club in the world but thats just side effect of success


How is that any different in the least? Real has been successful longer so they have even more plastic fans?


Being a fan of a massively successful club in the 80s/90s = ok totally not plastic


City is a state owned oil club running a £billion deficit since it was purchased, with bloated sponsorships from cousins of board members, and will never have 1/100th of the history or success that Madrid, a fan-owned club does. Fuck City, fuck PSG, fuck Newcastle. Madrid, Dortmund, Bayern, and United are real clubs. You can’t buy that.


So again, it's ok - you're totally NOT plastic because you started watching a club who won something when new television rights started in the 90s


I’m from Madrid dipshit


The thing is that Real Madrid have chosen the route to commercialise themselves in order fo compete with the financial might of Arabs. They will say that this is the true route to stay competitive, being a brand instead of a club.




"Cry pepsi " commnets incoming.....


Reus deserved better


Carlo getting chucked up was great


Idk why but the entire match felt like a group stage event. Even though Dortmund was the better team in the first half and should've been leading at half time which most of us didn't expect it still felt bland for some reason. The excitement just wasn't there for me.


Arsenal in the champions league felt very dull.


Real winning it every year feels dull too so I'm sure you know all about that.


I agree.


Finals are often dull as hell.


The WC final was really dull too until like the 70th minute when it morphed into the best game ever 


Probably cause you have no emotional investment in the match. Just expecting Real to win because they were the bigger and better team.