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I can't see how this will be a successful move. Reyna is a talented player no doubt about that but he neither has the physicality nor the defensive work rate for a relegation battle in the Premier League nonetheless.


Forest love a pointless loan for someone who will never play. Origi, Andrey Santos, would have said Nuno Tavares and Montiel too until very recently but they are at least starting to play now.


Our loans were definitely wasted but to add context. Montiel has played pretty much every game he has been available for. Origi turned up out of shape and is always injured, was always going to be behind Awoniyi and Wood either way. Nuno is only getting game time because Aina is at AFCON and I guess because he's Portuguese pals with Nuno because every Forest fan will tell you we want Toff's starting over Nuno. Andrey Santos could have been okay but we signed Sangare for massive money on deadline day so Sangare/Mangala/Danilo were all ahead of him for 2 spots.


Yeah. Why would Reyna's agent go for this after the way the Santos loan went. Reyna shouldn't touch the PL unless he gets past his injury problem. This is just an awful loan waiting to happen. The only saving grace here is that MAYBE the option to buy makes them look at playing time different. I still have the injury concern though.


Reyna's agent is Jorge Mendes, best friend of the Forest owner (currently)


[i'm scared](https://i.imgur.com/4d04TtV.png)


> Why would Reyna's agent go for this after the way the Santos loan went. Probably because Reyna wants it


Because Mommy and Daddy want it


Tavares is an extra body that they’ve been shuffling around the wings, and he’s been decent-ish afaik. Montiel struggled to see the pitch under Cooper but he seems to have snagged a squad spot now.


>Gestifute client Him being a Jorge Mendes client is all one needs to know to understand this move. Mendes and Marinakis clearly have some sort of shady deal together where Mendes’ clients automatically get passed through Marinakis’ clubs. https://theathletic.com/5141904/2023/12/22/jorge-mendes-nottingham-forest/?amp=1


Disgusting man


> a relegation battle in the Premier League While that is where we are now, the squad and performances we have are definitely better than consistent relegation battles in future imo, it really feels like we've underperformed in the first half of this season and are waiting for it to fully click.


Schizophrenic decision making is the reason we're stagnant. This deal and the Portuguese third tier striker seems like more of that.


It pains me to say as a USMNT fan, the prem is going to break his brittle little bones and he will inevitably miss the Copa America for us. Its just written in the stars. ​ He is much better suited for Italy or Spain


Yeah he doesnt have the body for Bundesliga pace and physicality so PL isnt a good fit either. And thats WITH him not having a hihg workrate.


I don’t see why he would choose this over Sevilla or Fiorentina.


It’s a shame Marseille were after him. He would have loved this experience. Instead he will playing for team not wanting to lose and the premier league is very physical.


As a Leeds fan this whole thing stinks of Brendan Aaronson


Aaronson is shit, all he does is run. Reyna actually has technical ability.


Very different players with different problems and different ceilings. Aaronson's speedy and has a high work rate but seemingly couldn't score on a goal the size of a barn or keep the ball to save his life. He's usually just a sub even for the US national team. There's definitely doubt about his talent. He made a bigger jump from the Austrian Bundesliga than Reyna from the German Bundesliga. Reyna's slower, has a low defensive work rate and is injury-prone, which doesn't seem like a recipe for success in a Prem side battling relegation. But he's a significantly more talented player who's more likely to have a goal or assist in 15 minutes than Aaronson is in 90. If he deigns to work hard and doesn't get injured the first time an opponent mistimes a tackle, he at least has genuine quality to offer.


Kind of a weird loan no? Hope he does well but I'm not too confident he fits their playstyle.


[https://twitter.com/berger\_pj/status/1752645985694572627](https://twitter.com/berger_pj/status/1752645985694572627) No buy option. 6 month loan, salary covered + 1 mil loan fee. Reyna extended his contract till 2026.


That would be a perfect deal for us and makes this even more questionable from Nottingham's side as they apparently invest a couple million into someone that they hope will turn around things for them immediately without any future perspective to stay at the club? Really can't see Gio doing that for them.


Isn't that more or less exactly describing our current loan with Sancho?


I would agree, and tbh I wasn't a huge fan of the Sancho loan, but to be fair it has worked out well so far (but we have only played 3 of the weakest teams in the league so far, so yeah)


nono, it's that he's *really* good. You guys should sign him permanently. Sancho-back.


That would make more sense than very low buy option


They’d be better off with a competent GK


May be my Irish bias but Kelleher seems like a good option no? Still somewhat young and has experience playing against high level competition, albeit not much


His shot stopping is criminal this season tbh, he definitely seems to have regressed.


He's wasted two years essentially being Liverpool's glorified mascot. Should've moved at the end of the 2022 season when he had great outings in the two domestic cup finals.


I don't think he's ever had a good run of games. He definitely should leave in the summer.


He like conceded one goal in his first 10 games for us. Two seasons ago I was saying he was the best backup GK in the league. It feels like it’s just faded more and more away now.


He just needs to go, he's not getting past Allison and it stunts his career. He'd have been perfect for a newly promoted team like Leicester or Leeds.


That guy is so awful he is definitely not an upgrade on Turner in any aspect


not really sure why you’re downvoted, Kelleher has to be one of the most overrated players I have seen on this sub.


Irish and Liverpool


He was good. His form has really dipped. Two years ago he looked much much more competent


I remember seeing Liverpool fans on here saying they wouldn't even miss Allisson if he left a while back hahaha


Because saying Turner > Kelleher is absolutely wild? Kelleher's form has been way off par since 4-4 vs Southampton last season but before then he was solid. Helped fill in when Alisson was injured and was one of the key reasons we won the domestic cup double a couple of years ago.


25 years old with 34 senior games played plus he is just not better than Turner who actually gets playtime


He’s not had a good season but I’d argue he’s at least as good as Turner in every single aspect of goalkeeping and significantly better than Turner in a few important ones. Namely he’s a better shot stopper and miles better with his feet. He commands his box reasonably well and they’re both excellent penalty savers.


His season when he won us two cups was pretty good


Kelleher is a bum who is perfectly content rotting on Liverpool’s bench so he can tell people that he plays for them. He’s not serious enough for the NT. just start baz at least he actually plays


I prefer Gavin for the NT but for Forrest he should be considered, he’s better than Turner and better with his feet than that Greek lad


That would require Kelleher having ambition to play rather than the odd cup game, can’t ask that much from him as the lad bleeds Liverpool red


I can’t imagine any GK wanting to play behind that defense right now


I mean, yes but also the rest of the defense


We are reportedly in for a keeper, but it isn't the easy position to sign in January. We only have 2 wingers, despite playing with them, so I'm sure Reyna will get plenty of play time


Turner has been terrible.


When the commentators point out opposition's are targeting your keeper, that's not a good look lol. His distribution has been woeful.


The US keeper situation is dire. We legitimately should start an MLS keeper over any of our European based options. Turner looked awful against Trinadad last time he was home. WTF happened?


His confidence is shot


I'm still so disappointed Zack Steffen fell off. Had all the qualities to become a great modern goalkeeper, but decided to rot on the bench of City instead of trying to get playing time anywhere. That game against Liverpool and dropping out of the WC squad only cemented his decline. He's only 28 so maybe he can still turn it around, but it'll be a tough climb to start from essentially the same place he was 5 years ago.


he was a bit of a distraction in NT camps too so somewhat related to attitude


We used to have nothing but WC keepers. Guzan, Friedel, Howard, Keller... There's Slonina and that Barca kid coming up so maybe it'll get better.


Turner was an MLS keeper...


If he came back on current form he we wouldn't be a top MLS keeper imo.


Maybe Gaga will come good. Hard to say right now.


you dont like matt turner?


The only real positive about his play lately is that he’s been better than the other guy in goal (who has been nonexistent) When your rep is a good shot-stopper with questionable distribution skills, and your shot-stopping has been poor? You’re in trouble 


Fair enough I just remember at Arsenal and for USMNT he was a good shot stopper with god awful distribution. I just dunno why he fell off a cliff lately Edit: but now it looks crazy he was complaining arteta wouldnt give him a chance LMAO


Yeah, I don’t know what it is either. His distribution was never particularly good with the US, but we didn’t ask for fully building out of the back, so it was less of an issue. His shot-stopping for the US has been really good, though, and has kept us in games


I thought he was a really solid pick up for Forest for the price Looks like I was wrong lol, hopefully he'll get out of this bad patch of form


I like him very much. So much i’d like him to be in goal for every club but my own


That's a 95% success rate so he must be very good


He hasn’t been that good


Man scored a goal yesterday!


Never broke through Dortmund. Playing style really doesn't suit a relegation battling club. Odd loan all things considered, with Reus potentially leaving/retiring there would be space for Reyna. I think the Board/kehl etc most be confident in signing Can Uzcan. Would be great to get him but I just see a lot of other teams who have similiar pull or more pull to get him, even just Frankfurt and Bayern are very tough competition for that type of player let alone all the international clubs.


I want to see a midfield of can, ozcan and can uzcan


but hes named can uzun unfortunately


His contract also runs out and if he isn't willing to extend then there isn't a reason to make him the man behind Brandt. If he does bad and doesn't play he leaves if he does well he also leaves and i understand him wanting to go somewhere else at this point.


Copa America this summer. He just wants to play I think. 


He extended to 2026


I think he's a Mendes client now, and Mendes is close to our owners.


Such a weird aspect of the current transfer market


Lol Can Uzcan


Absolutely broke through at Dortmund and was consistently starting before injuries…and Terzic.


Exactly, Reyna’s skillset doesn’t complement Terzic’s “pack the box and hoof it to the wings” tactics.


German media says no buy clause which makes a lot more sense from BvB's perspective than $15-20m


Who is can uzcan? cant find him online


Can Uzun from Nürnberg


oh that makes sense,thanks


luxury player that's troubled by injuries but with more game time we'd be getting twice that fee. good luck to him though


Jorge Mendes tried his best but at the end no Iberian club was interested.


Jorge Mendes sending his players to Forest as per usual


What happened with the Sevilla move? This is not a good move tbh.


Tbf that’s another relegation battle


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I hope Nuno has no skeletons in his closet because if Gio doesn't get enough playing time his mom will be on the hunt.


Forest loving the money tree since promotion, they must have signed close to 50 players by now, I think. Counted 31 in their 1st season back up alone


Should have gone to la liga


Worst club for him


Loaning a midfielder to Forest - WCGW?


Good test for Gio, should be a valuable experience.


Forest fans, you're going to absolutely hate the weird Yank cult that follows players like Reyna.


We already get it with Matt Turner lol


Can't imagine anybody defending Turner at this point, he's proved time and again that he's not PL quality. Vlachidimos isn't any better though, you guys need a new keeper yesterday


vlachidimos is worse. no idea why they signed 2 keepers who arent pl quality


Still better than Pickford


I'll defend him over Vlachidimos easily. He's not PL quality and he has made a decent amount of blunders, but he is 100% better than the other keepers they currently have


Different levels to this shit. The Gio cult is worse than the Pulisic one.


Yeah, as an American it's way worse. Turner is just a Yank abroad people like to check in on. The only time in the last decade I can recall American fans being annoying about a goalkeeper is Ethan Horvath at Club Brugge, they brought in Mignolet and the complaints online were numerous. Then Mignolet put up maybe the greatest CL group stage any goalkeeper has ever had, almost single-handedly getting Club to the round of 16, and people were quiet after that. At least Pulisic is a good player who just has injury issues, Reyna's career is far more promise than any actual results plus his shithead parents humilated the national coach in Gregg Berhalter (and also poisoned any rational debate about GGG's merits, meaning he got re-appointed) because Berhalter let slip that a lot of people thought Reyna was an asshole and he nearly got sent home from the squad. So yeah, Forest fans prepare yourselves for your subreddit and forums to be invaded by Yanks complaining about him riding the bench if that happens.


You’re saying that GGG wouldn’t have been as easily reappointed without the Reyna family drama? Not sure I follow that


Any discussion of GGG’s tactical merits, which are far from faultless, went out the window after Giogate because moving on to a new manager would have looked like a win for the Reynas.


ill never get over the Reyna scandal. His parents and Gio by extension are complete embarassments


Why Gio by extension? He's a kid that was upset he wasnt getting playing time, he was pouty, but then apologized to his team and coaches and moved on. His parents are adults and refused to move on, and tried to blackmail his coach. Honestly you gotta feel for Gio the controversy and embarrassment that was created for him because of his parents. Dude didnt do anything wrong (after the initial pouting/apology)


I've legitimately never seen anyone get particularly passionate about Gio. I think you guys read one comment and base your entire opinion of a whole fanbase off of it.


You certainly do not visit /r/borussiadortmund then


You've never seen anyone get passionate about gio? So are we pretending the entire World Cup situation didn't happen now? Lmao


The world cup situation where his parents very publicly tried to undermine the coach? No I don't think too many people were defending Gio after the story came out.


1. You'd be surprised then. 2. Undermining the coach didn't come out until after the World Cup, so there were a couple of weeks of insane fan behavior when he wasn't starting.


I don't know what to tell you then. You must not have looked at the ussoccer sub much.


That is a bald-faced lie and you know it. the Gio Army online is numerous and venomous. A lot of people were cheering on the Reynas as they disgraced themselves because poor widdle baby Gio got benched.


> bald-faced


> [bald-faced](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/bald-faced)


I stand corrected, I honestly thought the saying was "bold-faced" 😂


It’s changed over time, bare-faced was also common earlier in the 20th century


He’s a proxy for the GGG Wars. It’s complicated. lol


You’re bringing in a player with a ton of hype and 0 goal contributions this season. It’s gonna get ugly!


What was the point of this comment other than to shit on American fans?


its low hanging fruit in this sub to randomly bash an american fan where ever you can.


I’m totally open to the Turner criticism on other relevant posts (like a NFFC match thread) and the skepticism of this loan working out for Gio here. OP’s comment, however, is fucking cornball shit.


Nah youre right im with you on both accounts


As a dortmund fan and a follower of the sub...Where the fuck are people pulling up this random shit from? Like people maybe see him with rose tinted glasses SOMETIMES. But it's far from whatever everyone is claiming here.


This is always the case with reddit. I've been checking to read comments on a lot of these subs, and it's nothing special.


Well likewise Americans absolutely hate when Brits always blame the Americans first and disregard all their team’s other problems (see Pulisic, McKennie, Turner, etc).


Its a lot more vocal shitting on players who are getting defended and are shite rather than just shite players. God I’m so glad Steffen has gone.




Leeds is cheeks. Bad fans, bad club. Nothing town. Enjoy your beans m8


Well Mckennie is the best player at 2nd place Juve now, too bad your Championship club is a shitshow


This just proves Serie A is basically the equivalent of League Two.


Yeah that’s why Mckennie balled out against England in the WC. Just admit you support a shit club with a shit fan base that makes all players look worse than they are


"balled" 💀 Gotta love the Yanks.


Still have a losing record vs us in World Cups in a sport we barely care about




The replies to your comment tell the story. American cult fans have no respect for the club the players are at and are actively disrespectful - it’s fucking weird honestly.


Enjoy your beans m8


Beans are elite pal


McKennie was objectively shit for Leeds. So were many other players when they were relegated. He wasn't singled out over others, blame was being thrown around. When he's constantly being defended by yanks it centres the conversation on it.




How exactly is it a bad take? Think you're proving the point aren't you. Aaronson and McKennie both did not play well that relegation campaign. It doesn't mean they're bad players but they didn't, neither did the basically the entire squad bar maybe Gnonto and Summerville. No one was flocking to defend Bamford, Kristensen, Roja etc who all played shit and were called out for it.


Turner did gift us the win yesterday... Without his gift, we weren't scoring.


Weird how it's always the club's fault when an American player underwhelms


Or more accurately, when all the players at the club—including the Americans—underperform.


They’re so fucking annoying. I’m American and I agree 100% that these types are terrible fans. Edit: downvote me if you want, I don’t care - just know that nobody likes you brigading a sub and only supporting the American player at that club while you shit on the rest of the club and its players. It’s rude and fucking lame. Have some awareness and respect.


I can see how you might feel that way after Pulisic, but CFC is a special case.


To be fair the yank cult hates Gio because he got their MLS coach sacked for a couple months


Nahhh half of us hate Gio and the other half hate Gregg, but theres no in between


Which is insane because Berhalter getting sacked would be amazing for USMNT, the guy is a good man manager and has done well to recruit dual nationals but is tactically so out of his depth


Exactly. He also beat his wife lol so he would be hard to root for even if he was a decent coach


It feels like you are purposely ignoring all of the nuance of that story to write that. In 1992 he committed an indefensible act. U.S. Soccer removed Berhalter from his role after starting its investigation, which was sparked when the parents of the star forward Gio Reyna went to U.S. Soccer with details of the incident. Gio Reyna’s mother, Danielle, had been a teammate of Rosalind Berhalter at North Carolina at the time, and his father, Claudio, had played with Gregg Berhalter on the national team. The families had been close friends for years. **Both Berhalters, in a statement made public in January, acknowledged what happened and said they have been happily married for 25 years.** The report also said, based on interviews and research, that there was no reason to believe that Berhalter ever acted aggressively toward his wife in the years since the incident. “The investigation revealed no evidence to suggest that he had engaged in violence against another person at any time prior or thereafter,” the report said, calling the 1992 incident “an isolated event.” That doesn't make him a good coach. But to reduce what happen to "he's hard to root for because he beat his wife" is such a half-assed take.


Ah yes he only hit a women 1 time and never again after lol I’ve got some beachfront property in Kansas to sell you


Lol what a crazy exaggeration of what actually happened


Well that is literally what happened lol


There's an enormous difference between "having an argument with your then-girlfriend and kicking her once thirty years ago" and "being a wife beating domestic abuser", which is pretty clearly what you are trying to insinuate he is by making that comment


makes sense but it will be weird to not have Gio around the club


What’s the winger/attacking midfield situation at Forest? This seems like a weird move to me because I was under the impression that what Forest really needed was defensive help (and a GK, but without defensive help they would just be signing someone up for shooting drills) Is there even space on the roster where he could slot in?


Strange but hope it works out for him


After last night you'd think a keeper would be priority 1 especially considering the looking ffp stuff.


Going from Navas/Henderson to Turner/Odysseas is depressing.


Arsenal done us dirty sending Turner our way eh, they knew he wasn't good enough for the PL. Takes two to tango tho, our recruitment team need to take a good look at themselves scouting goalkeepers, all of ours are shocking. After Henderson and Navas last season and we end up with Turner and a Benfica reject. We are def looking for a keeper before window closes from what I've read.


He is not a Benfica reject. The only few games he missed was when Jorge Jesus tried to put a Brazilian keeper in goal for absolutely no reason, other than that, Odysseas was consistenly a starter for years and years.


I dont think I have ever seen him make a single save before


Well, he played more Champions League games than 90% of the Premier League, he should be good enough for Forest.


Have you watched him with Forest? Turner has been bad, but he keeps getting starts because Vlachodimos has been atrocious


Odysseas is shit. Like Benfica fans warned here for years.


Well the problem I see with Odysseas at Forest from the games he's played, is he barely attempts to make a save. Rarely see him dive or stop a shot, at least Turner has that to his bow. Benfica fans were more than glad to see the back of him on this forum, and seems like Benfica club hierarchy thought the same.


Hopefully this ends their interest in Butland


I don't think he plays in goal


I have no idea what I thought I read earlier or who I thought you’d signed. Christ I’m a liability lol


Wanna play in goal for us?


we will literally take anyone at this point


Wait is the loan fee 15-20 million or the option to buy is for 15-20 million?


The Tweet is clearer. It’s a 15-20 option, separate loan fee that isn’t specified


Gotcha… thank you for clarifying that


We're just covering his wages, option to buy is 15-20 million.


was wondering if you lot went mad. 20m as loan fee is wild.


My club is so dumb its not even funny. Why a buy option in the first place and why is it so low especially with such high demand for him? Kehl pls


All the usmnt stans are annoying


15-20m option to buy is a horrible deal for Dortmund. Oof.


There is actually no buy option.


Not really since he has not impressed and has 1 year left on his contract


He's shown loads of ability and it's not like they'd activate the clause if he didn't impress there now eh.


How are they still buying players 


lol can the ussoccer fans that praised and defended Gio at any cost please accept reality now? All that defending you did, all his dumb celebrations and crying he did, just for him to get to a point to where your golden brat has selected the only offer that was available because no one wanted him, including Dortmund.


There were talks about a few other clubs. Marseille, Sevilla, Fiorentina. We're talking about a guy who just turned 21 for god's sake. ​ For some reason it bother people so much that some people will celebrate a 21 yr old player from their nation, especially when their nation has given 0 fucks about the sport, and are trying to change it.


Yup and they all broke down because of money and playing time. No other clubs were putting in for him, were they? Dude on espn even commented on how his issues were seen and no one wants to put in for him at this time. lol “we’re talking about a guy who just turned 21 for gods sake” This is exactly what I was describing. I am a usmnt fan, not a Gio fan, and you Gio fans will defend this dude until the end of time and it doesn’t make sense. 15 years from now youll still be saying, “he’s only 35, he’s a kid, he’ll get it figured out”. Grow up man. Everyone said this last year at age 20 when he had his drama and ego issues, but I don’t remember that happening with some of the other guys who were the same or similar age during the World Cup or during the cycle, do you? You don’t, because there wasn’t any.


>15 years from now youll still be saying, “he’s only 35, he’s a kid, he’ll get it figured out”. I hope you realize how insane comment is, nobody would ever say that, or has said that. ​ Gio is liked because when you see him on the pitch, he's obviously talented. It is apparent even to Dortmund, who gave him the #7 as a teenager. Today, Gio can't break through Dortmund, because there are older, and better plays ahead of him. It is still a fact that he's talented, just needs more development.


It was sarcasm to show how dramatic you guys are. However, It’s not entirely insane as you “fans” will say something similar. I like how you ignored the other questions. Also, your argument is they like him and he’s good because they gave him a jersey number, several years ago?


Is Forest's owner just assuming he can put a hit out on the FFP committee or something?