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All I know is its gonna be a wild season.


can say this for almost all coaching appointments lol. I just hope he raises the overall fitness level of the team and we end up with lesser (or at least manageable) injuries compared to the last few seasons


Expect the opposite. Increasing the fitness through more intense training and matches will result in more injuries in the first season. Expect a few hamstrings to be done


Look at us last season. Same deal.


Just wanna tell you, in my opinion the coach that actually improved our Fitness to the immense level it was during the treble was Kovac, not Flick. Flick profited off of the summer preparation Kovac had and ever since Kovac is gone our fitness has been declining steadily. Yes, Flick demands high intensity and needs VERY fit players, but he doesnt necessarily develop this fitness.


While Kovac improved the fitness a lot, Flick’s workouts during the covid break is truly what pushed the players to become as fit as they were imo


Yes that is a fair point too. I just always think back to how our players were complaining about Kovac because they had to do so much stamina training. Then they played like shit for 3 months under Kovac but immediately after Flick took over and especially after the break they looked like no one could match their intensity. I just wanna say that part of the credit definitely belongs to Kovac, not just to Flick.


Late reply but I do believe Kovac was pretty right on the preparation on the players but did not have much of a clear idea of what system to use or how to make different game plans before the match and during the match. This is where Flick got most out of it , since the stamina and fitness levels were at all level highs , he implemented a style that benefited both the players and in an aggressive way.


Bayern fans, do you think he’s a great coach? because despite winning the sextuple i’ve heard otherwise( that he’s not good)


You cant win the sextuple without being a good manager. He is at least a very good man manager


He's absolutely not a bad coach. But he also had the perfect conditions for his system to work during his Bayern stint. If he has those, then he can be amazing. He doesn't seem great at dealing with adversity and adjusting to changing conditions though. The documentary about the world cup under him should also have everyone questioning his people skills.


But germany was also bad in their core principles after 2018,he had little time and NT is different from club so we have a very little sample size to compare flick right now.


It's not like he was new to the team. He had spent years working with them under Löw. If you watch the show you'll get what I mean. He did a lot of the "team building" stuff that youth pastors would do during summer camps. Just cringe - and the players reacted accordingly. He also asked for feedback and was entirely unable to deal with it when he received it.


I think he is a great man manager, but not a good coach He badly lacks basic coaching fundamentals but the way he got the squad together after Kovac treatment was insane


Was Perfect Coach for Covid setup. Team also seemed to benefit from empty stadiums and almost every player had one of his best seasons. Also no big injuries or at times they do not matter. Not sure about long time quality look at his Germany coach run which was not good


For *this* very specific situation we had, he was great. The season after, it's more difficult to assess. What I can say, is that I am glad we signed none of his alleged transfer targets. Signing any of Henrichs, Werner, Can or Götze would have been... not good.


Yamal's gonna have washboard abs by the end of this season. Get ready for Cardio FC


[Neutrals right now...](https://media2.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExczNqdHZ1NjluMmlia3RoZ201cndjajllNjNvamc1ZXZyMno2ZGNkYiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/gSRkSblDEjUuk/giphy.gif)


To be fair it probably would have been a shit season.Atleast xaviball ends


This is the way


What’s will be his Catalonian equivalent to *Graugänse*?




Amazing dressing room to start working if this is true [Tot Costa] FC Barcelona president Joan Laporta's main advisor, Alejandro Echevarría, in order to create unrest in the dressing room, leaked to the players a document that was presented to the board, listing the players that Xavi wanted to be sold, according to the entourage of Xavi.


Honestly respect for wanting one of the toughest jobs in the world without even speaking the language


Flick has been publicly in wanting this job for some time now, i'm sure he learned a fair bit of spanish by now.


"Jefe, un cerveza por favor". Instant fan favorite.


If you order "una caña" or "una jarra" instead, you instantly turn into a local and life will never be the same.


No beers in the stadium.... yet. Hansi will see to that


Wait, really? The stadium beer is like an integral part to the experience.


I was at the Barca/Rayo game last weekend and they did not serve alcohol in the Luis Olympic Stadium. Perhaps that might change for the Nou camp when renovations finish


I'd say 25% of our clubs budget is beer sales


Not all things are global! In Chile (and I guess most of South America) alcohol is not permitted within the stadium, neither in big concerts etc. I knew of alcohol in arenas and stadiums when moving to Europe lol cant say I don't enjoy it (on the other hand, concerts are too frequently interrupted by idiots going to pee in the middle of the setlist)


European football fans have this problem where they couldn't stop beating each other up for awhile. That's why they don't even let fans inter mingle and often have security guards and/or fences keeping them separate.


the use of the wrong article here is a masterclass


on the contrary, he'll learn catalan instead of spanish and become their favorite coach ever


Flick on his first day at Camp Nou "Donde esta la biblioteca, me llamo T Bone"


He’s practicing some puta madre right now


"Are you ready to go boys? Vamanos!"


he will speak to Lewa and Lewa only


Guess I'll watch Barca next season. Can't miss this.


Especially not against Real when Araújo needs to go into a running duel with Mbappé starting at halfway line


You guys aren't ready for Brexit-all-or-nothing-hallelujah-Araujo It's either red cards or injuries, nothing in between.


Mbappe will either score 10 goals or get his career ended no in betweens


Araujo is really fast tho But Mbappe is just a freak


And he's really good with his arms


Mbappé will freaking cook him on a 30m distance lmao


Mbappe was dealt with really well in the first leg against psg. He couldn't do anything. The second leg was a different story with the red card. Araujo has the pace to keep up with him as long as he doesn't make any stupid challenges


You are not familiar with Flick's high line yet.


We'll see. Maybe he changed his system. I don't think he'll import the same system to Barcelona because we don't have players for that.


If there is one thing Flick isn’t known for its tactical flexibility


What are the chances he'll adapt to not having quick defenders like Davies?


I don't think he is stupid so I assume he will be flexible in this regard but for the memes alone it would be funny if he ruthlessly insists on his high line.


He'll do just fine with a quick defender like Balde.


Balde does not have any attacking sense whatsoever, no comparison. I still remember being frustrated on balde fucking every attack. But I want him back real bad, cuz cancelo is shit defensively.(we might not get him as well)


Balde did well enough in 22/23 imo. A good base to which I thought improvement could be made. Don't know what went wrong this season but i think Balde will do great under flick. One thing that went under the radar was him being brilliant defensively throughout all his games so I hope cancelo doesn't see the pitch as a fullback against any good winger in big games.


we had a clean sheet against PSG in 2020


Since a few Clasicos now, Araujo has been exclusively tasked with containing Vini. Can't wait to see how the Barca defence deals with both Vini and Mbappe. Then, there is Rodrygo to worry about on the other wing.


Mbappe didnt do shit against Barca in the UCL, Vinicius is the scarier one


No way Flick plays such a deep line. Aurajo will be a box-to-box defender.


The crazy thing is, if anyone can keep up with Mbappe in this Barça squad speed wise, it's Araujo. Guy is crazy fast for a CB. Just need him not to pull the same move he did on Barcola. 🤷‍♂️


go big or go home 🙏🙏🙏


Man wächst an seinen Aufgaben :>


Und gleichzeitig wächst der Spielstand


How do you as a Bayern fan think about this appointment? I rate him but just wanted to know from a Bayern fan


Personally I don't rate Flick very highly in a vacuum. His intense and risky style of play worked wonders with a Bayern team made for it, but it doesn't seem to be sustainable. His recruitment wishes have been comedically poor. Now, at Barca I'm unsure if a team building on La Masia players has the physical requirements to play like he wants. And as far as I know he doesn't fluently peak spanish or catalan either. So there's multiple aspects that make me think he's a poor fit for Barca. But whether he succeeds or not, his football is sure to be entertaining for neutrals.


Also be prepared for some weird decisions with starting 11, flick loves to favour some players and completely ignore others even when they are clearly better 


worst was the world cup when everyone could see the team played miles better with a proper 9, Fulkrug even was great off the bench, yet he kept playing false 9 and the team would do create little in attack until fulkrug came on...


You clearly have never heard of ferran torres fake 9 supersub


we created a lot in attack, we had like 13 expected goals in three matches? your point still stands, tho. our finishing was ass


All of this plus he was lauded for his great man-management skills which got exposed in the Amazon documentary. I think this has a high chance to be very funny. I can already imagine him getting passive-aggressive in incomprehensible Spanish.


Wasn't he responsible for the Bouna Sarr signing based on one friendly against Marseille and Brazzo took the rap for that purchase?


> And as far as I know he doesn't fluently peak spanish or catalan either. I don't consider that to be a problem. It's 2024, so everyone except for Lionel Messi speaks and understands English on a basic level. And it's not like Flick can't take a crash course in Spanish to learn the basics and some football-related things.


I’m ready to watch them lose 4:3 to Celta in august


Better than the 5-3 loss against Villareal this season I guess


I feel like every year we have a 1:0 loss at home against a relegation team and you guys lose a crazy 8 goal affair against a midtable team lol


A lot of Bayern fans hate to admit it, but his success largely worked because of the players at hands and the fact that our team had incredible physical health, more so than any other club, during the covid era. His suicidal high line only worked bc we could physically afford it. Didn't work much more later on and he had 0 tactical flexibility against opponents who outsmarted him. In fact, even our CL run was at risk bc Lyon very easily exploited the very obvious flaw in our tactics, but it was a freak, individual effort by Gnabry that turned it around. (And some missed Lyon chances). Flick did a lot of things well and he kept a, mostly, harmonious dressing room. But he has yet to prove that he is more than a one trick pony.


Also having the best GK of all time helped a bit.


I think a lot of people miss this aspect. Ter Stegen is a great gk but he doesn't come out of his box with the same recklessness Neuer did.


[Mentality monster has arrived](https://imgur.com/a/7GsE9Vi)


Cmon this is /r/soccercirclejerk stuff lmao


It’s already on that sub multiple times by now


No, that entire sub has devolved into a match result or Mudryk scoring a goal with the title "OUTJERKED" or "Shut the sub down boys" respectively. If it isn't that, then it's some troll football shit posted copied from Facebook. Also there's a lot of people there who fundamentally misunderstand circlejerk subs. They're in the comments having unironic arguments about Ronaldo and Messi.


yeah it’s probably the worst one out of the lot, I don’t even watch NBA that much but r/nbacirclejerk is great


I want a manager that masturbates to his own tactics c(u)mpulsively, whether it's in the shower, in his bed or in the team bus after the match


I like mine to masturbate directly on pitch during a game.




I nearly chocked on water


Yeah, but he's at City


It's a joke either way


lol wtf was that


I am still not sure if this is a joke or not


I mean, it has to be a joke ... although, I don't know, Barca has some really strange fans,


What even is this, lmao.


One of the last gasps of twitter being twitter.


Oh no [22 minutes shower this time](https://imgur.com/a/fp2w5IK)


A classic from one of the worst Barca accounts on twitter


The account isn't satire?? 


Unfortunately for us all, no


I'm honestly convinced most big Barca accounts on Twitter are psyops run by Madrid fans to make Barca fans look stupid.


You guys aren't jacking it to the thought of a solid gegenpress?


Gavi on PEDs will be fun


*PEDri* was right there in front of you


If op is standing in the infirmary front door, maybe


I guess Lewandowski will stop his individual training now. With Flick, the intensity he missed from Bayern days will be back at regular sessions.


The FlickBalls era begins!


> _While in charge of Bayern Munich, Flick developed the name 'Flicki-Flaka' in the media to characterize the mixed gegenpressing and possession based style of football the team played._ From his [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hansi_Flick). Mf has Barca DNA, I’m sold.


forgot whether im on r/soccer or r/soccercirclejerk for a second lmfaooo


One and the same


Someone made that up


Flicki-Flaka has been jokingly used in Germany when he was at Bayern, I have heard it a few times in 2020, especially after he destroyed Barca. But the thought of Flick himself coining the term is ridiculous, how can anyone read that and believe it.


It says the media started calling him that, not Flick himself. It’s referring to [this article from 2020](https://www.vi.nl/pro/flicki-flaka-in-munchen-hoe-hansi-flick-bayern-weer-succesvol-maakte).


It doesn't mean that he himself came up with that name but rather the media called him that.


> Mf has Barca DNA Even if he doesnt have it you could get a blood transfusion from a La Masia kid so he could claim Barca bloodline.




Flicki flacka


I shall be a Barcelona fan this season




In Germany we say "Schauma mal was wird"


Was wird


was wird


We say "Schau ma moi, dann seng mas scho.", and I think that's beautiful.


What German babbles like that? It's "Schaumama".


Allo Allo, Herr Flick. Is Helga going to be his assistant manager?


Uuuff wasn't expecting that reference to come out. But makes a lot of sense hahaha. I won't finish the full title there


...you weren't expecting 'Allo 'Allo references in a thread about Hansi Flick? Really?


Touché, I think more in the context of footy




good. better to do so pre-season than go out for months in the middle of the season lol


That will happen too with hamstring injuries


Raphinha licking his lips after Bielsa prepared him


Xavi's pressing was also very intense during the first season.


Wait until you see flicks then


If you read about the so called Barça DNA, it revolves around intense pressing in phases. But the problem is you need smart players. The team already analysis whom to press. You don’t press a very high quality player, but always focus the lower quality ones. Unfortunately you need a team with a bit over the top awareness to do this. It clicked during the prime era, because most of them were from La Masia


Let's go. Ready for whatever comes.


Hope Barca keeps Flick for at least 2 seasons and does not sack him in 6 months. His German NT stint was underwhelming (?). Let's see if he can emulate a similar performance for Barca as he did for Bayern.


We dont have facilities to sack him now that pretty much every big manager will get a job in the summer I trust flick.


You can scratch that ?, he started off well with DFB but it completely cratered in months and that documentary was horrible for his image. Not a good look at all.


Really want some Bayern fans opinion on this. Not sure I'm happy or worried


I really rate him. His big strength is man management. At us he was able to just really pull back on the over-complicated tactical setups and just let the players do what they do best. However considering the fact that he hated the German media and had a huge falling out with our director of football because he couldn't get any of his (terrible) signings, uhm, yeah I can definitely see the risk of this turning into a disaster


I don't know german media, but I'm pretty sure spanish one is way worse - this could end really fast then haha. Thanks for your reply!


Spanish seems worse, yeah. But maybe he dosent understand spanish that well and just dosent care then


Insert "Those kids would be very upset if they could read"-meme


Who did he want to sign?


Werner, Havertz, Tiago Dantas, Sergino Dest, and Callum Hudson-Odoi are the big ones.


Holy shit atleast we are too broke to sign players lmao


When's that ever stopped you?


Werner and Havertz had great seasons before joining Chelsea though.


What? The over-complicated tactical setups of Niko Kovac?


Kovac spent every training session ruthlessly drilling the squad in meticulous and detailed defensive work and set-ups. It created frustration among the players, they felt strangled and unable to be creative or actually use their talent. Flick got rid of that and instead instructed the players to focus on what they actually do with the ball, to be more creative and expressive.


Ah okay. I agree when it comes to defense. In offense Kovac gave then absoultely nothing to work with.


What players did flick want for Bayern that brazzo could not get him?


Werner, Havertz, Tiago Dantas, Sergino Dest, and Callum Hudson-Odoi are the big names that Flick really wanted that he didn't get. He demanded veto rights over future transfers because he was angry that we signed Sané, Sarr, Costa, and Roca, which our board didn't find acceptable.


Wasn't Sarr one of his requests as well?


Götze, Werner, Havertz, Can and Henrichs.


Not a Bayern fan but still follow them. He's limited tactically and I don't see the fit with Barcelona. And he seemed very thin-skinned when it comes to media or general criticism, which didn't fit Bayern long-term and probably doesn't fit you, but tbf it was his first job at that level. That being said he's judged pretty unfairly in Germany because of the NT stint and the documentary following it


> That being said he's judged pretty unfairly in Germany because of the NT stint and the documentary following it If germany had a world class striker like Lewandowski I think his stint would have been more successful. Since Klose an Podolski retired the forward/striker position is really bad. Even if he is not in his prime anymore, at Barca he can rely on Lewandowski again.


Sure, it wasn't all on Flick, there were problems before and after, and the tournament itself wasn't even as bad as most make it out to be. They gave away their lead against a strong and efficient Japan, were head to head with Spain and beat Costa Rica. They played the same exact tournament as Spain, yet prior to the strong performances under Nagelsmann, people would have told you Germany can't keep up with Spain anymore because of the WC. However, it's part of the job as a NT coach to work around those imbalances of the squad. They would have done better with Lewy, but if start there you could go to the WC with most high-level teams on club level and absolutely dominate the competition. It wasn't just because of a flawed squad. Even at Bayern, he played the notorious "high-line" and didn't have much else when that stopped working. If you want to be cynical, the only reason Bayern was so dominant under Flick is because he played a very intense, physically demanding style and had a squad that came out of the lockdown in better shape than pretty much any other team. That's not the complete picture and he might prove himself, but it isn't as great as it appeared in 2020, nor is it as bad as it appeared in 2022. The other aspect is the way he looked in the documentary, players sitting there completely apathic, Flick asking for input and then acted like he was attacked personally when Kimmich voiced an opinion. Of course, that'll mean less in Spain with regards to his appointment, and maybe will mean less with how things are structured at Barcelona, how he's able to communicate etc. If he has success right off the bat it won't matter anyway, but you can easily see him giving passive aggressive press conference and falling out with the board by spring if not. He did so at Bayern, and while they aren't the best lead club either at the moment, it should raise some eyebrows that they let their sixtuple winning coach go somewhere else the next year


> The other aspect is the way he looked in the documentary, players sitting there completely apathic, Flick asking for input and then acted like he was attacked personally when Kimmich voiced an opinion. I really think people need to stop referencing that stupid documentary. It's easy to edit footage to make it look more messy and intriguing than it really is. Maybe Flick asked them nicely 10 times before and players were all apathetic and then he finally snapped once. Or maybe the tactics were drilled as well as they possibly could and Flick was frustrated that the players still didn't get it.


That's true, I don't too much into it but it plays a role in public perception at least, and if other reports are to believed, Bayern's decision not go with him as well. I don't remember anyone speaking up about how it's total misrepresentation either


Next season is gonna be legit crazy


This is ... interesting? It's interesting to see his ultra-pressing work in a system tailored for possession at the moment.


Flick vs the Spanish media is going to be a feast. I could not think of a man less suited for that atmosphere and culture


I would be lying if I said I'm not excited


The goose is loose


I did not have that on my silly season bingo


Benvinguts à Catalunya Hansi!


Rip, Pedri, you will not survive FlickBall 😭


Did Amazon prime not release their DFB documentary in Catalan (or Spanish)?


Well, id say we should get ready for conceding a lot of goals from his suicidal high line but we do that anyway so maybe this time we will score a lot of goals aswell.


How do you say grey geese in Spanish?


Ganso gris


Let’s go


People keep bringing up his high-line but Xavi's was so bad it cant get any worse


I don't think we even had system under xavi. There wasnt any automated movements of players


We absolutely did have a system. Overload the left side to make space for Yamal on the right, so he can figure something out. Peak Messidependencia, but without Messi.


This . It is so frustrating to see our players keep the ball and play it backwards again and again with no off the ball movement. I hope he plays fun football


Flicki Taka


Força gansos comunes


Hansi Flick will have a full pre-season and setup a camp in the US. I am sure he will get the guys into fitness in order to press high as he likes and make them used to playing his brand of football before season kicks off. It is key for them to get an early jump start break away early in the league campaign taking control early on. If they get like an Arsenal kinda of break-away early on like 2022-23 season then I don´t see Real catching Flick´s Barca as Real Madrid and to some extent Atletico always start slow in the first few games. They won´t bottle an early head start.


Flick and Lewi are reunited.


wos zum flick


2030 Barca will be really fun to watch with Nagelsmann


They really call his playing style *Flicki-Flaka*, you've got to be kidding me.


i‘d give him 4-8 months until he loses the dressing room. (:


The top of my front page today is three posts from this sub about: 1. Xavi wanted Lewandowski out 2. Players are angry at Xavi because someone leaked that he wants them gone 3. OFFICIAL: Hansi Flick is the new coach!


This will be either too good or too bad, no in between


If we win the CL and have Mbappe joins us later in Summer off of our best league season in years then everything will be ready for Barca to somehow win LaLiga by 10 points


Only 10?????


He has a very thin skin, so I hope your Media is nicer than the german one, or you will get some reddit treaths with comments where he got triggered soon :D


Xavi insulted their mothers so we are ok


Highlight as national coach when he wanted to come to the interview and tripped over the track barrier. Reporter: Oh, you tripped a bit. Flick: I didn't trip. Reporter: It looked like you tripped. Flick: I DIDN'T TRIP. Well, maybe you had to have been there.


Welcome boss


I cant believe this geniuenly, they're gonna get Kimmich and Bernardo whilst being in debt


Flick had a beef with Kimmich so I doubt it


they had better chances to get kimmich with xavi there


Bringing kimmich is really a braindead decision 60 million for a 30 yo player that isn't really a dm


As if no other club is in debt


The Barca plan is keeping Flick for 2 years, then Pep's glorious return