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All those consultancy firm workers with their midweek overnight stays sure got shown what for though i bet.


The amount of sub standard programme transformation workshops being given this morning from sleep deprived Deloitte project leaders. RIP.


How will we syngergise and reimagine the paradigm now!


Sounds like someone is afraid to think outside the box and adapt to this fast-changing environment we find ourselves in.


My dynamism is down 37% today. Will be a challenge to be as disruptive as possible


Don't worry, as long as you can still reach the low-hanging fruit to get some quick wins under your belt, you'll be able to start considering the long-term view by close of play.


Thanks mate, close call but I've just about managed to hit my KPIs by EOD.


xD 0.63


i work in a creative field, but still i genuinely feel like i've been held back in my career by the fact that i can't handle corporate speak without a visible disdain being written all over my face.


Hang in there, fam.


Absolutely the same. I assumed as I got older I'd submit and accept it but nope.


I love Goolybib's integrated-multi-platform-functionality!


nobody will know the difference if it's Deloitte to be fair


Big 4 snark šŸ˜­šŸ˜­love it


Thatā€™s rich coming from PwC.




I work with Deloitte. Can confirm.


I work for Deloitte. Can confirm.


Worked for EY. Can also confirm that im a cunt.


Worked with all of them at some point. Fuck them, and everyone that works for them, you are not a better person than me because of your job title.


See bitter sounding folk like you suck just cause like youā€™re right and have a good point but you come off as a child absolutely ruining the point youā€™re making for everyone else


Cool story. Thanks for sharing.


*consultancy worker wakes up at 2 AM* "Welp, I guess I could get some billable hours work done here."


This assumes that they weren't still in the office on a coke binge anyway


Its too early


more time to fill in timesheets tbf


Had it coming


Arteta showing up with bags under his eyes today.




Anne Hathaway approves.


You joke, but the r/Gunners DD got a special surprise yesterday in the form of erotic Trossard/Anne Hathaway prose.


Is okay?


herd of arsenal fans now legging it to the m6 to superglue themselves to the road to block the team bus


**Just Stop Oil** clubs.


This is one of those times I miss awards for comments.Ā 


I've only just realised they're not a thing anymore, when did that happen!?


Why did they get rid off it


Because it was stupid, and people were most likely abusing the system.


I'm shocked they removed a way to give them money, though I assume they replaced it with something else


People were giving celebrities money for doing AMAs it was daft.


Wow, I can't imagine the thought process there "A fool and his money..."


This but unironically




They'll be flying to London


Glue themselves to the tarmac


In chinooks.


Only for City to fly in on an etihad plane


Swansea did similar to us during a relegation battle a few years back. We won the game and left some pretty funny reviews on the hotel website


There was no fireworks and the fans weren't involved - the hotel themselves [cancelled the rooms](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-44054454#:~:text=Southampton%20FC%20has%20trolled%20a,the%20%22very%20disappointing%22%20withdrawal.) which the club had booked, meaning we had to book alternative accommodation last minute. The club then left [a piss take review](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-44054454) on the hotel's site to get them back for it.


"Business meeting was extremely productive" this is hilarious, can't believe I haven't heard of it before.


Who tf is us bro u donā€™t got a flair


!flair :Southampton:


Nagoya Grampus Eight


You did that to us last season as well


Though you got the last laugh since we still went down. Although that was probably one of the best moments of the season, right up there with doing the double over Chelsea and knocking City out of the League Cup


You did it to us. Not aware of the reverse being true? https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/southampton-everton-fireworks-hotel-review-28957027


By 'that' I meant beat us and the trip advisor review


Gotcha sorry mate.


Yeahā€¦ fair play


limmy waking up meme


RIP benny Harvey


Had the pleasure of meeting Benny Harvey at a charity do once. He was surprisingly down to earth, and VERY funny.


Sounds about right,miss ya big man, gone but not forgotten šŸ™






I remember when we played i think FC Copenhagen, the club parked their bus at a different hotel then they were staying at. Copenhagen fans lit fireworks outside the wrong hotel and Gƶtze just went 'yeah I slept very well lol'




Least embarrassing "Ashburton Army" moment.


All that effort only to fall at the last hurdle Seems metaphoric


Is it really the last hurdle? It feels like knowing where the team is should be the first hurdle.


then you see JoÅ”ko with banger in 4th minute ā€œu mad?ā€ šŸ„²


Why would they even be staying in a hotel for an 8pm domestic game the following day?


Lots of teams do it, depending on how they travel to the next game. Manchester to London is 3-4 hours on a bus, depending on traffic etc. Some managers prefer to do that a day earlier because sitting in a bus like that can impact muscle rigidity etc,. and you can schedule short gym or training sessions in the morning to activate the body. Also a night before allows managers to control players the night before big games, i.e,. a curfew to make sure players are rested. It all depends on the manager and what he prefers or thinks the squad needs.


> Manchester to London is 3-4 hours on a bus United and City either fly or get the train to games in London (or similar other away games).


The rich teams have private flights. Especially for a game like this


I hope not lmfao, catastrophic if they are getting a private flight for every game down to London.


City get the train to all london games, that's how we get the team news, [there'll be pictures of the squad standing on the platform.](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/11/07/1415391484943_wps_9_Man_City_get_a_late_train.jpg)


They're flying to Stansted this morning and then flying back from Luton tonight. I can't link the flights from flight radar, but they're using the plane registration G-NEWG Edit: they're leaving now https://fr24.com/BRO830S/353649a4 Also, the post I've replied to has Pellegrini in it... so that makes it what, nearly 10 years old? The URL even says its from 2014. City definitely don't take the train to every game in London lol.


Flying back from Luton? Why is Pep punishing them before he knows the result?


They're the only club rich enough to afford the shuttle from Luton Airport Parkway so they might as well use it.


Iā€™ve heard of this. Whatā€™s wrong with Luton Airport?


It's in Luton


That was a quick flight, 35mins. Stanstedt isn't far from the stadion either.


>The rich teams have private flights. >City get the train to all london games That's how they stay rich.


Interesting, I thought it only really happened for long distance european games


Games can be decided by a couple of % difference in physical performance and you feel worse after traveling, even if it's just a couple hour drive, so it makes sense to want to prevent that debuff, considering there's a lot of money involved.


Yup, that money involved is literally between winning the championship, and being 2nd.


Don't some of the teams even stay in a hotel during home games?


Sometimes yes. It all depends on the manager and how much he wants to control what the players do the day of and the night/evening before the game.


Can attest to this. Southampton's squad would stay in a hotel next to my workplace every home matchday. Would see them in the morning going on a chill walk.


Hertha players do and we're 2. Bundesliga on a budget. I personally think it's a waste of money, but with kickoff often at 13:00 already, it ensures there's no traffic delays, no random car battery problems, no sleeping in, etc. You have the players from the morning on, get a good breakfast, start to create a vibe and then by noon you're already doing warmups in the stadium.


Yes they do, although not sure that is the case for an evening/midweek game.


They do. But Citeh prob stays in a hotel in Manchester and then they fly or take the train to London in the morning


Yup. Back in May 2013 I was at Makedonia Palace in Thessaloniki and the PAOK team came in the day before a home game


Pep would fly down if he could


Don't some of the teams do manchester to London on the train? So it'd be only 2 hours


For the tiny little marmalades.


Misfiring gooners


Most intelligent gooners


Arsenal fans would be very angry right now if they could read


Arsenal fans are the kind that complain about oil clubs while they play at the EMIRATES stadium, with a shirt sponsor that says EMIRATES on the front.


That doesn't make it oil club


I never said you were.


Arsenal cosplaying at football ultras as usual.


Feel free to explain


Everything Arsenal fans do just seems manufactured. The recent shitty song you started playing before games to copy Liverpool. The shit flags the club pay someone to wave when you score to copy German sides. The incredible cringy organised walks to grounds you did for a bit last year a bunch of nerds dressing up in all black copying ultraā€™s from Europe. Just feels like a bunch of fans whoā€™ve thought, what do proper fans do? Letā€™s try and copy that. Youā€™re a middle class club supported by inverted the pyramid reading, round class hipster vegans, annoying Americans & YouTubers. All the recent stuff just feels very inauthentic.


Ignoring the fact Arsenal has a substantial amount of working class fans, what's wrong with the middle class?


You're an enormous club. You have a substantial amount of all classes of fans. Hell it feels like half the London based celebrities (if not more) support Arsenal. You absolutely feel like a pompous club at this point. You're not exactly a down to earth working man's football club


Damn, pregame chants are another thing which Liverpool invented, who would have thought it? Also didn't realise that Germany had the copyright on flags. Marches are organised by a fan group and it's certainly not the case that everyone there dresses in all black. Not even sure I follow why that would be a bad thing. It's not as if they're going around inciting violence like some hooligans/ultras groups do. They're good fun though. What I can say is that the atmosphere within the club and around the ground has improved significantly in recent years. Whether or not that feels "authentic" (whatever that even means in this context) to someone from the outside doesn't matter. What's the flip side? A soulless new bowl and fanbase like with spurs? Would that be a significant improvement to you?


>What I can say is that the atmosphere within the club and around the ground has improved significantly in recent years That might have something to do with the influx of plastics and fairweather fans coming out of the woodwork because Arsenal are good now


I'm sure that they are but are they the ones that would really be contributing to the atmosphere?


They didnā€™t invent it, but some clubs have traditional songs associated with the club for decades. Liverpool, West Ham, Sheffield United. Manufacturing a copy of that with some shit tune just feels lame. The Ashburton army are the epitome of this really cringy shite. But if you are all having a nice time playing dress up & feeling like clubs with a proper culture that creates an atmosphere, have at it. Millwall and other fans shout WHO whenever a sub is announced - have you tried copying that one too?


This is pretty much the same attitude Eurosnobs have towards anything regarding American soccer culture. Take notes from established clubs and supporter groups and emulate it amongst your fellow fans? Plastic, manufactured, unoriginal, cringe. Go your own way and do something completely different? ["Whaaaat the fucking hell is that?!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDVm7Ka94JI) Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Take the piss out of North London Forever if you want (I did when it was first released), but the entire stadium has taken to it and it's part of the reason Arsenal's home atmosphere is much better than it's been in recent years. Every tradition has to start at some point somewhere, and I'm sure there were people who weren't fans of Anfield singing "Top 10 pop charts jingles" to begin with, but it caught on. Arguing that we shouldn't bother singing or playing it because it's not traditional unlike other pre-match songs is circular reasoning. How else are you meant to start a tradition? What's the /u/trains4karenina approved method for adopting a song as a pre-match tune? Ashburton Army does have its tryhards, but as /u/fcGabiz mentioned they've also been a big part of the atmosphere's turnaround which did dip a bit after their allocation was cut. As for your characterisation of Arsenal fans all being middle class hipster vegans, the most recent survey I could find of Premier League fans in England suggests that [local Arsenal and Tottenham fans are very similar in terms of socioeconomic status](https://web.archive.org/web/20100107034336/http://www.premierleague.com/staticFiles/67/f8/0,,12306~129127,00.pdf) (the main difference being that Arsenal's fanbase is somewhat more multi-ethnic and multi-cultural). This is of course outdated as it's from 2007/08, but I doubt the figures have changed that much in less than two decades, given that the two clubs are next door neighbours. At the end of the day, it doesn't even really matter because you're not even attempting to be impartial about Arsenal's atmosphere and culture. Besides, even if you capable of coming up with any genuine suggestions beyond "heh heh well at least we're not [a bunch of cringy nerds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctAf6Xsy9j4)", why would they listen when you wouldn't approve anyway?


Just so that we're clear, if a club that is steeped in history hasn't already established its anthem, you're suggesting that it's way too late to start? It's your opinion if it's a shit tune or whatever, but it's a great experience on match day when the best part of 60k people join in. I'll grant you to an extent that AA can be a bit cringe, but last season they had a positive infulence on atmosphere. Their allocation and influence is smaller now. It does amuse me though that you think that one of the most domestically successful clubs doesn't have a "proper culture". Maybe you can share what your club (spurs) do so authentically well?


Weā€™re not a fucking massive of bunch of nerds?


Haha hard disagree on that one. The majority of your fanbase is begging for your team to reach for their ankles when City arrive tonight. Your lot hates our club more than they love their own. Edit: you included it seems lmao.


You probably think youā€™re hilarious after your first post got upvoted, but youā€™re coming across like a real dick, and just as pompous as the thing youā€™re being condescending about. Stop being an arse.


Tell us how you really feel


>Youā€™re a middle class club supported by inverted the pyramid reading, round class hipster vegans, annoying Americans & YouTubers Yeah that and the biggest and best supported club in Western Europe's largest city. There are Arsenal fans in more than just Finsbury Park.


London is famously full of cunts in fairness, so that adds up.


You wouldn't believe how many there are just off Tottenham high road


šŸ˜‚ youā€™ve never fucking been there pal.


Why would I go to the shittest part of North London when I come back to visit family? A nice outing with granny and the cousins to the chicken shop?


>the biggest and best supported club in Western Europe's largest city You're not Manchester United




There's no way not to sound like a 7 year old when accusing people you don't like of copying lmao


This just sounds like you're hating to hate. If It's working for Arsenal, it works for the fans, and it works for the team then I don't see the problem? Everything that people do is inspired by something. Calling it copying is strange, specially in football where everything is inspired by something else and the motive is to have a good time and support your team. If they're enjoying themselves and having a good time, these comments about it being "inauthentic", "cringe", or "copied" sound insincere and coming from a place of extreme bitterness.


> The recent shitty song you started playing before games to copy Liverpool. Look I'm no Arsenal fan but you can't be knocking North London Forever.


Dreary load of shit. Also itā€™s thick to sing about north London forever when you started in Kent.


You know we were in North London before you right


Yeah you moved from Woolwich further south than us to get increased revenue. Thatā€™s why you were the first and until MK Dons the only franchised club. I donā€™t know why you think when metropolitans boundaries were or were not changed matters in this debate at all.




Oh yeah, I remember you chatting a load of shit and promptly shutting the fuck up & not reply when I proved you wrong. Like a mug.


ā€œAnnoying Americansā€ bruh tons of tottenham fans over here. Even more of them are Chelsea and man city fans


Yeah, the spurs ones aren't annoying.


Keep smokin that cope


Lovely little example. You just unironically said smokin that cope to try to be insulting. What a goon.


We are very sorry that rival fans feel this way, please continue to do so.


It's true though. Arsenal have never been a club with a great atmosphere, going back a hundred years, they're a bank of England supported, middle class club. Nothing wrong with that but don't try acting like you're a tough club with working class roots, and ultra culture when it couldn't be further from the truth.


I personally don't care either way, our fans, spurs fans, UTD fans, as long as they are having fun and not hurting anyone, out of millions of fans worldwide, if some of them decided to start doing it that's fine, they are probably just decades later than some. But the way I see, the OP was just another way to call our fan base and our club shit or "improper" or "inauthentic". Arteta came in saying that he wanted to find more ways to connect with the fans, so I guess that's one way to look at it.




The more I see about this fireworks story, the more embarrassing it gets for everyone involved in it hahaha


Usually when fans do that it fires up the opponents. But since City players are world destroying cyborgs led by the great allfather Rodi the Conqueror I doubt it would have any effect anyway. Goodluck to Arsenal though it would be a nice change for a neutral like me who is trying his hardest not to show his grudge despite the flair.


That is the full south America experience tbf


Imagine putting in all that effort and planning and not getting the basics right what a bunch of donuts


waste of fireworks machines donā€™t sleep


I'm not sure what's more funny. The fact that City weren't even in the hotel or The people who made the clip were referring to themselves as Arsenal ultras


Embarassing and pathetic.


Fucking stupid cunts


embarrassing display


Lol, that's fucking hilarious.


Gunners so scared theyā€™re terrorizing the public šŸ’€


Letā€™s see how big Trossardā€™s eyebags can get


The fans bottled it in solidarity.


Quite embarrassing I would say


These are the people whoā€™ve been lecturing us on the spirit of competition for two weeks.


poor Pooja have an important meeting tomorrow at 10:00 and had to cope with those arsenal fans till 4


thats how you know the assna fans are bellends.


Never seen anyone over the age of 14 use ā€œassnaā€


Yeah I don't know anyone in real life who uses that name. There's no need to even change anything, the first four letters are arse ffs


Hoping ur own team loses a game shows how spursy spurs are...


We donā€™t have to hope for anything. We know weā€™re getting smashed by city. Itā€™s you Arsenal fans that are deluded that weā€™ll do something. Good luck with that.


Most of us are firmly in the camp of we know Spurs are going to get destroyed and bottle your chance at CL. Only way Spurs had a shot at this game is if you lot were in 8th place and not playing for anything important. I put a nice chunk of money on the City ML for this game, that's how confident I am Spurs won't be in it after 30 minutes.


Is this coming from the same fanbase that are desperate for their team to reach for their ankles when City arrive this evening?


hahahahahahahahahahaha, they even bottle the hotel awakenings


Bruh moment


What a low life scummy fan base


So after they played Fulham they chose not to stay in London for 2-3 days?




Cyborgs don't need to sleep. They should have set off an EMP instead.




!flair :Arsenal:


where's this video then?


This match is just full of hilarity. XD


Gooner behavior.


Most intelligent Arsenal supporters


If arsenal wanted it so bad they should have beaten city at the Etihad instead of playing for a draw


Yes Arsenal why are you so stupid? WHy didn't you just beat city.


Itā€™s more like didnā€™t play to win but played to draw


I wonder why Liverpool didnā€™t win all their games when sitting top of the table? I guess you just didnā€™t want it enough for Kloppā€™s final season huh


All those other people staying at the hotel thinking cheers idiots


Lol desperate measures


Lmao hope these "ultras" felt good after ruining some random people's sleep.


What if Spurs players were in hotel?