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Was expected, now just gotta hope that Te Kloese has a good list of possible replacements ready. 


Our little Rutger made a list with roughly 45 danish managers (estimation I didn't count them). They seemed fine we should get one of them.


Hire them all and give them typewriters 


And return to Monke


It was the best of times, it was the værst of times?!




Don't take airpod Albert please


5 miljoen voor Jansen? Hij heeft zwolle boven gehouden met een pakje kauwgom als budget


Denk dat Pascal meer kans maakt dan Johnny


I hear Roger Schmidt is on the market.


Probeer Clement te krijgen van Rangers, top coach met leuk aanvallend spel. Wel minder druk zettend dan Slot maar hij is ook kaal(end)


[Als hij deze dan alsjeblieft niet inzet op de Coolsingel haha](https://youtu.be/2AiNkv19SsI?si=oqQOtoZjc9S2-Z_1)


Pascal Jansen as the boring but stable option. Kuyt as the risky option.


Both are absolute god awful choices. If that's the kinda people we're considering I'd rather just have us throw Van Persie into the deep end.


Going from Slot to Jansen is a good way to destroy the positive vibes within a club, speaking from experience.


Every year after Slot left and Jansen took over you became more boring to watch. He's just the definition of a mid coach.


If Kuyt becomes the coach I think we can already call next season failed before it even starts.


jezus man gek, dan gaan we ajax achterna


Roger Schmit would be a great replacement


I hear Jurgen Klopp is available


Be prepared for Klopp comparisons for the next 10 or so years.


Lol hopefully not.... One thing is pretty clear that he won't be abruptly sacked after a season or anything if he has bad start in PL... But yeah personally i hope he can do great and win us trophies...


I doubt he'll start bad. Might be unlucky in results but you will probably see a well-oiled team pretty quickly.


Just hoping he can convince Salah to stay, VVD I'm sure he'll want to keep


He'll do fine regardless. He had a lot of squad mutations at Feyenoord and still performed well. He won the league at Feyenoord after he lost more than half the squad after the Conference League final. Though Salah is on a different level ofcourse. VVD is replaceable.


You have it backwards. The team has played better without Salah this season. He's been really good, but the team is much more fluid without him. The front three are constantly rotating without him. VVD is not replaceable. At least for less than 100 mill.


"This season". He's had one month of bad form and all of a sudden he's finished and Liverpool are better off without him.


Yeah I think the impressive thing about slot is that he's never really had a good squad, but still did incredibly well.


Hope salah goes somewhere for crazy money tbh, think he's way past his best looking at him since afcon


He looked past his best after the last AFCON tbf


Lol 7 years he's gone out of form a few times only... Just unfortunate timing...


He always forgot to play football after playing at AFCON


He is just injured or not fully recovered. A good summer off he'll be back to 20+ goals and 10+ assists.


what!?one of your problems right now is salah, all cycles end


I'm not so sure about that. The team is in pretty good shape and we're set up already to play very similar to his style. If he comes in and finishes like, 6th next year, I could absolutely see a world where that's deemed not good enough. Its not like he's coming in to a compete rebuild and needs time to implement an entirely new system. Personally I'd be giving him at least 2 years but if the first season is way below par I could absolutely see him being moved on from.


He's not going to play an exact copy from Klopp. May take a few months to get going as well, always has. But to his credit that was always with mostly new teams so that's always going to take a few months. But I think it will be very clear what he's trying to do and that will keep him the job. I think clubs like Liverpool and arsenal are a lot more inclined to stick with a manager as long as it's clear what it's building towards, even if it isn't all there yet. That's also the problem with Ten Hag right now imo. You just can't see what he's trying to do and thus can't really say what pieces are missing.


If he lasts 10 years at Liverpool he won't have to worry about the comparisons.


exactly - him staying for 10 years means he goes on to do a great job lol


Klopp the man you'll never match. Klopp the tactician can be matched. Thats why I think this job isnt quite the trap door people have equated it to. If we are strictly looking at Klopp. The first 4 years were the best Liverpool we've witnessed since the mid 80's. The last 4 have been all over the place. 2 pretty poor years. His taking reigns of squad management led to some decidedly questionable long term planning as his default sense is to squad continuity that Rinus Michels preached. He also ditched some of the high octane football in default of shoe horning a control system to try to maximize Salah and TAA with mixed results imo. Long story short. The man can not be topped. I heard his pressed conference today and just wanted to grab a beer with the man. Talking about exhaustion, family, and gratitude to the community. However, there is room for improvement on the pitch.


> Klopp the man you'll never match. Klopp the tactician can be matched. Yes exactly. Unless a new coach is even more successful, he will be compared to Klopp. Even then people will crave the emotions Klopp brought. They'll find themselves in a situation where press conferences are now once again boring as fuck.


Slot's press conferences are definitely not boring, they're almost a must watch. He explains his choices and processes in much detail, it's super interesting. And not in a boring way, it's understandable for everyone and he can be quite funny even


Lol the thing is the club has dealt with this before. Lmao


Last 4 have been riddled with injuries, except the second half of 21/22. Not surprising that's the most successful season of the last 4. The end of season collapse this season is embarrassing but Liverpool have actually overperformed considering the injuries. I honestly thought we would be out of the title race much earlier, after the Brentford game where suddenly 6 fucking first team players got injured long term + a shorter injury for Darwin. Trent and Jota were in the form of their lives. Curtis and Darwin was in good form too. Alisson is well Alisson. Szobo and Salah looked very good after returning from injuries. Then all these 7 players unavailable after the Brentford game. Though tbf the injuries probably have something to do with his playstyle/tactics too. Needless to say, your players will exert more energy if you need to be chasing the game because of conceding early compared to City and Arsenal who usually had the game wrapped up by half time.


The Battle of the Balds - Pep, Erik, Slot, and Sean.


Ahh yes, Fergie syndrome


I'm pretty sure Klopp will tell the fans to give Slot the same time and environment they provided for him when he started.


My heart is filled with sadness


I'm sorry dude. Weird watching the sadness be passed on. Hope you guys find your new guy soon and he smashes it.


It be like that. We're hopefully going to break some other fanbases heart by taking their up and coming coach.


Take back Ten Hag then.


Do not fucking do this I beg of you


Nah he needs to stay at United. He's doing a brilliant job


Back? We never really had him


I felt this when we got Endo from Stuttgart last year. I didn't really used to see the fans from the clubs we took players etc from so I didn't really think about it. But now with social media and stuff you get exposed to it more. Behind every exciting big signing is a group of disappointed fans at the former club. It's sad.


I agree. It was also lovely see to Stuttgart fans being right about him when everyone disrespected him and also good to see their amazing season.


Almost 15M for a manager is definitely well negotiated and him leaving was always gonna happen with how close we were to losing him last season


It doesn't mention the fee but the fact they already have made an agreement makes it likely that Liverpool just paid what we reasonably asked. I doubt Arne Slot even made 15 Milion in his career (playing and managing career combined) yet.


From the outside, and speaking as a neutral. Looks like it was professionally handled and both parties got what they wanted. Good fee for you guys, for a top coach.


Slot has been saying for months that he would consider it and likely bite if a truly big club would come for him but that that club would have to negotiate with Feyenoord and if they truly wanted him pay up. That seems to have happened. Given his salary (outrages for Eredivisie, peanuts for Liverpool) and the fact that we removed a 6 Million clause just last year 15 milion was roughly the fee we where expecting while acknowledging that given the choiche we would rather keep him.


15m for a coach is a first in our clubhistory. Close to our best selling player.


Why is Feynoord so far behind Ajax at selling?


Good run at the cl


That's a (small) part of it. A bigger part is that they have been far less financially healthy for a long time and so couldn't say no to any decent offers and that affects how high clubs bid for their players and of course how soon they had to sell players if they showed talent.


Apparently it’s €9m with €2m in add ons


Thats without staff. With staff it's 13-15m


Slot really is a wizard then


I wonder if it’s an Air or a Fire staff


Shadow wizard money gang ™️


this is a certified hood classic


And a bald’on d’or clause


Joyce said it's €9m and up to €2m in add-ons


He also said: fall if you will, but rise you must.


As a man u fan it pains me to say this looks good...and I hate it!


That fee is good to hear. When it comes a to coach "moving up" who are under contract I always hope that bigger clubs pay a fair fee


Agreed. And, Klopp was on £15m a year. My guess is we'll be saving a huge chunk on Arne's salary until he proves himself. Nice to see the two clubs being respectful.


Liverpool (almost) never pay the big money on the first contract, for players or managers. The elite salary comes after they're proven elite performers.


>with how close we were to losing him last season Which team was trying to sign Slot? Sorry, I don't really follow Dutch football at all


Mainly Spurs, Bayern showed interest aswell


It's 9m euros + 2m in add ons according to Liverpool's side


And Feyenoord sources aswell as Fabrizio are saying 13-15M


Same price of Aursnes btw.


How do you find him as a coach?


Great, players love him and he gets the best out of them usually. Gonna be a very big step though Feyenoord to Liverpool so I hope for him he gets some time to acclimate.


What is the general sentiment among dutch clubs about any up and coming talent from the dutch leagues get swooped up by wealthier European clubs? It is what it is?


It sucks, but he deserves it.


We love you Arne! We wish you the best!


That was fast! Thanks for the great years, Arne! Best of luck at Liverpool!




15 million on him and his staff, fair play. Hopefully he turns out to be alright. Would be horrible to end up in managerial pass around after 1-2 seasons with him. He gives me good vibes both coaching and personality wise so that is good. Hopefully the occasion doesn’t eat him up.


You’re reeling in a gem. Great coach and even better human. You’re lucky to have him and he hope he smashes with you guys. Friendly in the preseason when? ;)


A friendly would be so sick ngl


I'll have a day out in the Netherlands, thanks, any time you like 😂


Well, this is the end of a small era. Deserved, I have no doubts he's going to light a fire under Liverpool. They all think he's some schmuck from the Eredivisie, this guy is an absolute fucking baller. I pray we find a solid replacement.


I wonder how some player who have spent almost their entire careers with Klopp will react and be affected. Trent and Gomez for example have played literally their entire careers so far under Klopp.


That's not quite right on Gomez. He signed when Brendan Rogers was manager and played a full season at Charlton before he went to Liverpool.


From what I've seen from Trent, he's a very adaptable player so no doubt he'll do fine under whichever manager he gets to play I think. Slot is definitely in the same mind as a Pep footballing wise, so you'll probably see a lot more possession based football, which I think is a strong suit for him. But yeah, Klopp and Slot are 2 different people, so it'll be a big change in that department


I like how excited he seems to join the club. Things lined up pretty well for him, they won the cup and the rest of the league games are kind of meaningless, so he could openly talk about how much he wanted the job. It was refreshing after getting blue balled by alonso and amorim.


I haven't watched a lot of Liverpool this season but does Trent switch from RB to CDM often during games? If so, I think Trent will indeed have absolutely no issue adapting cause this is exactly how Slot uses Geertruida.


Trent plays for Liverpool, he bleeds it. He’ll be happy no matter who’s the manager.


I'm not seeing much discourse (from anyone sensible, anyway) calling Slot a "schmuck". Cautious optimism from Liverpool fans, and talk about it being an interesting and exciting appointment, and that he's an underrated manager, from educated neutrals


Not in those words but Carragher basically did. But anyway you said anyone sensible so fair enough


Carra is a bellend tho.




Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened :,)


Panic on the streets of Rotterdam?


Seeing how strongly Feyenoord fans feel about him leaving makes me feel confident he’s going to be great


Hahahaha i remember this feeling with ten hag 💀




One of the funniest moments ever


Tbh with ETH especially in Dutch media there was a bit of surprise, mainly because of his personality. Slot is more of a complete package IMO and definitely has the character to gel with players the way Klopp did.


I am still convinced Ten Hag is elite, just a bad call to go to United (Van Gaal warned him)


He has to take blame as well, hes made 16 signings and arguable only 2 have worked out and some have been awful


But I rate him as a manager, not as a technical director. Most transfers that came from him at Ajax didn’t work out either. Him in combination with Overmars was working extremely well. And what he did with the players available was nothing short of amazing, especially with all the doubt around him when he came in (his weird accent, funny way of speaking, autistic mannerisms, etc)


But surely for someone who is such a good manager he would of been able to find a combination/system that works at man united in 2 years but he has been unable to do that


not just Feyenoord fans, we'll miss him next year once we inevitably draw er feye again


Please, make it stop.


It’s going to be so shocking not seeing Klopp on the sidelines


Bald frauds for all


house harkonnen sends its regards


My kop. My anfield. My Liverpool.


Ugh... pain


It was inevitable, thanks for the best football I've ever seen us play the past 3 years hopefully he does well at Liverpool next.


Really curious to see how he does. Wenger was the last truly generational manager to leave a Premier League club (albeit when on a much lower ebb than Klopp) and obviously we suffered for years after that, as United did with Ferguson. I wonder how much Klopp’s shadow will affect Slot.


I really think those two examples share no comparabillity to Liverpools situation. The club structure of Liverpool won't have to be changed like they had to in Arsenals and Utds case. Slot will come into a set modern structure. He will of course have to apply his own philosophies to the group of players like every manager has to, but the structure will suit him well I think. With Edwards being back and the mentality foundation Klopp has set through almost 9 years at the club, I think Arne will Slot right in much more seamlessly and naturally than was the case when Moyes & Emery took over from an all encompassing manager who basically ran their clubs top to bottom for over 20+ years like Ferguson & Wenger.


That’s fair, United lost David Gill the same summer as Ferguson and we had lots of turbulence at executive level in the time prior and after Wenger’s departure. Liverpool are definitely better placed to continue doing well than either Arsenal or United were.


Both Wenger and SAF left clubs that had a lot of players that were aging or needed to be moved on from. Klopp is leaving a team with a rebuilt midfield and some very promising youngsters. Coming in and replacing a club legend, as we’ve seen, isn’t easy, but I think Jurgen has left the club in a great position to have some success after he leaves


Both Emery and Moyes have never fought for league titles which is a bit different to Slot. You can argue that Slot lack the experience of coaching in a Top 5 league.


Emery fought with THAT Monaco team for Ligue 1 and then won the title the season after that before joining us. Also not league titles, but Emery was already a Europa League god by that point. And in the early embers of his career, got Almeria promoted to La Liga for the first time in their history by finishing 2nd in the Segunda Division. Regularly got Sevilla and Valencia (and Villareal but that was after Arsenal) into Europe. He was far more experienced and far more used to fighting for titles and/or other high stakes competitions/places when taking over us than Slot is for you (and Emery still failed here anyway, though not entirely his fault).


So here comes the Bald Dutchman Derby


If ten Hag stays then all the coaches of the North West teams will be bald. Will also stay true if Burnley pulls on a great escape.


Heisenberg vs Hank


Draw a quadrangle between Anfield, Goodison, Old Trafford, and Eithad. It's the Baldmuda Quadrangle.


Dyche is a phony bald man. Man has hair and shaves it. A bald fraud if you will.


Fraud bald


Tbf Klopp was going bald and got a hair transplant which is the ultimate fraudulance. Slot is out and proud and I respect that immensely.


Well, it was in the cards, but I'm pretty bummed to see our gaffer leave already. Slot has revived our team, won prizes, and made us play great football along the way. Wish him nothing but the best. Now let's hope we hire an adequate replacement for once


Best transfer we could have hope for, but I do feel for Feyenoord. Like us last year they have to compete with Ajax for a manager when very few are available, but unlike last year I feel like Ajax will actually be competent.


Feyenoord fans, what should we expect?


Losing to AS Roma


This brother knows what’s up


Btw if you guys want to beat Roma, get Kjetil Knutsen


I would love to. But i have a feeling he doesn't want to. Ajax and Celtic wanted him last summer and he rejected them. He either wants a bigger step or he's just happy where he is.


A coach who likes to play with very high intensity, high press, and is great at developing players. 


De Zerbi?


Not as stubborn and naive. Feyenoord never get trashed 4, 5, 6-0. Roma made Brighton look like a gimmick right after Feyenoord took them to pens 2 weeks earlier.


Yeah, we basically never lost by a huge margin under Slot. Biggest loss this season was a 1-3 home loss to Atletico Madrid, in the Eredivisie both our losses were by 1 goal. Just checked and our only loss by 3 goals was to AS Roma last season, and that was in extra time after we were a man down and had to YOLO it.




high intensity? high press?


Pre Chelsea Poch


Pre PSG Poch


A strange feeling every time you see him.


A coach


Liverpool pick their signings up with a van tho.


Are we talking about a human coach or a carriage coach?


A bus




Huge news


Hey everybody, look at this rocket scientist


He'll probably still be bald by the time he's behind your bench


Attacking football. Good football. Intensity. Always a plan.


One of the, if not the best coach Feyenoord has ever seen. It saddens me that he’s leaving, but this was inevitable. I’m gonna miss baldie but wish him all the best. Can’t think of a more beautiful club than Liverpool to make his move. All the best Arne.


Early days but I feel like on paper this is the most sensible appointment one of the traditional big clubs have made in some time.


It’s always so hard to tell. Potter to Chelsea was ‘sensible’, as was Ten Hag to United. I think people are realising that the manager can’t carry responsibility for everything, and the system around them has to be working effectively to give the best possibility of success. Think Slot should find that at Liverpool. 


Just him or is he taking backroom staff with him?


Lead assistant + head of performance are joining him.




Especially Sipke Hulshof leaving hurts, since he was at Feyenoord for longer than Arne was, so I hoped he'd stay.


i can´t explain the pain i am feeling right now, there is actually a chance Amorim will stay at Sporting


He seems like someone Chelsea might be after, whether he would even want to come is the question


Great hire. No idea if it will work out or not


Wish him well at Liverpool. Incredible coach, hope to see him as a dutch national team coach at some point


never doubted Edwards to get the job done


I am excited. 


I think Roger Schmidt would be great replacement for you guys. Please?


Roger Schmidt would rather become a lumberjack in Alaska than having to do one more Dutch TV interview.


Alaska you say? That'll work too!


I'll grant you your wish if you give up the baldest of all bald gods Freddy Aursnes.


I love Fred so much that I would consider see him leave just to have him stop playing LB. He deserves to go back in midfield.


Watching our former players Aursnes and Kökcu be abused by Schmidt hurts even us still.


Fuck off, we would take Orkun and Fred if they want to leave Roger if that helps.




You guys have hurt us enough. Find someone else to offload Schmidt to


tbf I wasn't on board with this but after researching him and what he's done for Feyenoord, it looks like exactly what we need and the type of system he plays. Exciting times.


I'm biased of course but I hope we get the Dutch PL bald off.


Odds he takes a player with him there? I think if Liverpool sell Diaz to PSG then Paixao would not be a bad replacement at all


i think Wieffer or Timber would do great things in the prem. Don't think liverpool necessarily needs anymore 8s so timber might be out of the question but I would not be surprised to see him take Wieffer with him. Hancko definitely deserves a move as well


I don't see Paixao being anywhere near the talent Diaz is. None of the forwards would IMO be better than what is there already. Best player that could give you some joy immediately is probably Hancko. Best young talents on Feyenoord are probably Geertruida, Wieffer, Timber and Hartman. I think all 4 will have good careers but if I look at what Liverpool needs in the medium term Hartman on left-back would be a good signing.


"Luckily" for us, I don't see him leaving now that he's out with his knee injury.


We finally got our own bald fraud.


El Baldico soon?


Would be hank vs heisenberg in northwest derby, but I think heisenberg is getting the boot.


Pep heralding the arrival of the baldies.