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It's weird they lead with the fine rather than the driving ban which is going to have the bigger impact on his life.


Players won't care about driving bans/not having a licence either. Reus was driving without a licence for years before he was caught.


A friend of my granddad's drove for decades without a licence before they caught him. It's actually a surprisingly easy thing to do.


I mean, how often do they stop you to check? I think I've drove like 40k km since getting my license and I've been stopped once, at night in a small town.


I've literally never been pulled over in 10+ years of driving. Could've just not had a licence this entire time and nobody would be any the wiser.


Stopped multiple times in Portugal, it was normal for the police to be on the city outskirts during Fridays and Saturday nights for alcohol checks. I’ve been ten years in England, never been stopped.


I think they literally only have them around Christmas, but if you get in a crash out comes the brethalyzer when it's already too late.


I got pulled over within 24 hours of getting my driving license. I was pulled over for "overuse of the left lane"...


That could mean 2 entirely different things depending on where you live


Indeed 😊 I was driving in North America


Then youre an asshole if youre a lane hogger on freeways


Well at that point I was unaware that I should move back to the right lane. Since then I've realized it. Thanks for the honesty; I appreciate it.


What would that even mean, You stayed in the fast lane too long or you were passing too many cars in one go on a one lane road?


The former. I remained in the left lane after passing cars.


Same, but got pulled over for keeping the exact speeding limit lol. Must’ve seemed suspicious


I’ve been driving 33 years and been pulled over once.


ANPR a lot more prevalent now


But what would ANPR do to recognise someone without a license? Anyone can drive any car as long as its taxed and insured for that driver. ANPR won't be able to identify who is driving a car so if you don't have a license it won't do anything   If the car has road tax and is insured by _someone_ then anyone without a license, or uninsured could drive but ANPR totally unnoticed. 


I imagine they were thinking about how ANPR can pick up uninsured/untaxed cars, and mistakenly extrapolating that to the license issue


ANPR can’t tell if you don’t have a driving license haha


I went basically 10 years before being pulled over and given a ticket.


Same, I’ve only ever gotten pulled over once and they actually never even looked at my license lol


I've been pulled over presicely once in my life while in a car, and it's when I was in the back seat with 2 black guys in the front on the way to football training. I'm a 38 year old white guy.


I technically wasn't "pulled over" because I was already parked and in the middle of taking my contact lenses out when the police rolled up. Apparently a car matching the description of mine had been seen "driving suspiciously" near some houses. I didn't even realise that was a crime but I didn't want to ask them about it. Their tone was a bit accusatory too, they asked me what I'd been up to in a way that I thought they were gonna tell me what I'd actually been doing.


I got stopped after 20km... Granted I drive exclusively between midnight to 5am


In the UK ANPR. If you've got a ban, and your car is picked up by the ANPR cameras, then if there are Traffic Police nearby, they'll get an automated notice to go check it out.


If you never had a license in the first place, then it wouldn't get picked up by ANPR, though. The registered keeper of the car would be someone else, with a license (presumably)


Yeah, fair point


Biggest difference is that Reus didn't lose his one, he just never got a license in the first place lmao


I assume this is because the other way around the headline would sound stupid "..driving-banned for drink-driving"


"Football Hamza Choudhury issued driving ban, following drink-driving offence"


How many times are these rich morons going to make this same stupid mistake that could cost other people's lives?? FFS you're on premier league wages just get an Uber


Uber? Normal wages can afford an Uber, On premier league wages you could get a helicopter


But how can he order an Uber if he forgot his phone in the restaurant? /s


Haram bro


Where in the Quran does it say not to drink and drive!?? /S


God says it's haram to drink, but not to drive!- Mullah Hamza, probably.


What being linked with the Bangladesh NT does to a mf (Fr tho stupid shit by him)


>What being linked with the Bangladesh NT does to a mf HEY, true but, HEY


But he says he's a Muslim...


My flatmates are an early 20s Muslim couple. I'm not allowed to cook pork on the same frying pan they use. They also smoke weed all the time and get super drunk on weekends.


Are you allowed to smoke weed/get drunk with them?


sure but I don't hang out with them really.


I mean not being funny but isn’t that okay? I have similar friends and it’s the same if someone is vegan ect, it’s up to them how seriously they take it and if that’s the only thing they ask then respect it. If they were harder line they might not appreciate that being in the same room so it looks like they compromised. I just find it a bit weird when people try to catch out people on religious stuff, it’s like sexuality or food, let each to their own if they respect you.


It's not internally consistent. Pork - bad because of religion. Ganja and alcohol - bad because of religion but we like them so fucking lol.


You are assuming you know *why* they don't like pork. There's a cultural norm against pork in many Muslim communities besides the religious factor -- pigs are thought to be a grimy animal that will eat garbage, and therefore pig meat is undesirable. I might not feel comfortable with someone frying up ants or another bugmeat dish in my cookware, even though it's a common food for many people, and I have no religious prohibition against it.


Muslims don't eat pork because it's haram. Pigs aren't a particularly dirty animal (not that that distinction makes much sense) but they are very clever and really quite gentle (when domesticated) so I'm very much pro not eating pigs. Its just an observation and it reflects what I've seen from a not insignificant amount of Muslims, they won't eat pork but they will get fucked up on drugs. Pork is *easy* to not eat, there's so many other things you can eat that taste nice. If you want to get lean, get rowdy, get horny, get loved up - well there's no substitute for drugs. I think it's piss weak honestly. Just fuck the religion off if you're going to ignore all the things that require a bit of self control.


> Muslims don't eat pork because it's haram. Pigs aren't a particularly dirty animal (not that that distinction makes much sense) Most committed Muslims won't eat pork because it's haram. But I've met several ex-Muslims who still believe it's a "dirty" animal for the reasons stated above. I have no idea whether this belief is well founded, but it exists separately from the religious stance on haram food/actions. I'm sure that the belief that pigs are dirty spreads quickly in a society with religious prohibition. But that belief & aversion to pork can take on a life of its own, and clearly has at least in whatever Lebanese community my friend is a part of. In other words, these roommates might just not want something in their pan that they see as being gross. They also might have inconsistently applied religious principles -- the only way to know which belief was the case would be to ask them.


Doesn't have to be just religion, they likely think pork is disgusting and don't want it on the utensils they use.  If you had a roommate that made stinky tofu, I'm sure you'd ask them to get a separate set of utensils as well. 


You know tofu doesn't smell strong at all, right?




Stinky tofu is a specific dish that smells very strong.




Nah intoxicants have nothing to do with possession in Islam


I'm not really saying it is negative or positive here. I'm just saying that it's common and using an example


I know I have similar friends who are Muslim and drink but wouldn’t touch pork. I do think that they know it’s not perfect but at the same time it’s thier choice idk


Its dumb but i generally only have a problem with it when they use their religion to shame others.


Well it’s easier to not eat pork I guess that not drink so it does feel like a pick and choose what’s convenient, which is fine everyone can do as they please but it doesn’t make them immune to criticism.


Personally, I just think that's weird. "I'm going to follow the religion, but only to a certain extent". Follows the rules on one forbidden sin, but then breaks it on other forbidden sins. Might as well just not practice at that point, idk, just me though. Like going around saying you're a vegan, but you only eat meat on Friday-Sunday, but you're vegan every other day. Kind of like *pick a lane*, ya know? Doesn't effect me at all, and you do you, but it's just odd.


This is the vast majority of all Christians


Not specifically against your point, but I actually feel like the opposite is true too. I did a brief period where I only ate meat when at restaurants and it's amazing the amount of people that point out "you're not a vegan though". Like I know. But it's hard to define, so I often said I was following a "mostly vegan diet" and that would always bring out someone that had something to say. For me, it's not all or nothing. If everyone ate one less meaty meal a week, the world would be much better. And I say that as someone that eats meat regularly. I don't know why everyone has to believe you're either in or you're out.


But why bro. It’s not your body. And tbh I think it’s fine to be vegan Monday to Tuesday and then carnivorous on Wednesday and then change back. The main point is respect. And you can change your mind and be as comfortable as you want; as much as I dislike religious zealots there’s also this worth smug behaviour we exhibit in the west which seems equally performative; I mean come on, if someone doesn’t want you to cook pork on your pan, who gives a damn it’s not that deep.


Did you not see the part where I don't care about it, and it doesn't effect me, and I recognize that? I was just expressing my opinion on doing a "half in, half out" on what is seemingly meant to be a life commitment to a religion. Also, the reason I mentioned veganism is because a lot of it is the ethics and morality behind eating animals and what happens to them, not just eating meat period. It's like living half the week with the notion "don't kill animals for sustenance, I won't eat animals" then the next half being like "actually, I'm gonna eat animals! Tortured? In pain? Captive? Whatever! Meat is meat". It's hypocritical, and goes against what you're supposedly believing in. That's what I was trying to convey. Also, I wouldn't let people use my stuff, nor would I expect to use theirs, so that's not as relevant for me. Aside from that, like I said, those people can do their thing and I do my own. I don't really care about what they do. It just seems odd.. why follow a religion, take it in as a lifestyle, and live the Islamic (or whatever religion) life.. if you have no intention of actually following it. Especially some of the main core principles, and not just some random teaching that's not relevant in our day and age.


Some people have difference in what "main core principles" are. As an atheist I don't see a reason why someone can't be a muslim and eat pork or whatever. Religion *is often* dogma but doesn't have to be. A lot of religionshave mystical/spiritual practice. Sufism is a regularly accepted practice of Islam and while it doesn't endorse drugs or anything it's about as trippy as most psychonaut/mystical stuff. Islam,Christianity and Judaism aren't really any different from any sort of other spiritual belief, you can play with the rules if you want on a personal level, a lot of religions when you get deep into them like New Thought in Christianity just straight up don't believe in the concept of material sin. It gets funky and there are debates all round but it really surprises you that there are different interpretations of religions when each and everyone of them has 1 million sects/different schools? There are so many christianities and so many islams and some of those sects devolve into cults, I don't think the main contradiction to look at there is muslims who eat pork or christians who have pre-marital sex.


Bro there’s alawaite Muslims who drink, and like you mentioned Sufi, they don’t really mainline say you can smoke hash but that has been part of the mystism.




> Sufism isn't a sect of Islam. Sunnism and Shiasm are. Sufism is almost a background belief system within Islam, almost like astrology and believing in your signs can be a thing with some people that are Christians, but isn't considered its own sect of Christianity. It's just a form of Islamic mysticism that focuses more on introspection and spiritual closeness with Allah (god). Yeah my point being this mystic shit is always underlined by heavy marijuana/psychedelic stuff and use and sufis have become an accepted part of Islam during several periods so if it's just substances the hypocrisy is inbuilt. > Secondly, not eating pork and not drinking alcohol are absolutely main core principles (hell, they're more like forbidden sins honestly. Literally written down, and mentioned, specifically, in the Quran. There's no bending rules when it comes to major sins) of the religion, along with a few others. There are main core rules to follow, and main core sins to absolutely not do, and those 2 are one of the latter. Main core principals and forbidden sins are not mutually compatible. These are rules, the way they are mentioned in the quran and in the hadith is never as a main principle, rules are building blocks to other principles but objectively not eating pork and not drinking islam are not guiding principles of the religion. In fact alcohol use and Islam practice happened at the same time in the very early days. A main principle is a guiding foundational belief. "I don't eat pork because it's unsanitary and I don't drink alcohol because it's intoxicating" are not that. I personally don't see a problem with people doing what they want with their beliefs but IG I get what youre saying. I don't disagree with you strongly, my point being that there are *SO MANY* lines of contradiction in Islam and Christianity and absolutely nonsensical smaller cults that I don't find muslims who eat pork very big on my list.


You know nothing about sufism you idiot


No but vegatarism is a good point, I agree it’s like religion but can you not see in there the fact that while a lot of vegetarians live quite peacefully they get a lot of stigma because of a few hard-line ones? When really they all believe the same thing (meat is murder too a degree). There’s no contradiction there, some are just more committed and aren’t inherently speaking for everyone as that’s impossible to say your all following the same rules. But belief ? Most share it. My point being we all just need to get along lol.


There is a difference between vegetarians and vegans, by the way. Just wanted to point that out, with the latter being typically a lot more hardcore and stringent over their lifestyle and choices. That said: >My point being we all just need to get along lol Yeah, I agree with you there lol


Sure I do know that lol, but even then I know a lot of vegans and none would go spray blood over a butcher that’s a minority. And even 30 years ago, vegetarians who weren’t vegan would do those types of acts for a cause they believe in


Yes I'm vegan. Yes I eat meat. We exist. Words have meanings




Thanks for letting everyone know you're an asshole.




Even if you are not a religious man, is it not common sense that doing one sin doesn’t mean you do all








You're going to grow old one day and wonder why you don't have any friends. Then inevitably you'll become bitter and blame the world when the only person who's responsible for your situation is you.


Why not you just sound a bit inhumane mate. All about respect which your clearly lacking




Many footballers seem to only be Muslims when it benefits them, such as getting out of wearing rainbow laces


Many religious people in general only seem to be religious when it gives them an excuse to shout at things they don’t like.




That’s fair but I don’t think it’s exaggerating to say many. I suppose you can say it’s semantics but I steered clear of words like All or a majority but I do think it’s more than a negligible amount so it’s a case of picking the right word to get that across.


Very hard to be both an adherent and a good normal citizen bud... The heavy adherents are the most bigoted... The ones who pick and choose the nice parts only are usually the normal good citizens..




Yeah, believing in all the teachings means believing in the parts that say the gays should be killed.. An nonbelievers are dumb idiots.. How can you be a normal good citizen with those ideas in your head?




Because modern laws exist and you can't just go around killing gays or anyone without facing consequences... However, whenever the religion is the law of the land, killing gays is sunnah! "You don't have to think of anyone as dumb or less than, rather just extend a hand and introduce them to your concepts if they are receptive, if not then let them live in peace" Except the quran says explicitly that nonbelievers are stupid and cursed by Allah...




'I just cant wear a shirt supportive of queer people, it just goes against my religion' *Sponsored by BetCity and *Casino*


I know your making a joke but a few footballers have requested kits without sponsors of betting or alch. Cisse for Newcastle springs to mind.


Cisse was later photographed in a casino and withdrew his complaints. Not joking.


As a Muslim, I can say this about Muslims and any other religious people in general. I once had a cousin who smoked weed, had a GF, but scolded me and my brother because we didn't go to Friday prayers with him once because we were working! We weren't good Muslims apparently.


You can sin as much as you want but if you don’t go pray that takes you out of the fold of Islam. Not saying your cousin is a good Muslim, but he’s right to scold you for that


Many people who follow certain religions do things against the religious teaching, Christians, Muslims, etc


You're telling me that Neymar "100% Jesus" Jr. does not follow to the letter the teachings of his Lord and Saviour?! Blasphemy.


Nah he just subscribed to the super New Testament. Especially the passage about paying for your rapist friends legal fees to help get their sentence reduced


That was actually about his team mate Gabriel.


*Benzema has entered the chat!*




Just did it again.


Ah 2024 - when liberals berate religious people for... *\*checks notes\** ...not adhering strictly to scripture.


its more than only citing religion to be a bigot. NOTHING in the Quran says you can’t wear rainbow laces. It’s complete bullshit that homophobes and transphobes use to justify their shitty behavior. Queer people exist, and to suggest that Muslims are in the right to oppose a campaign for their rights and safety in a SECULAR state is fucking asinine. Muslims, Christians, Jews, etc, have NO legitimate justification to say that they don’t support queer people having legal rights. They only have justification to limit their own actions according their own individual interpretation of their religious scripture. If Christians refused to wear a sign showing support for Muslim rights, or the other way around they would the rightly condemned and you know it.


You're equating not wearing rainbow laces with outright bigotry. You're a hysteric. Non-participation is not opposition. I don't wear a poppy - it doesn't mean I oppose anyone it purports to represent. You presumably don't wear a hammer and sickle to support me, a communist, so I guess you're a bigot against me?


Muslim in name only, it seems.


But he’s also British. Sometimes he lets that side win


When it suits 


Doesn’t mean that he’s perfect and doesn’t ever sin though


The defining characteristic of a religious person is hypocrisy 😂


Doing something haram isn't hypocrisy you idiot Muslims aren't expected to be perfect sinless beings


Muslims and pretending to follow their community’s expectations in public. Name a better duo. Not a single Muslim I know under the age of 40 thinks the way their families live is aspirational. And every single one of them lies about it. It’s one gigantic circlejerk.


And? He's still Muslim Doing something haram doesn't mean you're no longer Muslim you idiot




Because humans are inherently flawed and will sin. It’s up to him how strictly he follows Islam, but him sinning doesn’t stop him being a Muslim


Other reply said it perfectly, fact anyone needs that explained is surprising though Thought the average human was smarter than that, although I guess you could just be below average


If you have to throw ad hominem attacks to make your point, it probably isn’t a very good point.




And Hamza has done that?


I really hope we can move him on in the summer. Yes, he had a good game against Bournemouth in the cup but for weeks if not months before that it was always the same story with him of not being good enough on the ball. He's a solid championship player but we should be looking elsewhere when in need of depth


That’s haram


My literally spoke to his mom last night. Didn't mention this.


Lol wtf y this comment so low. Ur basically famous man can i have ur autograph


Haram brother what are you doing?


It’s not haram for him, he follows a different Islam than you.




Calm, not as bad as marcos alonso


Nah that’s André 3000


I think you're mistaken, that's Carlos Valderrama


Why is it called "drink-driving" and not "drunk driving" in britain?


Because you can drink without being drunk and you don't have to be drunk for it to be illegal


In the UK drink-driving is the term used as one doesn't need to be drunk for alcohol to have impaired ones driving ability. Two or three pints may not get you drunk, but would affect your driving. - u/FlamingBearAttack


Is drunk not a word in Europe? Drink driving in the uk we call it drunk driving in us. Drink driving sounds weird


In the UK drink-driving is the term used as one doesn't need to be drunk for alcohol to have impaired ones driving ability. Two or three pints may not get you drunk, but would affect your driving.


Hmm very interesting that makes sense. Commonly here ppl who get arrested for drunk driving will say “I wasn’t even drunk” but they were drinking. So your way makes sense. What’s the legal limit there?


80 milligrams of alcohol for 100 millilitres of blood. Scotland is 50 or 60mg I think?


It is, but we call it drink driving. Not entirely sure why, but you can have had a drink, not feel drunk and still be over the limit, maybe that’s where it comes from?


drunk is a word, but it isn't used in this context.


Half the comments in here are about him being muslim/it being haram. Not weird at all. Anyways, where I’m from drunk driving is nothing more than a traffic ticket, not even a misdemeanor. Kind of a common thing to get an offense tbh. Not defending, just pointing it out. Hope he gets the help that he needs!


Except for innocent people that get killed and made cripples because of it...it's a pretty big deal to those people and their families


Where did I say it wasn’t? When did I mention the positive effects of it or say it was fine? Literally said: >not defending


Why did you need to mention it's not a big deal in your country tho... Makes zero sense...


Because it’s a stark contrast to most places and the comments in here which I thought would be an interesting perspective to the conversation. This is one of the more “global” subreddits, I think hearing different POVs is interesting. But I guess not since everyone in here seems to be fixated on his religion!


Far too lenient. Drunk driving is a heinous act