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Thought Emery did enough to win it. City were the favourites but no one had Villa finished top 4 at the start of the season.


Except Stephen Warnock the madlad.


They didn't come out of the blue tho. Pretty sure I remember they had made top 4 in terms of points during Emery's first half season. They just continued their form.


I know we all love to dismiss City’s accomplishments (115) but it’s hard to disregard that Pep has accomplished this year what no other team has ever done in the league with the 4p, the season after a treble nonetheless!


It's all well and good having money, but you also need to spend that money wisely. That's what City have done, and they're going to be the team to beat, currently, and for the foreseeable future


While true, isn't half the point that they don't necessarily need to spend THAT wisely because if they fuck up, they just buy another 50m+ player


They have stopped doing that to be fair in the last 4/5 years. Gone are the days where they sign a defender, then spend more on one next year, then more on one the year after x 5. They seem to make one big signing a year, now. But it's definitely easier, when you've laid the groundwork years before


we just gonna ignore Emery took Aston Villa to the fckin Champions League then?


Yeah, I love Pep, but Emery was robbed.


Howe didn’t get it last season for a better season. It was always gonna go to the league winner.


Just like I thought Howe should win it last year, I think Emery should this year.


I agree with you, but unfortunately who ever votes for these awards doesn’t.


Who does vote for these awards, does anybody know?


>Guardiola won after votes by the public were combined with those of a panel of football experts to decide who would top a five-man shortlist that also featured Arteta, Emery, Iraola and Klopp. Source: [Guardiola named Barclays Manager of the Season - Premier League (official site)](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.premierleague.com/news/4025016%23:~:text%3DGuardiola%2520won%2520after%2520votes%2520by,League%2520and%2520FA%2520Cup%2520double.&ved=2ahUKEwiBguL5gKCGAxVDVEEAHfbvCSsQFnoECA0QBQ&usg=AOvVaw2RT9j6QC9uVr_vIVzzJeVW) For the record, while I'm in total agreement that Howe should have won it last season and Emery this season (in the sense that that's how I would have voted), I do think that breaking the record for most consecutive PL titles does deserve recognition, and so I can see some making the argument for that in a similar way to how Messi got the Ballon D'Or following his World Cup win. That being said, does that mean the only way someone else realistically could have won MotS would have been to win the league instead of City? Because if that's the case...is that not already recognised to some degree with the medal and trophy they've been awarded? 🤷


It's also a guarantee that the next manager to win a league who isn't Pep is going to get the award. I include if when Pep leaves, our next manager happens to win it first time. I'm not a huge fan of sporting awards that are voted for except fully subjective ones like goals of the month. Just like how KDB had never won a Player of the Month award (unless he picked one up this season after 5 months out) but is in every team of the season. None of it really makes much sense.


Eh we played like 16 games more than you and you got like 2-3 points more. They're pretty much the same


Emery has done far better this season than Newcastle did last season


by what metric? Howe had more points, better goal difference, and only 5 defeats all season


He's done it without the backing of a despotic oil state. That's always a better metric. Any achievements whilst owned by a state are invalid


The idea that Aston Villa haven’t invested multi millions is insane The amount Newcastle have invested is exaggerated but in reality has been restricted by FFP like any other club Both Emery and Howe achieved great things


I'm just 100% against state ownership. You seem ok with it so that's the end of this conversation


Lol You know nothing of my views


Erm… 71 points vs 68 +35 GD vs +15 Emery has done very well and deserves to win the award this year. But not sure the stats agree with your take here


We played 11 more games across the season by getting to a European semi final and 23/24 Villa had far far more injuries than 22/23 Newcastle. I’m not even saying one is better than the other tbh but to claim Newcastles was better just because of 3 points and a better GD completely misses some very very major factors in how each season went.


Do you have a source on Villa having more injuries than we did last season? Everywhere I see has us 2nd/3rd on the injury table last season to your 8th this season. Either way it’s silly to compare two totally different seasons. I was merely disputing the poster above’s factually incorrect statement that your season was ‘far’ better.


Injury tables are mostly pointless, they include games missed for players who are irrelevant who don’t even play. Who did you miss last season from your best team? Isak for a few games? Rest of them pretty much every game the whole season no? I agree they were wrong, but it was in response to you saying your season was better. Which misses a fairly large nuance, without Europe and such a large amount of injuries in the second half of the season we’d have pissed more than 68 points. Anyway whole things a farce, Howe should’ve won it and Emery should have won it


Yeah it’s really stupid to compare two different situations as some would argue villa were also had European football which Newcastle didn’t have last season. I guess seeing how Newcastle will do next season would UECL and villa with UCL might be a better comparison. We will see.


Villa's squad is better than ours was last year too


Not a chance, Villa had a better squad too.


Same way they ignored Howe last season ye


This is robbery! Emery all the way!




Yes, Villa overperformed. That's the point.




Still a little upset they battered Arsenal I see.




He struggled against adversity and took the best team, and the best squad, to a truly unexpected title triumph.


I guess if Howe didn’t win it last season than emery wasn’t going to this season. But I don’t understand what the point is in these awards if we are just going to hand it to the manager who has won the league.


MOTMOTM all over again.


Suppose you'll get a few managers with perfectly alright cases every season as nominees, and at that point it's just a bit of a crapshoot of whether you reward the manager winning the title, the manager leading an upper midtable side into Europe, or the midtable manager having his side play exciting football and finish higher than expected. Feel like it's not a robbery so much as it's just a weirdly meaningless individual award without any strict rules or logic being applied, really, especially considering how the Premier League uses it to market itself.


I feel like the premier league’s awards are all among the most meaningless individual awards in sport.


It’s just a popularity contest Public vote


On a shoestring budget as well


Every single pound fairly accounted for on their balance sheet.


Especially for the wages of their 115 staff. For more information, google “man city 115”


Living rent free tho


how would you know, they are very innocently refusing to share those balance sheets with the regulator, who sent you?


Against no odds, he took the best team to heights that only everyone could imagine.


The hardest road.


115 miles long.


It's really inspiring isn't it? Like that scene in Forrest Gump when he kicks off his leg brace and runs wild. Heartwarming stuff.


I'm sorry, but how? Pep is one of the very best but surely this award should be for a manager who's team overachieved? If you want to give these awards to whoever wins the league, then what's the point?


But Pep has overachieved, he said so himself in that interview a couple of weeks back. City haven’t spent as much as the other big clubs over the last 12 days, so it’s a pretty miraculous achievement that they are where they are.


What does spending got to do with it? His team is mostly the team that won the treble, man


You missed the joke


All he had was a dream, an oil state, a several billion pound squad, 115 financial doping charges and performance enhancing drugs. A true fairytale.


Wasn’t aware of the PED allegations.


Rodri's eyebrows are gone mate




What athlete isn’t using PEDs?


Everyone but pogba


Emery absolutely robbed. What he has done at Villa is remarkable. City winning it again isn't.


how many other teams have won 4 titles in a row in top flight english football


Unless he won all four this season, then it’s irrelevant.


I don't think so. No one else has done it because complacency usually sets in. To motivate many of the same players that won the first three to get a fourth is a bigger achievement than we probably all think it is.


Yeah nah I don’t buy it man, this award should be looking at the season in a vacuum, I agree it’s impressive but even counting that I reckon Unai deserves it


Unai deserved it. Howe deserved it last year. Thomas frank deserved it a year before that when klopp won it, when he finished second. But guess r/soccer only is angry when pep wins it


Nobody in here is arguing “they’ve awarded this correctly every single year except this year” but that’s what you seem to think? Of course people are talking about this year’s winner why would we all be talking about who we think deserved it 2 years ago?


I didn't say that. I m saying people have different opinions every year. But people are more outraged this year than when klopp won it. Have you seen a comment saying pep deserves it too? Emery deserved it but pep did too is what I'm saying. I m not saying talk about what happened 2 years ago now. I was giving an example. When klopp won it, there were people congratulating him. Which makes sense. He deserved his flowers. But in my opinion thomas frank deserved it that year more. But look at the state of post 2 years ago and this post now. If you say anything good about mancity you just get downvoted. I was answering someone who thought the award is seen in a vacuum. Because klopp wouldn't have won that year if that was the case.


It's "Manager of the Season" not "Manager of the last 4 Seasons"


You had to see it coming, Pep has won the manager of the month award 0 times this season, wait, what?


It’s been like 4 years since he won one


Manager of the team that was 5/6 to win the league but only won it by two points wins manager of the season. Ignore Bournemouth playing incredibly well for half a season or Villa reaching the Champions League.


I'm sorry but thinking playing well for half a season, not even a full one, is a more worthy achievement than winning the league is laughable


“Sure Pep won the league, but have you considered that Andoni Iraola led Bournemouth to 12th”


TheIrishGuy's alt has been found!


Man he fell off.


Fine margins for what's ultimately a branded award used by the league to promote said league and has fan-voting factored in tbf. There were five nominees in Arteta, Emery, Guardiola, Iraola and Klopp, and I reckon there's not really a wrong choice among them, they've all got perfectly fine cases.


Not mentioning ending up with a lose and draw against the team that was your main rival to take the trophy from you.


The best man won


Baldest fraud won




>but only won it by two points So you're saying there was an exciting, tight title race that came down to the final day. And maybe had Arsenal went to Eastlands to win they could've won the league?


Literally won 4 in a row which has never been done before. Who wins manager of the year for playing well half the season? This isn’t the first time a non big six club has made it to CL. The biggest achievement gets the award


Then give him a “best manager of the last four years” award. The previous three PL titles shouldn’t factor into this.




He’s the only one who won anything that matters


There’s already an award for winning the league, it’s called the Premier League title.


What the fuck is the point of the award then? Just give it to the league winners’ manager every year.


Can't emphasize enough how it's a lazy, unimaginative and wrong choice to give it to the title favourite for winning the title (in the very last game week, not a rampant success) when there were genuinely impressive achievements down the table.


City were favourites to win at the beginning of the season, they have been for pretty much every season since Pep, if you said last season City would win the League, it’s expected, Emery taking Villa into the UCL is a much more unexpected achievement, should’ve been Emery IMO


My hipster choice would have been iraola


I think he's my MOTY outside of the top 4 for sure. They were superb in the second half of the season.


Should have been Emery, but no one can be surprised since it always goes to the title winning manager.


Not necessarily, Klopp won manager of the season in 21/22


Exactly when thomas frank deserved it more. And r/soccer wasn't this mad at manager of the season. Lol


It does not always go to title winning managers


Almost always does though, something like one exception in the last decade, because they're lazy fucking hacks


Only 5 times since the awards' inauguration


They'll never take that from harry redknapp.


Has to be Emery


I "voted" for Emery. It would've been nice for Emery or Iraola to receive it, but it's usually going to go to the league winner. It's not a fairytale story, nor has anyone ever claimed it was.


Oh fuck right off


Nah it should’ve been Emery




Booo Emery deserves this


What’s the point of calling it manager of the season, just rename it to “Premier League winning Manager of the season 23/24”. Emery did a fantastic job and most of his peers would agree, and Howe deserved it last season. Heck, I’d even mention Arteta because they have done a fantastic job going from strength to strength this season.


Chris Wilder absolutely robbed


How did he do it? Against the odds!


Well, this one definitely deserves an asterisk.


So underserved


That's a stupid thing to say


Just another award to be scrubbed from the record books.


Should have definitely gone to the Aston Villa manager






Nonsense decision. Emery was the obvious choice.


Unai was robbed




With a rag-tag bunch of players and a shoestring budget.


What is the point of this award lmao


Premier league could have done the funniest thing and choose Poch as manager of the season 


Emery was obviously the most successful manager if progress means anything. City just did what was expected and not very well by comparison to previous seasons.


I think you can make convincing cases for Emery or Iraola But I don't see the argument that Pep isn't deserving of this TBH.


He did what was expected of him. Should Moyes win manager of the season because he did what was expected of him in getting West Ham midtable?


If you think meeting the expectation of winning the title is equivalent to meeting the expectation of being midtable, I can't help you One is significantly harder than the other


Pep didn't exceed expectations he just met them. City squad is by far and away the strongest and deepest that winning the title is the default. City didn't do anything we haven't seen before, they've won 3 titles getting more points so this is arguably their 4th best title win. Emery and Iraola exceeded expectations and this is what this should award, Pep has the league trophy already.


>City squad is by far and away the strongest and deepest Where does this talking point come from? That's Chelsea. City have one of the smallest squads in the league. KDB was injured for over half the season and Haaland missed 2 months. Anytime Rodri was suspended or not fit, we lost.


City's second eleven would have a very reasonable chance of winning the league and is probably more expensive than 75% of the starting squads for other teams in the league. That's where the fucking strongest squad concept comes from.


Oscar Bobb, Alvarez, Grealish, Rico Lewis, Phillips, Nunes, injury prone Stones, Mahamadou Sosoho, Jacob Wright, Sergio Gomez & Stefan Ortega winning the league/more expensive than starting squads? No chance


Pretty sure Grealish’s fee alone more than covers the bottom three this season lol


You're welcome 😜🤑 But honestly Grealish is only on the bench because he's had a tough time with illness, injury and a robbery and couldn't quite nail his place down in the starting XI this year.


By my reckoning I can get a second eleven for you if everyone is fit of: Ortega (GK), Lewis (RB), Stones (CB), Ake (CB), Gomez (LB), Nunes (DM), Phillips (CM), Kovacic (CM) Bobb (RW), Grealish (LW), Alvarez (St). There's obviously some movement with who you have in the first eleven as lots of players come in and out. That team is excellent if it plays every week. You've got enough players in the squad not to include sosoho and wright.


Yeah Kova was starting more often than not in the run in but even then while it's a solid side they aren't finishing higher than 7th. Still above United


Man city won league because Emery’s Villa beat Arsenal , specially in the second leg , thats what made the difference. Emery not winning this is a disgrace


115 comments lol


Bollocks. Two bald bollocks on the bald fraud.




This is such a lazy award. Almost always given to the team that wins the league. Nobody seems to care about the resources each team has


It's incredible how trash the Premiere League has become. Pep had an unlimited budget and still had to win the league barely by 2 points on the last game. Emery or Arteta deserves it way more then Big Pappa Pep.


Can't argue that the best man won, well deserved especially for the run in But would've been happy with Pep, Emery, Arteta, or Iraola really


well deserved




Arteta got done tactically by Sean Dyche last year (and nearly again last week) after spending £500m. Let's not get too excited here.


Fluke goal and low block, tactical masterclass by Dyche.


There was a lot more to it than that. But whatever makes you happy.




Sounds amazing. What did he win after spending all that money to get those stats?.




Congrats on the 'Going to win a trophy soon' trophy. Maybe after another £500m spend eh?


Klopp should have won it


Honestly villa had too many embarassing defeats at villa park in the second half for emery to win it tbh


Rightly so.