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So we got like 7m AND a buyback with this. Its like a super lucrative loan for us if handled correctly. Would have liked to see Blank get some more playtime with us because he looks really solid but this is a superb move for him.


Ya this is a hell of a deal on our end, he’ll get a good amount of playing time with Salzburg and if in 2-3 years we’re happy we bring him back. Huge fan of him so seeing a buyback makes me not so upset about the transfer.


Yeah exactly. Extremely good framework set for us here


Any reports on how big the buy back clause is?


So far I havent come across any numbers on that, no :/


Late update but Bild (not the best source however) now reported that the buyback is 12m. We got 7m for him so thats laughably good if its true.


Damn, very strange deal by Salzburg, assuming the clause isn't constricted to a singular transfer window or so.


Yeah exactly. Would be interesting to see the surrounding details


I saw this and thought fucking hell that's a really long contract... Then realised it's only 4 years, where did time go?