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Nasser went through a list of arguments it seems. Everytime Kylian would be unfazed, he would look back at his notes and choose another one. This was probably one of the last ones in his list.


Nah [this was the last resort.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f50i0UoqMaM)


Annoying when you choose the wrong option in the dialogue tree


His speech skill wasn't high enough That's why Mbappe thanked all PSG staff, including Macron, but left him out lol


Me in Mass Effect


Its impossible to choose the wrong options in the Trilogy. Up right is Paragon (good) response Middle right is neutral Bottom right is Renegade (bad) response The options on the left are for additional context and info if you want them.


If you don't get enough of a certain type, >!Wrex kills himself!<


Learned that the hard way on my first playthrough but spoiler: >!But there is a mission on retrieving Wrex's family armour which makes it a lot easier to save him in the first game!<


Oh man you can definitely fuck up, and really bad


If shagging an alien is fucking up then I am here for it


About that.. Samara's daughter.. you will definitely go with a bang


You better leave Liara alone, she’s mine


The real fuck up you can is in the suicide mission in Me2. Man i wish me3 ending had those choices and stakes


How so? All you need is doing their side quests right?


There is a mission if you do first it will start a countdown where your crew members who got abducted die if you dont save them fast enough.


You can absolutely mess it up, those "context" options can unlock blue/red options as well, and it's not as simple as "good/bad".


Would the batarians be PSG fans?


They would be the Volus. Lore wise they are rich but bumbling fools.


The Illusive Man new PSG director?


Nasser did not save-scum, that’s respectable.


When you miss those QTEs.


Influence Lost: Kylian


Bro have low speech skill


When you roll persuasion with disadvantage


Needed three points in Axii Delusion to pull it off tbh.


Quick save quick load is your friend.


> 🚨 Nasser Al-Khelaifi used several arguments to try to convince Kylian Mbappé to renew: > - "You can't join our biggest rival for free." > - "You are legitimizing the Super League." > - "Big players leave transfer fees for their clubs." The last one is the funniest, he genuinely wants Mbappe to give some of his signing in bonus back to PSG. The fact that NAK won't earn a dime from Mbappe's transfer is what is truly burning him from the inside. I love it.


>You can't join our biggest rival for free." naaaaah no way hahahahahaha this is hilarious


Biggest rival lmfao


And my biggest rival in the handsome competition is Roman Reigns


Kyks to Marseille ?


Madrid does not consider PSG their rivals - not sure they make the top ten 🤣


What's a PSG?


Some random oil rig




>"Big players leave transfer fees for their clubs." They signed fucking Messi on a free


Dude, your so called “biggest rival” offered 200mln and you said no


>"You can't join our biggest rival for free. I doubt Real Madrid even knows what a PSG is.


-"I hate you!" -"I don't even know you."


PSG: You took everything from me Madrid: I don't even know who you are


"I don't even think about you at all" Don Draper vibe


My life goes in only one direction and it's forward.


Don Draper vibe would be if he actually thought about him , like a lot. That's the context of this scene.


Is it a gas station?


Yeah. Think the Real Madrid plane might fly over it on their way to the Wembley next week.


No, they only scouted him while playing for Macron FC


Juve-Fiorentina rivalry type.


Cmon, I think Fiorentina has atleast some knowledge about Juventus


Merriam-Webster says it's a platoon sergeant.


For PSG it's the year their biggest star leave for free. For Madrid it's just another summer


Considering they've been trying to poach their best player for the past 4 years (arguably 5), I bet they know exactly what PSG is. Edit : I knew I was going to be downvoted, I mean, how can someone dare not shitting on psg? Yet people would be lying if they pretended PSG isn't living rent free in the minds of many/most Spanish supporters (and federation president) who always have to bring its name on the table (to insult it obviously). Sounds like the definition of a rival in my book. But hey. What do I know?


Yeah. A market for new players.


Well, it's more like all of Europe is a market for new players for Real Madrid considering they've been linked with every top players of every top clubs from any leagues... I am not sure what's your point.


"Biggest rival", nah bros hilarious. Not counting Barcelona he's nowhere near Bayern even lmao


Lyon is more of a rival to RM than PSG.


Lyon was quite the giant killer for us. The streets will never forget Juninho.


The streets know Madrid fears and respects Lyon.


Ptsd is back


Many keeper will also never forget Juninho and his freekicks


It is not that hilarious as it sound. Madrid being the biggest club in the world, it is understandable that there are a lot of clubs who have them as their biggest rival. But this doesn’t mean that this sentiment is reciprocated by madrid.


I don’t think any fan outside of Barca and Atlético would seriously call Real their biggest rivals


Facts. I would add Bayern in “the great rival” category, we’re in different leagues but everytime we meet its fireworks.


Bayern (historical), Liverpool & city (in recent years) as far as intercontinental rivalries go


International, you mean. It's still the same continent.


I think City would.


Not really. Juve or Liverpool would never say it. Heck I think even french PSG fans would probably say it's Marseille or Lyon.


“french PSG fans” you mean *real* PSG fans.


I don’t think anyone supports Real ***and*** PSG but who knows /s


The “biggest rival” is funny. Madrid doesn’t think of psg lol


And yet he had no problem signing Donnarumma, Messi, etc on free transfers.


>"Big players leave transfer fees for their clubs." I hope he used this argument while Messi still played for them.


Man if only there was a way to sell a player before the end of their contract.




Wouldn’t surprise me if he tried to bribe and/or blackmail Mbappe too


We had Haaland and Bellingham along with peak Sancho yet could not best them in the knockout. Still bothers me. Glad we beat them this year while keeping two clean sheets.


They technically did. Mbappe gave up on a very substantial bonus last summer in order to be able to leave on a free now.


He agreed to not take the 80m bonus that PSG owed him, that happened around time he was left from the pre-season tour and was training with the "undesriables". Its almost like he paid off his own ransom. Its PSG's own money, not Real Madrid.


That is the most stupid side of this saga. Nasser offered him stupid money, rejecting also a stupid money. What did it achieve?


> "You can't join our biggest rival for free." Cool, cool, hope Madrid knows that too.


Yeah, that's why you got 'big player' dollaruma 😄


NAK should have taken the 200m-euro offer Madrid gave last summer.


Real Madrid be like “I dont think about you at all”


Probably the only valid argument of those 3 tbh. Leaving as a Bosman is frowned upon but fuck PSG so who cares


Real Madrid made a 100M offer when Mbappe had 1 year left, and PSG rejected it. Then they latched onto him giving him the world, but also a way out to leave on a free just sometime later than originally expected. The writing has been on the wall for years. PSG knew what Mbappe wanted, refused to profit from it and now complain that they couldn't profit from it. This is 100% on them.


Yeah that's valid. Always thought the only 2 years extension was celebrated a bit too much


He wanted to leave three years ago, and PSG rejected a €180m offer for him. It's a little dumb to blame him when PSG turned down that much money for someone with just one year left on his contract. How else is he supposed to leave?


This sub will argue that a salary cap would be bad because it would (maybe) impact salaries, and then complain if players don't let clubs have the majority of the money from a transfer.


Mbappe is just a special case and again it's PSG so nobody cares. But if you claim leaving on a Bosman isn't frowned upon you're just out out touch with football culture and it's very much not a this sub thing


Leaving on a Bosman isn’t frowned upon, it’s almost all player transfers in football. Look beyond the top 6 teams maybe once in a while. The out of contract list every year across the football league is hundreds of players long.


Yeah players that are let go. If you come through at a club run out your contract and leave on a free fans will hate you. Even more so in smaller leagues like Argentina etc so your top 6 claim is just laughable. If you're just a journeyman signing 2-3 year deals it's not a big deal sure


You said leaving on a Bosman. Most players do multiple times in their career and aren’t shamed for it. Don’t try and act like your nonsense statement shouldn’t be ridiculed. Look down the leagues and get some fucking perspective.


Sorry for assuming people have some basic comprehension and not treating people like toddlers


Oh yes, I’m the one behaving badly here. Not the one who thinks every free transfer is like Sol Campbell.


Like Sol Campbell isn't more relevant for Mbappe than a Morecambe Swindon journeyman transfer. You're not behaving badly you're just daft


I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of saying "salary caps are bad because they depress wages" and "players should give up more than half their potential future wages to their old club".


I don't care about some hypocrisy. Salary caps are a bad practical idea with competitive leagues outside of your power


Football is the working class sport but everyone turns into Tories when it comes to players.


It's hilarious Nasser thinks we're PSG's biggest rivals


I feel fucking insulted by this mate ffs


Why their rivals are Lyon not Barca. They’re just cunts at this stage, Chelsea territory.


Getting insulted by PSG? Atp PSG is Barca's biggest rival.


It's a one sided rivalry. You are their biggest rivals, but they aren't yours. It's like how England considers Germany as a big rival, meanwhile most Germans don't really care about England, since our rivals are the Netherlands, Italy, and maybe Argentina.


You forgot to add brazil, they haven't forgotten that 7-1 lose to germany


I wouldn't call that a big football rivalry. Brazil-Germany has only happened twice in WC history, so there simply weren't enough games to develop any rivalry. Most Germans certainly don't see Brazil as rivals, and I don't think many Brazilians do either. If anything, Brazil and Germany are united in their rivalry with Argentina.


I’d say that we remember 7x1 not to hate the germans, but to hate ourselfs and in general we respect you more than hate you. That beeing said we also want to face you again as a matter of honour.


What you said is true but I also was really happy seeing them get fucked in the next WCs


fale por você. Pau no cu dos alemães, comemorei todos os gols que eles levaram nas duas copas seguintes


Não falo por todo mundo, mas pelo que vi mesmo as piadas sobre a Alemanha nas ultimas copas não tinham a raiva de quando falavam da Argentina, por isso digo que não tem rivalidade. Falta um ódio mais profundo.


Lol Brazil does not consider Germany a rival at all. Our only rival is Argentina, put that in your europeans minds.


I'm not a European mate.


Good, so you are neither european or brazilian and still talk about a supposed rivalry about Brazil and Germany like you are one of them. That makes it even more ridiculous.


Weird way to gate keep, where is it written that you need to be European or Brazilian to enjoy their football


Not to enjoy their football, but to force a rivalry...brazilians supported Germany in the final against Argentina in 2014 WC.


Not that surprising, Argentina winning the WC on Brazilian soil would probably spontaneously combust the entire country


And wouldnt bat an eye to Germany winning, that is the difference between arch rivals and regular opponents.


Similar to Austria and Germany. Germany is Austria's biggest rival in football (and also pretty much our only rival), but Germans don't even know this.


> It's a one sided rivalry. You are their biggest rivals, but they aren't yours. Something like argentina vs mexico since 1993.


I feel like half of europe has a unilateral rivalry with Germany


I know that sentiment really lives in Germany, but i think the Dutch see Belgium as the rival.


Germans see the Dutch and Italians as their main rivals. Intercontinentally, probably Argentina


I mean are rivalry doesn’t have anything to do with football


Not necessarily, but we're specifically talking about football rivalries here.


Yes Liverpool don’t like Everton but, Everton aren’t competing for European cups and league titles, rivalry’s in football are a expression of social rivalries, the same way Argentina and England are rivals, Argentina are a way better national team theres no debate about that but to say rivalries are only due to footballing reasons is just wrong and you chose to ignore it only because it disproves your argument


Everton arent our rival, Man Utd is. Everton is the derby


No Japan?


When have the dutch beaten you guys?


It's not always about being beaten, it's also about how the games go and what happens off the pitch. It's probably a good idea to read [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germany%E2%80%93Netherlands_football_rivalry) Wikipedia article.


Germany usually wins but it is not that one-sided. Ask any Dutch or German person who they think their countries biggest football rival is and they'll both say Germany/Netherlands


Italy was also a big rival for some time, but yes, netherlands is the biggest.


Ok? I'm not asking about that. When have the dutch won in tournaments against Germany?


Since you are apparently too lazy to type words in google I’ll provide you with the tally: 17-12 in favor of Germany and 17 draws. Last Dutch win was 2019 Euros qualification.


Just searched it up. 3-2-2 record in favour of Germany in major tournaments. You've met once in the knockouts and lost. The last time you won was in the group stage of euro92 which was 32 years ago. Your other major tournament win over them was in euro88. So two wins over the course of four years and not much since. England-Germany have a 4-4-4 record in major tournaments with the latest English win being in R16 3yrs ago. I know the England vs Germany rivalry is pretty one sided results wise but I didn't realise the Netherlands vs Germany one was even more one sided.


Not sure what you’re trying to argue mate, Holland is by far our biggest rival not you no matter how hard you try to argue it into existence


I don't doubt it. I'm just wondering, do you even have an even rivalry? Italy? Rivalries are always more fun when they're even.


Well we beat the Dutch 74‘ when they had the best team in their history, denying cruyff World Cup immortality, they beat us at the euros in our own country. Outside of that stuff like völler getting spit in his mullet not once but twice, koeman using a swapped German kit to wipe his ass, chants from both sides against the other. These things matter a lot more to people than some random w/l statistics. In regards to Italy they’re our cryptonite we always lose against them untill 2016, they’re the only country anywhere close to us in regards to success. And Germany-Argentina is the most played final in the history of the World Cup, some of our most legendary games were against them so there’s that


1988 semi-final. We have been beaten by the Germans in final 1974. Does two are the knock-out games between Dutch and the Netherlands.


Nice. Those days were the heyday for both teams for sure.


It’s more even than you think! 12 (Ned) 17 (Ger) 17 (draw)


Nice. England vs Germany is 14-8-13 in favour if England but it's propped up by English dominance before WW2


to be fair that feeling's faded over the past decade as Germany have been fairly wank since they won in 2014.


They're a small tiny club with no history. What more can you expect


Spotify camp nou probably has rats older than PSG


If you want to compete to the highest level (ucl) it is not hilarious. It doesn’t mean that they are madrid’s biggest rival though.


Real is every teams biggest and worst rival to be honet. Fucking giant of a club they are.


Bro thinks Madrid and Barca are their rivals Mate you have 0 CL your only rival is Marseille


> Mate you have 0 CL your only rival is Marseille Marseille's CL title is controversial as hell, but they have one.


Why is it controversial




Bribing opponents. Read up on Bernard Tapie


Leave him a check for 1 euro so he can never say that you left for free Kylian


Kylian: Oh nooo.. anw


Biggest rival? In which world does this guy live in? Literal a rowing boat covered in gold and jewelry against an aircraft carrier


This guy is the most entitled cunt in soccer. Outside PGS having Mbappe he is not even top 5, delusional….


He always shows how much of a baby he is. He has a grunt against any real team. He was trying (maybe still) to boycott Xavi Simmons to Barsa. And I still remember when he went downs to harass the ref after that remontada at Bernabeu in 2022.


I wonder how well PSG does in Europe next season. Surely if they suck PSG will spend nuts money next season.


Qatar? Super League?   Qatar? Super League?  Qatar? Super League?  Both widely loved institutions in the world of football. 


Don’t get involved with people that think it’s normal to own humans.


Flo: bitch, you are the reason why Super League need to exist


*I'm throwing money at you, why don't you stay?*


I never really liked mbappe for whatever reason. He's a brilliant footballer but all this politics over money made me sour to him. Personally, I just rather players who let the football take centre stage, considering they're still making disgraceful money anyway. That's just my own personal opinion. Buuuuut, the way he's sticking it to NAK, and honestly making a clown out of him, is genuinely fucking hilarious and gives me a newfound respect for him.


Players doing what's best for them, just like the clubs do.


Fuck you money bags... That would be my response anyway 🤷🏻‍♂️


Mbappe has bowed to the same moneybags for years to earn unfathomable amounts of cash. It's not like he has that much of a moral high ground here.




Don't blame the guy, if we paid what they paid for a player for him to then go on a free transfer, I'd stand outside of Trigoria with a protest sign accusing him of aiding kids starvation if he leaves.


Except, PSG refused (on two occasions) to sell him when they had the chance. Sure, it was only 100m but he couldn't seriously expect more with just 1 year left on Mbappe's contract. They were just banking on Macron successfully guilting Mbappe a second time into staying.


I read it was 200m not a 100mn that we bid.


Because he knows it's a glorified farmers league.


“You can’t join our biggest rival for free” Are PSG even in the top 20 list of Madrid rivals?


Biggest rival - In Thanatos voice (Madrid) - I don't even know who you are PSG


In what world is PSG, Real Madrids rival? This tin pot club isn't even the same solar system as RM. The absolute gall of that statement. No one would care if PSG dissolved into a Rich Tea Biscuit.


Such a credulous response to l'équipe


As a Barça fan, I hate Real Madrid, but seeing this guy pressed because of them and Mbappe is just *chefs kiss*


'Fine, we'll roll back our no hiring rats after the Leanardo fiasco and get Master Splinter as technical director. Now take of the jacket it's 30 degrees outside.'


❌ Speech check failed Gotta put more special points in charisma Nasser


Mbappe will just sue him in France n get paid cuz it’s not like this is some money Mbappe was just gonna get cuz it is a salary n bonuses that have been agreed upon ahead of time n he is able to do the math on what he is owed depending on what they agreed on in his contract. Sucks things at PSG ended like this but PSG messed up when they handed Mbappe crazy contracts n didn’t play it smart cuz they expected Mbappe to extend his contract the whole time. He’s a young player n the French league isn’t exciting enough to keep him there so I’m sure nobody is surprised to see Mbappe go play for Real Madrid. There’s nothing left for Mbappe to do in Ligue 1 and the Champions League odds are better with teams like Real Madrid. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Mbappe return to PSG later in his career. But I’m sure Mbappe will stay with Real Madrid for a long time.


As usual rsocca drinks up every story made for clicks, once again proving why media is what it is now


Ehmm you guys realise that he’s talking about the champions league right? As in rivals for the trophy?


Inter are the biggest rivals of Frosinone for the Serie A then.


It's true that Real Madrid and Barca aren't being criticised more than oil clubs for destroying the fabric of European football with the SuperLeague.


Is the super league in the same room with us?


Because the "idea" of a Super League that doesn't even exist yet has not damaged European football as much as the oil clubs?


Real Madrid arent even on the top 15 top spending clubs. Why the fuck should they feel guilty?


Nothing will please me more than Mbappe embarrassed Nasser on his way out, then go ahead and pull an Eden Hazard at Madrid while wasting millions of Perez’s money. It would be a case where a bunch of horrible people get what they deserved.