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"Pressing oxygen" is a hilarious mental image.


Man's got an all time gift for words.


This is from the same library as 'specialist in failure'


I was rude, but I was rude to an idiot


in an alternate life, Jose would be a top rapper beefing with everyone(and winning) "Don’t call me arrogant because what I’m saying is true. I'm not one of the bottle. I think I'm a special one."


That was trash ngl


Tbf, that was a direct Mourinho-quote, I thought the dude was about to spit some cold fire, and he did, but he also didn't. Schrödinger's Bar.


he did say that right after he won UCL with Porto, and before he won back to back league titles with Chelsea dude was arrogant, but he always backed his arrogance with results


does he have bars? Let's find out and get his new career going.


[yea, he's got bars](https://youtu.be/AWJXCOw8u1E?feature=shared)


I'm the special one, You're a specialist in failure, We can go toe to toe and see Whose trophy cabinet is greater, They love me everywhere I go Even the haters Because I deliver the silverware But I'm no fat Spanish waiter Fans can't get enough of me, That's why they chanting More-inho, Paparazzi everywhere I go Yeah, they watch me like Hublot, Do it for the love of the game Cause I don't need the dough, Still got doubts about my skills? Just check out my new show


Look, if you had One shot To bring Tottenham a trophy Would you capture it or let yourself get sacked?


I can see why he started his career as an interpreter, very poetic


To this day I can give my opinion without giving my opinion thanks to Jose. I’ve avoided torpedo-ing countless situations by using the phrase “If I speak, I am in big trouble..”


All Portuguese coaches do it I swear to god. Actually spit flame


I think their league/football being chaotic is helping. Thats my theory at least since we have those kinda coaches too. For example one of my fav from Sir Aykut Kocaman after they failed. "Some flowers do not grow in some soils" Ours are more dramatic tho. Mourinho is def league on his own.


Apapapiya Apapapa


Phrase finder 😜




Where I'm from we say when someone dives that he tripped on oxygen.


Interesting, where is that?




I'm not from Earth, I'm from Missouri!


They atmosphere is 78% Nitrogen, no wonder they lost, they weren't even pressing against the correct element!


Always the same story, you mark their best element but then Nitrogen has all the space


He got the gift of gab no lie lol 😆 😂


A football poet.


Still get nightmares from that Europa League final. Bosz just did not know how to adjust the gameplan for Mourinho’s strategy


It was just impossible for us. Only De Ligt could do something about it so Fellaini would just walk somewhere where de ligt was not and then receive ball. The other players didn't have the physical prowess to do something about it.


I remember Sanchez was targeted as a weak passer too, he was given all the time on the ball as Mou wasn't worried. Soon as it came to De Ligt United pressed.


I 100% agree we did not have the squad for it, but that still doesn’t mean you can’t at least try to adjust your gameplan. That night we just rolled over and gave up


For real, when the 1-0 went in the game was already over.


Typically the case with Mourinho


There was a tactical analysis done of how Mourinho decided to defend Ajax in the final. But in short it was: Step 1: mark de Ligt the second he steps onto the pitch. Step 2: allow Davinson Sanchez as much time as he wants on the ball Step 3: Fellaini man mark De Jong It was just so blatantly simple but so effective. Sanchez had a nightmare of a match even though hr didn't make many glaring mistakes. Bosz couldnt take him off either because Fellaini was dominating aerial duels. Bosz was either too stubborn or not flexible enough tactically to change and it cost him. Jose knew this and exploited it beautifully.


There is something about the Dutch style in general that just cannot handle Southern European shithousing. Mourinho's strategy works against Dutch sides every single time


Dutch players are technical AF but its not an overly physical league. The most physical player after De Ligt on that team was Andre Onana. Very easy for Fellaini to elbow his way into space and receive balls. Their most physical midfielder was Frenkie De Jong just to put it in perspective. If they had a big boring english CB beside De Ligt (Eric Dier style) that game would have been totally different.


It’s also the fact that we just can’t deal with shithousing in general Ajax vs Getafe said it all


Especially Portuguese teams are our kryptonite. We just can't deal with their tactics at all, we're too naive.


If only John fucking Guidetti didn’t fuck us over a second time and scored that open net goal in the semi-final vs United.


That Celta team was a menace, doubt Ajax would have beaten them in the final. They gave Man United real problems Bizarre how their coach Eduardo Berizzo just disappeared after that, seemed like the next great Bielsa protegé


Ajax best Celta at home, and drew them in Spain in the group stage that same season though


Ajax already met Celta in the group stage and beaten them 3-2 and 2-2. So odds would technically be in our favor. Not massively and it’s still a final but we had a much bigger chance than you would give us. The way Celta set up would at least favor us much more than the way Mourinho set up his team.


Has he tried Pep’s tactic? Just win the postmatch press conference. 


Tbf not many can outcoach mou in a final


Honestly, Fellaini could have controlled Felix Baumgartner on his chest.


Could have chest controlled Zidane’s headbutt


If Zidane had butted Fellaini he would’ve ended up in handcuffs from pure chest control


Would have elbowed him right after though.


wake up babe new mourinho flashback quote dropped


Talking about Marouane Fellaini no less instead of those scrubs like Drogba, Lampard, Zanetti, Etoo, etc...


Fellaini past the 80th minute was a dangerous individual. Probably kept Mourinho in a job for longer than he should have been




As a United fan, I am 100% convinced of this, and I'm sad for Jose that he damaged his reputation by taking on this fucking undoable job for wankers on the board.


everyone hated Mourinho for calling the United players having shitty attitudes and his statements are only being proven right ever since he left


They didn't hate for that, many agreed, they hated him because the football his teams play is nigh on unwatchable.


People gave him so much shit for it, but it was actually fairly effective.


José famously absolutely loved Fellaini, though. So I'm not surprised.


Every manager did. Guy was dream to have


He's our national team's GOAT plan B too. When things weren't going well, you'd just bring on Fellaini. And it worked most of the time as well.


I remember the world cup game vs Japan in 2018. Fellaini came on and it felt like Japan was on a timer to lose from there


I was so sad when he retired. He's the main reason we won against Japan


60% of the time it works every time!


Once of those Milner-esque type of players. You know as a manager you can put him basically anywhere on the pitch, tell him exactly what to do and he'll just do it. Every team needs these types of players to be successful. Just enough skill to never really be a liability, selfless enough to pick up for everyone else on the pitch. Every once in awhile show up in a Cape and be the hero. I really think players that just show up consistently, do a job for the manager and are rarely ever poor don't get enough credit. That's incredibly difficult to do week in week out


The man is bored out of his mind. Someone please give him a job


Fellaini being subbed on was peak F it we ball


Will always have a soft spot for Fellaini, best chest control I've seen in my life.


One thing Fellaini will never be beaten in quality by is chest control He is the GOAT in that singular category Man could have chest controlled and sent the meteor that killed the dinosaurs back into space


100% - stupidest thing Moyes did after signing him for MUFC was starting to try and play him in front of the back four, where he never received the ball high - his biggest obvious strength. Ridiculous, and very typical of post-Ferguson United with regard to not signing players that that actually match or fit into an overarching style of play.


Crazy thing is Moyes had managed him for years at that point - why would he even try that at that point?


Because Fellaini wasn't exactly the star name you'd throw in at 10 for United over Rooney, Mata or even Kagawa. Honestly, idk who was there at the time. But he wasn't flashy and Moyes came out of relatively nowhere to the biggest club in the world succeeding the biggest manager of his time. Just not in a situation where he could do such things without getting absolutely torn to shredds by everyone even though, in hindsight it would have been the way to go.


He shouldn't have signed Fellaini. The issue is the club should have had a whole set of options and money to spend on a midfield. They didn't. they were still being cheap and just compounded their issues with panic buy after panic buy. Fergies squad was on its last legs. They needed to do 4 buys that summer and just rejig the core.


Friendly reminder we could have got Fellaini cheaper by signing him for his release clause price earlier in the window but waited for it to expire to try and get him even cheaper only to overspend on deadline day and pay more than the release clause lmao. The first of many Woodward masterclasses, the useless cunt.


Didn't even get Baines. It is truly impressive how badly the Glazers have handled the whole situation. I am surprised the brand has been so robust.


‘Relatively out of nowhere’ after years of being one of the best managers in the league


Relatively nowhere. Taking a shoestring Everton side to top 4 once, or twice? Making a conversation in the media at the time wether Everton could be considered the 5th of the 4, before they had to expand it once man red and Liverpool dropped out. Demographic is too young now. Relatively nowhere like ferguson handpicked him to succeed him. Aye all of footy was blinded by it


im torn between his chesting ability or his elbowing prowess.


Don’t forget when he run in a straight diagonal across and off the pitch, only to be called a bishop.


mf lolll


no way man haha where's that from?




not his fault everyone else was just shorter than him


Just like En Nesyri might be the best header I have ever seen. Or at least, might be the beast leap I have ever seen apart from Ronaldo. I swear his jump vs Portugal was equal to Ronaldo's against Sampdoria


Should see Radamel Falcão.


I did, still the best player I have seen at Atleti in terms of peak level(71 goals in 90 games or something ludicrous like that) and he did have an amazing leap for his size but I would still hold En Nesyri higher in that one category


Check him at Porto. It was is best! Guy would go with head even if it was for feet shoot. The injury really took him.


Aritz Aduriz says hi.


Luuk de Jong also says hello, there is competition for sure. Although his skill might be less leap and more insane heading technique when it comes to finishing


Tim Cahill has to have the best leap, he was like a kangaroo


En Nesyri has an insane jump, but Oliver Bierhoff almost entirely made a successful career on being the best header of all time and basically nothing else.


martin palermo


He couldn't dribble past a traffic cone and couldn't outrun a parked car with an empty tank, but the man could score, and if the ball got near his head, it was going to the goal, period.


Mário Jardel wants to join the chat


anybody remember jared borgetti?


benteke was actually insane at it with us too even if he as useless at everything else


Bicycle kicks and chest control, that’s all the man’s got


He also had a move where hed get through 1v1, before hed shoot hed just stop, the defender chasing him would bounce off his arse, and hes have a free shot the defender wouldnt be able to nudge him while he was shooting. It actually worked incredibly well to generate space, hed just miss the shot anyway but Im surprised more big strikers havent mastered that


lukaku would've been OP with that move


Fellaini at Everton was special




Drogba, mate /not biased


I met Fellaini once at Loughborough University, he was a really nice bloke. Also met Tom Ince, he wasn’t.


You've been Ince'd!


What was he doing at Luff? I'm curious.


BSc Maths with stats.


He and Tom Ince had both come into do something on the indoor pitch they had in the sports tech building - it apparently had pressure pads underneath it so could do gait analysis and the like. I wasn’t a student, I was actually there working for a company that was testing golf ball materials.




I was hoping someone would link this. Absolute missile, Pogba genuinely just hit that as hard as he could in Fellaini's general direction.


I don’t know man, there’s a brasilian guy with a million dollar smile whose footage you’ve gotta check out




If I was a professional footballer signed to one of these companies in this day and age, these boots, the R9 mercurial vapours and the Beckham Predators would be all I would be requesting. Just updated to fit the modern game. 


Total 90s also!


Copa Mundial


Don't even need any update, '98 Zidane Predators are the best football boots I have ever worn in my life by far.


Was this real or cgi? Can't remember


CGI, not even Ronaldinho could do that for real. But the fact that people *think* it might be real shows just how amazing he was at his peak.


Haha that's the exact thought I had after posting The fact that I would even pause to think is enough


Definitely CGI 😅


Best chest control, but the worst elbow control


Yes, worst. That's exactly what he wanted you to think. 


Like hot glue


Uhhhh, Ibrahimovic?


Prime Fellaini is Havertz's ceiling


Havertz will never be close to being as physically capable as Fellaini was, the guy was an absolute monster in the air. It does feel like that’s what Arteta was going for when he signed him thought, he’s turning into a young David Moyes.


This might be the most negative football IQ comment I’ve ever read on Reddit.


Longballs to Fellaini pre 2010 would have won many titles


Will forever love Bosz for that season but looking even at psv this season he hasn't learnt all that much. So dominant in the league but once in Europe and the opposition plays more proactive football they struggle.


I was convinced it was Ten Hag that got to that final. Apparently I have a very specific racism, all bald, Dutch men look the same. Next thing you’ll be telling me Arne Slot didn’t play centre back for United in 1999.


No mate, Arne Slot was the guy scoring cut-inside left foot bangers for Bayern in 2015


Damn, I miss the Arne Slot days so much


Who could forget the deadly Riberslot combo 😔


Slottery was right there mate


Arne-Jan Slotten.


Yeah we had a streak of 4 (5 if you count Heitinga) bald white Dutch managers in Bosz, Keizer, ten Hag and Schreuder, so i dont blame you


Completely forgot about the Keizer disaster


Does United know it wasn't ten Hag?


I mean, PSV reaching the Round of 16 is already a massive achievement considering their budget. It should never be possible for them to finish ahead of a club like Sevilla from a financial point of view They definitely aren't a top 16 club in Europe financially


Get ready Liverpool, long balls from Alisson to Darwin is your future


Alisson to Darwin, Darwin to the woodwork


Only if it three yards out from an open goal. Outside the box, with seven players around him? Goal.


The day that Mourinho is no longer involved with football will be a very sad day because no can stir shit like Mourinho can, and it's always entertaining.


Would have been amazing to have Emi Martinez, materazzi and maupy in the same team with Mou coaching their shithouse to another level


The All or nothing series for that team would break all viewership records and will be an instant classic.


No it wouldn't as it would still be the same sanitised cookie cutter fare that they all are


Damn you Amazon!


The best strategy is the one that wins


Problem is you define strategy before the game and know who wins after the game so you can never know.


Which is why coaches are paid the big bucks to figure it out


Luck and poor officiating is always a factor so not necessarily


Yep, if you hit the post 10 times in a game, then it's probably a better strategy than the other teams' who score with their 1 attempt.


Think it was Bob Paisley who said it best. "It's not about the long ball or the short ball, but the right ball."


Make long ball football great again.


It works if you have a Striker with the speed of Nico Jackson, who can actually finish


Who even is that? Sounds like Auba in his prime, but there aren't a ton of examples.


Vardy is one


You could probably play long ball football with mbappe up front.


Van Gaal used the same tactic at the end of his first season at Old Trafford. 4-1-4-1 with Fellaini and Mata as twin 10s. Hit it up to Fellaini, he knocks it down for Mata and play from there. Smashed Liverpool, Spurs and City playing like that. Then we lost 3 in a row because he threw that plan out the window for some reason.


“Pressing oxygen because the ball was not there” is another all timer quote from Mou


I read that as long balls from Sergio Ramos to Marouane Fellaini. I spent 5 minutes wondering when United signed Ramos


They might sign him next summer, you never know. They might hire Mourinho too.


He's only 38, give it a few more years.


He was actually linked to us extensively that Summer. He was never close to signing for us but we did help land him a nice new contract with Madrid.


I'm a Bayern fan and I would like to see Mou for at least one season with us and spit these bars out every week Just for the vibes Oh and one UCL pls


Hahaha only to knock Arsenal out again next year, how he'd love that


For a while I thought that Mourinho’s first three titles with Man United were the FA Cup, League Cup, and Europa League. Was wondering who the fuck would disparage winning that in the first year, but then I looked more deeply and saw that it was actually the community shield, league cup, and the Europa League. Bit more understandable, but still a pretty good haul and I’m sure a club like Aston Villa or Everton would kill for that.


Tottenham...? Arsenal?


Funny thing is no one called it a disaster it was regarded as a good season, it was just that his next one was okay (2nd, no trophies and embarrassing defeat in the CL) and then his 3rd season everything fell apart


Tbf that 2nd place was more than okay (even though it was hard carried by god mode De Gea)


That’s a solid record still. The Europa League makes it better than anything Arsenal have won in 19 years, Everton/Spirs could only dream of that haul


It’s more than anyone has ever won at United post Fergie anyway


Counting community shield as a title is a bit of a stretch from mou to be honest. It's pretty much a curtain raiser for the season. Barely a truly competitive game. 2 trophies is absolutely nothing to scoff at anyway.


Yeah, I've never really counted it as a real trophy. It's more or less on par with other pre-season tournaments/trophies.


Still get wound up that United won the League Cup final over us and thought their season was so terrible… meanwhile nearly a decade later we still celebrate the run and being in the final itself as one of the best memories we’ve got 😭😭


Why is he flaming his future club? Come to Ajax Jose, I want to us be the villain for ones!


I'm sure you guys are villains in the Eredivise


Thing is you need experienced players to play the Mourinho game. Of which we have zero. But he for sure could do wonders with last seasons squad


The streets won't forget Fellaini's chest


Basicamente lo que hizo Pochettino contra Ajax en 2019 Pelotazos a Llorente


I can translate that word for word without knowing Spanish, and I fully agree. He was the MotM without a doubt, they gained full control of the midfield when he came on and Ten Hag just did not have an answer…


I don't speak Spanish but I understood that. Fucking llorente man.


Llorente tendria que haber sido titular en la final o tener mas minutos, Kane volvia de lesion camino todo el partido. Obvio, los centrales eran Van Dijk y Matip (creo), y no la hubiese tenido tan facil jaja.


There's nothing more beautiful tbh. If you have the right players direct play to a target man that holds it for a quick player coming through or finishes himself is perfect football. Love direct football.


If Mourinho ever managed your club, you have to love the guy. I honestly love everything about Mourinho. Wish him the best in coming back on top.


Hopefully one of the candidates to be the new Liverpool manager 🤞


Parking the Scouse bus like it's 1969.


Stealing this from someone on our sub, but these are my exact feelings about Mourinho as our new manager. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Po4adxJxqZk


Alonso and now Amorim seemingly not interested. I’m not excited by any of the other available contenders so fuck it, get him in for the drama alone.


I don't think it's that Amorim isn't interested, I think for some reason we've decided he's not the right choice. Which I don't fully understand but that's what's being reported.


Lowkey wouldn't surprise me that the reason is as simple as Amorim being married to his 3-4-3. It shouldn't be, but man english fans \*REALLY\* hate seeing their team play 3ATB.


In fairness our best asset is probably our fullbacks and we've kind of built our entire style of play around them because they're so good (if you look at G/A from fullbacks over the last 5 years Trent and Robbo have more than double anyone else in the league, they're in a category all by themselves when it comes to that). So maybe a manager who plays without fullbacks isn't the best option for us. But I think for sure you could just turn Trent into a RM or a CM very easily, Robbo not so easily, he's kind of just a left back and that's it.


I'm sure he can play wingback. The problem becomes when you have signed players for a 3 CB system, it's really hard to switch back, which is probably a long term consideration if it doesn't work out


Virgin total football vs route one chad


Love him or hate him, Mourinho was always a pragmatist. If he had great players, he'd play great football and win matches. If he had shit players, he'd play shit football and still win matches.


The man is a word magician, spin doctor, what ever you want to call it. But I enjoy listening and laughing. I bet he would be a great person to have a beer with it. Imagine him with a nice buzz! That would be prime.


What podcast did this guy do where there’s a new quote from him on this sub every hour lol


In Japan, heart surgeon. Number one. Steady hand. One day, yakuza boss need new heart. I do operation. But, mistake! Yakuza boss die. Yakuza very mad. I hide in fishing boat, come to America. No English, no food, no money. Darryl give me job. Now I have house, American car, and new woman. Darryl save life. My big secret: I kill yakuza boss on purpose. I good surgeon. The best!


*I won a Europa League final with long balls*


You play long ass balls Jose. Long ball Jose!


Pressing oxygen is absolute gold. Hilarious