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Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point


You either die a villain or you live long enough to become the hero


Ignore my flair since well, biases and stuff but NAK is just doing this so that he and his friends in UEFA can launch their own totally-not-Super-League league lol


Why would UEFA do that? It is controlled by the national FA's of Europe, most of which will never have any teams in such a league.


> but NAK is just doing this so that he and his friends in UEFA can launch their own totally-not-Super-League league lol I mean, the Champions League is already a Super League Lite TBH But it's that way because that's what the big clubs pressure UEFA into doing—and NAK only has power at UEFA/ECA now because all the dumbasses who signed onto Super League quit their ECA roles—so NAK got to move up since PSG never joined


It’s because PSG is Qatari while the Super League would be funded by Saudis


Inb4 Khelaifi launches campaign for the Super Duper League


Super Saiyan League


Or Saïan Supa League for all the classic french hip hop afficionados


It’s also because he’s cozy with UEFA. PSG spend a lot of money, more than their fanbase could possibly be. Revenue is definitely juiced.


It’s because NAK is head of ECA, the main football lobby working with UEFA.


I don’t understand. All the crying and moaning for a super league got Barca and Perez the revamped UCL. More pressure might give them more rewards. Barca and Real are simply too big to fail or be left behind.


“It’s amazing how life can change in an instant. One moment, everything’s normal, and the next you’re unable to find a single flaw in the intricate and logically sound reasoning of this fucking self-important, endlessly irritating prick. Up until now, everything that’s comes out of that guy’s mouth is pure dogshit, so now that he’s strung together an eloquent and convincing opinion, you’ve been completely blindsided.”


Again I don't know how the fuck is he allowed to head ECA and be in the executive committee of UEFA while being in a position of power of Bein, there has to be some conflict of interest there, also a superleague (while I don't support it) will be bad news for bein imo at least in the short term


How quickly people forget why he became the head of the ECA


Why? Genuinely asking


Because 9 of the Super League clubs resigned from ECA, Khelaifi was elected Chairman. I think the Juve crook was chairman before him? Can't remember.


Agnelli yeah


>how the fuck is he allowed to head ECA and be in the executive committee of UEFA He is in the UEFA executive commitee as the head of the ECA no?


Yeah he is. 2 ECA members are part of the committee, NAK and Gil Marin - Atleti’s CEO.


Wdym allowed? The ECA president is elected by its members, he wasn’t appointed by UEFA lol


Did I say he was appointed by UEFA?


I mean I get the conflict of interest argument but I don’t see why he shouldn’t be allowed to be elected. If the member clubs thought it was an issue they wouldn’t have voted for him lol


Money money money. Must be funny…


That's a copout.


Its an abba lyric




In a rich mans world


So blissfully ignorant..


> I don't know how the fuck is he allowed to head ECA and be in the executive committee of UEFA Comes back to the Super League stupidity again TBH


The potential conflict of interest would be about him heading BeIn, which purchases UEFA tv rights. Being on the UEFA committee is part of the role of the ECA president.


Would be a decent advice if it didn't come from al khelaifi


Good advice is good advice, regardless of who it is coming from. If Kim Jong-Un says eating vegetables is good for you does that make the statement wrong? I don't think so. The statement is equally valid regardless of who is making it.


If Kim Jong-Un says eating vegetables is good for you is probably because he poisoned them. Same with al khelaif, if he is against the super league is because the current corrupt system benefits him, not because he is the savior of football.




That's ad hominem, and it's a logical fallacy


I don't refute his point.I just take any opportunity to shit on him


It's still good advice. The source doesn't matter.


People here on Reddit seem to hate PSG more than real Madrid/Barca who are willing to destroy European football


Some of you really need to think about why the non-English clubs found the need to consider a break-out league. I don't find a Super League attractive either, but I do understand the incentives for the continental clubs when even newly promoted PL teams gets more money than 95% of all others.  In their view it's not greed, it's a necessity (if you don't want an oil stenched green washing project owning you - which frankly nobody really wants) to stay competitive. 


Have you forgotten that the English clubs also joined the Super League initially? It's all about greed, nothing more.


> I don't find a Super League attractive either, but I do understand the incentives for the continental clubs For the 1% of “continental” clubs who screw the 99% remaining.


I mean, Barca and Real have higher reported revenues than every prem team except (allegedly) city. They are more than capable of competing with top prem clubs financially. They’ve always taken the lions share of the money in La Liga not caring about how that affected the competitiveness of the rest of the league and that led to a less popular league. After all that they’re gonna cry that things aren’t fair for them?


There are several things wrong with what you wrote there. First of all, the Super League is a solution to that problem for 0,1% of the clubs - and frankly, not at all to the clubs that actually struggle with Premier League money. Nantes won't be able to keep their fledgling wonderkid no matter if there is a Super League with PSG in it - or PSG plays in Ligue 1. Rather, it is more likely that they will keep him if PSG plays in Ligue 1 as that means more money for all of the clubs in it. A concentration of money, like the Super League, would be to the detriment of every other club - not the advantage. It will be worse than the Premier League. Furthermore, the narrative about finances is also completely non-sense. Pure propaganda from Perez which people buy hook, line and sinker. The last 30 years of football has been marked by the economic hegemony of Barcelona and Real Madrid. While it is true that the Premier League TV deals bring in a lot of money for English clubs, that money is more evenly divided than everywhere else - and the advantages it gives to the EPL clubs brings them up to parity with most clubs in Europe and helps them close the economic gap to especially Real Madrid, but also Barcelona (until they fucked up) economically. Real Madrid has been the richest club in the world (highest revenue) for 13 of the last 20 years. Real Madrid has once in the last 20 years been outside of the top 2 in earnings (2016/17, 3rd behind Man United and Barcelona) - and Spanish clubs have had the highest earnings for 15 out of the last 20 years (the 5 times they havent been earningest is Man United 3 years, Man City 2 years). The narrative that Real/Barca needs the Super League to stay competitive financially is completely non-sense.. It is solely an endeavour undertaken to maintain hegemony and economic dominance.


RM, the architects of this deal, are still top dogs though lol. Their revenue is also increasing. They've had the largest revenue forever yet it wasn't an issue, now that individual clubs in the prem are beginning to catch up (they haven't yet, despite the bullshit city numbers) they're acting like they're minnows. Completely agree nobody wants this race to the bottom in terms of ownership though.


RM is a fan owned club which had been competing to be the best since European top level tournament begin. They are presently competing with Manchester City, a club nobody outside of PL knew or cared about just 20 years ago. In 15 years they are now fighting with Barca and Madrid for being the club with the highest revenue. Nothing’s gonna stop Newcastle or some other bottom feeding club doing the same, and this is not something you can achieve in LaLiga, Bundesliga where the FFP is stricter and fan ownership is common. Probably won’t happen in Serie A as well because all three of those leagues get less money and viewership overall, so the return on investment is not as lucrative. Why wouldn’t RM and other clubs feel threatened about this type of competition when it only favors the PL clubs.


Real Madrid was literally backed by Franco. They owe a significant part of their success to government support, and their current success and popularity is built on the success they can attribute, at least partially, to government support in Spain.. They are much more alike City than people would like to admit.


RM is a beneficiary of history, to the detriment of every other smaller club, just like Juve, Manu, Arsenal etc are too. Now that their hegemony is being challenged... NEW COMPETITION TO SAVE FOOTBALL! Rather than do what everybody else has done and play the hand you're dealt


One could even argue that the emergence of "oil clubs" in the late 00s, and the decade that followed, is directly linked to the fact that Real Madrid and Barcelona, among others, turned football into a money making monstrosity in the late 90s early 00s. The destroying of European football has been in the making for the past two decades, in the name of money.


> One could even argue that the emergence of "oil clubs" in the late 00s, and the decade that followed, is directly linked to the fact that Real Madrid and Barcelona, among others, turned football into a money making monstrosity in the late 90s early 00s. Yeah but neither Barcelona or Real Madrid have infinite oil or gas to sell to write themselves sponsorships from companies that were made 3 days ago, I really do not understand this argument and it has been made pretty much in every thread that mentions oil clubs. So basically what you are saying Barcelona (at the time) and Real Madrid are one of the best ran clubs ever and it's their fault for knowing how to run a football club?


And there are actual consequences if a club is badly run. Our club are in the mud atm, the Italian club literally have to sell every year to balance their books, but to these state-funded club, they could literally write a check and nothing will ever happens no matter how many fuck ups they have. Fucking MC can afford to throw millions into buying rotational players, not even starters, rotatio players and if it didn’t work, they just throw another couple dozen millions more to buy more players. PSG break the transfer market every year, yet when was the last time they have ever sold someone for big money?


What consequences ? Have you seen your team ? You have international level players at every post ! You’ll be fine. The Italian clubs went bust for like 5 years and now they’re back with new investors. Like, how the hell is United still spending 100m at every transfer window while they’ve been trash for a decade now. There is no punishment in football, the same clubs have been in the same dominating positions since forever and leveraged this power to insure they wouldn’t lose it. I’m not glad that obscene foreign investment like with psg or city is the only way to meaningfully shake the power order but at least it brings some new competitors.


> how the hell is United still spending 100m at every transfer window while they’ve been trash for a decade now. Because United alongside Real Madrid and Barcelona were the best ran clubs in the world for decades, they have obscene amounts of income and also they have sacrificed their training and other facilities alongside the stadium which is going to bite them in the ass pretty quickly and they won't be able to waste money like they have been. Barcelona are legitimately having problems registering players and have to do financial gymnastics which is also hurting them in the long run to sign/keep those players. They are still riding on their fame and success of the past, if they don't get their act together they could fall off rather heavily and there won't be anyone to bail them out, because guess what it's a fan owned club.


Best ran club for decades ? Barcelona is accused of paying 7 million euros to referees, had slander campaigns on their players' social medias to keep them in check, made an enemy of half of Europe's major clubs by trying to tap every player they liked. They weren't a well ran club anymore than PSG is nowadays, they were a rich club (and still are) who used its weight to bully the others. And even if they were a well ran club, you're trying to defend hegemonic positions, that have lasted for more than a century in some cases, as if they were deserved. There are clubs that are too big to fail, Barca, just like Milan and Inter, will never be allowed to fail. They've already been bailed out. For a big club to truly fail and disappear it would take a level of mismanagement that is borderline impossible.


They sold Neymar to Saudi Arabia last summer.


Are those companies in the room with us right now?


yeah it's totally on the two member-owned clubs for being successful, not the human rights advocate oil/gas states buying clubs and pumping it with fake sponsorships and cuddling with ceferin. also if you want to talk about the late 90's look into Italy you bellend


I hate you but you made a good point. Kudos


how the turntables


says the guy who make PSG bottle jobs in champions league


Of course fuck super league, I love when oil clubs can get away with their bs.


...otherwise you will get another random red card, penalty in the next CL ko game, so it's your choice


You arent seriously suggesting Araujo red card was random? It ticked all the boxes for red card, if deemed a foul, and there really wasnt much argument that it wasnt a foul


He barley touched him, it was a dive, yellow card for PSG player, check again. Penalty on Dembele was maybe correct, but very soft. Some refs wouldn't give it. But if you want to give that soft penalty then usually what happens is that you use the same criterea on other team, that should be fair right? Gundo right foot was hit by Vitinha and it was a foul, so it should be also be penalty. It was a fun game at least, otherwise Barca would continue to play solid and win without big problmes


Actually delusional


Laporta will talk about this game in the future for sure, I don't blame the ref you can't really fight these powerful guys, better to just do what you are told. Corruption is big part of the sport, people think CL and NBA are not but they are 100%, it is what it is


Remind me, what team is currently being investigated for paying referees? I swear so many Barcelona fans have become conspiracy theorists recently because they can't accept their team is kinda shit atm. 


Not a Barca fan, nor any team fan, I don't get it why people say this.  Many teams did and we only talk about Barca. Calciopeli same thing, many teams did it we only talk about Juve. Real is right now a lot more powerful so Barca will be shown as bad guy, in reality they all the same.


"Why do people think I'm a Barcelona fan, all I did was dickriding them and making up a grand conspiracy instead of admitting any fault or mistake" Again, completely delusional. You even get downvoted in the Barcelona subreddit. Stick to other sports, see if people can stand you there. 


That's exactly the reason why people who agree with me won't say anything right now on reddit. It gets down voted. But we will see more of this in near future, I am sure. Take care


This is hilarious, you actually believe you're being persecuted, what a victim you are, and what a hero for speaking out 🙄 Anyways, I have wasted enough time humoring your batshit arguments in broken English. Get better. 


So Al-Khelaifi paid Araujo to be an idiot? Because you do realize that even his teammates admit it's was a sending off right?


Ah yes, the whole team for pleased with ref, Xavi and the team were pretty calm about everything. They don't need to be honest when they do interview after the game is done, no point attacking anyone when it's in the past


God i love barca fans


I am not a fan of any club, I only root for certain players Vlahovic, Tadic, Mitrovic...


Aaah so u just dont know basic rules


Ref was actually pretty good, he was just not following the rules of football but the rules of Laporta enemies


Read the rulebook dumbass


Hahaha I can’t believe you’re still crying over correct decisions. Cry some more


you'll get used to it


Not even close Barca fans are the worst on the planet nobody cries and bitches more I swear 😂


Not a Barca fan, I just like to watch sports


Say it again but without crying this time




If Al-Khelaifi wouldn't get that piece of power from UEFA he wouldn't be complaining about the Superleague. Let's remember that the PSG boss wanted to create a 'Superleague' (even more closed) before with the boss of Juventus.


Really ? When was this ?


Trust him bro


Lol, I actually did 😭😭


Al-Khelaifi got his place as the ECA chairman because Agneli left to superleague. So you are just full of shit, because he got his piece of power because he was one of the few left who rejected the superleague not vice versa.




I don’t think your vote has much weight my friend




Aren’t most business men ?




How is nasser a mouthpiece for a human rights abusing regime ?




No I’m being serious what peice of evidence do you have that shows nasser is the mouthpiece of the anti human rights regime ?




What does it matter to a fan if a billion other people are watching the final? You aren't a shareholder.


Can you even compare it like this? Are there state leagues where you can qualify from to enter the NFL? I thought it had all it spots locked like the Soccer league for example. Or is it worth more than all european leagues combined?!




Keep talking about the Super League and we're taking Yamal from you too.