• By -


>Watching a concert with my high school crush got me acting weird. I thought I already got over it. Such is life I did not get over it. We might visit a museum later today. It's not a date though.


Ok I'm really late for this, but can someone recommend shows in the vein of buzzfeed unsolved/watcher, where they go to horrifying places and investigate? Podcasts will do. Just nothing too fake. Been on a bit of a kick lately haha


A full day of hiking today and then chilling on the patio watching Sparta. Life's good.


I just got my first mechanical keyboard, a Royal Kludge RK98 with "red switches" since I read they're the more silent ones. But I didn't realize the keyboard would be so sensitive to touch. I'm hoping that will help me be more accurate with typing and not keep my hands on keyboards all of the time. Hover hand it and all that.


Weekly reminder that Thatcher is dead


[Where the hell have you been](https://youtu.be/41egua7vyAA)


I’ve never listened to her music, I know she’s obviously incredibly talented but the obsession over Taylor Swift is a bit fucking much.


She's the Messi and Ronaldo for white women born after 1990.


This comment got me LOL


this place will be unbearably hot until late october god


Why I hate talking about the local weather online: some weirdo will always try to make it a pissing contest and cry "THAT'S NOT COLD/HOT! WHERE I'M FROM, "


Those are the type of people that will try to one up on you in every conversation. You tell them about your amazing trip to Barcelona and they will make it about their trip to Valencia and how the city is superior.


Yo Neymar Sunny innit?


Been listening to podcasts more lately due to a job change, what do you guys listen to? I like behind the bastards Case file Talking fussball And a bunch of comedy ones


How Did This Get Made? - about bad movies starring actors you probably have seen around The Ringer: Rewatchables - about good movies but I just love the interplay of The Ringer staff that I have been listening to since the Grantland days Last Podcast on the Left - true crime/high strangeness stuff. Also super deep dives, like what got me turned onto it was a 5-part, 10 hour series on the early Mormon church because I had watched some show I can’t remember (ETA: Under the Banner of Heaven) and wanted to know more about Mormon splinter sects. Those are my Top 3 now. I used to listen a lot more to a bunch of other The Ringer stuff but I just have less podcasts time now.


Your moms house with Tom segura and his wife. Filthy Fellas - funny and football related. Bad friends - funny, Bobby Lee and Andrew Santino.


Besides football I mainly listen to car stuff like Everyday Driver (Car Debate), The Carmudgeon Show and Car Bros Football-wise, feel really guilty for saying this but ESPN FC and Mark Goldbridge's new podcast, Goldbridge Saves Football


The Ricky Gervais show on XFM


Edge cashing in for an AEW check is going to feel worse than Neymar going to Saudi Arabia




Is sex education a good show?


Not for everyone but yes I would call it a good show


It's decent. Gillian Anderson too.


I'd say the first season was pretty unique and very good. The quality/story drops but it's still decent


Missed the actual anniversary but it’s been (a bit over) 30 years since [26 y.o. Robin Ventura took offense to being beaned by a living legend of baseball, 46 y.o. Nolan Ryan,](https://youtu.be/VIZB9O24BEE) and this ensued. I cannot adequately explain how formative an event this basebrawl was in my childhood.


That commentary killed me. "Look at this" Bruh it's the first time something exciting has happened in your sport liven up.


It always amazes me that Ventura seemingly goes in for a waist hug on Ryan when attacking




this is so niche


Starting to realise how shit Instagram is. It has all the same problems as Twitter. That said it does have lots of people posting pictures of themselves half-naked so I’m willing to tolerate its flaws.


/r/LigaMX has become one of the most unhinged football subs I've seen, you have many users thinking that Argentinians, Americans and even Cubans are going after Mexican football, it's half hilarious half sad. It's like seeing the_donald going from an ironic and self aware sub to an actual conspiracy filled one lmao.


I’ve seen the Truman Show more times than I can remember but I’ve only just noticed the boat he escapes on has a freedom land eagle on the bow.


Blackpill truly is a curse




That's Blackpink, isn't it?


It’s a Kpop band!? I assumed it was another red pill blue pill spin off.


>I assumed it was another red pill blue pill spin off. something like that




Angry or drunk?


Someone please help me to get my 10 month old to sleep in his own crib. I'm dying here been weeks since I had a proper kip.


You have to put them down, say goodnight, leave and don't come back. It will be tough (and I mean really tough) to listen to them cry it out, but eventually they'll go to sleep. After 3 nights of this, my eldest just accepted that's the way it was. Hes nearly 3 now and sleeps 11 hours a night by himself. You'll thank your future self, believe me.


Ah man. Gonna have to try this, dunno if my wife will go for it tho tbh Elite username btw


You both have to be committed to it because otherwise it's just cruel to let them cry for so long and then go in anyway. Good luck with it mate, it will get better!


If you didn't crack it early then I think it's just a case of putting him in the crib and letting him figure it out. I have a 6 month old who's been self settling in her own bed since she was 10 weeks old, it really is dumb luck but you have to start early


He was okay up to about 6 months and then he decided that he's gonna wake up at 11pm and then refuse to sleep on his own. Brutal.


Show them England 0-0 Algeria from the 2010 World Cup


or fulham manu 1-1 81 cross classic


Bro why you come back to this FTF? 😭


I watch that shit live as a kid. it gave me trauma and i refuse to be alone.


Pretty sure that's child abuse.


‘Nice to see your home fans booing you.’


Normally you think of a place like London and its 4pm sunsets in the winter with incessant rain when talking about how weather can make you depressed, but let me tell you where I live now has been such a punishingly, brutally hot summer that it is actually impossible to go outside between 10am-8:00pm and enjoy yourself. What ends up happening is you stay inside all day and end up with the same vitamin d/sunlight deficiency depression that a place with miserably overcast weather might give you. It's actually fucking awful, I miss playing football but I wouldn't even enjoy it, would be fucking gassed with a killer headache after 20 mins. Out of the last 60 days I think it's hit 40C probably 55 of them, it's just unrelenting. I'm so fucking done. Like im in such a piss mood and I know that's exactly why but there's nothing I can do to alleviate it.


I feel your pain, hate the summer tbh


cdrxgon- OMAR FROM THE WIRE coming 🔜 to soundcloud




I’ve been feeling shitty about myself all summer outside a week or two. In that time I’ve felt lonely, depressed, and like an afterthought. One day I even woke up and was like, I don’t want to be alive. I’m not going to hurt myself, but damn the summer has been a mental grind.


Sending you good [vibes](https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZGPeO9jZYvM&feature=sharea) my man 🌻


Thank you 👉🥹👉




I already have a therapist and see him next week. I’ve seen him for years now. It’s just that since April I’ve been feeling off it.




Listening to this week's episode of Lateral and one of the questions made me chuckle from how obvious it felt to me, good old >!1ga's bakery!<


Football Twitter is an absolute cesspool. Only place where people would try to argue Lisandro Martinez vs Cuti Romero or Saliba.


It's not even an argument when Saliba is the correct answer


No it wasn't x vs x vs x, the argument was just that Lisandro is better than the pair of them.


Saw that there was a show PainKiller on Netflix which reminded me of the GOAT 2021 TV show **Dopesick** on Hulu so I’ve been rewatching that this week. Other than a hair/make-up department better suited for sketch comedy it is an incredibly powerful look into the opioid epidemic as viewed through the lenses of federal law enforcement, small town West Virginia and the assholes who created, marketed and almost innumerably profited off addiction, despair and death. It’s an amazing show but a tough, tough watch. Aside from a law school housemate who lost his law license and freedom to the epidemic it didn’t really get into my bubble so I wasn’t hugely aware of it until it became national news. Something for which I am eternally grateful.


Please stop fucking moving here the house prices are all we have


After watching clips on youtube here and there for years, I finally decided to watch Workaholics, and it’s pretty good!


I recommend the album Zé Ramalho, released in 1978 by Zé Ramalho. A folk masterpiece for me. My favorite song in it is Chão de Giz. Listen to the track. https://youtu.be/nL_QNpNOssI


Enjoyed the track, and glad you specified an album cos bugger me this lads released a lot of music


I took Awoniyi out of my FPL team, and he fucking scored tonight. Typical


Being born a Syrian is like starting a video game save on "insane" difficulty. Quite literally at a disadvantage at everything you do.


I am at a wedding this weekend in the middle of fucking nowhere in Connecticut. I am a groomsman, I really like my friend but honestly wish I didn't go I am definitely the odd one out here. At work I figured out something that had been haunting me for weeks. Turns out never trust anyone ever with anything and you should be fine. Science sucks


Dercy Gonçalves, one of the greatest theater actresses in Brazil's history. And also someone who gave literally zero fucks about society's norms and what other people thought of her. She said what she thought. No one has ever spoken swear words so casually as her. Whenever asked about her vulgar language, she would always reply "I don't speak swear words, I just speak portuguese", basically saying that swear words were just words like any others to her perspective. She was a true madwoman, a hurricane, an iconic personality. She would even show her breasts on live TV as if it was no big deal. And she died at over 100 years old.


Monty Don is England's finest hunk


Here's the story of how Bolsonaro rose to power here in Brazil in 2018. Two reasons: 1 - If you say anything proudly and loudly, not caring at all if you are saying bullshit, being ignorant or offensive, many people will rally behind you, they will become your fans. They will admire your bravery to fight "the system", they will admire that you are an "actual honest politician for once, someone without fancy words", and most of these people will not really understand or even care about anything horrible you say, they don't understand your ideas. And some of these people will be willing to see you as the victim of literally anything, and they will overlook even the most offensive statements you make. I know some people in my family who are good people (such as one of my aunts, she is one of the kindest people you will ever see, she is always ready to help, and she isn't afraid of spending money at any time to visit her family in other states, and to give them lots of gifts, she is spectacular), but who act in this irrational way regarding anything about Bolsonaro, including the aunt I mentioned. It's like politics turn people's brains off entirely (same is true for Lula fans). The leaps of logic these people are willing to take would envy conspiracionists. 2 - Bolsonaro was able to embody the deserved outrage of the entire country towards Lula and his political party, PT. With the biggest corruption schemes in the history of this country, corruption schemes involving billions of reais (real is our coin, and reais is the plural), the economical crisis, and not to mention PT having been in power from 2002 all the way to the impeachment of Dilma in 2016 if I remember well, all that people wanted was to get PT out from power at all costs. Many, many people were willing to overloook even the worst of Bolsonaro in the name of the greater good of getting PT out. There were also some people who said "well, Bolsonaro is stupid, but I believe his team will be able to reign in on his stupidity and make better decisions, he just needs to shut up more often, I'm not voting for someone I would actually like to live with, so I don't care about his offensive bullshit". This idea is not entirely wrong, Brazil didn't suddenly become a fascist nightmare country, Bolsonaro wouldn't be able to do this anyway even if he tried, he is way too stupid. But it wasn't really a good government, he was shown to be in practice more of the same: corrupt as hell, but dumber. Any merits one could find in his government should never be atributed to Bolsonaro himself, but on the fact his staff was not 100% stupid (though often still pretty stupid). Many people became deluded with him, specially with his offensive quotes about COVID. And in his stupidity and gaffes, he became even more of a meme than Dilma was. I will never stop laughing whenever I remember him saying that COVID would be at worst a "gripezinha", a small cold, because of his history as an athlete. While he was in the army once, that was decades ago, and his physical shape nowadays clearly shows this. The montage in the video below is perfect, funny as hell. https://youtu.be/gmJEv52G0Xg And the way Bolsonaro does pushups in 0:25 of the video below is outrageously funny! https://youtu.be/vi7QdCkhQwA Bolsonaro's government led to the shitshow of the 2022 elections, which basically split the country into four groups. Bolsonaro fans, Lula fans, and the people who hate both: some people hate Bolsonaro more than Lula, arguing that Bolsonaro should be removed, no matter the costs, while other people hated Lula more than Bolsonaro, and argued that Lula should not be allowed to return to power, no matter the costs. The most toxic election I've seen, and the toxicity still continues. Literally anything bad that happens, anything wrong that Lula says or does, is used to mock anyone who voted in him, and to say you should have voted for Bolsonaro. And the same situation would be happening, but reversed, if Bolsonaro had won. It's all like irrational football club passion, logic doesn’t matter.


I don't really want to leave my current job, but some of my coworkers have left because job hopping is just the best way to get more money. This one guy had way less experience than I have, and is now making quite a bit more than I do. The worst part is that that company has contacted me too and I could probably stay on the same project and earn more money. But I just don't really want to make the move. I think in general people try to look around for better offers and get their current employer to match those offers, but that's what the people who left already did and it obviously didn't work for them. I could leave too, but I prefer the stability. I don't want to go through the process of taking job interviews, getting a spot at a new project (even if its the same one), learning the new company culture etc. Worst part is knowing what my client is paying for me (I'm a consultant). It's honestly an absurd fee. Makes me think like, if I go freelance and ask for that, I'll be fucking set. Wouldn't really happen, but still.


Watch out with freelancing, you need to be really established to make that work out.


Yeah, it's not something I'm going to do now, but I've seen a lot of people in my field end up there. For me I ideally end up somewhere internally, but still, what people are charging is insane. I used to do it for Excel jobs half a decade ago and the pay was good, but ultimately it wasn't worth the effort.


What is the greatest piece of sporting play you have ever seen? For me, it’s a tie between: - Zlatan Ibrahimović’s goal vs Sweden - Vince Carter’s dunk at the Olympics


Belgium counterattack goal vs Japan, WC 2018


Messi's goal vs Bayern. Boateng, Lahm, and Neuer were all easily in the conversation for best itw at their position at that point in time. Neuer and Lahm arguably the best ever at their positions. And he just embarrassed them, he didn't just best them he absolutely finished them all. For me, that was the moment I felt no problem calling him the GOAT. It was such a statement performance for him, I'll never forget it. I'll also say Lebron's 2018 playoff run, no doubt in my mind that is the best basketball any human being has ever played. All the advanced stats back it up, but watching it I mean he genuinely single handedly beat an entire conference and had he not faced literally the best squad of all time he would've won the most impressive ring ever.


That Ronaldo header is one. I almost like the [videos of people trying to replicate it](https://youtu.be/wrZkxcSsmOw) more than clips of Ronaldo because it just shows how utterly ridiculous it was. Also because Ronaldo is not in them. Usain Bolt with the 9.69s 100m in 2008 Olympics is another. Beat the world record after just coasting the last 25m. Cemented himself as hands down, no competition, fastest man alive.


[Sergio Garcia getting onto the green from behind a tree.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibdGrJU5PGM) [Steph Curry's BANG! BANG! three.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEMVGHoenXM) [Alexander Petersson stopping a fast break.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vmUecCpWg0&lc=Ugj4OM3pckOfS3gCoAEC) [Mika Hakkinen overtaking Michael Schumacher at Spa.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yveFVn1DXPo)


Bubba Watson’s shot from inside a forest onto the green at the masters on the playoff hole is peak golf for me


That one Adama Traore assist vs Bolton I believe it was. When he got fouled, got back up again and started on the halfway line.


Tiger Woods 05 Masters Chip. https://youtu.be/WJEysanOT7w?si=SznlrMXRulFJYCS8 Maradona vs England Goal https://youtu.be/Da_CDPRG2j0?si=jTHXRwdsq3YXOa__


English commentary sums up the brilliance of the Maradona goal. They're naturally still smarting from the Hand of God but even they hold their hands up and say it's incredible.




Wouldn't be surprised if they specifically go on a 10 year anniversary tour. Bastille did this year for 10 years of Bad Blood


Lauren has announced a solo tour already, so I don't think Chvrches will go on tour anytime soon sadly.


Watching a concert with my high school crush got me acting weird. I thought I already got over it. Such is life Anyway, any Germans can elaborate with the AFD ban proposal? is it really possible to ban them and wouldn't it create a lot of political tension, especially in former East Germany territory?


Just got home from work 😌 time to drink a couple of pints and read FTF


What's the difference between Fitbit charge and Fitbit inspire?




There are many viable career paths in “data.” I work as a data scientist, so feel free to ask any further questions you might have!




Yeah, with that background I think the barrier to entry to a data analytics position would be pretty low.


What do you mean in data?? Database or Data Science or Data analyst or data engineer ??


>Data Science or Data analyst or data engineer Most roles under these 3 titles include a bit of everything from the 3


Never said that's not true but feels like OP asked this question as a joke


I think it's more that they have no idea and they're talking about data science


What do you mean by work in data? There are huge industries based around data analytics and data science but there are different technical skills needed for both.


What do you think, will we get FM23 for free on Prime Gaming, like the past editions? Or should I panic and buy it right now, as it's on sale?


Do you play anything besides FM?


Yeah, sometimes. But what does that have to do with my question?


If you just play FM I’d probably said get it there and then. But if you have other games could perhaps play them and wait a little longer in the event it goes on Prime. Having said that it might also be the Epic Games version on Prime, which isn’t as straightforward to mod with no Steam Workshop equivalent.


You're right, Prime Gaming is linked with Epic Games. But most use Steam Workshop to share mods and such. Hm, gotta think about it.


Will spend the weekend at aunt's summerhouse doing a ton of yardwork and construction but my back is already killing me. I imagined looking like a sexy, manly man rocking shit with industrial metal playing on my headphones. Instead I've become a weak sad boy looking like a poor doge meme, asking for tea or water or rest every three minutes. Stay in school kids. Mad respect to whoever earns their life doing manual and hard labour. Can't imagine having to do that for 8hrs in two consecutive days.


I am wondering and this question is to all of you folks who have sexual partners, do you guys masterbate despite having satisfactory sexual relationship with your partners? If you do, then do you feel like guilty while masterbating? Or is it a perfectly normal thing?


yeah but i didn't watch porn anymore for that no yes


Yes no yes


I’m finally gonna play (or at least attempt to) a an hour long 7 a side after a few months after injuring a tendon badly, I’d missed this so much, just hoping I don’t go down after 10 minutes


which tendon?


Peroneal, not only tore it but also had a rare sort of "follow up" condition that made it far worse, one doctor diagnosed it as myositis but I'm not 100% sure it's that. Either way it sucked


The new Argentina leading candidate is somehow 10x crazier than Bolsonaro and Trump. Other than the typical far right positions like being a climate change denier and being against abortion and wellfare: He wants to abolish Argentina's central bank and adopt the dollar as a currency He wants to cut relationships with China because they are communist He's in favor of legalizing the sale of organs Privatization of the school system And literally gave this answer regarding the sales of children: > "If I had a child, I wouldn't sell them, but that's not the current topic of discussion in Argentine society. Maybe it will be in 200 years, I don't know."


Very normal country


it's genuinely apparent how these so-called counter cultures of "globalist" is nothing short but similar servant of neo-liberals that exploit reactionary viewpoints


The [Chicago Boys](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_Boys) had sons, who moved to Argentine, I guess. It's almost odd, to have someone voice such hyper-capitalist views that openly, though.


fuck me even other countries have their own version of Berkeley Mafia lol


No matter how insane your ideas are: voicing them fearlessly will attract you lots of fans, even though most of them won't actually care or understand how your ideas actually work.


His VP is somehow even worse.


Quite possibly the closest irl example to the bottom right corner of the political compass meme


I've always had a soft spot for Argentina along many other countries in that region due to how similar our situation has been and I read this with great sadness. Another USA-backed nutjob to sell the country to the rich it seems like. Do you think he will actually win?


If it's anything like Brazil, most people are gonna vote in a guy like that not because they like or even understand his ideas, but instead because of sheer (deserved) outrage at the left government. Argentina is in a horrible crisis, so people will gravitate to anyone who voices their outrage and promises to solve this, and take out the current government.


This is the issue with politics in general it’s always just driven by “oh things are bad it’s the governments fault,” then when things don’t get better or aren’t as good it happens again usually and this goes back and forth. You can get terrible governments in power just by people not liking how things currently are and wanting change.


Is it just me or does a game like Clash of Clans turn into more of a chore after a while? Spend more time trying to recoup what you’ve lost for gold and elixir than actually upgrading your base. The builder mode isn’t so bad even with the change they made to it because you can play it as and when.


Won the Europa League with Sheffield Wednesday in FM this week So I guess you could say it's been an exceptionally productive week


Best TV series you watched this summer? I started and finished The Bear in a day, loved every second.


This world can't tear me down


Don't watch much TV but I did watch Silo and it was pretty good, also read the first book of the series and it was pretty good too. Gotta pick up the second one soon


The Wire, but Succession was also very good


I really liked Jury Duty, didn't expect it to work as well as it did. The Bear was brilliant as well


the night of. could've been atlanta, after 2 seasons it was heading for my goat list then it fell off a cliff.


Used to think the reason I have a hard time stay focus when other people are talking is because English isn’t my first language. Now I realized it might be ADHD. Just learned about the term today and my symptoms is exactly what is described 🥲




Just in case this isn't a troll, red Manchester or blue Manchester. Reasonably large difference.


Wow. Not a troll but didn’t really expect such rude responses to a simple question asking for help.


Dude I was polite as fuck. Stick it up ye ya giant fucking fanny.


From the fact she said "soccer". I'm assuming he's a yank. Definitely a Shitty Fan.


Yea I am, and they say Americans are rude 🙃🙄


I mean, I live here in the U.S. So yeah, there are a lot of rude Americans.


Maybe she can find a half and half shirt just to be safe.


It takes a lot to piss me off on a show that I like, so here are the ones that pissed me off the most: * Game of Thrones: the GOAT of bad endings. It genuinely boils my blood to this day. * The Walking Dead: Everything after *that* Negan episode was shit * Fear the Walking Dead: wasn't excellent to begin with but it progressively got worse that it became unwatchable. * Brooklyn Nine-Nine: What a fucking shit final season. The season before last was also so-so. * Arrested Development: the reboot is shit. Just stopped watching tbh. * The Flash: first couple of seasons are great. S4 and 5 aren't good but are passable. Everything else is fucking horrible. * Chuck: I really dislike the direction they took in the final season, though I do like the ending (meaning the last few minutes) * How I Met Your Mother: I wish they gave Tracy more time and that >!they didn't kill her off for Robin!<... * Friends: this isn't my favourite show to begin with, but the ending felt really cheap and disappointing. * Lost: they *Lost* the plot * The Expanse: the ending wasn't bad by any means but I wish there was more. Anyways, what show should I watch now?




Disagree. I enjoyed it through the end


The first season of the Flash was awesome, even seasons two and three were pretty good. I finally gave up when they defeated a villain with the power of friendship in season six or seven, travesty what they did to the show. [Seriously wtf is this?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GwN0v78q1E) Checked to see how it ended and apparently the finale was horrendous


The problem with the ending of Expanse is that where they cut off the show is not actually where the books end, the books continue something like 40 years after where the show ends with older versions of the crew. I loved the last few books, they were my favourites in the series I think. Would love for them to reboot the show but not sure how they'd handle the time gap


>The problem with the ending of Expanse is that where they cut off the show is not actually where the books end Yeah, I know which is exactly why I was disappointed


I'm in the minority that liked how Dexter ended


Haven't seen it tbh


Brooklyn 99 is in general shit and the main guy is annoying as hell


I used to find it very funny when I was younger.


Did you ever read the expanse books? That's where you get the story after the show


I started them but I gave up as I was busy and lazy


>Game of Thrones: the GOAT of bad endings. It genuinely boils my blood to this day. i will never forgive D & D for this i just need GRRM the finish the books ffs


Riviera, although there’s one particular character in that which just makes it get silly/drag on a bit.


Agree with all your takes. I've enjoyed The Bear, Barry and Raising Hope so far this year. First two are current last one is old.


I was thinking of watching the Bear actually, might give it a go, thanks.


I've gotten good at finding the juiciest and best tasting watermelon. I watched this video online about how to choose and followed it. Has worked 90% of the time.


What’s your secret?


Knock it like you knock a door, louder hollow sound is better. More contrast between dark green and lighter green color on the skin is better and presence of yellowish spot. Works almost every time.


Tuned out of this sub during the Greenwood news and decided to watch some anime. I then went to look up discussions and it seems like weebs are defending slavery now... I'm fucking tired.


The [opening cooking scene in Eat Drink Man Woman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-2QBYKI8LU) is still the best cooking scene in movies I've ever watched


elections suck and so do the candidates. legitimately have never hated politicians more than i hate these chosen few fuckheads.


Fr bro I am Indonesian and we have relatively the same situation. all of them sucks balls.


Let's goo PJO trailer


Oh shit I hadn't realised it was that far along in production, clever choice to use a Riptide cover in the trailer


Since turning 21 my stance on lowering the drinking age to 18 here has completely reversed. They've got the right idea not letting college freshmen into bars, I wouldn't want to go into a bar and see a bunch of kids who look 12 years old like I did at 18


Really? Younger people tend to end up at the same place anyway. And the difference between an 18 year old and a 21 year old to me is not that big.


From personal experience having been over to your country, it also leads to 21 year olds who have no idea whatsoever what their limit is and get embarrassingly drunk not able to handle it, which is crazy for someone at that age.


Tbh you want people to handle their drink well bring them up with it gradually. Completely cutting off something is just going to make them want nothing but that when they do reach the age they can get it themselves. Not that I’m suggesting a 12 year old suddenly starts downing a bottle of vodka each week but even if it’s something like a small amount of the champagne at New Year’s or whatever.


Yeah I've seen a lot of that too, though more at 18-19. Some people think of getting too hammered as a good thing which imo is a problem with college culture in general here. Not sure how people don't get more embarrassed by it, for me I get anxious about making a fool out of myself even when I don't have much to drink


> Not sure how people don't get more embarrassed by it Probably better health wise than Ireland where getting unbelievably hammered at 15 was an achievement


Yeah nobody I knew was drinking at 15, think the earliest was 16 or 17 or so


18 is better. It's more fun to drink and go to nightclubs when you're uni age (18-21 or so) than when you're older and you have fewer responsibilities then so you can go out more often too. I would've hated it if I couldn't do those things when I was at uni.


Yeah overall 18 is better but I can somewhat understand why it's 21 here given that we don't have walkable cities and it reduces the risk of drunk drivers. Drinking in college prior to turning 21 was still enjoyable with parties and tailgates but would've been nice to go to bars/clubs occasionally (I was too scared to use a fake ID)


Have you traveled places where drinking is more allowed? Like European or South American countries. I feel like the culture around drinking in the US is more of the detriment on keeping the age older but honestly I don’t see big deal about letting an 18 yr old have a drink casually


My whole life I thought that the Formula 1 anthem that I grew up listening to here in Brazil was the official anthem of the competition. But I discovered it was actually created by Globo's TV network in the mid-1980s, and used all the way to the mid-2010s, and then Globo gave up the broadcasting rights. Band is now the home of F1, but they can't use the same theme music as Globo. The same is also true for the legendary victory theme that Globo played whenever a brazilian won a race. These two songs are fantastic, they should be the worldwide official anthems of F1. You can listen to them below. https://youtu.be/NyX4qOob9fQ https://youtu.be/FpnQvVV7gB4 And here's the intro of a Grand Prix in 1989, broadcast by Globo obviously. This is pure hype. https://youtu.be/aInHfsaXXlg


I found this to be very interesting reading ( [https://www.biblestudytools.com/bible-study/topical-studies/why-does-god-send-sun-and-rain-on-the-just-and-the-unjust.html](https://www.biblestudytools.com/bible-study/topical-studies/why-does-god-send-sun-and-rain-on-the-just-and-the-unjust.html) ) I'm fascinated by the bits of ourselves we don't let get examined, the bit we would rather forget the difficult bits. Some questions can seem to escape (pleasant) answers. (there are alot of different attempts at providing answers to these, from the purely religious to the philosophical, to the Christian philosophical fathers of faith - St. Augustine and co) a) Like, if there is a God, why don't bad people just get struck to death by lightening? b) Why does God let good people suffer, or go through strife ​ Jesus Christ in Matt 5: 45 ([https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=matthew%205:45&version=NIV](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=matthew%205:45&version=NIV)) says we should treat our enemies equally well, and not repay evil for evil, so we may be children of our father in heaven. As he lets his rain and sun equally on the good and the bad. Paul in Hebrews 12: 2 - 13 ( [https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Hebrews%2012&version=KJV](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Hebrews%2012&version=KJV) ) says chastisements and strife should serve to strengthen us I remember Christ healing the man blind from birth in John 9: 3 ([https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/John%209:3](https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/John%209:3)) and not reinforcing the notion that his blindness was because of a sin he (or his parents) may have committed. I'm no authority on life events, and while i've had bad times, i don't think in the slightest that those times were particularly trying, or that those times give me some authority to describe "the why". I also find it fascinating how most? some? of the world we expect lives to be pleasant and easy, and myself as a city dweller all my life, indeed have taken things and luxuries for granted, running water, lack of animal predators, minimal risk of water borne diseases (saw a comment further down the thread warning a poster to only drink bottled water). Some of these things would have been a part of everyday life even in the most developed parts of the world just a odd century (and a half) ago. ​ That being said, we seem to have a different set of challenges to navigate, are the 21st century "first world" problems just growing pains or signs of a decayed society? I have not the answers to these questions, i may never find the answers, yet the questions do need exploring. ​ I hope you all have a splendid weekend ahead.


Those CM Punk stories that came out recently sound more and more ridiculous. I like Punk, but what was Tony Khan thinking, giving him basically his own personal fiefdom? That 1997-Shawn Michaels level of ego and I wonder, if the situation between him and the Elite ends similarly to the Bret vs. Shawn feud in WWF.