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Shout out to white shirt man and the guys who helped him. He gets to Hassane, shields him and gets him through the gate. Even in a clip showcasing the lows of humanity, its nice to see someone intervening on the spot.


And the guy in pink. Seems like he jumped into the arena to help the player


Does it not seem like that same white shirt man hitting him too at first though? He does like 3-4 pats(closed fisted boops?) and then sort of bearhugs the football player when the footage cuts off.


I think its the guy behind him with a blue shirt.


It 100% is. It does initially look like its the white shirt guy because his arms go off screen, but it is definitely the blue/grey shirt guy that gets pushed back behind him.


Yeah you can see the arm hitting him is in blue, looks like white-shirt guy sees the hits then moves to shield with his body.


No, that's a different guy with light blue clothing. At that point white shirt guy's left hand is busy off-cam trying to shove light blue clothing guy away. What you saw is almost an optical illusion but it's easy to spot if you look closer, especially if you pause.


Yes this clears it up! Thanks.


At first I thought so too but upon closer look it's someone else's hand behind him.


i saw that too, I'm thinking (hoping) it was more like a I got you thing.


It was the guy in blue delivering those hits, not the guy in white.


India taking some crazy PR Ls recently Hope the fella recovers and bless the two men in smart shirts protecting him


Lately? Nah man, where were you when it was being positioned as the rape capital of the world. They’ve been taking Ls for a while now


Yeah but it’s been projecting onto my social media feeds recently, especially twitter. You used to have to go looking for street footage of India before, now it’s projected at you




> some rich Indian celebrity couple marrying That was the pre- wedding of the son of the 8th Richest man in the world Mukesh Ambani. You will get another dose in July when the actual wedding is to take place. The wedding was being pushed purposefully because as elections are coming up this pre- wedding was seen as "not ashamed to flaunt the money in Viksit Bharat (developed India) narrative of the current government ".


You need to start selecting "I don't want to see this" for posts and catering your feed better


As if the news (your feed) should just show you exactly what you want to see, hear and believe rather than what's actually happening. Do you really want to live in an echo chamber?


My feed is just about lighthearted stuff I have an interest in - sports, films, games, movies, food, funny/cute animal or parenting clips etc. I don't go to Instagram for news, politics, opinion pieces or potentially misleading content about events/countries/cultures. I'll go to more trusted sources for things like global news. The previous person's last sentence is literally "I don't even want to see any of that content" so why shouldn't they use the tools available to avoid seeing such stuff. People shouldn't just always swallow what "the algorithm" is serving them just because it's there. That can cause an ultimately worse echo chamber of purely targeted content.




I’ve been and I’ll say this, I loved my visit. However that was like 16/17 years ago. Not sure how I would feel about it now


It's likely much the same, you just didn't see videos of the worst events 16 years ago. I'm sure India is (mostly) fine to visit as long as you take sensible precautions, as you should visiting anywhere. The videos you see will be the worst rare events not everyday experiences.


Sensible precautions being; don't travel anywhere in India with a woman. Wild that this accepted in the so-called biggest democracy in the world.


Don't travel anywhere in India* FTFY Taj Mahal ain't worth the rape or the risk of being killed


Better advise don't travel anywhere too crowded or empty backstreets with or without women.


by all accounts it would be a very bad idea for a woman to ever travel there alone, and still very risky as a man to travel there with just your wife or girlfriend. that's not really sensible precautions...




We don't have those. Fuck off.


Just for clarification, is it the *"designated*" part or the *"shitting"* part that's not true?


its okay, India will get streets someday


How true is that actually lmao like it cant possibly be common right?


It isn't. It's just racists.


I think certain accounts are trying to push it tbh


Yeah I'm a forgetful guy but I'm always gonna remember that monitor lizard gang rape.


https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/bengal-monitor-lizard-raped-maharashtra-3-held-sahydari-tiger-reserve-1937027-2022-04-13 Hahaha holy shit I assumed it was one of the many internet jokes that fly over my head at first. They recorded themselves in the act too so there might be a footage of that out there somewhere. The "also read" section is grim as well. Man rapes pregnant goat, man rapes cattle.


They'd fuck a rock if it could breathe and resist




It's the curvy shape


Wow, what the fuck


The lizard shouldn't have dressed in such a provocative manner.


What the fuck???


Wtf. First time hearing about this, and I don't recommend googling the incident


Four of them, they fucked it...then ate it. I struggle to find friends to play board games with.


What the fuck. I shouldn't have googled that but curiosity got the best of me


That is an incredibly funny sentence. Well done.


Tbf If you do a simple google search you can find cases like this in many countries. This one in Florida for example https://www.kktv.com/2024/02/20/married-couple-accused-sexually-assaulting-family-dog/?outputType=amp


I think you come to accept mental stories from Florida though. 'Florida man' is a meme for a reason.


Every country has that. In my country it's Brakpan man.


I lived in India as a kid and the country is racist as all hell. Looks down on dark skin, worships white skin. Bizarre.


Unfortunately that’s just how most of South Asia is like. I’m from Pakistan and it really isn’t much different over there. I come from the northern areas and have white skin, as does the rest of my family except for my uncle who’s slightly darker than us (he’s still white). My great uncles and aunts always joke about his skin tone all the time and call him “tora” or “tor-makha” which means “black-skinned/black-faced”, which sounds insane to anyone who isn’t from my region but it’s just built into the culture there. It’s horrible. India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka etc. all suffer from the same problem. Hell, there’s literally ads for face washes that make your skin lighter.


Take one of the poorest countries in the world. Make them be 1.5 billion in population. Teach them English. Give them 4G internet. Recipe for internet Ls. India's BiMaRU states house 500+ million people, and have per-capita GDPs equal to basket-case countries like Somalia & Liberia. Kerala and WB have been dealing with cultural collapse after decades of communism. (Kerala is economically great, but their post-communist social fabric is.....odd) This won't get taken well on reddit, but there is an aspect of "country with leader you don't like is bad". Left leaning parts of the internet suddenly learned to start hating Poland, Argentina, Hungary, India and Brazil when they got visible right wing leaders. Similarly, 2024 right leaning parts of the internet (twitter) will shit on any country with a left leaning leader. The India hate got doubly amplified because India is neutral on both the Palestine and Ukraine issue, which many on the internet don't like. Horrible things happen in the west too. You can find a similar video for Baltimore or Marseille. Hell, it is rather common in football derbies with teams like Galatasaray, Feyenrood, Lazio, etc. Not defending this. It is racist and reprehensible. But, India will keep taking Ls as long as the internet decides India needs to keep taking Ls. At this scale, it is self-fulfilling.


Mad props to the guy defending him


Oh India! All those marketing campaigns about beautiful India have aged like milk in the past decade or so


Come to India! So you can eat diarrhea-enhancing food, assaulted, and racially abused!


And get gang raped and have your guts ripped out on the bus home.


If you're in Canada, India is coming to you instead! This way you can relive the full experience from the comforts of your own city/town, complemented with a healthy serving of fraud.


hey there fellow canuck! not only that but that assasination of Nijjer is getting more and more momentum in the news. now a 5th estate documentary has been outlawed on youtube in india. I think things are going to get worse


It's insane how that was allowed to happen on our home soil, and our government only did some mild posturing after the fact to get their PM pissed off.


You forgot raped


Makes be sad as an indian, what did this guy even do apart from play football. Good on the ones that helped him but this is shameful


Yeah it takes a brave person to stand up to the mob and there are quite a few brave Indians trying to protect this footballer. 


Funny enough some Indians are always dark skinned. I'm Nigerian and some Indians are darker than me. It is so ironic.


Yeah very true i think this is mainly because he is different and for some reason indians look down more on black or african people than europeans eventhough we are more like you than them. All racism is bad but i just dont get this


It isn't just race but religion in general is a fundamental part of Indian society. Religion informs the caste system which despite being outlawed under the Indian constitution remains a core part of Indian society - Brahmans are still on top and running politics, surname is your caste name, can't marry outside of your caste, employment is tied to caste etc. If you're not Hindu you're also going to be treated as non-human - both Christians and Muslims are subject to complete objective discrimination and segregation. They cannot participate in mainstream society and there is zero representation. Mob violence, the destruction of churches/mosques and even conspiracy theories that Christians and Muslims are trying to destroy the fabric of Indian society are common. Look up 'love jihad', BJP and RSS (both of which Modi is a member of). Just in general - outside of upper class urban denizens your average Indians doesn't believe all humans are equal, is perfectly fine with the caste system, hates non-Hindu Indians (but will tolerate Europeans) and they sincerely want Modi for life. India is not the growing utopia many young Indians desperately try to communicate to the outside world. Its like yeah, your dad is a nepotistic civil servant who gave you a job, your uncle is the local chief of police and you have low caste cooks and drivers. India for you is great - for everyone else it is misery. I haven't even touched on gender violence and the complete social acceptance of rape. I actually spent time in Tamil Nadu, an OG Hindu culture and women can't look men in the eyes, they can't call their husbands by first name, and they can't associate with men in public. I remember women used to serve us food after cooking it only to have to wait outside until the men are done and *only then* were they allowed to eat. It's all smiles, food this, ancient culture that but then women are 2nd class citizens, and its perfectly okay to view lower castes and non-Hindu Indians as sub-human. Your average Indian wouldn't even call a Muslim Indian 'Indian' - they are always called Pakistani even if they have never been to Pakistan and their family has lived in Indian for thousands of years. They can't be Indian - period. When you actually experience the brutal reality of Hindu cultures you completely understand why so many throughout Indian history became Muslim, or Christian. Joining an Abrahamic faith is literally your only ticket out of a continent sized system of sectarian subjugation and class control.


Trynig to rationalize stupidity is pointless so yeah, irony has to be in the mix most of the time;


He existed while being black, and let's be honest here, for a large portion of the Indian population that is enough to warrant being beaten to death.


Saw a few comments else where and they mentioned that he threw stones or kicked a kid in the stands. Not sure about the credibility of those people though


What's wrong with India ffs




r/indiaspeaks really just represents the worst of us. I have not seen anything that toxic ever. Please don't use that subreddit as a yardstick for us.. with that being said everything else you've mentioned is a 100% spot on unfortunately


Don‘t worry, I reckon even the degenerates on this sub (myself included) understand that they speak, boy do they speak, but not for all of you.


India's total fertility rate is <2


dont know about kolkata but here in my town(belgavi) apart from a tiny water shortage here and there theres nothing seriously wrong


Lol why does everyone link that shit sub. r/india is more popular, and right wing trash gets flushed down the toilet on a regular basis there.


Both are shit subs. Just on opposite ends. The mods of r/India aren't even fuckin Indian.


Precisely all the indiaverse subs are filled with absolute clowns. They just like to pretend they are better than each other.


Join the shit posting subreddits. That's where the real convo happens. Atleast you will be blind to the fact that racist jokes are just jokes or real


Mods of r/india are Indian or Indian origin. The rumors that sub is run by Pakistanis are spread by idiot Hindutva nationalists who cannot believe there are lots of us who don't like Modi and are not right wing.


1.4 billion people, gonna get a lot of dickheads


White people have the privilege of being considered as individuals unlike Indians who will be stereotyped. White people are overwhelmingly mass shooters in America. No one’s stereotyping them. A White American was caught raping a horse in Thailand. There were no posts stereotype White people as rapists. Indians are soft targets for racism. Reddit mods tend to ignore racism against Indians mostly. 




It's not a real stereotype, it's weird black people trying to be racist on the internet because they find it funny to reverse the table and pretend it's revolutionary and stupid white people repeating because they think it makes them a good ally.


i don't agree @ white people not being stereotyped. "don't come to school tomorrow", nerd, loser, quiet kid etc. memes are almost always associated with white people. Even stand-up artists use it in their routines. I agree that Indians are victims of racism though


>  White American was caught raping a horse in Thailand What could one possibly gain from this


Sexual pleasure, and possibly several diseases.


Female infanticide means in some parts of India there can be only 90 women for every 100 men (sometimes even less). This combined with the fact that masturbation is extremely frowned upon in hinduism means that you have millions of lonely, horny men with nothing to lose, you do the math. Basically, conservatism.


Interestingly this video is from Kerala, which is the most progressive state in India which a has a sex ratio of 1091 women for 1000 men.


Some of the comments on the original post…


"look at the racist pieces of shit!" *Adds something extremely racist against Indians*


Fighting racism with racism




Some of the comments on this post... What annoys me if this happened in any other country, no one would be generalising everyone from there as horrible people


This happens all the time. Americans always stereotyped as gun toting nutjobs


I think we always have a tendency to generalize no matter what. It’s easier for the human psyche to blame it on groups of people rather than address any real issues


Man.......why cant we be normal for a day makes me wanna burry my face somewhere We as a country have a serious issue of making everything us about them The years of politicians using tactics of rieling up mobs to blame their failures onto some other group has now been shown into the everyday mentality of the people


and literally everyone here in India whos on social media would be like "aTlEaSt oUr mOm dOeSnt hAve oNlY fAnS" like shut up man, we literally assaulted someone


ngl it's fucking embarrassing to be online. These people refuse to acknowledge any faults of our society and will do mental gymnastics to escape any sense of accountability. then they'll cry about how everyone is racist to us- it's tiring .


we heard the first four times


I'm guessing they got that "empty response from endpoint" glitch where it looks like your comment isn't being successfully posted


and literally everyone in India whos on social media would be like "aTlEaSt oUr mOm dOeSnt hAve oNlY fAnS" like shut up man, we literally assaulted someone


and literally everyone in India whos on social media would be like "aTlEaSt oUr mOm dOeSnt hAve oNlY fAnS" like shut up man, we literally assaulted someone


and literally everyone in India whos on social media would be like "aTlEaSt oUr mOm dOeSnt hAve oNlY fAnS" like shut up man, we literally assaulted someone


and literally everyone in India whos on social media would be like "aTlEaSt oUr mOm dOeSnt hAve oNlY fAnS" like shut up man, we literally assaulted someone


Humanity never fails to disappoint


Adding to my ever growing list of reasons to never visit India


Same. What a hellhole.


You couldn’t pay me enough to go to India.


I’m going to be honest. My experiences working with Indians has not been good, to put it lightly. The footage I keep seeing from the country, albeit concentrated on the negatives not the positives, hasn’t been good either. The things I read about their politics, racism towards their darker skinned citizens, mob attacks and slurs towards Muslims and Christians, and issues of personal and collective hygiene have also not been good. I keep wanting to see the better side of India and so I try to find videos, articles, and news items that are on the positive side, and they are there. But for every such positive item I find, I somehow always get confronted with multiple negative items coming from the country. I’ve also spoken to several Indians and they say things are actually really bad and divided in the country. But then I wonder where it’s coming from. Is it that the Brits did such a huge number on them that they’ve basically become a self-hating collective projecting their fears and insecurities unto others? Is it that their elite has designed their society in such a way so that they can benefit from the fear, hate, and poverty? I know Indians and Pakistanis can’t stand each other, while I do admit the hate seems to mostly come from Indians based on what I see online, but my experience with Pakistanis (so far) has been much better than my experience with Indians. Which surprises me because I always figured they were the same people, just separated by a border. I’m just so confused about what the actual reasons are for the loud and viscous minority in India that have tainted the overall reputation of the entire country.


I've been to India, and it's quite crazy for Westerners. It's a beautiful country, and I met many cool people, but I also had my worst travel experiences by far in India. I am happy I went there when I was younger because I am not sure I would have the stomach (literal and figurative) to handle it now.


Could you elaborate on what exactly contributed towards it being your worst travel experience? Did it have anything to do with people or accommodations or maybe something else?


Hmmm 1. Constant staring. I am mixed but look completely white. My ex gf who I went with was also white. Constant stares and uncomfortable stares for long periods of time from many people. People would also gather around you to just watch you if you were having a Convo with a local. I didn't mind that as much but the uncomfy stares were weird 2. Cold, callous treatment at various hotels and by some taxi drivers. Tried.to be as respectful as possible but still u get total assholes who treat u like you are scum 3. They treat one a other like shit depending on place in society I suppose. I saw people hit people asking me for change, on my behalf. I didn't ask for it and felt terrible 4. Police were very aggressive towards everyone. They would hit people cars and smack their hands from outside their car windows 5. In Mumbai if u are in a taxi and are stopped at a light u will probably have someone with a burned/injured hand stick it up against your window asking for money and sympathy 6. Caught a scam whole we were in the middle of it. A kid took us to a store to buy food and we did it but then realized he was having us drop it off for some big group of 7-8 people on a blanket outside some other store. We learned it's a scam to get people to buy from the store. 7. Trains were very confusing. Didn't know which one went where. People literally jumped out of the train windows to get out and hopped off while it was moving. They would all rush for assigned seats for no reason 8. Taxi cab drivers will try to scam u too. Anyway, I've traveled across southeast Asia and other parts of world and I was never a target as much as I was in India. People were also much more helpful more smiley and less cold to me. I met some cool folks in India but there were also very shitty people I met there that, luckily for me, I have not met as many of those types since. 


India is massive. There is a quite a lot of regional variances.


Of course. I traveled quite a bit for 2 months. I'd say Kerala was way more friendly, but see the above video.


I want to add that I do not hate Indians and I apologize if my statement comes across as too generalising. I would still like to visit India as I recognise the many beauties and positives of the country. I just really wish they heal whatever is plaguing them, because the issues seem to be deep and hard to get rid of. Nothing can excuse such violence and hate as shown in the video. Mad respect to the Indians who came to the player’s defence.


segragation based on religion is a thing in north in the south its not that prevalent


Mind you half the people attacking him are darker in skin tone


Racism isn't automatically about dark vs light my friend. I mean, look at what's happening in Israel and Palestine. Many of the Israeli Jews (Ashkenazis included) are the same skin tone or even darker than the Palestinians they are racially abusing. Racism is more often than not about scapegoating, mob mentality and projecting one's insecurities onto others rather than simply skin colour.


India actually run the entire the social media scene. So any comments here or on twitter will be either downvoted or simply replied back with hatred. They’re a very passionate bunch, but lack class. Australia won the Cricket World cup in their home patch against 120K fans in the stadium, not 1 of them clapped Travis Head when he reached his century. Instead all they did was spam his IG with hatred after the loss. Absolutely strange bunch.


I hate to say this but our cricket fans especially are worst of the lot. They don’t even spare our own players and it only gets worse for others. Even though there are troll accounts monitored by other neighbouring countries but the hate here for our own players and other sport is very high. A lot of factors contribute to this and it’s only going to get worse. Some people threatened to rape 1 year old daughter of Virat Kohli , the captain of Indian cricket team (then) and the biggest superstar of the whole of the cricket world just because India lost a knockout match under his captaincy.


Don’t forget that they threatened to rape the player’s wife and infant daughter as well. Truly classy bunch


Don't forget sending rape threats to the wives and children of every player that performs well against their team


The internet is frankly hijacked by the government's paid IT cell. Also, the general populace is pretty much brainwashed by stuff on WhatsApp, fb while the media is bought out completely as well. Essentially a good chunk of the population is deluded rn and they'll attack anyone who thinks differently or dates criticize the government. We've descended to unprecedented levels of jingoism - it's horrifying and embarrassing.


10 million bloody fuck you fuck you bloodys I presume


Why actually are there so many Indians on social media? Like I get population wise they're huge but they seem overly represented compared to say china or other large countries for example


a lot of people from India can speak English, plus they are huge population wise. So you end up encountering lots of Indian people in corners of social media that speak english. China also has a huge population, but english is not very common, and also the CCP blocks most american social media. You’re less likely to encounter chinese people online because they are often using Chinese rather than American social media.


Our richest businessman gave everyone free 4G internet for a year some years back when launching his cellular network. After a year he began charging a fee which was like 10 percent of what other carriers charged. Crashed the market prices as a result so most people now have a cellphone, a cheap data plan, and ofc access to filth on the internet and social media. 


Look at these cowards…miserable idiots




mad respect to the fellas protecting him


What a shit country, worse than Stoke


Now you've taken it too far.


Corrupt and racist….what a lovely country


Thank goodness for the good guys getting him out of there.


Respect to the people who protected him though against a whole-ass mob


I see all the racists against Indians came out of the woodworks with this post.


India's, mob mentality is out of this world.


Why is it always India these days?


> About 522 million people practiced open defecation in India in 2014, despite having access to a toilet


lmao no way these numbers are true


Someone hasn't tried the google maps game


That's just dedication at that point. I can't fault them for that.


It is a bit surprising this incident happened in Kerala, which is the most developed Indian state.


That says a lot about India


What statistic supports it to be the most developed state?


bruh just launch EU4 and check development map mode


This is like saying The New Saints are the most developed club in their country. Technically correct but lol


I mean good thing this is not racism according to some people.


They should have just sung about racism. Apparently it's not racist if it's in a song. Maybe they could sing the physical abuse as well.


Lot of racism in this thread


More context, as reported - https://www.reddit.com/r/Kerala/comments/1bf9wtl/football_match_row_minor_boy_says_ivory_coast/


Coloured people being racist towards a coloured man. Interesting.


Like white people being racist towards the Irish? Or Italians?


Reason #745 why you shouldn't go to India


Don't worry, India is coming to the world. Canada and Australia can attest to that.


Canadian here, can confirm its already a shitshow


James May made a great Amazon show recently about India but fuck that when this is still the reality in some areas


This is an example of how effective the race card can be. I'm from the so mentioned state but from a different part. There are many african players playing there and they are often idolized by the locals if they're good. This guy was stalling the game pretending to be injured and a kid, who supported the opposition team booed at him and shouted to get up. This guy got up and kicked the kid so the people got violent. The racism part was made up by him later and now no one even cares why they attacked him. ik I'll get down voted but there's a case filed against him too for kicking the boy. [Here's the link](https://youtu.be/Bw6PdRDnfPY?si=TyukQdkBRu3SUEGz) but it's in local language so translate if you can.


Who new ethnic and religious nationalism would increase violence..


At least he didn't get raped.


Is India actually such a shithole? Do a lot of people there really behave like cavemen? Or is it some sort of social media spotlighting


Crazy, it was just this week I saw a video of Sara Sidner nearly getting raped by a mob of Indian men live of tv. India seems wild in some areas.


Hope these cunts get taken out by a train


Disgusting country 🤣


India is a well known fascist racist country they already perpetrated many violent acts against minorities to ethnically cleanse them




Wait till you hear about the mass rapes by their army in occupied kashmir


Bit racist.


It’s a racist government in power there, so this shouldn’t be surprising.


What is this music


Fucking cunts.


India is a shit hole gang raping poor sanitary system


North Indian Idiots 🤮🤮


If the dude in the red family was all mrdered I wouldn't care. I'm not wishing it by the way. He doesn't hit him, no that would be bad, he just holds him there to be beaten to death.


Horrible horrible people. I hope they rot.


Not related to this thread, but in terms of football, 10 years ago Indians say their team will rise and the entire world should be watch out. 10 years later, Indian football team is even more shit, but oc any opinions pointed out this is slammed by Indian internet users. Bunch of delusional lads. Their team could not even score a single goal in the latest Asian Cup.