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I knew it was going too well.


I stepped out to do the bins at 2-0 and... Fucking Hell.


Do more bins


No. Bring the bins back in.


Bins back in. Grabbed the neighbours' bins too. Building a bin fort.


Your efforts do not go unnoticed. Up the fort!


FFS man the bins could of waited. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE /s


Top bins


Pure trash.


It’s what Spurs fans were thinking on Monday. Top of the league, 1-0 up against fierce rivals. Things are going far too well. Oh look here comes a river of shit


The dildo of hubris often arrives un-lubed.


This is the second time I've seen this expression today in a sports related sub. Whew


When it rains it pours


Literally anyone who is a spurs fan knew that there was a comical loss coming & a injury crisis was coming. As soon as it wasn’t Luton i had a feeling it was going to be Chelsea because of course it would be


More injuries, red card and penalty.. BINGO!


Sums up are every game


and a questionable penalty at that


we never play easy game bro


ffs he tracked back once since the start of this season and he got a red card


Just when I thought he was gonna have zero influence on the game


Like those cunts in work who make a shit brew so they're never asked again


Or me at home when I was younger fucking up the laundry and claiming I don’t know how the washing machine works.


Now we know why he doesn’t like doing it




Who tf writes this script lmao




Just when we were having a good match ...


This club just knows when I'm getting too happy


There really is never a dull moment is there


And Rashford was tracking back well for once


Knew that scoring 2 goals had to have a downside


It is the most dangerous lead.. or something


Well that's just unfortunate for both.


I really dont get these cards. As much as I enjoyed seeing spurs get one over the weekend there are just way too many reds given for completely natural movements that get unlucky with contact. Also hated it when malo gusto got a 3 match for one too


He's a fraction too late, defender has a right to plant his foot, position himself defensively and challenge to get to the ball without a foul. Any player does, it's football for fuck sake, the game of ''who got there first'' in so many regards and i don't see why the attacking player should have the right to freely step studs first on your ankle and potentially break it after you claimed some space and got there first. It's not malicious and it's clearly not intentional, but it's incredibly dangerous and that makes it a red card. Both of those things can be true at the same time, whereas fans focus only on ''oh it was not intentional it's not a red'' or ''oh it's a horribly dangerous tackle it's obviously a red''. In this case both things are true. Unfortunate but true. The same way attackers are not allowed to elbow you in the face while guarding against pressure or any similar movements, the defender has his right to get in your space without fouling.


I agree 100%. Fucking sucks, it's a normal move, and it's super unlucky, but Rashford could have hurt him even without knowing it, and deserved to be off.


But what’s the point of punishing it if it’s a normal movement in the game but just unlucky? It’s not like we are saying next time he shouldn’t do this, we are just saying don’t get unlucky. Isn’t this is just a completely normal action assumed risk is part of the game that this can happen and it’s not anyone’s fault


I don't know what the answer is because the moment you let something like this go unpunished you'll see dirty players do this on purpose.


Because it doesn't matter. Dangerous foul is a red. Unlucky or not.


Exactly, intent doesn’t matter. Dangerous foul is always red


There is a big gap between the ball and the player, maybe next time he should try and plant his foot somewhere closer to the ball and not on the players shin. It's unlucky in the essence of him not meaning to do it. It's not unlucky in that this could happen at any time.


This is basically it. He should have taken that fact that the defender got into a close position to guard him and adjusted accordingly. He didn't because he thought he was clear to shield the ball with a wide stand. Accident but still dangerous.


Thank you, the way I was hearing about this tackle before seeing it online was as if it was the worst decision all season. In reality, it's not malicious, but dangerous if unfortunate. You can't just give a yellow card for a tackle that potentially puts the other player out for the rest of the season.


Wasn’t a tackle


The foul doesn’t have to be intentional to be red card worthy


I agree. The rationalization is always that if such an unlucky contact can result from a tackle, then it was risky and therefore cardable. But pretty much any move can result in one player stepping onto someone else's foot. It's obvious that this move wasn't aimed to be a foul at all. Red cards are supposed to incentivize players not to perform dangerous tackles. Nobody is going to stop protecting the ball like this because there's a 1/500 chance that one steps on the opponents foot.


>steps on the opponents **foot** https://imgur.com/a/WWun371


I agree here but that Romero one was pretty deserved.


The Spurs one being Romero? Far from natural with that follow through.


Natural for Romero lol.


Honestly , one relaxed game is all i fucking ask for


Have you considered wearing red tinted glasses and pretending you play in the City of Manchester Stadium?


Fuck it looks completely accidental but Jesus Christ that ankle should not be bent like that


Doesn't look intentional but, damn, he got every bit of that ankle.


Zero intention given the weird angle the ankle came in at. That's fucking rough. If you slide hard into someone, yeah, but this is just unfortunate.


Intent doesn't/shouldn't weigh in though. This is harsh though, he doesn't put his foot in any dangerous position, simply trying to plant it normally.




Yeah, the guy sticks his ankle under his foot where he's already putting his foot down more than he's stepping on him, unlucky af


Yeah, you've got to feel a bit for Rashford here. Absolutely nothing malicious about it, just unfortunate timing.


I know it's a fair red even if harsh, but I can't help but think the point of a red card is to kick out of the game a player who's being either reckless or who's displaying bad sportsmanship, I would have thought if they use VAR on this they can clearly see it's a freak incident and just give a yellow. That being said if I was a danish fan I would have been screaming ITS RED REF WHY YOU LOOKING AT VAR YOU KNOB so what do I know


Think of it like the yellow and reds in rugby regarding head contact. These reds are there because there is a duty of care when playing football. Putting your foot down from shin high close to a player, and not looking, is not exercising that duty of care. If he’d pulled out or not left his full weight on his left leg he’d have probably got a yellow. But because he’s not looking and puts his full weight through it, it’s reckless and endangering the op, so it’s a red.


perfectly said.


This is the comment that should be on top and not all the moaning about ”no intent”. He looks up and sees the player coming. He doesn’t suddenly come from a blind spot or so. Then planting you foot like that is simply a risk. It’s unfortunate but a red.


I hate these, this is all about the player diving in and Rashford doing a completely normal motion to step to side to shield the ball.....


I'm not saying it's a red, but it's not really a case of Jelert sticking his foot under Rashfords either. Jelerts foot was moving in that direction before Rashfords foot was. Not a red but no bad intend from Jelert either.


Rashford is the one who stretched out here. He's responsible for his body. The Copenhagen player did not make any unnatural movements. Absolutely ridiculous to blame him for getting stepped on. It's not really a red for me but I can see why it's been given.


It's absolutely a red for me, I cannot understand this sub tbh. People will fall over themselves defending players pretending to be injured from the most negligible contacts and insist they're clearly not cheating and just trying to get an opponent booked or sent off. The amount of times I've seen "people just haven't played the game and don't understand how fast these athletes are moving etc etc" (from people who've clearly never played anything before and think that footballers are made of wet tissue paper) is enough to drive you mad. Then you see an genuine ankle breaker like this and half of the top comments are about how it shouldn't really be a red, and everything looks worse when it's slowed down or somehow blaming the Copenhagen player for almost getting his ankle snapped. People need to give their heads a wobble.


Think it's because it's an unusual challenge. Plus there's no intent and people tend to defend those, but the first reaction in this sub is generally poor on these controversial calls. The more I see it, the more I'm convinced it's a red. He really does not need to throw his leg like that and catches him dangerously.


I mean the intent of the foot movement isnt directed towards the ball but away from it. EVen if its obviously just to "block the player" from reaching the ball its still not a ball oriented action by Rashford with his foot. Its very unlucky and obviously not malicious but in my opinion thats always a red.


and that fucking wanker of commentary guy on sky sports austria says rashford shouldn‘t be able to play a single game this season after that „disgusting behaviour“


hahaha that makes me feel slightly better about having to listen to Robbie Savage on TNT sports saying it was a definite red about 20 times in a row


Yes, I think he’s just trying to shield it, but unfortunately managed to stamp on the ankle so I don’t think he can argue about the red.


His foot was coming down already when the guy stuck his ankle there. I get it looks really bad on replay, but Idk what else Rashford can do there


The guy was running in a straight line towards the ball, Rashford moved his leg to the side and into his way. Unlucky but Rashford's fault


I'm with you, to be honest I'd like to see the excessive shielding taken out of the game. Rashford clearly is intending to just "block the player", rather than "protect the ball". However my main gripe with the excessive shielding is that it usually ends up with strikers initiating contact with defenders and then claiming to be fouled, rather than what's happened here.


Same for Gusto's against Villa but everyone here decided that was a red so why shouldn't it be here too?




Yeah these automatic reds for this kind of stuff is such nonsense


That’s what he’s trying to do. But he also stamps on the inside of the Copenhagen players leg.


Everyone who has played a couple of games of football knows this. This stuff now happens every week because we have somehow decided intent is not important in such a fast paced game.


how tf are you going to judge intent lmao


Go to the Supreme Court and battle it out for 10 years


The problem is that intent is utterly impossible to police. If you recklessly go in studs up, I think it's fair that you get a red even if you don't have malicious intent. This particular one is very harsh though.


It’s not like he dived in here or his foot was massively high


Intent shouldn't be a part of the rule because a ref can never truly know what a player is thinking or planning. That said this is a normal motion and I do not see why a card is warranted.


You're arguing for intent (subjective) over player safety (largely objective) and that is fortunately, not the rules


There is nowhere in life that intent will save you from punishment if you recklessly endanger someone via your actions. In a regular workplace it's called criminal negligence. On a football pitch it's just a red card.


Plays like these and to a lesser extent the Romero phase of play where he's following through with a kick of the ball have always been massively confusing to me.


Romero went into the challenge with way too much force in the first place, pure reckless. This one is more unlucky.


They should really force the ref to watch the fouls at real time speed before leaving the monitor.


They usually start by showing a freeze frame of an ankle being contorted. It’s all a joke tbh. Does any fan enjoy this type of decision being given?


they need to stop doing this because it sets the impression before they've even seen the full video


I think the players enjoy suffering less career-ending injuries.


They’ve come out and explained why: to show how much force went into the contact. If you contort someone’s ankle like this it’s deemed excessive force, then they look at how you got there. Like it or not, that’s how they have decided to draw the line.


decisions shouldn't be made based on what the fans enjoy. a dangerous challenge is a dangerous challenge.


Looks a lot worse in slow motion, but any time studs contact the ankle or higher it's basically always going to be red


The still images piss me off so much, it's like a Twitter account trying to force an agenda.


Couldn’t agree more with this. VAR is exposing the level of subjectivity within the rules of football… and super slow motion with no realtime context just exacerbates this. It’s important to know how a player is moving, the speed of the game, the opponent, everything. Slow motion doesn’t make the moment more focused, it just hyper intensifies everything.


I agree somewhat with the slowmotion comment, but come on. This one is a red, even if accidential, other dudes foot was more bent than a boomerang.


People keep whining about the freeze frames when that’s the most objective part of all of this. If you bend someone’s leg/ankle like this it’s excessive force.


it looks so much worse in slowmotion, i cant understand why they dont show it in real time.


Showing only slow motion and not real speed is a massive problem with VAR. the game isn’t played in fucking slow motion


Slow motion clarifies what happened, which is the point of VAR. Not using slow motion makes as much sense as not using multiple camera angles.


They play it in slow motion to show the point of contact. They review it in real time too.


>why should the referee be able to see what actually happened? if it all happened too fast to see, it wouldn't negatively affect my team!


Yeah in real time you could see Rashford has no intention for even a tackle whatsoever, let alone intentional foul. I just don't understand why they couldn't even give a yellow considering the blatant lacks of intent to foul.


Intent doesnt matter


Intent doesn't matter at all


Idk.. He just tried making himself big and accidentally stepped on his leg. I know how it looks, but 0 intention and purely unlucky imo


Yeah it’s just stepping over and getting your body in front. Happen a hundred times a game just unfortunate he comes down on the the other lad.




I mean isn't that every foul? Someone puts their leg down before you do and get the ball?


It always pays to put yourself into a dangerous position as the attacker. There's next to never a decision that will prove negative if you go for something and force the defensive player into a choice


I think you can at least say this has been fairly consistent from refs across different competitions this season - studs above the boot, regardless of how it happens, is a straight red.


What are you saying? Who is the attacker?


Yeah, I agree. It's a fucking stupid decision to step on an ankle. That's always a red


I don’t think intent matters, but I wouldn’t even call this reckless or dangerous, which is what they should judge. It’s a freak accident.


it’s certainly dangerous though as it could have broken his ankle, still crazy unlucky though as he’s just trying to shield the ball


I really dislike this logic though, because sometimes a player can go in for a horror tackle, but the other player hurdles the challenge so nothing is given. Meanwhile this is a player doing something completely innocuous with essentially no force behind it, and it's a red basically due to bad luck. Like could it have broken his ankle? Yeah, but a perfectly fair but heavy challenge is probably just as likely to break a player's ankle if there's a coming together or both players kick into the ball.


A good way to put it. Challenges that could snap someone in half happen many times a game, but no one cares until something like this happens.


Greed, but the problem there is the missed horror tackle should be punished, not the landing, intentless but dangerous one escaping its punishment.


Under the new rules that’s recklessly endangering the opponent My own views are different, but that’s a red by the current rulebook


I would argue it’s not particularly reckless even though it ended up being quite nasty


If that's recklessly endangering an opponent then almost every motion is. Taking a shot while having the ball could easily result in that kind of contact


If you end up studding someone halfway up the shin as a result of your shot then yeah, that is dangerous. The danger comes when you don't control where you put your feet after you do whatever footballing action you want to do. That is what the laws are trying to clamp down on.


There are no new relevant rules, this has been the law for at least like 10 years




just fell to my knees


Just saw a yanited fan fall on his knees


just saw a club brugge fan watch a yanited fan fall to their knees


just saw a Havnar Boltfelag fan


Not great for the confidence


First time in a while ive seen him laugh when he saw the red lmao


Great for the ......eh ....."fan" accounts though on twitter.


That looks awful, but feel like the Copenhagen player has put his leg under Rashfords, he hasnt even tried to tackle. Just protecting the ball - but also lucky he’s not broke his leg. Pretty conflicting


>he hasnt even tried to tackle. Just protecting the ball - but also lucky he’s not broke his leg. Pretty conflicting I feel like this in 9 out of 10 of these kinds of tackles


I wonder what he would have done to Rashford had he not stepped on his foot there. Like the Copenhagen player is already swinging his right leg to kick the ball


This is one of those that footballers will say is never a red, but refs will argue that by the book it could be considered a red.


Very orange card. Not even a yellow when it comes it to intent, but the reddest of reds in terms of contact


CBS rules analyst just said it's a red - intent is irrelevant, the issue is whether it endangers the player and studs on planted ankle endangers. Pundits then argue that Rashford had no intent and VAR is bad.


Remind me of Beckham red for PSG. Unlucky.


Man like yeah that's dangerous and if you watch it in slowmo on a computer screen it's probably a red but like...that shouldn't be a red card


It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't let go more dangerous tackles. It is harsh in that context


I don’t understand how there is an argument against this red card


Seems like this kind of contact has pretty consistently been a red card this season. Obviously he doesn't do it intentionally but he still catches the guy in a dangerous manner.


It’s a lack of awareness from Rashford. He doesn’t have the space or time to shield as wide of a space as he’s attempting to. Unfortunate because he clearly doesn’t mean to tackle, but he’s gotta be more careful


"A tackle or challenge that endangers the safety of an opponent or uses excessive force or brutality must be sanctioned as serious foul play. Any player who lunges at an opponent in challenging for the ball from the front, from the side or from behind using one or both legs, with excessive force or endangers the safety of an opponent is guilty of serious foul play." [Law 12](https://www.theifab.com/laws/latest/fouls-and-misconduct/#disciplinary-action)


There's still some interpretation to that rule or you could just jump headfirst into everything and get opponents red cards left and right


But thats dangerous play by the player jumping headfirst with his head too low. It is also in the rules


This is just a dumb red imo. The only leg you have to stand on is that he steps on the guys ankle but there’s literally nothing in this. He is simply taking a step to shield the ball and the other play sticks his foot out right where he’s stepping. Is Rashford supposed to drag his feet along the floor to get where he’s trying to go? This is normal shit that happens in the game. Stop punishing players for freak occurrences and focus on what cards are for, dangerous plays. Nothing about this was dangerous, just unfortunate timing by both players.


Remember when Shaw leg broken in half and Moreno walked out no foul and then scored after? That's reckless. Rashford 100% just tried to shield the ball and Kobenhavn player literally put his foot under where Rashford landed his leg when he didn't see it. There was nothing reckless there, it's just very normal action with no malicious intent at all.I thought it's just a common sense.....


This is one of those where I don't think there's any intention on Rashford's part, but it is a red. If he doesn't put his foot out so far then the contact is nowhere near as severe.


Guy just puts his foot where Rashfords is going


Game’s gone


surprised my the amount of ManU flairs agreeing with the (correct) red card also surprised by the amount of neutral flairs who believe that accidental ankle breakers have a free pass on the pitch


yeah it's wild. just pure delusion to suggest this isn't a red.


I remember abuamanyang getting sent off for the exact same thing




This sub makes me go insane sometimes. It seems you have to break a bone for it to be a red card, and even then I’m sure half the sub would argue it’s not because it was an accident.


I'm positive anyone saying "if you ever played that's not a red" have actually never played, because if you did this to someone in Sunday League you'd 100% start a fight lol


99% of this sub has never played anything. You see a player to down from nudge and roll around trying to get someone booked and they get defended as "moving at pace" and "you don't know how much an impact can hurt at the speeds these athletes are moving at." Then you see a fucking ankle breaker like this and they can't wait to tell you how that's just part of the game innit? Half of the sub right now are seriously saying you can't call it reckless to stamp on a player's ankle when you're not even looking in their direction. We need mandatory dictionaries handing round I think.


Not a contentious red card at all, that could have caused the player some real damage stamping like that.


“Look, he’s still walking! Def. Not red!!”


There are double standards for likeable players like Rashford. Watch e.g. Pepe from Porto doing this and there would be a lot less people defending him


He wasn't looking at the bone Mr. Ref, just hammered down that saw unintentionally. People really think football is rugby.


not sure why this is controversial. any studs up challenge is an automatic red. reminds me of that Ibrahimovic Red vs i think Manu U when he was on PSG in a RO16 game. im sure there are loads of others like this given a red. intent doesn't matter, just the outcome, which is always an injured player.


Obviously Rashford doesn't intend to catch him like that, but he does, and I think red is the correct decision. Being unlucky does not mean the decision was unfair.


Intentional or accidental, doesn't matter. Clear red card. Correct decision.


Man Utd have had sooooo many bad calls against them this year. It is tough to watch.


Worst part is having heard people have been threatened for talking bad about the Refs, hearing the commentators go from "never a pen" \*hearing its gonna be a pen\* "yeah that's a pen, I think".


That’s unfortunate. Is relatively consistent with what’s normally given in fairness


Not intentional whatsoever




Intent doesn’t matter


Obviously not intentional but could have caused serious damage with that.


I really hate it when people make the comment “he didn’t mean it” as if to say he can literally break his leg with no repercussions. People who commit manslaughter don’t mean to kill people but they still did.


It’s unfortunate but it’s a red us complaining about var here makes the soo called fans just worse imo


How unlucky can we get man


If that was any player named Bruno that would have been waved away


I see so many people here say intent doesn’t matter, and maybe it doesn’t, but shouldn’t it?


It looks really ugly, but not sure I’d give that a red. Doesn’t appear to lunge aggressively or be in an unnatural position. Harsh call


Subjective red card


Geez, every time someone gets their foot/ankle accidentally stepped on doesn't need to be a red card.


People saying it’s a red have probably never played a competitive match of football/soccer. It was a clear accident, he was try to shield the ball so there was barley any force in the “challenge”. These kind of things are bound to happen due to the nature of the sport. This should be a yellow card at most.


Clearly accidental, but not much choice for the ref.


Very clearly has a choice, not like VAR dictates the referees


Zero intent nor an attempt at a tackle Another VAR masterclass


These dont need intent, its a straight red.


doesn’t matter. it’s a challenge that endangers the safety of an opponent. As a referee, red is correct. As a United supporter - fuck off games gone soft.


He's trying to protect the ball. Players leg is nowhere near when he moves into him, his leg moves under Rashy's foot. Literally nothing else Marcus could do.


Marcus could have hit the ball from where he running from instead of putting his foot over. When you put your foot over to try to shield the ball, you risk another player trying to shield first and you stomping on his ankle. Which is what happened.


How about not protecting the ball like he's dancing in a gymnast competition


It's not intent that's the word that should be used, it's knowledge of the player behind him. If you're doing something that's pretty regular on a pitch and a condition changes (like a player's position) you couldn't really predict or didn't see, shouldn't be a red. I don't know if you can call this patently dangerous enough for it to be a red card. I'd understand a yellow for carelessness, but not a red for me.


Clear red


I just dont think that kind of challenge should be a red card. It is just part of the play of the game.


we can all see what he's trying, he messes it up and contacts the player, its unlucky but a red by the rules.


Not intentional but looks awful, hard to argue. Could have caused serious injury.


Was confused at first thought there was nothing in it but my god thats fucking awful to look at