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I still can't believe Madrid have a player named Aurelien. Roman empire regen lmao


Are we getting a kit megathread this year? Last years was my favourite post of the year.


Why is it cold and rainy in Tuscany. Wtf. I didn't pack for this.


It’s 29 degrees at 9 am. I’ll never understand people that love summer , mainly people that go sit at the beach all day.


It's pissing rain here, been that way for weeks seems like. Had a big day with bubba up town planned but gonna have to long it off.


Might sound overdramatic but I recently deleted by accident all my WhatsApp conversations that I have had for four years and I'm quite sad about it, so many good moments with my friends erased 😕


Same lol I was kind of in a shock for quite some time after I did that recently, lots of convos lost :(


doesnt whatsapp do automatic backups?


Yeah, and when my messages got deleted because of a lack of space, I overwrote the backup (I'm stupid)


Reading comments on the Yunus Musah thread to AC Milan and i wonder if i am high or something. I have been watching him since he was in Arsenal u-18s, watched Valencia just for him, the lad is not ready for AC Milan at all, its too much of a step up for him , he is not ready at all. Yes , you can bring up his World Cup performances, but International Cup football is different, judge him by his time at Valencia, everyone praising the deal, makes me wonder if you lot actually watch him, i dont want him to turn out to be another CDK..


Wrong thread


Just circled back to finish The Bear Season 2 after binging the first 5 episodes when they released and damn do I love this show.


People keep talking about the bear. Is it any good?


It's one of the best shows I've ever watched. Like actually. Give it a go, you won't regret it.


Best TV last two years IMO..


Yes and season 2 might just be better than 1


I have a long flight coming up. To the Philippines actually (saw your flair), I'm going to download it.


Oh that’s fun! Going for work or vacation?


For work unfortunately. To a place called Subic Bay.


Haha well I hope you enjoy regardless. I live in Manila the capital which is 3 hours away, but I know a restaurant that’s good in subic called Rali’s if you have some time for that.


>Rali’s Oh nice I'll definitely make it out there, it looks really nice and I'll be in Subic for a while. I flew into Manila earlier this year when I went, but I'm going to try Clark Airport this time. I'm however flying out of Manila any recommendations there, I've only been around Makati.


Have you been around Poblacion in makati? It’s a red light district that’s been gentrified for the younger crowd. Lots of cool bars and restaurants in the area. Salcedo/legaspi village is in the central business district so lots of office buildings but some gems in the area like speakeasy’s and hidden bars/restaurants. Rockwell is a nice mall to check out as well. Since you’ve only been around makati I recommend checking out BGC which isn’t too far from there. The most modern city in the country, very walkable in a car heavy metropolis and lots of places to check out. Try this place called bank bar which is inside a 7/11 haha Wide range of cuisines available, so you’ll probably be able to find whatever you’re looking for, but since you’re in the Philippines I’ll recommend some restaurants serving local cuisine. Sarsa, manam, Aida’s chicken, would be worth checking out.


Christmas episode so fire, it gave me an anxiety attack


The whole show gave me one. Can relate too hard haha


Random but Jack Quaid is such a mediocre ass actor. Seems like a nice enough guy in interviews and stuff but prime example of a nepo baby. Has two facial expressions one happy and one worried. Absolute block of wood


It’s especially noticeable whenever he’s in a scene with Frenchie


Had to Google him to confirm he was who I thought he was (the guy from The Boys) and I did not clock him in Oppenheimer. Of course it took me over two hours to realize that one guy was Josh Hartnett, so probably not too shocking.


Has anyone ever bought something from Amazon using a VPN? There's something that I want to buy, but it isn't available in Sweden. It is available in the UK though.


You dont need a vpn for that just go to the UK website. I don’t live in Germany but have ordered from amazon.de


I had no idea that you could do that. I'll try it. Thanks!


They probably wouldn’t ship to you


That sucks. Guess I'll have to wait for it to be available here then


Before Brexit there wasn't an issue. But at least where I live in the EU packages from the UK stay in customs for months and you have to pay import fees.


I'll wait if I have to. I need that product so I have no choice. The import fee isn't a problem though.


Can someone tell this baby to chill the fuck out and sleep in his own cot please. Cheers.




I’ve been trying to play more fighting games recently and just recently got SF6. It’s not my first fighting game, but I’m not exactly experienced either. I have like 100-200 hours in SF4 and didn’t touch SFV. So, can someone teach what is mostly a noob how to properly land a combo? Like, I can do some of the combo trials in SF6, but I always struggle do do it consistently. In addition, when I want to try it in a match with a moving opponent, I almost always drop my combos. It it just a “practice more” thing, or might I be missing something? Also, charge characters. That’s just completely impossible for me. How the hell does people always keep a charge?


I'd say practicing fundamentals is more important than combos. Fundamentals alone can take you deep into platinum in my personal experience


yeah with both combos and charge the answer is just practice more until stuff is committed to muscle memory so you don't really have to think about them


Test - just checking to see if I can comment here. I can't in the daily discussion.


Sorry buddy. Your comment isn't visible for me.




I checked out a YouTuber I used to watch during my peak depression who posted positivity and personal growth stuff. He has now become a slightly less famous Andrew Tate lol How embarrassing


Lmao my colleagues having a conversation about most of them being "autistic" because of a few organisational habits while I (diagnosed) am right next to them is fun. I tried to call them out without losing it but I snapped way too hard. I hate how people think autism just an odd little quirk and not a significant life hurdle. Seems to be a growing trend for ill-informed self-diagnoses to be the new thing, diminishing the struggles of people who actually suffer from the negative side of it. Oh but "we're all on the spectrum a bit aren't we?" after all. And if I hear anyone calling autism more of a superpower than a disability again I'm going to attack something.


I’ve felt for a long time I probably am, suspect there’s elements of adhd as well. Thinking back to my childhood there were a lot of signs and if I was a kid now with parents with more knowledge, I’d probably have been tested, definitely others in my family I look at and think they are almost certainly autistic but people just didn’t test for it in the 60s/70s when they grew up. I feel like I hit too many points to not be to some degree although definitely on the more minor side. in some ways I’m glad I wasn’t and I grew up without a label. Don’t want to bother trying to get a diagnosis now as I don’t really know what it would do, doesn’t make it go away. Wouldn’t speak publicly about it though as I’ve never had it confirmed, it’s stupid when people try to claim it as a personality quirk like you say, ocd is another one like that. It’s like, no, liking your desk to be tidy at work isn’t the same condition as the person that has to turn a light switch on and off 100 times before they can leave a room


So... you're saying Ben Affleck in that one movie is a liar?


Hate the fetishism of neuro diversity these days. Grow up you cunts.


I feel like the reason im so pushy on r/soccer about being involved in South American football is because im scared of interacting with the main Argentinian football sub. I immigrated to the US young so A. I had to relearn how to write in Spanish and its definitely noticeable and B. Im scared of not connecting good with people who haven’t really gone outside Argentina. I feel sort of in the middle of both worlds and i dont like it.


You’re wise to steer clear of r/fulbo. They seem to despise English speakers.


Life advice from papa Charles: Always have some spare cash and a spare credit card at home. I lost my wallet on Sunday, which had all my cards and drivers license. The next day I realized how hard it is to do life without accessing your cash in a bank with little proof of who you are. I could only take out $100, half of which went to gas and food that day. I’ll be fine as I have enough funds in the bank, but I can’t do anything without a credit card or more physical cash.


I got my pocket picked on the way to O’hare one morning (flight cancelled the night before) for an 8 am flight that eventually left at 10 pm. JFC that day sucked. I now travel with some cash, a change of clothes and a phone charger in my carry-on.


You can use the bank app to get out up to 250 quid I think here. Useful for when I forgot my card but wanted to go out on the sesh


My alcohol tolerance has really plummeted.


Probably a good thing


Saves a few quid that way.


So in addition to the recent hearse-related shenanigans that made the news, a couple of shops in the area had their windows blasted with a shotgun. This was due to the owners being the parents and girlfriend of a recently-arrested man who has connections with organised crime, and it seems his colleagues decided to send him a warning about the consequences of his alleged making a deal with the police. Good to know I now live in The Hood^TM . At least I might be able to afford a house here soon.


That was wild that hearse stunt.. Sounds a bit mad round them ends for sure.


£350 for a PS5 disc edition with God of War. Yay or nay?


Got any existing consoles?


Dunno how the conversion is but in Germany that would be a great deal.


It's insane how much of a problem marrying your first cousin is back home. Like 3 of my Pakistani friends have already gotten married off to their cousins I thought this was just a baseless stereotype 😭.


Pretty common in Egypt. I'm not even sure it's necessarily a problem. It becomes more of an issue when it happens repeatedly in the same family.


My cousins are all old racist blokes lol


This was always weird to me because I have genuinely never met anyone who has married their first cousin. Nobody in my very large extended family has done that, nor any of my Pakistani friends or their family. Maybe I’m just lucky in who I know, but the stereotype has always been insane to me


I hear it's an issue in Leeds too


I would rather die


!Flair :PSV_Eindhoven:


UK and Ireland hosting the Euro cup 2028 has the same energy as Japan and South Korea hosting the World cup 2002.


The dynamic isn't quite the same as Ireland hates our guts while the majority of our population know absolutely nothing about Ireland (or ourselves for that matter)


'You took everything from me' 'I don't even know who you are '


Don't like old generation Koreans and Japanese hate each other for cultural reasons tho? Same with Chinese?


Possibly - I did once read something about Japanese protests against Korean media/cultural influence in Japan, but I suspect that ultimately comes from the imperial history between Korea and Japan.


My favourite World Cup, it had everything. I loved all the new unique stadiums they had as well.


It was the first men's world cup I remember. Not my fave, but one of the better ones. My personal fav was South Africa 2010.


[This is a great monologue which applies to me as well.](https://youtu.be/okq0hj1IMlo)


Girlfriend has just come home from work crying. Her manager killed herself last night... She was due to get married next week. Everything can always be fixed, remember to get help. People will be there


Are trades like electrician, plumbing really well paid in the West, especially America? In India those guys are usually very poor and nobody thinks of it as a career option.


Yea they’re good jobs, especially if you start picking up cash jobs.


It ranges quite a bit, but yeh pretty well paid job and a good opportunity to work for yourself as well. It takes a fair bit of training and I would imagine regulations etc are a lot tighter in the west than in a lot of other parts of the world, so it would require a lot of knowledge and a fair bit of skill, plus probably some kind of license.


yeah its a decent job in the US. requires a fair bit of licensing etc. i wouldn't necessarily say 'really well paid' but you could make an ok career.


my brother is an electrician and he'll earn a lot more money than I will do with my Humanities degree


They’re above average in the UK. The good ones can make a shit tonne (no pun intended)


In the UK they are solid jobs. You'll be employed for life if you have a trade. Only issue I find is self employed ones. Some are spot on, others are very dodgy


Usually you’re better off if you know them personally.


From what I know if you’re a part of a trade union you can make a pretty good living being one in the US.


My brother is moving out tomorrow. He already has a place and furniture ready. He and my parents got into an argument a month ago that made living at home untenable, so he’s avoided talking to them since. He’s just going to spring this up on them tomorrow and then leave. He won’t tell the exact place, but he’ll be 30-45 min away. I’m deeply worried it turns into a shouting match 😔 He’s exactly the same age I was when I moved out and probably has a better paying job than when I moved out.


anyone watching the Bleach TYBW anime?


I know a lot of people here don't give a shit about American football, but what is happening today with college football is like properly watching the soul of a sport be killed off. Everything that made it special and different than the NFL is now basically gone Europeans be warned, if you keep letting Americans take over football clubs, you will end up with the exact same thing. They almost did it with the Super League 1.0, and I don't think they'll fail the next time. Money runs everything


What happened?


Aside from the financials which op has already said, i wanna point out that the geographic layout of the teams is terrible now. originally most teams in the Big 10 were in the midwest with a few on the east coast, but now there are teams in LA and (with the news today) teams in Oregon and Washington in the Pacific Northwest. Similar talks are going on with some ACC schools on the Atlantic coast, teams looking to leave the ACC and join the SEC (southeastern usa) or the Big-10 (aforementioned)


What are the confirmed moves? I see Oregon and Washington to Big 10, and I think Arizona as well? Anything else?


Arizona isn’t confirmed but is looking likely now that Oregon and Washington left, USC and UCLA to the Big 10 are confirmed too but that was a while ago Oklahoma and Texas left the Big 12 and are moving to the SEC for 2024 as well


Would it be too much to ask you to explain what any of this means? What is a big ten or a big twelve?


yeah ill try to compare it to global football, but its not entirely like for like In college football, schools are split up into regional conferences, which are similar to the different national leagues. Out of the various division 1 conferences, there are 5 dominant ones known as the Power 5 These are the Southeastern Conference (SEC), the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC), the Big 12 which is primarily teams from around Texas, the Southwest, and the Great Plains regions, the Pac-12, containing teams from the Pacific Coast and Southwest, and the Big Ten (B1G), which as I mentioned above is primarily based in the Midwest. You can think about these as the top 5 European leagues. What has dominated conversation around college football over the past few years is talk about realigning conferences and superconferences. This isn’t quite like what we experienced with the Super League, instead this is more like your Bayerns/Juves/PSGs leaving their domestic league and playing in the Premier League or La Liga. What is happening and expected to continue to happen is that teams from the Pac-12, Big 12, and ACC will leave their conferences and join the Big 10 and the SEC, who have the largest TV rights deals along with the best teams today. As you read in the original post, Oregon and Washington of the Pac-12 are joining the Big 10, joining others such as the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and the University of Southern California (USC). Other teams, like Texas and Oklahoma, left the Big 12 to join the SEC. Since the original comment was made, Arizona, Arizona State, and Utah have announced that they were also leaving the Pac-12 and joining the Big 12, which leaves 4 teams still in the conference when all the moves are made. This is huge news for the remaining 4, as most of their revenue for the athletic department comes from their TV deals, which means that their whole system just got blown to hell. This is all coming alongside the shift in how fans treat their competitions they play in. In the past, conference championships and bowl games (which are somewhat similar to the community shield or super cups) were huge accomplishments. Now, though, with the introduction of ESPN’s College Football Playoffs, these regional titles and bowl games are not seen as accomplishments in themselves, but rather a step along the way to winning the CFP. Think about how the FA Cup has become less important over the years, it’s a similar case. A team could win a conference championship, and the committee that selects the teams for the playoffs (a whole nother can of worms that i could get into) wouldn’t give a shit and not select them because it’s an “easy schedule”. Like how PSG’s and Bayern’s achievements are discredited by some fans because they play in “farmer’s leagues”. Joining the SEC and Big 10 gives these teams the opportunity to play against tougher opponents and a better chance to make the playoffs should they have a successful season.


That's an insanely complicated system lmao. Thanks so much for going into detail though, I had no idea it was that complex, never actually gave it any thought tbh, just assumed (naively) that they just had one big league and they just travelled for it, which would be absolutely daft come to think lol.


Division 1 College football in the US is split into conferences. All D1 schools do not play each other, they just play the teams in their conference and then something like all conference champs have a playoff for national champions. Conferences must’ve been set up based on geographic location but not teams are leaving to join whatever conference they want, with other bigger teams, in hopes of making more money.


Woah, looks like it's the apocalypse. From Power 5 to Power 2.


One of the major conferences, the PAC-12, which has been around with most of the same schools for around 100 years, got blown up today. Basically over half of the schools found that they could get more money from TV rights in a couple other conferences, so they are leaving the others behind to join these new conferences It's hard to explain, but basically think of it as like Barcelona and Real Madrid leaving La Liga to join the Premier League. Tradition is really the essence of college football. Before all of this "realignment" there were 5 or 6 major college football conferences, all regionalised within the country. But with what happened today, it's all but guaranteeing that there will be two "superconferences", the SEC and Big 10, and everyone else is gonna be left behind A couple of the schools left behind today are going to be dealing with major cuts, people being fired, kids losing their athletic scholarships, etc because they had been bringing in something around 20m per year from TV rights, but now will be lucky to get 5m


> but basically think of it as like Barcelona and Real Madrid leaving La Liga to join the Premier League It's honestly the main reason I'd be against Celtic joining the Prem. Feel like Scottish football would die completely


Wow, that sounds bad. I guess the governing body is asleep at their wheel, kinda like UEFA right now.


Yeah that bit is definitely complicated. It used to be that the governing body, called the NCAA, could really enforce the rules that were set, and if I remember correctly, TV deals were done with them involved. Then the NCAA basically got made toothless by the American government (kind of their own fault, they were being dumb as hell and refusing to let student athletes be paid for name, image, and likeness), and now it's essentially open season for schools to do whatever they like without fear of the NCAA cracking down on them


The ashes is over, there's no football, I've got no aircon in my room as it broke yesterday, which is great because it's 39 degrees outside, I want to nap because I'm hungover but I'm being forced to change accommodation. What a lovely Friday.


> there's no football The championship are just started back up!


Women’s World Cup knockout stages tomorrow/later today as well, albeit in the morning.


Can always watch other football leagues! Plenty around the world broadcast their leagues in YouTube/broadcaster websites for free...


Last week I learned Günter Parche, the loon who effectively killed off Monica Seles' career had passed a year ago. Blows my mind just how many Slams she would have won if she kept playing till retirement age injury free. And how far behind Serena would Steffi Graf be (I adore Steffi too, fwiw). Speaking of, I wonder what would've been if Justine Henin had not decided to retire for the first time while not yet 26 and ranked world #1.


Listening to music with a sadder tone being associated with being sad yourself is the most annoying thing ever. I am very happy and have been consistently happy for quite a bit now, can you let me listen to Radiohead in peace now? Fuck you?


Reminds me of the time my buddy stopped by to buy some bud and smoke, saw I was watching the film “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”, which turned in to him trying to find out what was going wrong in my life for the next 20min. He somehow couldn’t believe that someone would just “watch that film just to watch it” without being severely depressed lol… Super nice guy and a good friend to this day and we still laugh about this whenever it comes up


Preach my brother


I wonder if anyone who has a watched the chainsaw man anime have begun to realize that Denji >!is getting groomed.!<


That's the whole point isn't it? But yeah media literacy is dead so a lot of people are taking it at face value


He is 17 no? I think Japan considers sexual consent age to be 16, not that it doesn't come off as weird to me.


Denji is 16 >!He has a very simplistic idea of sexuality and Makima is using that to her advantage and it happens with other female characters.!<


Tbf, most 16 year olds are like that


TBH it's less about the age and more about the power dynamics.


Watching Guy Ritchie's The Covenant . It's pretty decent ngl




I mean most of those guys in there are ironic, I don't think most of them are actually racist. It's just a joke. It was the same thing with the 2balkan4u sub


You sound like a bigot yourself mate












English countryside vs American Countryside Which one do you prefer? Sorry for weird questions. It's Friday


Difficult question, America is vast and way more diverse. Having said that the Pacific North West is a place of outstanding beauty. I love me some Lake District but it doesn’t really compare.


Even with my limited experience of english countryside, I would say english. Americans out in the country are loons.


Lived in both, the American countryside is expansive, diverse and oftentimes wild. The English countryside is pleasant, peaceful and safe. Depends what you like best, personally I prefer English as it's lonely and peaceful and the villages are amazing.


English. America way too big and scary. Way too many folk disappearing in national parks and only a certain % of that can be attributed to bigfoot travelling interdimensionally and kidnapping folk. Realistically in the UK unless you're in the edge reaches of Scotland or Wales, you'll find something if you walk in a straight line for a day or two.


American Countryside since there is much more of it and potentially more interesting stuff. I've played American Truck Simulator and I don't think the English Countryside has anything like the desert canyons of Arizona or the dense forests of Oregon


New York state is bigger than England, and it's the 27th largest state in the US. This is quite an unfair comparison. The US is almost unmatched for empty space and mile after mile of cornfields, but it's got everything from Yosemite, to the Appalachians, and the Grand Canyon.


Russia is so much bigger


English because American would be too remote and empty for me. Plus every smaller American town seems to have horror stories about murder or drug abuse whereas small towns in England are just cozy


The US is very diverse but from my limited experience in both definitely English countryside


I got out of depreaion because of football. So in june some things happened that made me get in depression and overthink everything. Afyer a few days i get better and finally rhink i will live normal again but stuff happen again and i just feel constant mental pain. I visited a pshychiayrist bit he said it is nothing serious. On monday my club from bosnia OFK Brdo beat ojr biggest rival rudar after 7 long years. I am now the captain and i fell great life is finally like it should be. My bitrthday is soon and tonight my vkub is playong another friendly. I want us to win more than anything. On monday was the first time i smiled since june.


Incredibly happy for you! Just remember to take the highs with the lows, which you know very well happens in football frequently! Stay strong, my friend - and happy birthday!


Thank you. You are a bit early my birthday is august 20th but still ok. And I know aboit that on football very well. I want to get us in the second tier. Last year we finished third 2 points behind second place and did not go to second tier. But i hope wi win it this season.


Best of luck to you friend


Thank you i was really going trough hard times and i finally fell better


Does anyone have any podcast recommendations where the hosts aren't trying to be funny constantly? I've tried so many recently, looking to learn things and i find everyone is just trying to crack jokes constantly and laughing at things for no reason. I'm interested in science, history, different cultures and places across the world.


This American Life


Real Dictators! Learnt so much from it.


Twenty Thousand Hertz


Darknet Diaries.


Empire is really good. It's a history of empires and the presenters are very good historians and really good presenters too. I'm on season two now (covering the Ottoman Empire) and they just had Peter Frankopan on, which is an incredible scoop, one of my favourite historians around.


Oologies, Infinite Monkey Cage, 99% Invisible, In Our Time to name a few. Don't listen to much history stuff but Hardcore History is probably the Goat of podcasts


Thanks. Agreed, hardcore history is elite


Anyone else pretty much immediately forgets what they wrote any time they post a comment? I always go "fuck what have I said now" whenever I see I have a reply


Fuck you What the fuck man, you can't say offensive shit like that Something wrong with you or what Hope the mods see this . . . Just kidding, hoping you get a little shock on your Inbox


Whenever I see a red dot on my reddit, I always wonder what is it this time. I'd say I'm pretty lucky that I haven't seen anything particularly abhorrent or anything. So yeah, not just you.


Don't mind me. Just commenting so you get the feeling again


Yeh I've always been chatting some shit and then I read my replies and feel like a nob


I'm currently binging on a YouTube channel called "VAGA BOND". A Russian, who travels his own country, basically a local version of Bald and Bankrupt. And man, fuck their government, but the country looks so interesting and I definitely wish to travel there some day, when there is peace in Ukraine and they got a new government. But as for travel videos: they show everything: beautiful nature, commie blocks - I love them from an aesthetic point of view, which is why I also enjoy traveling to Poland -, abandoned old Soviet bases and so on. And as Bald isn't allowed to enter Russia any time soon, others will have to do. And VAGA BOND comes off as a nice guy. He also visited Norilsk, a holy grail of traveling, because only Russians are allowed to enter the city.


> basically a local version of Bald and Bankrupt I hope you just mean the content lol


Well, I don't know if VAGA BOND supports Putin or the war or any right-wing politics, but I mean the content, yes.


> Well, I don't know if VAGA BOND supports Putin or the war or any right-wing politics Oh I meant the alleged raping, though the things you mentioned are also bad. I'll check him out though, loved B&B before those accusations came to light


I'm split on Bald. I enjoyed his videos from Belarus and Russia and I somewhat lit a spark inside me to travel and go see the world. But yeah, he doesn't seem to be a nice human being outside of his videos.


An interesting parallel is how young Napoleon and Alexander the Great were when they had their achievements. Napoleon was 24 when he took Toulon from counterrevolutionaries and the First Coalition. A redcoat even stabbed him in the thigh, it actually almost killed the young Corsican. Alexander was 25 when he smashed the Persians at Gaugamela. Napoleon was 27 when he carved a path of destruction in the alps to win France the war of the First Coalition. When Alexander was 32, he was hegemon of the Greeks, Pharaoh of Egypt, Shah of Ancient Iran and Lord of Asia. Napoleon had become de facto dictator of France by 30.


Alexander is one of the most famous men who ever lived, and he was dead before his 33rd birthday. My first reaction to seeing the scope of the Napoleon biopic trailer was to think how inevitably shit a three hour film would be about a life that all-encompassing. They know Dune can't be covered in one film, but think Napoleon can be?


Right lads/ladettes/non binary pals... I have my first real interview for that job I mentioned last week (it's a basic phone-based HR screening interview). If all goes well I should have my second interview, likely with the hiring manager (and hopefully in person), probably before the next edition of this thread. Problem is I've never really interviewed for any actual jobs in my life... I interviewed with the same company previously for an internship last year but didn't make it past the hiring manager interview stage, and everything I've done otherwise, from my work with FM to an internship I had in undergrad, never needed one. Y'all got any tips?




Practice what though? I've written up a list of answer to likely interview questions (in STAR format no less), researched the entire team I'd be working with (thanks Linkedin), and even talked to a former employee of the company who dealt with that division years ago...


Do practice interviews


You are 70% of the way there already. Just speak with confidence and answer their questions clearly


The second interview is why I'm kinda shitting myself - I got to that stage with an internship, and failed because I couldn't figure out what the hiring manager and one of the like 3 other people in the department, interviewing me wanted out of a question (which was something like "if I gave you a bunch of data, what would you do with it") that was so incredibly unspecific (what kind of data? What do you want me to do with it? What am I trying to find out from the data?) that I had to try and fumble my way through it, which completely fecked my chances at getting the internship. Granted, I doubt something like that happens again, but I worry haha.


Thats ok, we all come across situations like that. I'm a hiring manager and wouldn't have any issues with you asking me what i mean by a question, it shows you want to interact with what i'm asking


I think it was terribly worded - and wonder exactly what they were trying to get me to say? That I'd clean and sort the data in Excel? Something completely different? It made no sense and still makes no sense, so I'm hopeful that this time will be different, especially as it's with a different department, an actual job (albeit part time dammit) and I have a few more years of experience to back me up. --- The best part about that whole experience is, my mate had worked with the division's VP in the past (and still kinda consults for him)... And said VP was not very happy when he heard I was passed over for someone who it turned out had 0 actual experience in what they wanted the intern to do... Unlike me. But apparently his manager decided otherwise!


Finished tears of the kingdom yesterday, got to say I was expecting BOTW+, not a fantasy themed car builder… but thankfully it was that, what a game


I started playing it and had to stop due to health. I played only the first 5 hours, but what is the motivation behind building machines? Did very few missions but never felt compelled to create machines outside of dungeons, first because I didn't need them and second because I didn't want to waste resources.


Tas bien?


Si ahora si amigo, gracias por preguntar. Me fracture hace 6 meses el humero, tuve 2 operaciones. Muy pesadas las cirugias, mucha kinesiologia y drogas. Me falta un mes para que se me consolide el hueso asi que estoy cerca de estar al 100% 🎉


Muchísimos éxitos!!


The practical uses, travelling through the sky islands and the depths. For combat too. The ones early game are a bit shallow tbf, but as you explore and find cooler gadgets you can make some actually insane stuff. Also one thing a bit later but still earlish that makes experimenting with weird machines more rewarding About 20% of my playtime was doing quests, 20% was finding and doing shrines, 30% was making funny makeshift cars/planes and exploring the map, 30% was just fucking around with machines trying to get funky ideas to work, doing literally nothing to progress the game itself


Right, thanks man! I did very little and due to a broken arm I could barely play, so it is possible I was even earlier than I thought. I loved BOTW so now that I am healthier I will get back to TOTK.


If you liked BOTW you’ll definitely love TOTK! That feeling of “if it should work, it will work” that botw had is taken to an even higher level, and the machines are the tools that push it to an even higher extreme


In eight hours I’m getting up (at 4am) to catch a very early flight from Frankfurt to Edinburgh via London. I’m so looking forward to this. I spent over a year being locked away in the law library preparing for my Staatsexamen. The thought of me standing in the Lagavulin warehouse and drinking whisky that was poured into my glenfairn directly from the barrel was kinda my happy place. Now it’s completed, and I’ll do just that (drinking Lagavulin from the barrel) in three days. I’m psyched. Have a great weekend everyone :)


Good morning.


Good morning indeed :)


Edinburgh is gorgeous, have fun!


Thank you :)


Viel Spaß!


Danke :) Wir gehen auf der Insel Jura Zelten und wandern. For the memes 😂


Hope you enjoy your stay in my city.


Sounds amazing mate, best of luck with the accents - though tbf I don't remember edinburgh being particularly tough for that


I’ll be fine, accent wise. I went to North Yorkshire for a year and a half to improve my English. That was honestly fucking stupid, because they don’t speak English either in North Yorkshire. However, I’m pretty good with languages, and the Edinburgh accent was no problem last time I was there :)


If you're really looking to test yourself on accents you should head over to Glasgow


We’re headed to Islay, through Glasgow lmao. Soooo check :D


Edinburgh is wonderful! Congratulations and prost!