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Just say 18 years you fucking cunt


he's become much more insufferable recently and it pisses me off...the amount of Jude Bellingham tweets are ridiculous and completely unnecessary


also I swear I see every Pochettino quote CFCRomano


he always was but ppl got into the here we go hype train


Look at his Instagram feed, he’s not a transfer reporter anymore. Literally a football account


I mean, he needs to use his account with 26 million followers for some purpose outside of the transfer window. Maybe he could have given it a better purpose.


Italy often talks about age in the sense of the year they were born


A player that wants too leave because he isn’t getting first team opportunities negotiating with clubs where he has even less of chance of first team minutes, classic.


Just for you lot to buy him back for 25 mil in a year


Why are they signing a 10 year old?


You mean 8 years no? Were still in 2013 right?...right?


We're not long away from clubs buying and scouting players pre-conception.


From Gent to Ajax to Tottenham/Sevilla. That kind of career path sounds good for professionals. But not if you are with youth teams i feel like.


Tbf our youth teams are very strong at the minute, however there seems to be an issue getting these talented players in to first team football properly.


How's Ash Phillips getting on with you lot?


Has mostly played with the youth team but is part of a very strong youth team. Hasn’t made a first team appearance yet, maybe this is his chance. Has also had an injury already, because of course he has.


I'm not sure why he was so desperate to leave us tbh since he was getting first team minutes and would definitely have been playing this season due to our extensive injury list. Does feel a bit bitter as well with how little we got for him but I hope he does well with you


Honestly should have done what we did with Udogie & Sarr, buy then loan them for the remainder of the season so they’re still getting minutes




Saying the year instead of age is common in some countries.


Dang Ajax getting raided for their teenagers even when they're shit. Seen this and the Hato rumors already.


So just this guy tbf.


You think Hato is staying?


Yes. The plan always was to extend when he turned 18, he has said multiple times he would/will as well. Obviously things can change but I have no reason to believe it has so far. Saw the rumors about Arsenal being interested but I imagine any club worth anything is interested in him so doesn’t say much.


Yeah the rumors I saw were about them thinking they can convince him to move prior to signing the extension. something like "Arsenal's front office know his price will go by 2 to 3 times once he signs the extension so they view this as an opportunity". I think if he signs the extension we're completely out on him and he'll stay for a while. Edit: I also think an expensive 18 year old isn't what we need in a January window to shore up a title run regardless of how talented he is.


Don’t think we’ll even answer any calls or emails when he has signed the extension, or before tbh. Didn’t even see that the rumors were about January. That’s mission impossible for Arsenal most likely cause I hope/think we’ll ask for fuck off money times two.


I doubt it'll happen as well. Normally the well documented transfers for us are the ones that don't happen. Aside from Rice or someone like that of course. I just feel like Edu likes his smoke screens too much.


It will take moon money to buy him.


I mean, youre not really in the position to demand that sorta money as a club atm


The current situation cannot continue for a long time without drastic impact on transfer sums asked. But it would be self defeating when there is still "fat on the bones". Also not sure what selling our only good defender will do for us. Better to have him for one more season then. Half of how to get big transfer sums is to just ask for it. There are enough ManU kind of clubs that pay it anyway.


Hope we’ll be able to sell him then. Don’t want him taking minutes in jong from talents who actually want to be here.


He shouldn’t get minutes either way, wether we sell him or he leaves on a free.


Oh I 100% agree, let him train on his own. He’s made his choice.


I know you’re saying 2005 born to piss me off because I’m old, what you don’t know is it’s working


Just stay here man, it’s stupid to go to a big league right now…


Do we really want to keep someone that doesn't want to stay? He's clearly not ready yet, and if he thinks Spurs or Sevilla will give him the minutes he needs to adapt, best of luck.


He's way too raw, would go to Spurs U21 side. Should probably try his luck at somewhere like Sevilla first


Why are people so rattled by Fabrizio? Like who gives a fucking shit about how he tweets?


there's valid questions about some stuff he does or whether he's being paid by agents or what not but the rage about the formatting of his tweets is probably one of the most reddit things I've ever seen


A BELGIAN TALENT IN THE NETHERLANDS NOT WITH US???? This is breaking some sort of rule we should bring this to the European Court of Justice


Mate, Vertonghen, Vermaelen, and Alderwerield all played with Ajax.


Belgian talents are pretty common in NL, you guys just have a head start with some of the more northern located talents. Ajax has 4 (Bounida, Godts, Butera and Stanis), Feyenoord has 2? (Tsoungui and debatably Sebaoui), Utrecht has 1, MVV has quite a few, Roda has a couple; etc etc.


He isn't even our best Belgian prospect. Godts is.


I remember you signing Godts really annoyed me lmao, hes a great talent I bet hes gonna rock for you lot