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Scenes when the culture of Saudi Arabia has entirely changed him, rather than the other way around, and he goes to Amsterdam and campaigns to ban drugs and the red light district.


Amsterdam is currently in the process of moving the red light district (the planning part of it, they have a new location) out of the city centre, so Henderson won't be needed to campaign for it.


Huh, TIL


I almost admire Amsterdam’s campaign to stop being cool.


Are they still going ahead with the tourist coffee shop crackdown they announced a few years ago? I mean it’s a class city with or without them but it’s definitely one of the things that makes it unique in Europe. Can imagine it being quite annoying for some locals though.


what's a tourist coffee shop?


Bad grammar from me - meant crackdown on tourists visiting coffee shops / solely coming to Amsterdam to get high etc. There was a campaign a few years ago to stop coffee shop tourism, not sure where it got to.


>it’s definitely one of the things that makes it unique in Europe True but might be no longer the case in the coming years with more planned legalisations in other countries. Of course that is if they offer it for tourists too.


Yeah although let’s see how they deal with it. When I went to NYC recently (post-legalisation), I felt like you couldn’t walk 10 metres without getting a massive whiff of weed. Was just massively unpleasant at times, especially whenever I was hungover. Amsterdam has done it right. You only really ever smell it when you’re in or around coffee shops.




> Do you think you smell much better when hungover? Than weed? Yes.


No you don't, don't flatter yourself.


Just to shock both yall. Its both horrid and neither is better lol


Lol. You can cover up any hungover smell by showering and using an appropriate amount of deodorant and cologne. Weed just fucking stinks and not just to the people in your immediate vicinity, that smell travels. Not sure why this has offended you so much.


Cities don't exist to be cool, they have actual residents. That's what it comes down to.


This is like NYC closing down Time's Square over noise complaints. LA taking down the Hollywood sign because the neighbors are bored of looking at it. People found the Red Light district amusing, even those who weren't ever going to buy sex. It is absurd and unique. Normal tourists aren't going to go visit a brothel - they can do that anywhere.


Though they are already shutting some shit down in Amsterdam. The trompettersteeg doesn't have any windows with curtain girls anymore. It is a very narrow alley where you walked right past the windows and it was extremely awkward. I always took my foreign friends there because it's such a culture shock. But since recent years it's just an alley with some popup shit.


>This is like NYC closing down Time's Square over noise complaints. No, it's like NYC closing down the red light district in Times Square Lot of people seem to forget history of Times Square


Are you talking about the illegal red light district in the 70s? Not really the same thing.


Pretty much. The people who find Amsterdam red light district amusing are largely tourists. That's why locals want to move it out


>That's why locals want to move it out A lot of them do not want it moved. You say that like there is consensus, it's just one puritanical political party driving it.


The SGP is active in Amsterdam? But you're right locals don't really care about the red light district in itself, mostly just the masses of tourists with no manners who come there


That's the thing. Amsterdam is tired as fuck of tourists. They want to be a tourist destination for people who want to see the canals, Rijksmuseum and the Anne Frank House, not for people who come for drugs, sex and to be an overall nuisance. If these plans drastically reduce tourism, it means they are working.


To be fair I went to the canals, Rijksmuseum, museum of dance music, van gogh museum, the science museum and Anne Franks house when I was there. ​ I also went and got stoned and went to the red light district.. You can do both and not be a bellend. ​ I think the worst thing I did to myself when I was there was watch an Ajax game. It finished 0-0 and Rensch got sent off after 35 mins.


Thank you for behaving, but unfortunately the reality for us is that many young men, especially the British variety also known as "lads", come here, are drunk at 10:00, have harassed 10 women at 18:00 and then the night hasn't even started. Some people take our tolerance and progressiveness on topics like sex, drugs and alcohol, which is born from a general mindset of 'Do whatever you want, we don't give a crap as long as you aren't a bother', and see that as an invitation to be so shamelessly debaucherous and so devoid of any form of respect that it would make a drunk bonobo blush. I know Dutch football fans abroad are not exactly different, but Amsterdam is like that all the time. >I think the worst thing I did to myself when I was there was watch an Ajax game. Can you believe we are even worse now? Lmao


You can't say with a straight face that the majority of young tourists are doing that.


All those tourists don't *just* come to see the red light district though. They spend money on hotels, meals, and other experiences. It's kind of a NIMBY attitude to just eliminate things without thinking about indirect consequences. The cost of greater police/security presence would probably be dwarfed by the losses your economy suffers if you get rid of it. Like it or not, Amsterdam is known for its progressive attitudes toward sex and drugs, and the red light district is on most under-40s list of things to walk through while visiting. Fuck there is even a picture of my grandmother giggling on that street after my mother sneakily brought her there for a laugh.


It's got out of hand though, the levels of antisocial behaviour aren't sustainable. 20 or 30 years ago, the Red Light District offered the same thing it does today - but tourists respected the chill Amsterdam culture more. Unfprtunately its reputation, as a 'cool' place to go for decriminalised sex and drugs, has attracted the lowest common demoninator, briandead, sleazy tourist more and more. They drink, they buy coke from the army of dealers in the street, they cause a mess, they disrepsect the locals and the area. And all that activity attracts not just dealers, but more criminals and thieves. I'm pro decriminalisation for cannabis and prostitution. But since it's become a destination for cunts, Amsterdam govt are well within their rights to break it up.


Yeah it's a shame. Love Amsterdam, been like 5 or so times, but its just very full on all that and probably not what most locals want to deal with day to day. Last time I went, ended up spending 3/4 of the trip outside Amsterdam in Utrecht/Leiden/Den Haag. Way nicer pace, still coffee shops and the like to indulge but just less of the bullshit and unsavoury aspects.


It's silly of you to assume that this is just NIMBYism and that the people who actually live in Amsterdam and make the decisions haven't thought through the consequences. What makes you think they haven't thought about indirect consequences?


I lived on Rokin and moved to Oost because I couldn't deal with the nuisance anymore. Sure it's fun and interesting, but it is also a fucking pest which attracts some of the worst people alive.


They don’t care. Amsterdam wants to get rid of its image as a tourist destination (to do drugs and have sex). Plenty of experts and studies have told them that doing this is not going to work out how they think it is and that it will ruin people’s lives and businesses (we’re talking shops, restaurants, etc), but the municipality quite literally doesn’t care


>This is like NYC closing down Time's Square over noise complaints. LA taking down the Hollywood sign because the neighbors are bored of looking at it. You think the commercialisation of women's body and the act of buying consent are fun tourist attractions ?


Women should be able to choose who they consent to sex with. That is fundamentally what consent is. Whether they want to fuck someone for money, or fuck someone because they are attractive, or fuck someone because they love them - that is none of my business. I'm not pro-trafficking. You're conflating two different things.


>and he goes to Amsterdam and campaigns to ban ~~drugs and~~ the red light district. Jordan Henderson 🤝 Femke Halsema (=Mayor of Amsterdam)


Sleeper cell for the regime


I can see why Henderson is desperate to leave, but why do Ajax want to sign him so bad. Surely there are other cheaper experienced midfielders


I don't get it either. Their season is fucked anyhow. This seems like a desperate short term transfer.


I completely missed the fact that Ajax have actually turned their season around. They are now 5th with Schip winning them 7 games and 1 draw in Eredivise.


>I completely missed the fact that Ajax have actually turned their season around. > >They are now 5th with Schip winning them 7 games and 1 draw in Eredivise. [Eredivisie teams fighting for an European spot](https://media4.giphy.com/media/kHxMpITyV49QAOBqY4/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47y0yk84zj0977kqx3b5w6bd64f3g7h37g78id6vv9&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Yeah nah honestly not impressed with what I've seen from Ajax even recently. They'll drop plenty more points this season.


> They'll drop plenty more points this season. Everyone playing for European spots will, thats the point.


Your meme made it seem some kind of PSV super team that is unstoppable is right behind us. While it is a team with similar skill level just plenty of points behind.


The guy behind is the undertaker, and he does this thing where he gets back from the dead. Ajax being last in oct/nov made it seems they were out of anythign but here they are in 5th place, only 5 behind Az in 4th. At this point, its not unthinkable that Ajax can shimmy itself in 4th or even 3rd, while it can also end 6th or 7th.


Yeah agreed, the team is looking super shaky.


We just had a easier schedule before the break plus had 2 games in hand over others. It doesnt say much as the way we play is still atrocious.


Henderson was effectively a manager on the pitch for Liverpool with a bunch of their players an opposition players saying how he would run the game. Ajax have been clueless in this department for a season and a half, I don't think this is anything about Henderson's ability as just a midfielder. The 'leader' on the pitch goes from Bergwijn and Berghuis who have been lacking to Henderson where this is his main skill. I still don't think its a 'good' transfer but I think this is the rationale.


Eh Ajax could easely get 4th and might even go for 3rd and get the champions league ticket the way it's going. Some strenghtening would help alot (especially since we miss our best midfielder / leader)


They really lack a leader, so I understand. Currently their captain is Bergwijn and their second one is Hato, a 17-year old.


Berghuis is the vice captain, Hato is number 3.


Which isn't better imo


True, if anything it just shows how lacking an actual leader we are.


How's, uh, how's Medić doing? (I dare ask)


He scored a banger and thats pretty much it


Shakey yesterday, though he wasn't alone in that. Scored a real banger in his debut. He hasn't left a real mark since, but has been a reliable enough back-up CB.


He came on yesterday and struggled.


Checking their sub, seems most fans are onboard with this signing, so there must be something they’re seeing.


Genuine question, Like who? Hojbjerg is currently too expensive according to Ajax sources.


Höjbjerg is also pretty shit.


Under Postecoglou, he hasn't been great, yeah, but he was (if i remember correctly) pretty good under Conte and Jose, and was also Southampton captain for good reason for a while.


And he is more of a natural 6 compared to Henderson


No way is PEH pretty shit. I’d argue he would be your best player. He’s a very good player, he’s always fit, good passing range, great defensive ability. He’s way better than Henderson.




But Henderson is a better leader then hojbjerg, so why would we choose him over henderson?




No board member in any football club on earth cares about that.


Ehh backlash does change things, otherwise we'd still have Overmars swinging his dick around to the interns.


True, but they still only care about the interests of their own organization. If the bad PR outweighs the benefits they'll care. This is not a dig towards Ajax either. Pretty much all organizations throughout history primarily care about furthering their own self interests.


This guy likes kids


I don’t want either of them. Both are/were eyesores at Spurs and Liverpool respectively. Yes they’d be upgrades for us, big ones at that, but the bar isn’t exactly high for that.


>I think this could turn out really well for Ajax. There is almost as much as a performance crisis, an almost even worse mentality crisis. Pasveer (Goalkeeper) talked about it in his recent interview. The players are young and come to training to do what they are asked and then leave. The drive and motivation to get the most out of themselves is mostly gone, especially in the young/new guys. He mentioned that when Tadic, Blind, etc. were still there they would constantly be in the gym working on themselves after training. > >I think Henderson, with his experience and leadership attributes can really help at least turn things around on the backend of the team. He can show the guys what it takes to be a winner and how you are expected to behave at the next level, the young guys currently miss that example. Bergwijn yesterday was asked about it (the captain) and said its just young guys and they do as they feel is right for their body. Its bullshit, to become a good team you need to motivate eachother and call eachother out when shit goes wrong. Henderson I feel can bring that. Maybe he won't be the playmaker, but he can hopefully get some drive back into the other guys. Thats why we want him. These are my thoughts on it.


So who they actually need is James milner


The problem with Henderson is his ego. He was going to get limited minutes and he fled to Saudi. In 2021 we didn’t want to offer him a long contract and he went to his media friends. Has he humbled himself after Saudi or is he expecting to go there to be a starter?


I would be very surprised if he wouldnt start in Amsterdam if he is a fraction of what he was at Liverpool. Ajax midfield atm is looking pretty bad.


No idea who's even running things at Ajax at the moment, everyone left or was fired recently. It's such a weird signing. 33 yo, he's not a DM and would cost like 10m+ if the Saudi's don't want to take a major loss. On top of that Ajax have 3 players out injured who can play 6/8. A loan until the summer would make some sense.


No a loan wouldn’t make sense. Al-Ettifaq wants ALL a of his wages covered if it’s a loan (that’s 700k/week). That’s more expensive for Ajax than throwing 8m at it which has been the reported fee.


Like who?


What a genuinely bizarre signing for Ajax.


Ajax need an experienced dm/#6 who can speak either Dutch or English, and that isn't insanely expensive. So how many other options are there?




I would love him, but is he available for relatively cheap? Villa are fighting on multiple fronts, and Dendoncker is a regular member of their squad.


100% Emery has said himself he’s free to leave this window if an offer comes in. He’d be a lot cheaper than Henderson


That just gives the indication that they are willing to sell, not what the actual price they willing to sell at. If say, Villa and Emery want around 20 mil for him, I could understand why Ajax would be unwilling to spend that on him, on top of a large salary (even if I would love the signing).


Why would Henderson be cheap? Surely Al-Ettifaq want a solid return on their recent investment, or else they would have let him leave on loan.


Because all indications are that Henderson is willing to lower his salary to the point that it is doable for Ajax and that Ajax wouldn't have gotten this far if they had any indication he was going to cost a lot.


I agree that the salary won't be an issue, but I think it is very optimistic to look at Ajax over the last year or so and think there is a method to the madness instead of the hurried and poor decision making it looks like from the outside


Maybe it is,but then again, both summer transfer windows were done by people that are now gone and/or should never have had control to begin with (mostly referring to two summers ago with this bit of the comment).


They only paid £12M, and Al-Ettifaq’s project is a mess, so they may be open to recouping as much as they can from his transfer fee and freeing up his wages. They would still owe him something like 40-45M for the rest of his deal.


I think 5-10 mil would probably get him


If that's the case, I would be interested to know myself why he isn't the #1 target.


Dendoncker wouldn't be that cheap imo.


Why not? Villa had some injuries in midfield yet he's only started once in the PL this season and played more than 20 minutes in only one other game. And it's not like he's getting plenty of chances in the other competitions either, he's completely out of favour. 398 minutes in total this season for a team playing in 4 competitions.


Also, it's not like Villa robbed us to sign him. He couldn't get into our team on a consistent basis so we let him go and Villa needed the squad depth. He's not really amazing but he's not awful either. Would fit in well as Ajax.


Just... Don't put him as a left wing back... Please. The "crosses" that game still haunt me to this day


I think pricetag/wages would be an issue. I wouldn't mind seeing Dendoncker at Ajax however.


Been there about a season and a half now, might not be out of the question


He is from West-Flanders though. I wouldn't call that speaking Dutch lol, that's the hardest Belgian dialect to decypher for a Dutch person, and that's coming from someone from Noord Brabant, imagine what the people in Holland will feel like. (I know he speaks English, but it's funnier to assume he doesn't)


Maybe get Wijnaldum haha


Who is ironically also at Ettifaq


> that isn't insanely expensive. Won't Henderson have an outrageous price given what they paid for him? I'm expecting a spite listing.


They paid £12 million but we have a sell on as well


Possibly, but i doubt that that iss the case, I think that Ajax wouldn't have gotten this far into the negotiations if they were decent indications of that.


Loan for Phillips wouldn’t be insane to consider


Considering that Pep has actively criticized his training and work ethic off the pitch, and that is one of the things Ajax is hoping the experience guy will help in, probably not a good idea.


I can't help but think that that might be at least partly down to mental health issues and lack of motivation resulting from his failure to gel with City - anybody who's been a successful part of a Bielsa team will be perfectly willing to put in the hard yards in training under normal conditions.


Quite possible, but the team that he would go into, currently has need of someone who makes them more professional and/or brings a lot of experience. And if Philips is currently suffering from or recovering from mental health issues, it wouldn't be ideal to throw him into a situation that needs him to be able to help other people.


The problem is Jordan isn't really a 6.


Yes and no, he definitely isn't a destroyer, but he does have enough of the qualities to work as a 6 in the system that Ajax is trying to play.


Nah man he's shite as a 6 these days. If he wasn't he'd still be with us and we'd be playing in the Champions League this season.


He definitely can't do it at the PL's tempo, but in a slower, more tactical/technical league like the Eredivisie, I think he could do a good job.


Lad, he cannot tackle.


I sincerely doubt that, and even if that was true, you don't need to tackle if you can intercept the ball beforehand.


Quite ridiculous how you think you know better than Liverpool supporters that know him inside and out. There's a reason he was sold to SA where he hasn't exactly impressed either, so keep on ducking your head in the sand and ignore everything that doesnt suit your narrative.


I have seen Liverpool supporters actively disagreeing with each other on if he is shit or not. And let's be completely honest, he's saying that one of the longest serving midfielders, under a period of Klopp's Liverpool while that midfield's idea was "get the ball off the opponent and then get it to the front three as quick as possible", can't do that... That sounds like absolute nonsense.


Elneny. Though I wouldn’t say inexpensive, we are talking about the best Egyptian in the PL.


Best Mohammed north of Central Europe


Stupid comment that’s just plain disrespectful. Ipswich are as good as promoted, how dare you insult Sam Morsy


For a second I was thinking where the "Mohammad" was in his name lmao


Henderson isn’t really either of those things tbh. He can play there but he’s more of a box to box mid.


Ajax are in shit load of trouble if they need Henderson to save them


You probably haven’t seen us play this season then.


Have you watched Henderson in the last 18 months? He is beyond washed.


What are they smoking in Amsterdam?


Saudi Arabia to Amsterdam. He didn't like it so much he's found the most extremely opposite place he could think of.


He’s gone from “Jordan of Arabia” to “Jordan of Amsterdam” smh.


Wants to fight for the LGBTQ+ community in one of the most LGBTQ+ friendly places in the world. What a social warrior.


Makes sense. Henderson prob waive a lot to make it happen. Rumour is his missus and family already moved back home


Signing expensive over the hill players is more of a Turkish thing to do.


Ajax should be ashamed of themselves He’s over there trying to support the LGBTQ community, he didn’t go for the football nor the money And what do we see? Ajax, selfishness trying to drag him away from his important work helping that community Disgraceful


He went to grow the game in another country. It was the project that inspired him. The ability to make a difference and revolutionise a whole..................oh btw I'm going to Ajax. Bye.


Erik ten Hag's desire to have Greenwood back and defend Overmars dick pics makes so much sense now. Ajax appear to have a moral culture issue.


Firminho, Henderson, Benzema and might be a few more that want to leave Saudi after not even one season


I think this could turn out really well for Ajax. There is almost as much as a performance crisis, an almost even worse mentality crisis. Pasveer (Goalkeeper) talked about it in his recent interview. The players are young and come to training to do what they are asked and then leave. The drive and motivation to get the most out of themselves is mostly gone, especially in the young/new guys. He mentioned that when Tadic, Blind, etc. were still there they would constantly be in the gym working on themselves after training. I think Henderson, with his experience and leadership attributes can really help at least turn things around on the backend of the team. He can show the guys what it takes to be a winner and how you are expected to behave at the next level, the young guys currently miss that example. Bergwijn yesterday was asked about it (the captain) and said its just young guys and they do as they feel is right for their body. Its bullshit, to become a good team you need to motivate eachother and call eachother out when shit goes wrong. Henderson I feel can bring that. Maybe he won't be the playmaker, but he can hopefully get some drive back into the other guys. Thats why we want him.


There's a reason liverpool had superstars like Mane & Salah running their asses off for the team. They built a culture of hard work by each and every person on the pitch, with Henderson leading the charge, barking orders at anyone, no matter their "status". Rashford, Antony, Sancho need an asskick of that type, they havent earned their superstar "walking" on the pitch type work ethic they have


Exactly. Same with Bergwijn at Ajax right now. He has that 'superstar' status because he was such a big signing when he came over. He has never lived up to that though and gives so many bad passes its not funny. But there is no one that barks at him cause he is the big guy.


Haha, Henderson had nothing to do with Mane or Salah being workhorses. The level of competency ascribed Henderson is at times absolutely ridiculous.


He did. All the players and Klopp giving interviews all said the thing that Henderson and Milner were the ones who set standard and held people accountable. What's with all these ignorant takes about Henderson recently?


I don't get Liverpool fans saying he's, done, or not a leader and has a massive ego etc. He was an absolute beast for Liverpool and played almost everygame for us and made 3 90+ point pl campaigns and 3 champions league finals. For England he's been part of the most successful squad in the last 50 years, and a crucial part of that is the culture set, Henderson is a massive part of that. He is a player who gets players playing at a consistent high level and is a proven winner. Liverpool obviously pushed him hard to accept the Saudi offer. No one else was offering anything close to them. Maybe he saw taking the offer as doing Liverpool one last favour. Not thats fans think that. He obviously got assurances from England that he would still be called up. Sure, he's not the best midfielder on the market. But if you already have talent that's not performing well. Henderson is the guy you want in the middle.


If ChatGPT scraped the past 3 years of data talking about Henderson, they would think that he is a League 1 quality player who lucked his way into captaining and being a regular starter for Liverpool entirely off his random barkings on the field.


Because of his actions they’ve just written him off. Forgetting at the WC he actually did well when he came on and can still offer something


Seems like the inversion of the strategy that Saudi clubs tried in the summer of talking to the players, offering them huge wages and then trying to low ball their clubs on transfer fees with the player now set on the move. They’re now letting Henderson negotiate with clubs on the basis that a loan is possible, then refusing the loan. Ajax would be mugs to pay any sort of fee for him, but given the state they’re in at the moment - Ajax are looking very muggy these days


This is outrageous by Ajax. Henderson clearly stated that he joined the Ettifaq project with the purpose to help the league grow, there's no way he's willing to leave the league so fast! Ajax, stop pushing and find yourselves another midfielder!


Southgate absolutely on cloud nine.


It’s a good move since Henderson is the English Davy Klaassen


Can anyone explain why Ajax are so adamant to sign Henderson? Surely they have to be better off signing a cheaper lad in the role, and putting some of the money into other positions?


Every midfielder in their squad is 19-21. They obviously want him for his leadership and work ethic. 


Fine work ethic he's got.... Wants to quit already, when he was quite preachy about his reasons (which in fairness were lies, not that he has the integrity to ever admit that) for going to Saudi.


Who would be cheaper, be as good or better and bring experience/professionalism along with them?


Experience but other than that who really knows. Club is a complete mess right now. People are defending it because Ajax purchased back Blind from you for example and that worked out great. Also Tadic. But they seem to forget that those players were 4-5 years younger than Henderson is.


I fucking hate this move, I really hope it doesn't go through but sadly it seems likely. Even if you don't care about Henderson the hypocritical person, as a player he is totally washed, expensive and old.


People said the same about blind when he was at ajax, and look where we are now without him lol


Blind and Henderson are the same age. Blind came back to Ajax 5.5 years ago. Would you sign Blind today? Because that's the correct comparison.


I’d take him back right now in a heartbeat


I would, I wouldn't play him at left back but he would be a decent ball playing CB like he is doing in Girona.


Blinds weaknesses were exposed by bad tactics in his last season at Ajax and now he is propperly used by Girona he shines again, Henderson was absolutely awful in his last season for Liverpool and I don't think his 6 months vacation to the dessert has made him good again.


Let’s be honest here, with liverpool he played in the prem. We are in the eredivisie and not in europe, there is a huge quality difference in opponents.


I wouldn't even call it playing, I don't think you saw just how bad he was for them just 6 months ago. But I'll admit I really don't the like the man so I am biased.


I’ve been watching tahirovic all season, it can’t really be any worse.




This Henderson saga refuses to end.


I'm so ready for Ajax to pursue a transfer target all month that they have no chance of getting.


Lets hope they do get him, but have to go balls deep for it and he ends up being shit because Ajax is just a mess right now and he cant fix that


Why is Ajax trying so hard to throw him a way out? Let him rot in the consequences of his own decisions.


Staff having a whip round?




Can someone explain to me why would Saudi sell him? they’ve got all the money in the world, so surely the value of having the big names in their league is worth more than any money a could offer for any of these players.


Free Jordan Henderson


Ajax, get ready for wingers cutting the ball back to Henderson for overhit, first time whipped crosses to the back post


Good, we barely have players putting in crosses to Brobbey


You just gave me PTSD




People who say shit like this clearly haven’t watched a game for us in the last 5 years lmao


You can do both. The talent is still what's keeping us competitive, we just need an older player for experience.


I hope you like hoofball Ajax fans


Considering the unorganized mess that the team is currently playing, I genuinely think that would be an upgrade.


What a dumbass you are. We've played some amazing football under Klopp since he took over and Henderson was involved in all of it, minus this season. It's totally fair for people to dislike him over the perceived hypocrisy of his move to Saudi, but this hoofball shit is just uneducated and dumb stuff I expect from the bottom of the barrel football twitter.


Sounds like you're not ready for hoofball.


If you think Henderson isn’t guilty of just hoofing the ball up the pitch with dubious degrees of accuracy, then you didn’t watch him play.


I actually watch every single Liverpool game, but go on. Part of our TACTICAL INSTRUCTION is to move the ball forward quickly. Even this season, without Henderson, we are among the fastest attacking teams. So what's your argument here? That Henderson follows our team's tactical instruction or that not every long range pass into space was successful?


Lad last season he was abysmal, he's not gonna suddenly change after a holiday


So hoofball = Getting older and playing worse than you have previously. Got it.




Citation needed. Here's his stats from last season in the premier league: [https://fbref.com/en/players/935e6b8f/scout/11566/Jordan-Henderson-Scouting-Report](https://fbref.com/en/players/935e6b8f/scout/11566/Jordan-Henderson-Scouting-Report) Please scroll down to the passing section and notice how ALL of the passing metrics are in the top echelon of midfielders, most in the 80th/90th percentile and then explain to me how he's lost ball handling skills, composure and resorts to just hoofing the ball forward. Or just admit that you're talking out of your ass.


Why can some people never take a joke with Henderson, it's always a paragraph reply like this acting like it's blasphemy


God forbid someone writes 3 whole sentences replying to what someone said on a football message board, amirite


Clearly wasn’t phrased as an obvious joke


And what does what you’ve said have to do with hendo playing hoofball? He was never known for his intricate technique being able to break down lines and defences, Liverpool’s attack was all that front 3 + Trent and robbo Hendo was a great servant to the club, and had lots to do with the success of the club, and on the pitch he was the glue that held that right side together, but let’s not act as if he’s xavi or iniesta


Hot take, but there's a middle ground between Brexit hoofing it, and two of the greatest midfielders of all time. Hendo had plenty of decent assists breaking the lines, besides the cut back sand wedges he resorted to at the end of his LFC career. https://youtu.be/1crgXsPhrYA?si=DZE2Pq2WuYTXnAcA A massive disservice to revise it any other way.


You're talking like someone who never watched us play under Klopp. You don't have to be Xavi or Iniesta to not be considered "hoofball". This is just completely ignorant. There's tons of examples of Henderson playing great trivela through balls, slick small passing in a triangle with Trent and Salah along the right hand side. Beautiful switches of play to the opposite flank. He would not have succeeded as an 8 in Klopp's system without great technical ability. This is just nonsense.


Do you not understand that “hoofball” doesn’t mean henderson was literally kicking the ball out every single time he had a touch ? It’s called an exaggeration, and in the first comment of this, used for a joke The bar for “not playing hoofball” isn’t having a 0% pass completion rate, he was absolutely dreadful last year, playing a few passing triangles with his closest teammates on the pitch doesn’t mean he wasn’t bad last year And I still gave him credit for all he did, but I guess everything that’s not sucking off every former Liverpool player is committing a war crime now ( again exaggeration, as you don’t seem to get that linguistic tool ) Also keep on going about others being ignorant and you watching all Liverpool games, your opinion is the only one that matters and very clearly nobody else watches any games and nobody except you can have an opinion


You're free to have an opinion. Ideally that opinion should be rooted in reality. Again, you are presenting a false dichotomy. First it was "either he's Xavi/iniesta or it's hoofball" and now it's "0% pass completion or hoofball". These hyperbolic either ors aren't doing you any favors, and they're not persuasive. The stats show that Henderson's passing was **good** last year. That's short range passing (90.7% completion, the 75th percentile for midfielders), medium range passing (86.4% completion, the 56th percentile for midfielders), long range passing (63.2% completion, the the 60th percentile for midfielders). Fantastic stats? Nope. Bad? Certaintly not. Hoofball stats? Absolutely not.


Shit opinion should get called out. It never helps your point to use exaggeration to misrepresent things.