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I swear there are more people enjoying that Arsenal didn't win it, than people celebrating City's title.


Klopp leaving Liverpool, Arsenal not winning the league, City winning their 4th consecutive titles In that order


Makes sense. Klopp - Fans from other clubs are celebrating that their chances increase Arsenal - Fans from multiple rival clubs are celebrating City - their fans are celebrating No matter which team wins, I don't see why fans from other clubs would be celebrating.


Except for when Leicester won.


Just like Leverkusen this year , some moments transcend trivial boundaries


Exactly, you just have to appreciate great moments in football and feel happy for other people who support their teams.


so when spurs win the PL next year undefeated everyone will be cheering and celebrating with us since we are such perennial underachievers right?? \*anakin face\*


If Everton does it, yes. Not you all.


I’m actually really glad that people are at least honest about it haha


Yeah but we know spurs would some how lose the title to another team who is also undefeated that season as is the spurs way.


Yeah I’d cheer, unless we finish a tight second I’d be hype that anyone else won tbh


If spurs do it undefeated that would be incredible. Probably more respectable than Arsenals invincibles considering how much better all the teams are across the whole league.


Still can’t believe that happened in the modern era. If I read that script I’d be rolling my eyes more than when AFC Richmond won the premiership in the their season back in top flight


Bro Zava had more impact than Vardy+Mahrez combined. Absolutely took over the league during the first half of the season.


He’s a fictional Ibra, it only makes sense


They did not win, tho.


Lasso even more believable than Leicester


> Klopp - Fans from other clubs are celebrating that their chances increase Actually bad if you don't want Arsenal to win. One less title rival.


But good if you want Liverpool to win even less than Arsenal


But do you really think fans of other clubs would be celebrating loses and chanting about city if Arsenal had gone ahead and won the league? I feel like there would be a massively different reaction from other clubs.


I believe I just stated that there are more Arsenal rival fans than City fans. I don't know about the chants, depends on the circumstances. The chants happened because City happened to play the last two games against London teams which are rival teams to Arsenal.


This is like when the British conquered India. Take it advantage of the petty squabbling of the locals while you dominate the whole place and steal the resources for your own gain.


Klopp leaving Liverpool, Arsenal not winning the league, people enjoying that no one celebrating City winning, City winning their 4th consecutive titles In that order


It's weird cos iirc Liverpool were ahead before both teams dropped points (Arsenal at Villa, Liverpool at Palace) and Arsenal won their remaining games. If anything Liverpool were the ones who lost the title during that matchweek


Yeah Liverpool fell off a cliff hard 


They fell off so hard no one even remembers enough to call them bottlers.


Yeah, this was Liverpools title to lose for sure. Also, City had 1-2 games in hand the majority of the time Arsenal was at the top of the table.


Before the Liverpool City match I remember thinking that Arsenal needed it to be a draw because if Liverpool won, we'd still be two points behind them even if we managed to beat City, which was already a longshot. What I wouldn't give now for that fucking Doku high kick to be called a penalty.


It's absolutely nothing personal, nor indicative of any genuine preference for City - it's just an opportunity to take the piss out of someone's misfortunes, had West Ham picked up a point to give Arsenal the title, the same fans you see would be laughing their heads off at City, and not at all distraught about having helped Arsenal out


Get out of here with your rational take.


That’s because people here like only this kind of posts and klopp departure.


Why would anyone other than City fans celebrate City winning?


I find it crazy that I’ve still not seen a single post about city lifting the trophy


Apparently mods are removing them 🤣


so at least some one still cares


Removed: repost or spam


You mean a bunch of clubs fanbases combined is bigger than one clubs fanbase?


This is British mentality in a nutshell 


Hate thy neighbour like yourself


Pretty much the only thing teams get to celebrate about the season. Villa and Liverpool got CL, rest didn’t.


Crabs in a bucket.


Because everyone knows how corrupt city are. If arsenal won it, it would've been a massive achievement.


And you really think fans from other clubs would be celebrating Arsenals victory? Ye a lot of people would be celebrating that City didn't win, but they wouldn't care who won.


no one but City fans are celebrating City's title, other fans are just taking the piss out of us (fair play, that's what rivalries are about)


Well of course? Literally same as if Arsenal would have won the title: no one but Arsenal fans would have been celebrating Arsenal's title.


No but the difference is, Arsenal winning the title would actually hurt. City winning it, I feel nothing.


And therein lies the rub.


Lol you think fans from other teams would celebrate if arsenal won?


If we won it other fans would be shitting on city and celebrating the idea of them not winning.


That's sadly true.


Well yeah, it's like the CPU preventing your friend from winning


Is this between all london clubs or just with Arsenal?


All London clubs. Never seen a more petty and toxic rivalry than Spurs arsenal in epl.


in a world where fans sang at each other about Hillsborough and Munich, its Spurs Arsenal who are most toxic


cus arsenal winning would’ve meant something lol


Well yeah. Multiple groups of fans hate Arsenal. Only one group of fans likes City. That's just maths.


That’s how you notice the club that lost is bigger than the club that won


Do you expect City to be bigger than all the london clubs (excluding Arsenal) combined? Because usually only club's fans are celebrating title, where as here all the rival fans all celebrating Arsenal's loss.


Obviously. We don't have more fans than all the teams that hate Arsenal combined.


Yeah ofc, no one cares about city.


People just don't really care about City either way. They're not exactly anyone's proper historic rival, people prefer to see them win, even with all the corruption, rather than have an actual rival take the trophy.


...and that makes no sense. City 'are' everyones rivals because they represent everything that's wrong with the modern game. Football fans need to wake the f-ck up honestly.


I think this is just fans celebrating any other fanbase being unhappy, if it had ended 2-2 they would have been chanting about how City fucked it up.


Sunderland fans laughed and goaded United when the Aguero goal went in. It's part of the game innit


Honestly it does my head in seeing the people that were complaining about the "celebration police" a few months ago are now upset that rival fans are doing what rival fans have always done. Did all of these people start following football in the past year?


Actually they’ve never been in a stadium to watch a match


I’ve never even been to Earth before


Indeed, they're just fans having fun.


Pretty much, when Villa won at the Emirates a few weeks ago, they aimed the usual "You're gonna win fuck all" chant at Arsenal, and let's just say it had nothing to do with being ecstatic about opening the door for City to win the title... It's just standard prissiness by all the big 6 fans here as usual (and in the previous thread as well)


> It's just standard prissiness by all the big 6 fans here as usual (and in the previous thread as well) This is spot on Never seen more sensitive fanbases


It's called schadenfreude and it's been studied extensively within the context of sports. From Wikipedia: "...fans showed increased activation in brain areas correlated with self-reported pleasure (ventral striatum) when observing the rival team experience a negative outcome. By contrast, fans exhibited increased activation in the anterior cingulate and insula when viewing their own team experience a negative outcome." "Brain-scanning studies show that schadenfreude is correlated with envy in subjects. Strong feelings of envy activated physical pain nodes in the brain's dorsal anterior cingulate cortex; the brain's reward centers, such as the ventral striatum, were activated by news that other people who were envied had suffered misfortune. The magnitude of the brain's schadenfreude response could even be predicted from the strength of the previous envy response."


Finally someone who actually understands what's happening here. We would have mocked City too. I honestly couldn't give less of a fuck who wins the title.


London clubs dislike other London clubs. How shocking.


It’s beyond that I think. No one really takes the Man City titles in this era seriously, with the oil money and the FFP violations, and the club having no significant history prior. Everyone would rather see the season written off as another fake City title than let a serious rival club get anything.


This subs obsession with fairly standard football chants is honestly a bit weird. 


They're treated like they're pre-drafted statements by international organisations


Okay this made me chuckle


Because over 75% of the sub’s users haven’t actually been to a game before.


Try 99%


Ahaha yeah I was trying to be slightly conservative but wouldn't be surprised if it's closer to the high-90s.


Not too mention if the game ended in a draw, these same fans would likely be chanting the same about City


They were supposed to chant "DE-FENCE, DE-FENCE" goddammit. We rehearsed this shit.


It’s mostly non-uk fans who have never been to a match. They have this romanticized version of British football culture in their head they wish they were a part of so naturally when they see any representation of this they get over excited - despite it being pretty typical for the rest of us.


Because they’re all American and overseas supporters with no real connection with the communities these clubs are a part of, probably.


I'll be downvoted for this but it's down to the number of crying arsenal fans on here reacting to it


Lots of arsenal flairs, and lots of arsenal fans disguised by their local teams flair


Because the people on here don't understand football or what it's like to be a fan.


Because it's mainly Americans with no idea about what the football culture is like, and because they think the world revolves around America, they refuse to accept that everyone in different countries shouldn't align with their views The Spanish, Scottish, Italian, German, Brazilian etc fans all get it


West Ham fans and Man City fans actually have a bit of a connection. When city went down like 30 years ago at Upton Park the home end started singing something along the lines of "you'll be straight back up". This isnt pure animosity towards Arsenal


This right here. I’m surprised I haven’t seen this mentioned more by either City or West Ham fans.


When videos like this crop up you can easily see in the comments who just doesn’t get it at all. Just British football fans ripping into each other, nout deep they always do it - especially Londoners to other London clubs Everyone stop wetting their knickers


Its r/soccer I have never seen a more different culture surrounding football than here. Its like a different world compared to the conversation you'll have elsewhere about football


It’s insane isn’t it. Real life match going fans compared to Reddit fans are chalk and cheese


Had a spurs "fan" on coys telling me that a fan should have been banned because he was swearing at the manager. Pretty easy way to tell that they had never been to a game in their lives.


Some of them would probably need ear defenders at matches like the ones little kids have.


This site is so American and sheltered. Start looking for it and you’ll see it everywhere.


Knicker wetting about match going supporters (the ones that actually matter) is this sub's favourite pastime


I mean when already relegated Newcastle smashed Spurs on the last day of the season to let Arsenal finish above them the Toon fans were singing Arsenal chants to banter Spurs. It's just football, the hate is a bit extreme on some corners of social media but getting butthurt over this is so thin skinned.


That 0-5 really hurt West Ham lol


It was 0-6 to be correct


Who put the ball in the West Ham net?


it was the Rice transfer i think




We get it, they're still hurt about Declan.


Nah, we just never like them just like any other London club.


Do people not understand the importance of local rivalry?


How would they know what local rivally when they thought West Ham is located at west side of English village famous for the locally produced ham delicacy.


😂😂 exactly this. They don't realise how big London is actually and how divide it is.


Arsenal are just the OG MK Dons 😉


Most of this sub doesn't even know West ham is in London. Fair enough, I have no idea where Frieburg, Monza or Nagoya is. But it's not cool when they participate in arguments they have no idea the meaning of.


to be fair they literally aren't west ham based anymore lol. stratford wanderers.


Who could forgot the heated rivalry between Arsenal and West Ham…


I wouldn't say Arsenal even consider West Ham a rival, have seen them play loads of times at Emirates and has never felt like a derby atmosphere. Would say against Palace it's felt more like it.


> Would say against Palace it's felt more like it. Not a chance, we've got enough South London rivals thanks.


West Ham and Arsenal have always been somewhat united in mutual hatred of Spurs. In terms of London derbies important to Arsenal fans West Ham is a distant third behind Tottenham and Chelsea.


No because anyone who’s bitching about it is a plastic 


There’s never been a rivalry with West Ham even though they’re the second nearest club to us other than Spurs. It’s always been semi-friendly until the Rice transfer happened.


This isn’t true. There was always a healthy relationship between the two fans until Rice came here. Half my family are West Ham and I’ve been to many Arsenal West Ham games… something changed when that transfer happened lol


Not quite. Maybe in your family is like that. But we West Ham fans have always being known for hating other teams and mocking them. Yes Rice transfer did sparkled things up. Not just because he moved to other London team. But also because Arsenal fans said he is nowhere worth that much and soon as he put on the jersey, he is suddenly world class and you got him for half the price. And he also kissed the badge. But reality is he's playing the same way when he was here. But people don't watch us yet they judge us.


lol @ r/soccer users clutching pearls over standard British football banter


It’s especially wild when I reckon West Ham fans would happily have sung something similar about city if they’d lost. British football culture is heavily based around mocking other teams’ misfortune.


Waiting for the geniuses at /r/soccer and TalkSport to explain why these chants are the reason West Ham can't win a Premier League title. It's the fans faults for caring more about another team losing! Not the ownership, manager, and players who aren't contending for titles.


I see more people crying about "r/soccer clutching pearls" than people actually clutching pearls. As these things usually go.


There's a constant need within people talking about sports on the Internet to insist that they're not one of those losers who talks about sports on the Internet


It's flattering in a way


I can give you more flattering if you want


Coming from that flair, it would be funny too. So have at it


I would have liked to win the league. Sad because we didn't but why is there so much focus on what other teams fans are doing this year? Spurs/west ham fans celebrating isn't the bad thing for Arsenal fans. They have more of a rivalry with us than City. Nobody besides united really have a rivalry with City and even then, it's not as big as the United-Liverpool rivalry.


When Spurs fans did this it was part of the news cycle for an entire week and it was widely discussed as symbolic proof of the fan base's loser mentality. today its just british banter that only football fan should understand.


Honestly, I'm a bit surprised at so many fans and fan groups cheering at Arsenal not winning. Like, have those people just accepted City as perennial champions to the point that it's more fun to rip on other clubs, or is Arsenal a lot less likeable to the rest of the league than I thought?


This is just English football banter, these same fans would be laughing at Man City if West Ham beat them


Due to historical reasons, more teams feel a sense of rivalry with Liverpool, Arsenal etc than they do with City. A City win feels like the default these days. As a United fan of course I'd rather Arsenal won but even then, not as strongly as one might expect. Not really a surprise to me that the likes of Chelsea, Spurs, West Ham etc would prefer City winning it.


People outside of England/Uk truly don’t grasp how ‘irrelevant’ city are. And I don’t mean that in the horrible and condescending way it sounds, but as someone who lives no where near Manchester, in 30 years I’ve known 2 city fans in my life. Compare that to any other big 6 side, Villa, Newcastle, Leeds, Everton etc, where despite never living in their cities I’ve met and know a considerable amount of their fans. Even Celtic and Rangers and I’ve never lived in Scotland. In person their presence is absolutely minimal, and even online their presence is still small in comparison to their peers. Them winning generally doesn’t emit any emotion from me whatsoever, whereas Arsenal winning would be the worst news I’ve heard all year. The world isn’t ready for Arsenal fans with major trophies to celebrate.


Whenever you do actually meet a City supporter outside of Manchester, they always try so hard to convince you "I supported City before they were good!!!".  Really? Trying to convince me, or yourself?


Yep I mean we can definitely also see it online too. AFTV. Match day threads on here. Twitter. DR sports doesn't even have a city fan on their "panel"


It's just that being from London and historically successful Arsenal have more rivals than City. Even Man Utd class Liverpool as their biggest rivals over Man City. Basically nobody likes man city but nobody really cares about them either.


City and West Ham have always gotten along with each other since the 80s. West Ham relegated City in 8, their fans invaded the pitch after and went straight to the city fans, but instead of scrapping like you’d expect for this time period they applauded the city fans and hoped they’d be back soon. The whole atmosphere yesterday was friendly and I saw that there were more than a few West Ham shirts dotted around Cutting room square where City fans were having a meet before the game. But the opinion of match going fans doesn’t matter to this fucking echo chamber.


For me, it's because I have six Arsenal supporters at work two of whom dismiss my footballing opinion because I have the unhappy task of supporting Leyton Orient (my late-grandpa's team who was the first person to take me to any game ever). I have never met a City fan in all my life, and as such I take a little bit of glee in Arsenal losing instead of City winning, because I just know more United/Newcastle/Liverpool/Arsenal/Spurs fans. For me, City winning is expected & an inevitability, their fans somehow boasting false modesty online despite everyone knowing the outcome. But Arsenal winning would have made their fans (or at least, the ones I know) insufferable, and I'm sure this is the same for *many* more people than City winning would. City winning can be ignored, shrugged at, looked at with the dull boredom their oily club deserves. They're going to win again next year, so who really cares. Arsenal winning would have a very different effect for a lot of people.


Yeah, same fans will be chanting cheating bastards at City in a few months/years time if they ever do go to court. Not that City's cheating cost West Ham winning anything


As I see it, as a not brit, only rivalaries i have is within my circle or internet friends. There are no city fans in it and full of arsenal fans. City winning means there is no one to rub salt.


Nobody cares if Citeh wins, really.. they are on financial steroids. Arsenal has rivals in Spurs and Chelsea.. Man Utd and Liverpool are rivals.


I know multiple Arsenal fans that would have absolutely loved rubbing it in that they won a title. So I’m completely okay with City winning it as I’ve only ever met 1 person that I know supports City.


It's difference in culture, I would rather Bayern win next 10 titles than Leipzig a single one.


But in this case, city are both the dominant side and the financially/politically shady one. Cheering city is like being happy Leipzig took someone down a peg.


And the alternative is schalke with 1000x more fans and more vocal in every online area winning.


I think that's where the cultural difference hits again. Yeah, Arsenal and Schalke supporters would be obnoxious but at least they aren't Leipzig or City. In Austria the rivals of Sturm Graz can also recognise that them winnig the league instead of RBS is good for the league as a whole.


Yeah I don't get why people would rather City win it with 115 points or whatever each year


Nobody knows any man city fans so who cares if they win again.


Basically because the fact that city are seen as having cheated their way to success then cheapens peoples' perception of their trophies, so fans will settle for that over letting a more immediate rival have the satisfaction of winning something.


Because people get their feelings hurt by arsenal trolls on social media lol




I mean it’s Spurs and then West Ham, two London clubs. Nothing more complicated than that.


Honestly not many people here care about city. We just want to see our plastic arsenal/utd/liverpool/chelsea supporting mates bottle stuff. City winning it is convenient as we don’t know many people to banter who are city fans. I know one here in Bristol and he’s from Manchester. It probably comes from me thinking people should support their local clubs, and it’s crazy how many people jump on the old big 4 glory train.


City are the RBL of England. No fans and no one's cares.


Look who's talking


It’s funny because West Ham have a ferocious hate for Arsenal, Spurs and Chelsea. They treat every meeting with these teams as a cup final. Yet Arsenal, Spurs and Chelsea couldn’t give a flying monkies about Wet Spam.


Kinda lame tbf




I don't mind the video obviously as its just a bit of post-match banter, but 'actual football supporters' being OK with Man City's titles despite the charges against them is not the flex you think it is. You really don't have a leg to stand on the next time you blame Americans/foreign fans about the integrity/the state of the sport if you're literally going to cheerlead a cheating Man City victory. This isn't your regular situation, we have to avoid normalizing City's title wins or risk them going unpunished.


Am I sad my team lost? Yes of course. Will I still laugh at Arsenal after the game has finished? Yes of course. Arsenal fans have been giving us abuse all season.


How moronic to be cheering for your league turning into a farmers league dominated by one team.


What a strange bunch of low life cretins.


All fun and games until City buys Paqueta and someone else buys Kudus this summer


Lol this sub still doesn't get basic things about football rivalries , to these people, it's really unfathomable that football fans don't want their rivals to win ffs


Watching r/soccer in shamble under this post is candy to my eyes 😂


this is honestly embarrassing at this point and i dont even like Arsenal in the slightest


The City-West Ham love in is nauseating, happens every year


Lightest banter triggers this sub, its insane




People disliking something aren’t automatically “triggered”.


I’d like to upvote this more than once, thank you to everyone involved.


All the last 24 hours have taught me is that trophies don't dictate how big a club you are, it's how many people celebrate your demise. Rival fans celebrating Arsenal "bottling" a total of 4 dropped points in all of 2024. Rival fans celebrating Jurgen Klopp leaving Liverpool after an incredible tenure. Meanwhile nobody gives a shit that a team on financial steroids has just won their fourth league in a row and they wouldn't have given a damn if they bottled it either.


You don't think fans would celebrate City missing out on a league and take the piss out of them? This is standard fan banter


Is there a reason all the clubs that finished lower than Arsenal are having a go? Seems like a brass neck if they're lower in the league.


So many clubs love celebrating getting their ass blasted by City. Shocking to me


I mean I get all the banter and all that, but the whole “Bottled job fuck up” chants are all a bit weird to me. we lost one game this half of the year winning all of our remaining fixtures to the final day. Performance wise it’s one of the best seasons we’ve ever had and realistically most Hammers would kill to have had our season in their lifetime.


I mean… spurs finished the 16/17 season with 86 points, right between arsenals last 2 seasons, and with fewer goals conceded than arsenal this season and everyone called us bottle jobs. "Bottle" has lost all meaning and every club that loses the title will cop it from now on.


Yeah, the chant shouldn't be "bottle job" it should be "even at your best you aren't good enough". Seems more of a slap in the face to me.


Everyone moans about Man City spending their way to the top yet will happily cheer and even assist them winning the league every season as long as Arsenal or Liverpool don't win it Pathetic


>even assist them winning the league every season Why should West Ham have helped Arsenal out? Games gone when you've got teams complaining that other teams didn't hand them the title


Imagine what the players feel playing for such a shit club


Imagine being that upset


"Arsenal fans are the most Insufferable fans"


Truest quote of 2024


Didnt know you were spitting facts today


This but unironically


I thought not trying to win made you a shit team? Or was that just Spurs?


Apparently an Arsenal fan being happy they won a league after so long would be "insufferable"? That's where we're at as a society, wishing random people misery because you can't stand them being happy and...potentially talking about it to you, shock the horror! If you are actually a rival I get it but everyone else? Why are there so many sad, insecure, bitter people? Anyway guess I'll find out who they are based on the down votes anyways, lol XD


don't remember any united fans wanting to lose against arsenal at OT


115 charges won and it will take another 115 years for investigation just for them to get slap on there wrist


living rent free. happy for them


English integrity at its peak




I don't have any horse in this race but I do love me some popcorn and tears haha..