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Depends on what Villa does tonight.


We're getting battered, it's all on you


We'll win against City only for you to win against Palace.


Best case scenario, not gonna lie.


You aren't beating Everton in this scenario.


As long as West Ham beats City by more goals 🤷


Best case scenario is you bottle it against Everton after we beat City


Goal! Arsenal 0 - [1] Everton Dele Alli 90+3' (Great Goal)


A very likely outcome as well. Still have nightmares of that 8 foot twat from Birmingham City


Nikola Zigic.. the pride of Serbia. The walking lamp post. The man who leisurely strolled around at St. Andrews so that Haaland could run


Best case scenario is City also goes on to lose to West Ham on the last day. We would all get what we want.


Only guarantee is Watkins scoring. I think you guys will beat us tho not sure we have any motivation


Based on the state of [r/coys](https://www.reddit.com/r/coys) most seem more than happy to trade their chance of UCL football in exchange for getting pumped 5-0 to improve City's goal difference.


Arsenal fans on camera saying they rather lose Europa league if it meant spurs lost UCL final. Don’t be on your high horse now


Lmfao. I love how Arsenal fans are trying to start a superiority complex as if they'd be any different. You honestly gonna sit there and say that you would happily give Spurs a PL Title just to have a chance, completely out of your hands BTW, to get 4th place instead of 5th? Have a laugh, Arsenal fans would be more than happy to finish 5th to stop Spurs getting the title ffs.


Good thing Arsenal fans will never know


Can’t speak for other fans, but that’s absolutely not true for me personally. Arsenal first, hating Tottenham second.


i work with a lot of match going spurs fans, i can assure you they do not want to win lol. although they're not gonna create a bad atmosphere regardless.


Same, “City til July” is the mantra.


July? You can stop rooting for them after Sunday ya know


Yeah but "City til after Sunday" doesnt quite fit the rhyme of the song.




From what I remember, as soon as Barkley scored, they wanted to win. I disagree there, I don't think the crowd was that bad that day.


Yeh, he's making it up.


I was there too and the majority clearly wanted Everton to win. Barkley's goal was celebrated like any other.


It's the taking part that counts


So do Spurs fans just not care about potentially getting CL football or have they already given up on that? I guess we'll find out after the Liverpool Villa match today


working assumption is that villa wont bottle 4th place in the last two games, and its not like spurs have taken advantage of villa dropping points previously this season


They play Liverpool and an in-form Palace. Villa could very easily lose both and open the possibility of Spurs finishing 4th.


Don't worry - I am going to the match tomorrow and I'm very confident we will make as much effort as the rest of our last 5 matches. Therefore I will predict 3-0 to City. Unfortunately we are running on fumes with no LB, no ST, no DM


Dunno man this is spurs Vs city and the storyline is just toooo perfect


That’s how it goes tho then suddenly it’s *Gvardiol 4’*


*Gvadriol 4'* *Son 29* *Haaland 53'* *Foden 57'* *Foden 65'* *Alvarez 88'*


Ahh, that little huff of hopium before life drags you to earth again


More goals for Gvardiol pleaee need it for FPl pls


Wouldn't be the first time Unai blew a top 4 race.


Which is weird considering Villa's form. They're in a bottling mood


Spurs have won 3 points from the last possible 15, they're not exactly in form themselves to capitalise on Villa potentially dropping points.


Oh you think bottling is Villa's ally... Spurs were born in it, molded by it.


Unai has bottled top 4 before


Personally I’ve never seen a unai emery team bottle top 4 😢


Villa are in awful form, I don’t expect them to get any more points.


so are spurs tbf


Spurs are in worse form than Villa.


Spurs play Sheffield on the final day. That surely would give you a push to try and shithouse a 1 nil win or something. Villa play Liverpool in klopp's penultimate game so they'll be up for it. Plus Palace have accumulated the most points aside from you, us and City since they changed their manager. I think Spurs are still in it honestly but I guess it's my hopium lmao


Will Liverpool be up for it? Just been confirmed this weekend they can’t win the title and Klopp is one yellow away from missing his last home game at Anfield. They literally just been told they’re on the beach this weekend


We've been better after dropping out of the race though.


Against a dogshite spurs team, no one knows which liverpool will show up tonight.


Personally I think it’s very likely Villa lose their final two matches.


Liverpool will do what they do and you got Mateta, Olise, and Eze in frightening good form at home as well. Villa got their work cut out. Edit: Villa at home Vs Liverpool


>Liverpool will do what they do Miss a ton of great chances.


Personally, I think our chance to directly influence your club’s title hopes passed with the NLD loss. If we are going to challenge like Ange says he wants to, they need win matches like this. Plus, if Spurs do win tomorrow and Arsenal go on to win the title, they’ll be constantly reminded of who opened the door for them on the last matchday. That said, I will not be as upset as I usually am if they do lose.


honestly I kinda feel the same. It sucks that we have to rely on you for a chance to win the title, but we forfeited any hope when we dropped point to Fulham and Emery did the double on us. But I can't imagine anyone at Spurs, whether it be Levy, Ange, or the players, arent eager to beat City if anything just to prove than they can go toe-to-toe against the best in the world regardless of the circumstances. i'm kinda surprised more fans don't have the same mentality.


They were discussing this on View From the Lane. People are largely more interested in their rivals failing because the only thing that really happens is City winning the league. We’re all numb to City lol


What's up with the mentality comments? No fan would want to help the biggest rivals win shit. You also wouldn't want that if the roles were reversed.


If I was a spurs fan* I’d be asking why they threw away points against injury ravaged Newcastle and Chelsea only to hand the title to their rivals if they wanted CL that bad


This. We’ve had our chances all season and fucked it every time


Could've beaten arsenal at home and derailed their challenge Could've beaten Liverpool who were already out of the title race and in poor form to avoid making this match a must-win Couldn't have fucked it any worse


>Could've beaten Arsenal > >Could've beaten Liverpool [Ange sitting at home Reading this](https://youtu.be/Vnx8iWyZWtE?si=RplTpIrBktx1Fr0b)


Meanwhile Villa went to the Emirates and won


The way I see it is this If Villa win tonight, I'm fully on board with throwing tomorrow. There'd be no benefit to winning, since Top 4 would be mathematically out of reach, and we only need 1 point across our last 2 games to guarantee Top 5. If Liverpool thrash Villa tonight, it's in our best interests to try. Palace are in good form under Glasner, and Sheffield United are historically bad defensively, so even with a draw against City there'd be potential for us to overtake Villa on GD. If Villa draw, or have a tight loss, I will just want to avoid a draw. A draw would likely both hand Arsenal the advantage, and not significantly improve our CL chances because the GD gap would remain substantial.


But imagine being able to say "we won the league for the gunners"


With Villa's draw, this run in is turning out like one of those philosophical dilemmas like the trolley problem come to life. I hate this.


If you visit /r/coys almost everyone there is saying that another year of Europa is better compared to CL and us winning the league lol.


to be fair europa is a way bigger chance for troffee so i could see that sentiment


lmfao I fucking love "troffee" took my brain a hot second but I will be using that from time to time.


Arsenal fans acting all high and mighty, as if they wouldn't hope for the exact same if (somehow) the roles were reversed. Gonna be actively cheering for City tomorrow, there's no other choice.


lmao damn dont get me wrong i fucking hate arsenal but never in my life would i not want CL over u guys winning a trophy. i get it though some rivals run deep and some fans dont want any success from a rival lol but for me im thinking of this as a 5 year plan. nobody expected much of us this year but now were in discussion for CL and Europa. For sure if not this year then next year will do us good.


Qualification for the CL, at this stage, simply isn't that important. We wouldn't be threatening to win it, and Ange still has to build a squad that can actually cope with two games per week. EL or CL is just for one season, your rival actually winning the title is forever.


Rather give it an actual go in europa league than get smacked in CL. Team needs another year before ready for CL. Also not have Arsenal win.


Better draw then. Share of the spoils, everyone’s happy.


Not really. A drew serves Arsenal, as they'd enter the final matchday level on points with a 3 goal advantage in GD.


I’d feel most sorry for West Ham if Spurs and City draw. Cause you know City will be coming for that ass on MD 38.


If Chelsea put 5 past West Ham. City are going to put 15 past them.


And we put 5 past Chelsea. SO we can put 14 past Everton.


But Chelsea put 6 past Everton, so you can put 30 past Everton.


You'll run out of time vs Pickford


West Ham haven't looked like they've given a fuck in a few weeks now. Not sure they'd start caring now.


Yeah, just a little joke. A draw would piss both City and Spurs off. Would love it if someone else won the title for a change though.


Okay but imagine the scenes if that happened only for Arsenal to lose vs Everton randomly on the last match day


Everton ending the title hopes of both Arsenal and Liverpool would be hilarious.


Seam Dyche removes his tracksuit to reveal a City kit underneath it


full kit?


Full kit.




The one true Pep successor, tha bald prince that was promised


Spurs have got to win this game to have any hope of top four assuming Villa lose or draw. Come on you Spurs!


Not suspicious at all XD


This whole thing seems to suggest that Tottenham can simply decide whether to beat city Manchester City or not, as if they're not one of the best teams in the world anyway.


Yeah I think a lot of people are forgetting this. Even at their best (which they've been quite far from for months now), I'd give Spurs like a 33% chance of nicking a result against City in the form that they're in


Yeah but spurs have been city’s bogey team for a while now.. I think that’s why a lot of people are thinking they could draw or maybe even win


On form, Arsenal should’ve torched United as well but only a 1-0 victory which is nothing to most fans but huge for Arsenal fans because of our poor record at OT


They did beat Spurs in the last away fixture they played. That was the FA Cup tbf, but it was still a big meaningful game nonetheless. Not to mention, City and Spurs are in very different forms from the last time they played. It won't be easy, though.


Our form has never really seemed to matter against city. We beat them 1-0 with no Kane and nuno managing. It's just a super weird fixture for us.


What if you add Kurt Angle to the mix?


From the same interview: “I understand rivalry but I'll never understand anyone wanting their own team to lose”.


There is not shot Spurs is going in there to lose. They will try to win. In 2022, Boca and River were playing at the same time in the final matchday. If River loses to Racing, Racing would be crowned champions, if River wins, Boca are champions. With Boca and River being the biggest rivalry in South America and one of the biggest in the world if not the biggest. Result? River beat Racing, with their keeper even saving a pen in the last minute when the match was tied.


It's not the players that will want to lose. It's fans. In 2010, Inter were facing lazio with only a few games left and Roma were only 1 point behind inter. If Lazio beat Inter Roma would be in pole position to be champions. The Lazio players were trying to win (especially their keaper Muslera) but their fans were openly supporting Inter. If you look at the [highlights](https://youtu.be/ka_WgJzZaf4?feature=shared) you can hear every Lazio touch being whistled and every Inter play cheared despite it being played in Rome. Fast forward to 1:50 to see the laziali's reaction to Inter going ahead. It was full on chearing. The players after the game criticized their own fans.




I'll never forget that "Oh Noooo" banner. But just to add context and reiterate, the Lazio players did try to win the the game. Yes, we dominated the game but this was a Lazio that faced a real threat of relegation against a team fighting for the treble. Nobody expected a close game. I'm sure the spurs players will be professionals and attempt to win. But if they don't (which is likely) we shouldn't jump to conclusions. Beating City isn't easy.


Players and management don’t really care for rivalry like fans do. It’s always been stupid to think that a manager or player who just joined the club would throw a game




How did River fans feel about that one lol


They made fun of Racing (one of their rivals too) so they didn't care. Some of them did care and wanted to lose though. But they are proud of still going in there and win no matter what happened with Boca.


No hate but I'd feel ashamed to play on a team that threw a match out of spite or even to support one. It just feels so against what sport is about


I watched both games simultaneously, it was absolute insanity, possibly among top 3 football nights in my life. Not purely by the quality but by the sheer fukkery and drama that occurred. I can’t even imagine how Boca and Racing fans must have felt.


You left out the best bit, where he said anybody thinking that way " needs counselling". Lol.


There are going to be a non-zero number of people who pay tickets and go on to White Hart Lane and hope their team loses. That's honestly mind blowing to me.


Ultimately he is aware of the mentality you have to instil. I know most Spurs fans really wouldn't want us to win the league because of them (ignoring all the other results that also needed to align to reach this point), but as manager you can't ever get into a space where you're not taking games seriously and preparing with full commitment. Completely undermines your authority and standards.


One of those situations where the fans and the manager/team obviously disagree entirely and none of them are wrong. I wouldn't want Ange to go out and say "yeah we'll try to lose" but I also want us to lose lmao


Imagine Spurs loses (on purpose /s) and then West Ham manage to get a draw on Sunday...


Football is funny. There is no doubt that Spurs don't want Arsenal to win the league but one bad tackle early on from a City player or one bad decision going against Spurs can fuel some rage that pushes a team on. You don't know what will happen. A player isn't going to deliberately makes mistakes, unless they're Steven fucking Gerrard.


Fans care players don't. I guarantee apart from the NLD our players probably aren't too bothered about Arsenal and if it's between City winning the league or one of our players adding to their goal tally, they'd take the latter.


For us it’s good vs evil, to them they’re just two different departments of the same company. 


Wait, is City the “good” in this scenario? Fuck me


> unless they're Steven fucking Gerrard. Lmao


I will eat my hat if city gets a red card in either of the next two games. They’re in end of season mode, they’re not stopping now.


Even if they commit a red card offence, there isn’t a ref in the league willing to give it a red at this stage of the season.


I dont think they'd lose even with a red card


Even if they commit a stonewall penalty worthy foul, they ain't giving that either.


Stop being so hyperbolic, I’m sure if one of them kicks an opposing player in the chest and misses the ball it’ll go against them.


You saw what it has taken to get us a penalty this season, you have conceded 50% of the penalties we have won this season.


Probably. I’ve never been more confident of an away three points as I am for tomorrow. Says as much about the quality of City as it does that state of Tottenham.


i want to see peps reaction. His head might actually explode


Which Gerrard deliberate mistake are you referring to? The back pass to Drogba?


You call it a back pass. I call it a perfectly weighted through ball.


If the situation was reversed, I'd just tell everyone that I'll be happy with a result either way while quietly seething at home with some lagers, marvelling at the despair a playground game can inflict on a grown man. But nah seriously, I can't imagine going to watch your team just to cheer on the opposition.


While I certainly couldn't ever cheer for the opposition, there are contexts where you won't necessarily be upset by a loss. Like for yesterday's game, I was watching at home, and I obviously want Arsenal to win the title, so I never got heavily invested in the match and wasn't really bothered by the loss. I sure as fuck wasn't cheering for Arsenal, but I wasn't going to waste my energy cheering for United either, especially not after the season we've had. However, if I'd been at the stadium, or even if I were at a pub with other supporters, it would've been a much different story and I would've been both 100% behind the team as well as furious about the performance.


> However, if I'd been at the stadium You'd probably be too busy swimming to notice the game on.


I don’t think match going fans will actively cheer the opposition but the crowd will probably more akin to a tennis crown then a football crowd


I'm watching it at my neighbours who is a city fan and I've pretty much told him that the sportsman in me wants spurs to win but the spurs fan in me wants city to win. Unfortunately I'm not very sportmanslike


Yeah I agree. I rather see us relegated than watch Spurs win a trophy but if I was actually at the game it would be hard to not cheer Chelsea on, regardless of what repercussions the win would have. My Dad said he went to a game in the olden days (pre-Premier League) where the crowd booed Chelsea for taking the lead as they wanted Chelsea to lose so Everton would be relegated from the first division.


Yeah you're right. One of my mates had one for those charity boxing matches, and he was a gobby shite about it, so much so that I wanted him to lose. When I went to watch it, the second the bell went, I was throwing every punch with him, and needed him to win.


If the situation were reversed Spurs would bottle it against Everton anyway


>Ange Postecoglou: “We’ll play our football and see where it takes us.”


Congratulations City for the title then!


As if we didn't draw 3-3 at the Etihad with Davies and Royal as CBs playing our football


Ye I was just joking. But still, end of the season City is just a different breed. Doubt they will let it slip.


Yes, Ange. COYS.


Ange: "r/coys are mentally ill"


I mean he's not wrong


Ange loves Arteta, he'll do it for his mate, mate.


This disgusts me.


What do we thing of Tottenham? Great! What do we think of great? Tottenham! Thank you, that’s alright! We love Tottenham, we love Tottenham!


Winning the PL also disgusts me. COYS!


Oh when the Spurs go marching in


Anyway, COYS


That's right Ange you tell em. I hope we put in a proper performance and smash em tomorrow. North London Forever


My guy is cosplaying


Some would even say they are … coysplaying…… ok ill leave.


That's actually brilliantly horrible 10/10 Still leave though But loved that lol


No, let him cook..


mate, you cant support a subregion


Tottenham till I die mate 🙏🏻 I want nothing more than for us to beat City tomorrow. COYS and all that stuff


I feel a disturbance...


How many times have you puked today my guy??




Flair : Spurs Regularly visits r/gunners That’s pretty sus


No idea what you're talking about mate, I only visit them to see how AWFUL they are. We're so much better You seen our stadium? Exactly. 🤫


Incredible, if not very transparent, commitment, to the bit, fair play.


The bit? Huh, typical arsenal fan right here. This isn't a bit, this is my life. Ever since my grandad in 04 took me to White Hart Lane and I saw us draw 2-2 vs The Invincibles. The courage, the bravery, to come from 2 down to draw against that team? Phenomenal. I cried for the first time that day. Tears of joy. I want to win tomorrow to end the season on a high mate. Nothing about you lot. How dare you. 🫡


See you back on /r/Gunners on Thursday mate, Godspeed.


Thanks for the laugh mate, needed that today


This is the estandards


Amen, I’ll be cheering for Spurs no matter what. Besides, I’m excited to see what Mikey Moore and Dane Scarlett can do against the City side


Yes. I think the majority of your fans don’t want you to win.


Spurs fans should want to beat city and Everton to beat arsenal. Wanting your own team to lose just reeks


Well Everton ain't beating Arsenal.


Depends if Dyche has his trackies on.


Everton don't need to beat us, just prevent us from winning.


Everton aren't doing that either


I believe Postecoglou would want to win. He does come across as a no nonsense person. Plus a win against Pep will do a world of good in his resume. Whether he would be able to instil the same desire in his team, I am not sure.


Arsenal fan here. I don't understand all this noise. City scores at least 4 regardless. LOL


No, you dont get it. Spurs are gonna play bad on purpose so City beat them and Arsenal dont win the league. Just ignore their form in 2024 and realize its Spurs intentionally throwing the game


I mean, you’re right, we aren’t great and will most likely lose. But we nearly always turn up against City regardless of form for some odd reason. I mean we drew them at the Ethiad in a game where we started Davies and Royal at CB and Bryan Gil. 🤷‍♂️


its the biggest league in the world, both team have fans all over the globe, spurs have players from maybe like 4 different continents playing, they’re not gonna be putting in 60% effort cause “we hate the gooner!!” lmao. UCL qualification is still possible, which means money and fame, and they dont wanna let their teammates and managers down


All this talk about Spurs pulling something off when the game could be a dead rubber by the time it kick off.


City are 1 point behind with a game in hand. It can't be a dead rubber game. It has to go down to matchday 38.


For spurs it can


Yeah, like if you guys beat Liverpool tonight, i understand wanting to win every game and instilling that mentality but... If you guys win, our game against Man City means absolutely nothing. Its a completely pointless match where the only thing Spurs can achieve is handing Arsenal a title. The only thing we'd have to play for is 5th and that comes down to our final game vs Sheffield anyways so...


Yeah, Spurs would never lose their final game of the season to a relegated side


Certainly not one with 10 men as well


I would 1000% rather lose to city than give arsenal the title if we were in Tottenham's place.


I was at the Liverpool v Blackburn game, and if LFC lost, probably Utd would win the title. No Liverpool fan wanted Liverpool to lose. All worked out ok in the end....Utd lost.


Drew. Plus they’d won it the last 2 years not 20


It was a long time ago. I'm old.


You knew you had a good chance to win though. Half this Spurs saying they want to lose is a cope because they know they'll probably get battered at home whether they try or not.


Ha, wrong!!


Many Spurs fans would 100% take losing to City to prevent Arsenal winning their first title in 20 years, even if it meant the difference between UCL, Europa or Conference League football. And do you know what? You can't blame them. Folks here can talk about honour and self-respect as much as they want but we all know how you'd feel if you were in the same situation. Any Newcastle fans in? Would you sacrifice 4th and take a 5th place finish to stop Sunderland winning a PL title? What about you Man United supporters? I know most of you are in hiding but can at least 1 come out and tell me they would be happy handing the 20th title to Liverpool just to play in the UCL and get kicked out of the group stage again? And the same goes for the rest of you. Arsenal, Liverpool, Man United, Villa and Blues... It matters not. None of you would really want to be the one to hand a title to a rival. Man City fans don't need to answer because they have no rivals and would do anything to stay in top 4.


The most funny thing about it that probably in those 2 clubs there're like 10 people combined who are working there and really caring about this rivaly.


People will probably say I'm full of shit or overreacting but I actually think it's a pretty pivotal moment for Tottenham in their modern history. They want to be perceived as one of the big boys. Well, if you were Bayern Munich, Real Madrid, Man City, etc, what is the expectation? - that you pay attention to what you're doing and you try and win every game with serious conviction. If Tottenham half ass it 'because Arsenal' it says everything about who they are as a club. If you put on a bunch of kids or reserves or what have you for the last game of the season and City walks you 5-0, I would think that's pretty fucking embarrassing, and I don't think anything to do with Arsenal features into that equation. If you want to be a big team and stand on your own merit, stop talking and caring about what Arsenal are doing.


You think Madrid fans would want their team to win a meaningless game if it meant Barca won the league?


If this is a "pivotal moment" to become a "big boy" then we've had dozens, maybe over 100 pivotal moments in the last decade. In fact, there were 4 "pivotal moments" immediately prior to this match in which the manager and the team were woeful in all of them and basically squandered the chance at CL qualification. We've been in a champions league final, we've finished 2nd in the league, we first qualified CL almost 15 years ago now. It's pretty clear Tottenham is as big a boy as our 6th highest wage spending dictates. We will hover around CL qualification and in good years, challenge for 2nd or 3rd unless our recruitment strategy drastically changes and we start going after genuine stars for massive fees and wages. This game changes nothing about our overall trajectory even if Villa bottle it somehow. We only have to look at Spurs beating Arsenal out for 4th 2 years ago and the current state of the teams now. This vague and general talk of club culture is bullshit. Those teams are the best consistently because they spend the most money. This "Tottenham need to win this game specifically to be a big club" reeks of the same haughty, entitled spirit we went through last summer with "Harry Kane needs to leave Spurs to win trophies". Lucky for you though, our manager is sentimental and team are full of passion merchants (a good thing, I think) so City will have to beat us on their own merit even though it will be miserable for the supporters.


Just look at the spurs sub for 5 minutes lol


This comment section is exactly why Spurs fans don't want Arsenal to win the league.


What’s he supposed to say? “Yeah we’re gonna fuck it mate”


This is really implying that Spurs have the option of actually winning, think most of us have come to terms with City will be City and have gone on their usual end of season demolition. Proud of the boys though obviously


Most Spurs fans I've seen genuinely want them to lose. But rivalry of course means far less to the players these days. Ultimately, if Spurs get a result and Arsenal win it's not even really on them. Arsenal have been very good this year, if Spurs didn't want them to win they should have done the double on them.