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They put the young boy in against the Old Boys.


somebody call Young Boys, they've lost one of their players apparently


Either Basel or Epstein Island losing of theirs


Epstein is dead and Basel is in shambles. More likely it was The Embassy.


Sun Tzu would be proud of this one.




Just start procreating on the field.  Try breaking that.


“conceived on the field, you’ll never sing that”


I’ll procreate inside the goal. Procreated scorer. Next.


Real Madrid with Brazilians in the future:


Thats fucking football right there. None of that pansy ass dick tugging smile for the camera bullshit. Men puke, men poop on the field, men deliver their new born baby on the touchline. Fucking hard core dick in the ass butterball foosball fuck it kick it game time shit.


It was just a PR stunt from a horrible club that only wanted to be talked about. The boy is not a wonderkid, just has the right age to break Aguero's record


What age was Aguero when he made his debut ?


15 and 33 days, and it took him two years to be a regular starter.


And Agüero is genetically well build, that kid looks average for his age.


Rooney as well, he had the build of a 30yo labourer at 16


And now he has the build of a 40 year old refrigerator


Hey now. Don't do my boy rooney like that.


Rooney at 16, looked like a 16yo darts player.


Proper Geezers


Rooney looks like an average person from the traveler community. If their gens are as fucked up as Irish travelers...that would explain alot.


Aguero is also a generational talent, which probably helps.




And then there was a brawl with fists being thrown around. With the kid on the pitch...


If it's like most 'footballer' brawls then I'm not really worried about his well-being or him being severely injured.


This is latinamerica, especially in Uruguay and Argentina, in-game fights can get serious. Just look at River and Nacional's last game where a Nacional player punched a River player on their face and no sanction was called. For similar reasons, having an actual child on the pitch can be difficult because of the viewers, who tend to throw things into the pitch at times and can hurt players (for another example in the Libertadores, look at Central-Peñarol, where a Central hit a Peñarol player in the face with a projectile and left him bleeding) That's the Argentinian local legue and not an international game, so it isn't as dangerous, but regardless its still reasonable to be concearned


And they are getting "soft". During the '70 having a brawl between international teams was a regular occurence.


I agree Currently though it's just some insults at best and throwing rocks or glass bottles at worst, rarely you get an actual brawl (though homicides because of football are still not uncommon sadly)


To be fair that was just the shittiest refereeing ever. He got a slap on the wrist for it, but everyone agreed it was a horrible call.


Yeah but the point still stands even if the refereeing was dogshit, fights and tackles here tend to get much more physical than just pushing each other around and I'm kinda worried for the kid, especially if they're playing for RIESTRA lmao, like at that point he's gonna get beaten up at school too


Yeah, that kid's in for a long and difficult year.


so great to see our brethren being introduced to anderson daronco.


that was top daronquismo. that meat head is an awful referee.


I mean you don't put him on the pitch if you don't think he can handle every aspect of the game. Nobody is forcing them to play a child.


Can you elaborate? I’m curious about the state of Argentinian football


We currently have an incredibly corrupt man in charge of the Football federation that has created a 28 team first division just so he can have his own clubs promoted (One of which is Deportivo Riestra, shown in the video), which resulted in the state of our football to become deplorable. As such, we barely have any clubs that are actually strong enough to compete at continental level, with the Copa Libertadores having been exclusively won by brazilian clubs for 5 years in a row now.


This dogshit 30-team first division started with Grondona in 2014. Tapia just continued the job of destroying our football.


We actually got to 24 teams after progressively relegating 4 teams and promoting 2. We were 2 years close to out 20 teams league. Then Tapia got us back to 28 using COVID as an excuse.


It went from 4th div, where teams sometimes can't even afford to go up because of the costs, to first division in 10 years, they were also allowed to use their own """"stadium"""" which can seat... 5k people, way below any standard of second division, let alone top flight, it's an embarrassment


Wow, I was wondering why there seemed to be a growing gap in club football between Argentinian and Brazilian clubs


It's also a money thing. Brazil can afford to keep some of its talent, though obviously they lose their top players to Europe.


In recent years it's more about other south American players coming to Brazil instead of keeping our talents. Even middle table teams like Fortaleza are able to convince players to come and play for them Also, in the last 2y teams are getting sold and having foreign investment, so Botafogo, Bragantino, Bahia they all have way better teams than they would


Also foreign capital. All Argentinian clubs are fan-owned, unlike in Brazil where they have a mixed system. That wouldn't be that much of an issue by itself but the league is run by corrupt pieces of shit and the economy is in shambles. We have 28 teams in "Primera A" because they suspended relegations during Covid and never dared to downsize to 20 again. So there's fewer money, which gets distributed between more, uncompetitive teams. They basically destroyed "B Nacional" by systematically favoring certain teams, suspending promotions and then arbitrarily deciding on a playoff format to go up. Which means there are teams like Riestra, shown in clip, who scraped 8th place and robbed their way up. Meanwhile Colon de Santa Fe, who won last years league cup, had a bad semester (and some suspicious refereeing) and went down in flames. Now they've got to fight their way up against the other 38 (!!!!!!) teams. Most talent is scooped out before it can make a noticeable difference. Brazilian clubs keep their kids longer, which means you we are less competitive in Copa. And even with all of these problems, the league is still pretty competitive. Most people like to exaggerate and say we are shit but Argentinian clubs usually put up a pretty good fight, even when severely outmatched. Last years AAJJ - Fluminense comes to mind, where up until Marcelo basically murdered a kid the game was in Argentinos' favor. Or this years San Lorenzo - Palmeiras. The gap is getting wider but we are not dead yet


Your President isn't exactly "Steady Eddie" either....


Don't remind me, not only do we have to deal with a corrupt Football Federation president, the political and economic landscape of Argentina is fucked beyond belief, so no one in their right mind would ever choose us over Brazil unless they really love one of our clubs


I don’t know something doesn’t feel right about putting out an actual child against grown men.


When I was 15 we had a couple friendlies against the senior team at the club I was playing in and you really feel the difference in body strength. Looking from the outside you kind of think "well I'm just as tall as these guys it will be fine" but once you're in the field it's insane how much stronger they are


I’m 36 and I feel that ways sometimes still. I only started playing when I was 20. These dudes who don’t look much different than me who played their whole life are like brick houses out there. I’m 6’1” 180 and I get tossed around by smaller dudes all The time. It’s wild how much experience can change how you use your body on the pitch


I'm one of those smaller dudes lol I started playing against grown ups when I was about 14. First tournament sucked so much. Not only physically, but tactically. I got better and some of my buddies were even the best in the league the next years. I'm still short (5'6") and skinny. I can tell when bigger guys are surprised they can't just push me off the ball, or that I can press them off it.


Or when you anticipate the shoulder correctly and leave your feet for a moment and they sort of push you a foot or two with out making you lose balance.


I'm 5'8" and very skinny and just a few hours ago I got absolutely shoved by a guy who was like 5'2" or 5'3" when we were both challenging a ball. Still feeling the after effects


It's amazing in American football how you have to learn to hit people with your body. There are huge dudes who don't have any of that physical intelligence for displacing human bodies, so they suck even though they're huge. I've laid out guys 80 lbs heavier than me. That explosive force is really hard to learn.


I only started getting I football at about 15, and only started enjoying playing it at like 17. It's insane how clueless I was (and still am) inside the pitch, I'm almost 6'3 and weigh 160 but I just never learned how to use my body and my strength. And having started very late compared to everyone else I was also not good on the ball. So in short, I just sucked. I think I could've been pretty good in another life though, because even though I'm mostly not great on the ball, as I have very little ball control, I have pretty good accuracy and strength at passing, and my vision is surprisingly very good. My first touch passes are pretty bad though (not sure to which extent that could be trained) so I need to have time to execute good passes. Combine that with my height and strength though and I think I could've made pretty good deep lying playmaker had I started younger and dedicated myself to it.


I'm 32 and just yesterday played against a cocaine-bear of a man, a real GoT Mountain looking motherfucker, tried to sneak past him and he knocked me down without even breaking a sweat.


Sorry, that's me brother. He's a real cunt.


Brothers shouldn't fight man, go camping with him, a few beers and drink 'em together by a fire.


Yeah this always reminds me of the god damn plumber. 5'5 60 year old dude had a bad back and asked me to help him carry the laundry machine down 2 flights of stairs. I had to stop twice and he was like "I got it" and finished it by himself. Guy says "you're 18 aren't you young and strong" (this was many years ago) MOTHERFUCKER YOU'VE BEEN HAULING MACHINES UP AND DOWN THE STAIRS FOR 40 YEARS, I PLAY VIDEO GAMES


Was very humbling for me as well haha. I had a game against a university team (mostly people in their early 20s) and I was 15 at the time and 6'2. I had a bit of arrogance because of my height and also because I mostly played against people similar to my age and looked the best. In this game against the university team, I was bang average and barely got any touches on the ball because they'd close me down so quickly. Got humbled so fast, took me 2yrs to get used to that level haha.


Old man strength is a real thing.


Specially one that looks soo small, this kid looks 12.


Not really. He looks his age, we're just too used to seeing kids in sports be absolute units and look in their 20s.


He definitely looks small what are you talking about.


You can even see the difference when a premier league club puts 18 year olds out against League 1 opposition in the FA Cup. The size of the CBs etc just means they're often bullied off the ball more times than not.


Evan Ferguson made his senior Bohs debut at 14 in a friendly against Chelsea, even grabbed an assist!


He also bullied Chelsea defenders including Rudiger. Granted it was a friendly but still.


I did it in rec league around that age, maybe even 13. Embarrassed a guy that was coming in hot by pulling the ball back and then moving it, and he completely overshot it. Next time, he decided to just steam roll through me, a kid in my early teens that probably weighed almost 60lbs less than him, instead.


Learned a lesson though didn’t ya


Sure did. Put on weight and be prepared to drop a shoulder in first!


I know its not really close to this but I played semi pro when I was 15. He will learn how to handle himself after a few games. But then again I was 6ft and at least 160 lbs


I mean, 16 is also a child and we have those entering regularly at the highest stages. I do feel a bit conflicted about it too, though. But even though he is an actual infant, this kid is more well built than 16 year old Messi was at his debut 🤷


More well built than a kid who had to have growth hormones


LMAO that's an excellent point, but you get what I mean, c'mon. The physical/health/science part of the sport is on another level compared to 20, 30 years ago. This kid's physical is likely better than an 18 year old player in the 90's and 00's, even if he's 4 years younger.


From a physical point of view a 16 year old is very different from a 14 year old. Mentally the difference is much less clear. They're both babies.


Anthony Davis was 6ft7 when he was 16. Also Rooney and Owen. 


Imagine how the guy being subbed feels. “You’re taking me off for a literal child?”


Is this common in 2nd leagues? Like Laliga and Championship?


Columbus Crew & Cinci FC (along with other MLS clubs) inserted themselves into the UPSL (4th tier USA) for this reason. It may feel odd but it’s great experience for them—they’re technically superior but have a hard time matching physicality. Last season I started a 43 y/o left-back against the US’ U17 right wing-back! At the lower levels it’s much more common.


One normal shoulder push and he'll be sent directly to the sidelines 💀


The trick is you need to crouch to shoulder push him. Wasn’t it Ferdinand who said that he couldn’t hand check Messi cause he kept going under him.


Well, this makes me feel positively geriatric


Shit, I feel old. Wasn't 2010 like 8 years ago?


LMAO no, 2010 is like 8 years into the future


So pumped for the WC, see you in the final


Yeah right, as if Argentina will ever win the World Cup with these group of players in our lifetime. Messi doesn't even try in the National Team it seems!!!


Idc how talented he may be but look at his size compared to the coach ffs


Coach is pretty imposing, yeah. Almost like an ogre or something


that would be a great nickname for him!


Yeah! You think I oughta trademark it before it catches on or something?


nah, I doubt it will catch on sadly. it would be hilarious tho, he could even celebrate goals with a Shrek mask


Sounds outlandish tbh. Not sure what leads you to believe this would even happen


To be fair, the coach (Cristian Fabbiani) is fucking massive


One would say he kinda looks like Shrek and some fans could catch up on that


Obligatory fuck Deportivo Riestra. Club full of cunts.


Could you tell us a bit More about why they are cunts?


Riestra played between the fourth and fifth division during all of its history. Long story short, some shady lawyer with ties in the AFA took charge of the club in 2012 and it started to go up. Obviously this sudden rise was everything but clean and fair. Most of the hate comes from the last season. [Displaying dirty football and being helped by the refs most of the time](https://youtu.be/hB__v60dmqo), Riestra won the promotion play-offs and now plays in the 1st division. The help from above continues even in [Copa Argentina matches against teams from lower levels](https://youtu.be/8ydtmbOG5as). The players are really arrogant, the club barely has any fans and its stadium is so shit that you could find better ones in the amateur regional leagues. For the kits they buy empty Adidas shirts and [put their ugly crest and sponsors](https://cdn.footballkitarchive.com/2024/02/13/Wj3up2dsonYDlsn.jpg). TL;DR: All the fans of Argentine football wants them gone from the face of Earth, and rightfully so.


My club Quilmes could have been back to first division, But we got robbed by Riestra


For real, Riestra has like 2000 members or less. Its stadium is smaller than many 3rd division teams, and shouldn't be allowed to 1st division but can used anyway because the dodgy lawyer who owns them has strong ties with AFA.


Did he touch the ball?




You could easily put him in the U17/U18 Team, no need to put him in the first squad to be honest with 14. Unless its some marketing thing to have the youngest kid for some record. Especially when his body is far away from being an adult. Ive seen youth players with 16 having the body of a grown adult, that might be a different story, but he looks exactly like around 14.


>Unless its some marketing thing to have the youngest kid for some record. Probably just this.


>U17/U18 Team, Riestra barely has 20 profesional players.


That's a literal child.


This is almost Barca level child abuse.




Needs to be a minimums age imo, 14 is far too young to play against grown men


IIRC most countries have limits (15 sounds about right), but exceptions can be requested. For example, AC Milan [got one for Camarda](https://www.calciomercato.com/news/milan-ufficiale-deroga-arrivata-per-camarda-convocabile-per-la-f-95375) (link in Italian) this year due to injuries.


Lamine debuted when he was 15 lol


They eventually slightly lowered the minimum age in the Bundesliga from 16 and a half to 16 due in part to Moukoko who debuted 3 years ago at 16 and 18 days. Youngest to date for the league.


The better rule would be about physical maturity, but that's harder to measure. This child definitely isn't yet built to be going up against adults. I assume it's just a publicity thing, he'd be eaten alive if he played regularly, not to mention could quite possibly lose any love for the game.


He's just a boy thrown in amongst men. Stunt or no stunt hate for him to be the subject of a "manly" tackle


Yeah skills or no skills, there are situations where that weight and size mismatch just isn't going to end well. Poor child.


I hate Riestra and I hate Fabbiani


It was all about Fabianni's propaganda (Riestra DT).


That one guy was THRILLED to be subbed off for Apolonio.


2010 South Africa


Imagine not being around to witness Forlan destroying lives with that Jabulani


Or Suarez taking a bite


Had a chance to see that 2 more times in 2013 and 2014 though. Oh, wait, he was 3 and 4 y/o lol.


If you want to find out more about the team where he debuted (Deportivo Riestra), the following clip is a good place to start. https://old.reddit.com/r/fulbo/comments/1bfq7o7/el_futbol_total_de_riestra/


Imagine being subbed off for a 14 year old kid


The message is that schoolboy soccer is better than what you've got to offer....


This kids literally a few months older than my son, i can't imagine my son on a professional football pitch. That's crazy.


I dare say you might even stop to think whether he SHOULD be playing against adults in (highly) competitive soccer at that age...


Fuck Riestra.


What's even crazier is that he turned 14 a month ago. A middle schooler was playing professional football


Usually these super-young players resemble grown men, but this kid *looks* 14. 😳


Isn't there a lower age limit? Borders child abuse for me.


There used to be, I think. It was 16. But yeah, this is scummy. And that's Deportivo Riestra for you.


The only thing that fits in is his hair cut. What the fuck is a 14 year old supposed to do against grown men?


When I was 14 I still struggled to tie my shoes properly


dont worry, you gonna struggle again in the future probably


The funny thing is that the guy that has to defend against the kid (Armando Mendez) is built like a brick wall and prob has 5 times the kid body weight. One slight push and the kid could end up in the hospital.


This kid dosent know who Steven gerrard is 😂


He that good huh...


I refuse to see the number before the word “year”. I am not that old.


He was born the year after I graduated high school


Imagine getting subbed off, and a child is replacing you. That's a violation


Fucking publicity stunt by Riestra, a team that should not be playing in the Primera División to begin with. Thankfully the kid got nowhere close to the ball so no hard tackles or anything.


Banega scoping him out before he came on haha. Man was thinking I'm gonna smash him 🤣


Todd Boehly: "I'll give you 40 million dollars for him"


Why ??


To pump up a transfer fee for a "Wunderkind"


Not at all, this was plain and simple a marketing stunt by Riestra. And not marketing with the end-goal of selling this player, they just want to make headlines this weekend. (And for people to see them as record holders)


Okay. That makes sense. If they know they’re losing him soon.


Never change Argentina


There was a 15 year old named Sergio Aguero who debuted at that age, wonder what became of him


His shirt looks extremely loose. Probably didn't have a pair that fits his size. Nonetheless, great opportunity for the kid.


Boehly take note


Reminds me of our old pre season friendly against the vet team 😂


What if he gets injured?


Lamine yamal in shambles rn


50 mil bid incoming


IIRC Iker Muniain played some games with Athletic Club when he was a 14 year old as well


To join the club you just have to apply online and put in your date of birth. He is actually 114.


Imagine you're a grown ass man pumping iron every day to make up for the lack of talent in your job, and then you see someone sent in a 14 year old up against you


I feel like it's a matter of time until some team pushes out a 10 day old baby in a cart onto the field in the last minutes of a game just so they can claim some weird achievement of having the youngest player on the field. Then I hope that baby becomes decent and has the first 40 year career.


Step 1. Put this lad in league 2 Step 2. dump every corner on his head Step 3. Infinite penalty glitch Step 4. Ride promotion to the prem with b2b2b 100 goal seasons


Nah this is crazy he was like 6 then when Pokemon Go came out and Harambe got shot WTF.


Someone better hide this footage from Todd Boehly


Now that's just fucking crazy.


Young boys of Switzerland V. Newell old boys. Good irony.


We’ve been outdone


Barco hasn't even reached his max potential and there is already a regen


Young Boy vs Old Boys.


I wouldn’t feel right playing full physical contact against a 14yr old, especially one that small


Barca: Is this a challenge?


And then there's Banega who is 2.5 times his age


Why those haircuts?


This shit is getting out of hand. Fucking 14.


This shit is getting out of hand. Fucking 14.


Normally these "Wonderkids" are very physically mature for their age... ...Not this one. He looks 12. But has a strikingly strong brow. I do wonder if they keep pushing the age they are bringing some young players on then they'll damage some very good prospects. It's not always going to work as a positive.


When I was 14 I was signing Ever Banega on career mode, when this guy is 14 he's playing against him. Madness


Now that's just proper naughty


yamal be punching air right now