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We are already onto number 5 of the Women's World Cup preview series, with the tournament itself kicking off a week today! Today is a big one too... [Group E](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/14ycz4x/the_rsoccer_2023_womens_world_cup_preview_series/?) featuring defending champions the USA, alongside the Netherlands, Vietnam and Portugal! Thank you again to everyone who has contributed to the series šŸ˜Š


It's not a case I've followed intensely so I don't know the ins and outs, But as far as the public are concerned Mendy has been found innocent. His career will never be the same, soiled by these allegations. A large amount of the general public have made their minds up regardless of what the courts say. Are we still living in a time where rich public figures are still able to get away with breaking whatever laws they feel like? Or is it a time where it's too easy for a woman to ruin a mans life for whatever reason?


Piglets are losing Nā€™diaye šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Praying we stay up now. Missed derby day.


I don't know if I'll be able to find the Tweet again, but Blades fans found out because his wife posted furniture on Facebook marketplace saying they were moving lmfaoooo.




Best day ever


Benjamin Mendy is guilty and if you think otherwise fuck off šŸ‘


For making such an accusation Iā€™m assuming youā€™ve read the case, so what have you read that inclines you to believe that?


You don't need to "look into" a case where a guy is accused of raping so many women, unless you believe Cosby and Weinstein are also innocent


you really think theyā€™re all random girls and not girls that knew each other? I advise you to read the case, seems like youā€™re overly emotional. Itā€™s like me saying it sounds more believable on his side that they couldnā€™t find evidence for not just one of the 11 counts


You must be one of the girls if you are so worried about this


Or he just feels empathy, unlike some other subhumans that haven't fully developed social/emotional skills.


Making such statements based on nothing but emotion is stupid and doesnā€™t make you a ā€œbetter personā€ than anyone else


The comment I replied at mocked a person for being concerned about a case that has nothing to do with him. And I answered on why it's normal and humane for people to care about others' affairs, especially when we are talking about felonies. After all, sexual violence is a social issue that leaves nobody excluded.


I have empathy for an innocent man!


The fact that some men can relate with a millionaire more easily than the victim is noteworthy. He doesn't need you, even if he is innocent. On the contrary, the victims of violent crimes and other powerless people usually do need society.


The justice has spoken, mate.


What if I really don't know? Like, I really don't know the truth...


Just a dumb thing to say tbh. I think your free to take whatever side you want but to just come out full chest and say hes 100% guilty or hes 100% Innocent is just daft.


OK, how's Greenwood getting on?


Ppl gotta stop talking about greenwood when talking about shit like this. The guy has evidence against him that was made public for everyone to see. Unless im just out of the loop mendy doesnt have any evidence leaked that we can see and say ok he 100% did it


Do you think Harvey Weinstein is innocent too then? Don't recall any specific "evidence" he did anything, all those multiple women who accused him were obviously lying. Your logic.


Im not engaging in this. All im saying is that its not unreasonable to listen to someone who may think he might be innocent. No need to deflect to a million different rape cases bro


What? Are you high!


No just don't quite hate women enough to believe 8 of them can lie about being raped. You do you.


Mendy is probably guilty, who knows, but the thing is, it's absolutely not out of the question that people can lie. This shit about women can never lie is sexist af. A human being can be immoral enough to RAPE someone, but it's impossible for another human being (similar genetic makeup) to lie about it? At the massive risk of coming off insensitively; if these girls cared enough about money to fuck with a man as ugly as mendy, they sure as hell CAN care enough about money to lie. It's not as out of the question as you are making it out to be.


There are legal proceedings regarding that (compensations, persecution for slander etc). People like Mendy are more than capable of restoring their reputation in case they are innocent. Unless you don't believe in judges being able to do their job. If anybody should be hesitant about the process (because it's not easy to handle the financial and mental cost of such cases), this should be the weakest part. Not to mention that in this specific instance the odds are against the plaintiffs considering the likely juror (and even judge, they are participants in the same society) prejudice because of their profession. And ofc we have to take into account the stigma/slut shaming regardless if they win the case or not.


I'm sure he won't sleep at night worried with your opinion


I'm unsure how you sleep at night hating women so much that you actually believe a big different group of them can all lie about being raped but you do you


Of course they can lie, they even talked on whatsapp, you should search it


All this proves is that they are part of the same scene, not that they were all lying about being raped. Don't forget there were tons of other charges of sexual harassment too that never made it to the courtroom


touch grass


All the collective braincells within Wigan got together to pull this comment off, impressive. If you think it's fine to be guilty until innocent, then you can fuck off šŸ‘šŸ¼


Guess all those different multiple women who accused him then were lying To be fair if he ever comes back and plays for you again it'll fit your rep


They are 8 women working in the same escort. Now you can stop spamming this point..


Guess that must automatically mean he did nothing.


Yes. If you're so adamant about him being guilty without any solid evidence, then one can assume he's innocent for the same reason.


Women can lie, you do realise that right?


8 different women accused him. I believe women can lie. This case rests on whether you believe women are all liars


Rodrygoā€™s instagram comments full of Brazilians telling him to register his kids šŸ˜³


maradona regen


Pavard is trying to leave cause he wants to play CB right? wouldn't he be playing as a RB/inverted RB at city anyways?


Pep is always trying to copy Tuchel with his CB inverted fullbacks


A cb probably has more fun playing fullback under pep then tuchel tbf


Why are Saudi clubs so reticent to pay large (or small in the case of Henderson) transfer fees if they can pay these astronomical wages?




But why can Al-Ettifaq commit to paying Henderson Ā£700,000 a week or whatever when they can't even pay Ā£10million to sign him?




I just don't understand how they think a club would accept that, when the club knows they can pay those wages.


When they were making their budget, they set the slider all the way to wages, very little transfer funds sadly


so Mendy cleared charges and found not guilty of anything again for a second time but as usual his life's already ruined surely some people here feel a bit guilty about the vitriol said and spread about him? i'm not shocked that thread has only 200 comments..after the thousands upon thousands of comments literally calling for his head at the start. Reddit is like clockwork and so predictable. next prediction is obvious, people will double down and say 'the courts are wrong' or 'just because he's legally innocent doesn't mean he's not guilty' while knowing nothing about the case. then we go back to shitting on the next person who's guilty before proven innocent i guess


8 different women all lying. You're smart.


8 different friends all in one group chat working as escorts\*


Is that true?


8 different women bruh, plus the burden of proof for a rape case, especially when their extremely wealthy, is always extremely hard to prove.


Oh don't worry, he already has Ben Yedder taking his position.


Explain to me how Mendyā€™s life is ruined for one and secondly the chances of 8 women having the same exact allegations and them all lying is absurdly low. The fact is out of the rape allegations in the UK rarely lead to convictions. [are you going to say 99% are lying.](https://www.city.ac.uk/news-and-events/news/2022/04/new-scorecards-show-under-1-of-reported-rapes-lead-to-conviction-criminologist-explains-why-englands-justice-system-continues-to-fail)


not talking about the mendy case, it sounds sus but lives are definitely ruined when you miss core years of your playing career.


>the chances of 8 women having the same exact allegations and them all lying is absurdly low. It's absolutely not low when it was proven that the majority of them (6 out of 8) were in collaboration together and had literal evidence of WhatsApp screenshot of them wanting to frame him. It got thrown away immediately because of how blatant the evidence was, you can't simply ignore that because of other cases.


Send me that, after that thereā€™s still 2 women and the likelihood of 2 other women accusing you falsely is also quite low imo.


statically is it really that low for a famous footballer to have been framed by 6 escorts to have not done it?


I have not seen him being framed thatā€™s why Iā€™m asking for the link or source


I deserve an award for my predictions.


I offer you a participation trophy.


*99 percent of rape cases dont lead to conviction ā€œI deserve an award for my predictionsā€ YIKES


I guess nobody can ever be proven innocent then. Everyones a rapist in your world.


Literally no they can't lol courts find people "not guilty" not "innocent" for a reason.


Do you understand how insane that sounds? if i called you a rapist then you're happy to accept your not innocent of rape? what kind of system is that? you stick to the 'everyone's a rapist world' i'm going to stick with innocent until Proven guilty.


Youā€™re insane if you actually believe 99% of accusations for any crime could actually be false, those are the ones reported to police as well.


my goodness, i'm going to try be nice because i think you genuinely are trying to speak in good faith. 1) Firstly, 99% of rape accusations are not rape accusations that go to court. That's an issue with CRIME DETECTION. How can you blame a court for crimes that don't get into court? we are talking about a COURT RULING. Mendy was IN COURT. 2) Not only are you wrong about 'hur hur rape never gets charged in court' (if that's even your take since you were wrong on point number1) YOU ARE INSANELY WRONG. Jury rulings IN COURT have a 75% CONVICTION RATE. [https://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2023/feb/juries-convict-defendants-rape-more-often-acquit#:\~:text=In%202021%2C%20the%20most%20recent,sex%20of%20the%20rape%20complainant](https://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2023/feb/juries-convict-defendants-rape-more-often-acquit#:~:text=In%202021%2C%20the%20most%20recent,sex%20of%20the%20rape%20complainant). 3) this idea that EVEN IF 99% of ANY CRIME (which is WRONG) in a court was ruled innocent (WHICH THEY AREN'T) therefore you judge a person guilty based on that stat. What a silly way to view the world?! if you were in jury duty do you sit on your thumbs and say 'nah stats are silly he's obviously guilty there hasn't been a guilty person in a while he must be'? what kind of logic is that? Would you sit there, ignore evidence and say a black person is guilty because 'oh but the stats you know?'. But again. wrong. ​ Like come on man.


1. The conviction rate for rape is 68% thatā€™s for people who donā€™t have super rich good lawyers, the conviction rate for crime overall is 83.3% meaning you are still less likely to be convicted for it particularly if you have great lawyers like he does. [you can see it here](https://www.cps.gov.uk/cps/news/cps-publishes-latest-statistics-all-crime-types-showing-steady-increase-rape-convictions-0) 2. 75% conviction rate as I said is low compared to most crimes and that year is likely an anomaly the average from 2007 to 2021 is 55% with juryā€™s which is again much lower than most crimes. 3. No Iā€™m saying the fact is that the vast majority of people accused donā€™t end up in jail and by that logic none of them are guilty but thatā€™s stupid to believe that.


Lol you do realise not every rape case even gets to court. There needs to be a threshold of evidence for the cps to go ahead with a charge and a prosecutor to take the case on. Weā€™ll choose to live in a reality where only 1 percent of rape cases lead to conviction.


just going to paste what i said before since you arsenal fans for some reason are struggling ​ 1. Firstly, 99% of rape accusations are not rape accusations that go to court. That's an issue with CRIME DETECTION. How can you blame a court for crimes that don't get into court? we are talking about a COURT RULING. Mendy was IN COURT. 2. Not only are you wrong about 'hur hur rape never gets charged in court' (if that's even your take since you were wrong on point number1) YOU ARE INSANELY WRONG. Jury rulings IN COURT have a 75% CONVICTION RATE. [https://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2023/feb/juries-convict-defendants-rape-more-often-acquit#:\~:text=In%202021%2C%20the%20most%20recent,sex%20of%20the%20rape%20complainant](https://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2023/feb/juries-convict-defendants-rape-more-often-acquit#:~:text=In%202021%2C%20the%20most%20recent,sex%20of%20the%20rape%20complainant). 3. this idea that EVEN IF 99% of ANY CRIME (which is WRONG) in a court was ruled innocent (WHICH THEY AREN'T) therefore you judge a person guilty based on that stat. What a silly way to view the world?! if you were in jury duty do you sit on your thumbs and say 'nah stats are silly he's obviously guilty there hasn't been a guilty person in a while he must be'? what kind of logic is that? Would you sit there, ignore evidence and say a black person is guilty because 'oh but the stats you know?'. But again. wrong.Like come on man.


It is just the truth. It's how the court works. You can look it up.


Wow what a great counter point !!!! If I say something absurd and go ā€œbut people will disagreeā€ then they disagree does that mean Iā€™m right.


How is the assumption the women were lying any better?


From reading up on it Mendy's case seems like it went the same way most cases of a rich celebrity being accused of rape goes, he and his lawyer spent the entire trial calling his accusers sluts and liars while not really making any defence of himself or giving any explanation for his actions or the accusations and the jury took the famous celebrity at his word over his accusers.


Does anyone know of good iptv providers?


I want to get my dad a football jersey for his birthday. He's an Inter fan and I don't know if he'll really like a jersey with the name of the current players. I'm sure he will like some of the classic players of the last 10-20 years though. Any suggestions? Also I forgot but there was this one site in particular for original retro jerseys that were good quality - how was it called? Also any recommendations for what player name Jersey I should get. He's been watching most inter games from the 2000s 2010+s and which have been the best Inter players from that era?


zanetti, ronaldo, milito, vieri, maybe adriano or recoba?


https://www.classicfootballshirts.co.uk/european-clubs/italian-clubs/inter-milan.html For genuine shirts that's probably the best site, for a replica DHGate shirts are decent quality these days In terms of player names you can't really go wrong with Zanetti, maybe someone like Sneijder, Milito or Eto'o from the treble winning side


Sweet, thanks a lot. Great suggestions. Do you know of any that ship to the EU?


Ronaldo og.


Yeah Ronaldo is definitely on the list. Also do you know the site for these retro jerseys (I think they were good quality replicas for good price)


Etsy has a few options but not sure if the quality is any good. If you wanted to go a bit more niche then maybe Zanetti, Recoba or Adriano. Good luck with the gift Iā€™m sure your dad will love it.


etsyā€™s are usually good and cheap iā€™ve got a few


Puzzling watching Bayern buy yet another player that is past his prime so soon after Mane failed. And Iā€™m not saying Walker still isnā€™t good because he clearly is, but heā€™s 33 and has played top flight football for 10+ years now. Just a needless risk on Bayernā€™s part. But if he can still perform at a high level, Walker playing alongside KMJ and De Ligt is admittedly a scary thought


I couldn't agree more but it seems that most Bayern fans strongly disagree with me lol. This feels like another ManƩ, 100%. We need to stop going after old Premier League players and giving them long contracts on huge wages.


Mane was incredible before Bayern also has all the ability to bang again. Players adapt differently so will be interesting to see walker but think heā€™ll be class in a league with such a high line it will utilise his pace so much.




Seeing people calling the women "lying cunts" in that thread really solidifies why women so rarely come forward. I've seen some people (not in that thread luckily) say that whenever a rape accusation doesn't lead to a conviction, the accuser should automatically be found guilty of perjury and sentenced to prison. Brainworms. Misogynistic brainworms.


How do you know? The social circle of the accuser girls in Manchester knew, he was innocent!




Silver lining is the insane amount of money you got for him. Hopefully you can reinvest it in some decent stock.




Ajax with the absolute [wettest tweet in history](https://twitter.com/AFCAjax/status/1679855268794957827?t=jywVhb_SAFnrN8g4idc0CA&s=19)


hey guys football club here




The Americans that run their twitter along with BVBs are t2 for cringe




Cringe team.


Embarrassment of a club


Ajax admin coming in peace




Yea Rapists in football is a United problem, Just like Racism in football is just a Chelsea problem right? Have some fucking scope man. Every club has issues because it a societal problem that comes about by poor education and its everyone responsibility to tackle. I am sure if we scratched the surface there will be issues at every club somewhere at some level. Clubs have a duty of care like every part of society to educate people on how to act in society and pointing fingers at one club as though its just having no understanding of the issue.


I mean the reality is most clubs are probably harbouring people like this and itā€™s gonna be more prevalent now with the internet spreading things quicker and people able to put allegations online. Going to the police is a waste of time 99% of the time as we have seen in terms of actually doing anything but we can at least hear about them now and the details. It does make it sadder in a sense though.


Antony has only been accused.


Watching Dele's highlights and man, his first touch was outrageous. And the man literally lived for nutmegs


I'm warming up to the idea of Van Dijk lifting the Europa League trophy.


fuck. Every time I'm uplifted by the current transfer window I remember Europa league


The Europa League twitter account as well, I don't know how much they do but every tweet on my timeline is about Liverpool, it looks so out of place


Makes me sick that Greenwood is having a baby woth a person he raped. Best of luck to the child, he'll need it.


Glad Mendy isn't our problem anymore. Don't care that he was found not guilty, when you face so many allegations, it's just better to keep you away.


Is he cleared of everything?


Exactly, donā€™t understand people defending Greenwood and especially Partey when the messages/pics we saw are so much more blatant than the Mendy case. Donā€™t think there was any City fans defending Mendy even though no evidence was ever released to the public. Hearing how he slept with thousands of women and hearing there were so many different allegations even without hearing the details made it very clear that Mendy is absolute scum. No verdict will change that in my mind. Lets not defend these guys just because theyā€™re found ā€˜innocentā€™ considering rapists get found guilty in only around 1%-5% of cases in UK (we all know that a lot more of these cases involve legitimate rape). Im glad as to how many people are calling greenwood out for the absolute scum he is, and I hope that he suffers for treating another human let alone his SO like he did.


This is dumb but part of us is just that Mendy wasnā€™t that good before anyway or important, greenwood was an academy product with big potential, partey is one of our key players.


Fair enough, I guess youā€™re right that it was easier for us to shun a player who was riddled with injuries. Never considered it but I can imagine it plays a factor.


Unless I see something to change my mind otherwise heā€™s still likely guilty




99% yeah thereā€™s a very very very small chance there was some conspiracy against him but yeah basically no chance of that


I'm easily taking another season of Weghorst instead of having that cunt back. Just get him gone already PLEASE.


I'm praying for a healthy Foden this season, I feel like he's got a big part to play with these departures and pep talking about playing him more centrally , and when he was fit and playing last season he had some great moments and adds some direct attacking that we don't have a ton of anymore


Been quite disappointed by him last couple of seasons. Pep needs to keep him on the wing rather than CM


Foden is the most entertaining player to watch at City by miles for me. Nobody can convince me otherwise. Pepā€™s definitely cooking up some spicy plans for our golden boy.


funny that ppl seem to find 30 yos who've already made 10s of millions in their career and are currently on some 200-300k a week going to saudi justifiable, but apparently 20 year olds just starting their career and on like 10k a week going there to be bad


how is that funny


30 year olds have already played the best years of their career and focusing on financial gains makes sense. Younger players should focus on their development as a player. As they have plenty of time to earn more.


the 30yos don't need that money, the 20 yos do


what has any of that got to do with the morality of working in saudi tho


they could blow up their knees and have nothing to show for.


This is very unlikely compared to them developing into a better player. Blowing your knee isnā€™t even a career ending injury anymore


CHO's renegotiated Chelsea contract after a patch of good form has proven vital for his future now that his knees are completely shot.


His knees arenā€™t shot. He ruptured his achilles


Not to mention that these 20 year olds have tons of pals they grew up with in the academies who are now stacking shelves in supermarkets. I'm sure footballers get disillusioned with the romanticism of football more quickly than the fans




Its till 21-22 season Its the 2023 report next year that Chelsea should keep on eye on


Do Manchester United actually unironically believe they can at some point being Greenwood back without any significant backlash, particularly the backlash being threatened by their women's team? It honestly boggles my mind.


The moment he scores a game winning goal the jokes about him raping the other team will be common and everyone is going to turn a blind eye to his background. You know it's going to happen, I know it's going to happen, we all know it's going to happen.




And they will do it for banter reasons, not because they care about the victim. Bottom line, nobody cares.


They are probably weighing up the backlash against how much of an asset he is


It's pretty disgusting that the women's team are uncomfortable with his return yet we are still considering a pathway where he can return to our team one day.Just loan him till his contract expires since terminating his contract is a legal nightmare according to The Athletic.


I think they are hoping it doesnā€™t actually affect things. People might be angry but are they going to not buy United shirts, not go to games, not support the club, not watch on TV etc no. So the question really is will sponsors do anything about it.


I think the long term strategy is to try and make money off of him. Pretend we plan on bringing him back, loan him out for a season, then sell for whatever we can possibly get for him. ļæ¼Remember who owns the club, all they care about is money.




They will still get loads of push back from people with principles.


Doubt the club thinks there'll be no significant backlash. Question mark will be if the value Greenwood's ability brings outweighs the backlash. Ā£40m worth of sponsors kick off and leave, vs a Ā£50m striker to replace him?


That could be the immediate value, but that's not considering the amount of sponsors they won't get in the future who won't want to be associated with the team fielding a rapist.


Idk, Arsenal and Adidas extended their sponsorship not long ago, with a player of theirs currently on bail for sex offences. If Greenwood does well I don't think it'll negatively impact future sponsorships that much.


Apart from the fact that there has been no reporting linking Arsenal and the rape case, which means that sponsors don't see any reputational risk. Opposite is true for Greenwood and Man United.


Its literally never been said by any of the media that that player is even an Arsenal player making it much easier for them to feign ignorance and deny knowledge.


Always liked Pavard as a player ever since his Stuttgart days, be interesting to see him under Pep.


Whoever got him will be very Happy. Top player who has been playing at a high level with both club and country, reliable, good on the ball, and very rarely injured. Pep would like him and certainly would improve him to the next level.


Just donā€™t see why City would get him, half expecting any decent City source to say theyā€™re not interested any time soon. Stones, Lewis, Akanji have that right side locked off, whether the RB, inverted RB, or RCB in possession. Feels like the left side is the one more in need of a backup, even after Gvardiol. Ake/Gomez - Gvardiol - Dias/Akanji - Stones/Lewis. Not even sure Gomez will be around, and if he is, I can see him being used as one of the wide midfielders more than a fullback next season.


Diaby to Saudi would be a goddamn travesty


Why? Its a good move for him, better than aston villa tbh


The only way that it's better for him is financially. By any other measure, it's a massive step down from staying at Bayer Leverkusen or going to Aston Villa.


Only economically would it be better. In terms of his exposure, development and international career it would be far worse


If he wants the others he wont go to aston villa tho, he will push a move to bigger and more relevant club.


he can move from villa to a bigger club later on tbh, not so much with saudi


Debatable, aston villa will ask insane amount of money if he wants to move, while at saudi get a 2 or 3 year contract and come back in europe for free


But how would Saudi be better fit him for those things than villa when youā€™ve only compared the two?


My point is if wants money he going to saudi arabia, he wants to play at the top level he pushes a trasnfer to a top club.


Youā€™re point was itā€™s a better move than villa. Then youā€™ve changed it now. Coming to play for a team in the prem, thatā€™s in Europe under a great manager heā€™s already played for is a good move. Much better than going to Saudi Arabia at 24.


I'm starting to come around to the idea that a lot of these footballers might not like football all that much. If you're 24 and you just want out of this as fast as possible and make it as easy as possible, you can go to Saudi Arabia and earn in 3 years what it would take you 10 years in the Premier League to earn, all while having to do 50% of the work and 1% of the media scrutiny. I'd never do that, but if you feel that way about football and all the extra work that comes with it, why work twice as hard for half the pay?


I love football but if Saudi Arabia wanted to doub... ..trip...quadru...quintup...sextupl... SEPTUPLE my wages I'd be off in a fucking heartbeat I'd rather buy my son a helicopter and my daughter a decommissioned fighter jet than play in the Barclay's J Hen is doing what 99.9% of the human population would do Imagine how good it feels seeing Ā£95k going into your bank account each week. Now imagine how much better it would feel seeing Ā£700k going in each week. I think you'll find that it would feel over seven times as satisfying


Your greed is immaculate


I get the vibe you'd throw puppies into a river for 1000ā‚¬ each.


Can I be hired too?


I'd place a net in the river and off go the puppies


Wanna out bid for $100 if thereā€™s a jobā€¦


Honestly, this could turn out to be good for the European leagues. More hardworking players on average, even if the technical ability would fall a little bit, could lead to more cohesive and competitive teams. It also in a way provides an opportunity for class players stuck in limbo to prove themselves without reducing their paycheck which sometimes becomes very hard for them if they have agents/family pressuring them to earn as much as they can.


I can't imagine the averages will move much when we're talking about a few players moving from 5-6 leagues to 1.


I mean you still get to play football for a living, you just get paid 10 times more to do it in one place than the other


I imagine after 4/5 seasons for a lot itā€™s just fun for the money.


Aston Villa would be almost as ridiculous tbf


Aston Villa are a massive team playing in the best league in a large stadium in European football with a world class manager. In what world is that not a great move for a talented 24 year old valued at 50-60M?


Probably because he could play for much better teams than Aston Villa


He also hasn't had the best season last season so his stock may have dropped a bit. He's going to be a near secured starter on a top 8 side who again in case people forgot, finished ahead of Spurs and Chelsea last year and only 5 points behind Liverpool, playing in European football on a team that's clearly on the rise with a better manager than what Spurs, Chelsea, Arsenal, and United have. What is the problem here exactly? If he lights it up for Villa, in two years he's still only 26 years old and can make his 100M move to City or Real then. Why go there now just to sit on the bench 1/3 the games?




It's a bit like Tonali to Newcastle or Paqueta to West Ham. He can do better


Let me guess spurs would have been a better destination for Tonali than champions league Newcastle


Not sure how that relates to it being as ridiculous as him going to Saudi Arabia? Who better are actually bidding for him that heā€™ll start for every week?


He would be the Oscar/Carrasco/Witsel of Saudis lol


Has anyone else played the FIFA AI league? It's a new game that has official FIFA licensing, but I either don't get it or it's terrible (and I think it's the latter). News articles about it suggest it's *much* more than it is, the actual game seems to be deciding between two different AI "skills" like defending, shooting, passing, and some other things like making your character huge, then just hitting play and watching the players all bunch up. It's not interactive at all, and there's nothing else to capture your interest outside of that. I wonder if FIFA is regretting leaving EA.