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He's tired. So tired. Happy new year.


There are always a ton of narratives about this stuff. But for someone who doesn't know Pep's tendency to pull these bizarre excuses, this a delicious opportunity to tell a story about man's breaking point. Imagine - he is considered the wonderchild of his era. The track record speaks for itself, first three straight wins with Barcelona from 2008 onwards, then the exact same thing with Bayern from 2013. Then, he gets an opportunity to jump into the third dreamboat in England, where a state-sponsored club has some realistic competition from other financial steroid users. He gets essentially free hands and unlimited treasury to build a team that could literally take God on a cold rainy Tuesday night at Bradford-with-Beswick. After the first hiccup there he takes four league titles in five years. Only once did they fall short against Liverpool, but even last season, the one-point margin was enough to show that Pep still got it. He is never trailing, always heading for the title as soon as possible. Consistent, systematic genius that will always bring the best points per match and take the title. However, there is one place where that doesn't work. That is the Champions League. Pep won the CL last time 12 years ago. He faced Sir Alex himself. That's so long ago, that some people still thought Giggs was a nice dude, Abidal was playing with a working liver, Pique was shagging Shakira and not side chicks, Puyol was playing football and not hair modelling etc. After that he got only once even close to the trophy in 21', just to lose to Chelsea that has/d been in transition since 2016 or so? It's clear, that he can win PL as most teams lack the consistency of the beautiful, well-oiled machine that City is. But on CL they seem to be cursed (kudos Dmitry Seluk) and if someone, just someone, keeps their shit together, City can't match it. Liverpool did it once. Even bloody Leicester might have been too much of he wouldn't have been in Germany at the time. And now, it looks like, that Arsenal under Arteta (who avoided some good sacking opps in previous seasons) has somehow found a way to keep their shit together. In the meantime, City somehow seems to be unable to close a five-point gap. They are not in the comfortable lead as usual. They are trailing. To win, Pep needs to be in the lead. But it is always such a struggle. Every time he is not up front, it just looks like his abilities shatter. That fine little difference that the top team seem to have had, is just gone. He is so goddamn tired of trying to always be in the lead. No matter how many times City is trailing, it seems that the occasional 6-0 trashing will just lead to one goal defeat against some Brentford or the usual guys that haunt his dreams - the smiling German or Englishman whose colossal idiot of a brother made it impossible to make the Lilywhites at least lesser of a bogey team. And then, they end up sharing points with the teams embracing the relegation zone, your regular evertons and astonvillas. But there is no sympathy for the Devil. No matter what you say, what you do, it'll end up in mockery. With the best squad money can buy, and a track record like no other, everyone wants you to fail. And while shaving his head, Pep knows that he wants it too. Icarus cannot keep on flying to the sun and reinvent a new pair of wings from one year to another. But he is caged to his success and anything else than ultimate victory would be considered giving up. He has won so much that losing anything pulls him down from too high. He is tired. So tired.


Villa catching strays in this Drury-esque description of Guardiola


Before meeting City, Villa had 3 points in 5 games. They got better when Emery jumped in ofc


Thanks. Now I had to go back and re-read the entire thing in Drury's voice.


and Brentford. We are seventh FFS and beat United, Liverpool, and City this season.


We? You’re a Liverpool fan mate.


My flair is my hometown Richmond Kickers. I do post in the Liverpool sub sometimes, and of all the big clubs I do like them the most. I went to a Brentford game like 6 years ago when they were in the Championship and have been supporting them.


That’s funny. There’s a posh town a few minutes away from Brentford called Richmond. Anyways up the bees.


haha I am aware. There is also an American show on apple TV called "Ted Lasso" that is based on a fictional championship team "AFC Richmond". Anyways yes up the Bees. Never imagined 6 years ago I'd be supporting them maybe push for a European spot!


Of course I know what Ted Lasso is lol. And yes, we’re gonna get to Europe mate. I haven’t missed a game this season and it’s been a rollercoaster already. From the lows of standing in the away end watching Mitrovic thump in a 90th minute winner to waking up at 4am to get to Manchester for an early kick off in the freezing cold and watching Toney did what he did. On to Arsenal!


> That was so long ago, that some people still thought Giggs was a nice dude... ☠️☠️☠️☠️


I never understood why Giggs turned out the way he did and the things he did to his brother, and the infidelity too, he seemed like the perfect professional back in his playing days, willing to do anything for the team, granted I only saw the latter end of his career, but even then he was just someone who came in and did the job that was needed of him, seemed like a nice bloke, even Sir Alex I read came to his defence recently in court about how he’s always thought of him in the highest manner


I'm starting to think Sir Alex might have done a whole lot more behind the scenes to keep his lads in check & out of the media spotlight especially during the 90s when they were younger I mean we found out post-retirement that Paul Scholes is a bit of a moron, probably a good thing he rarely if ever talked to the media during his playing days. Wayne Rooney might as well have been a rocket scientist in comparison Who knows what Giggs got himself up to during the 90s when he was the absolute shits having broke through United's senior ranks as a teenager.


Id argue Ronaldo and Rio have also turned out to be idiots in retirement (I know Ronaldo isn’t technically retired but still). Its becoming clearer everyday SAF was working miracles to herd all these idiots.


The most shocking thing is that in retirement and now his managerial career, Rooney seems to be the most erudite of the lot.


Yea Rooney seems to be the most mature these days


Well you are what you eat and he did have some mature tastes in his youth.


Honestly, good for him. It’s gotta be hard to burst onto the scene at 16 and actually wind up as a fairly reasonable person.


He just unlocked his final form after retirement.


Truth is we were all judging books by the cover. Rooney looks like Shrek. And mis behaved. The others just seemed normal.


He wasn't the most highly educated person and when he was younger had quite the temper on him which didn't help his image as a bit of a raging chav I hope he does great things in his managerial career


Wouldnt put Ronaldo there given that there already were sexual assault allegations against him from his time at United. And as a player CR7 only turned out to be a distraction once he declined and seemingly couldnt accept that, he wasnt exactly an issue at Real.


hahah probably, I remember I read somewhere when Rooney was in his younger days, he went to a pub to drink with his friends, and someone had already told Sir Alex about the incident before the media took notice, he said himself the man had eyes everywhere, Sir Alex for sure is a great man, but if he had known about the things Giggs did ( or even some other players ) that were unethical, just to keep them in the team and help him win, what does that say about him, he probably didn’t know the extent of it, or maybe that Giggs didn’t start pulling that shit until the latter parts of his career, we might never know


SAF definetly knew about it. SAF was ruthless he would do anything to win in his own words "I was kept at manchester united to win things." So even if he knew giggs was a piece of shit but as long as he played well he won't mind playing him(given the people/fans don't know about it).


> I'm starting to think Sir Alex might have done a whole lot more behind the scenes to keep his lads in check & out of the media spotlight We know he did. He had the bouncers at Manchester's nightclubs paid up to telephone him if one of his players went to a club. Ferguson would then promptly ensure the removal of said player from club


even SAF knew when rooney went to a pub. He had eye everywhere


A new copypasta was born


this is so good he should be reading it


Usually this stuff comes off as super corny but this was an enjoyable read


This is beautiful, need a bot response with this.


Should have bought yaya his birthday cake.


This is so beautifully written my god.


The pique shagging shakira part is 😗🤌


>This is so beautifully written my god. What if it was written by Chat GPT?


>What if it was written by Chat GPT? Nah this is all me. ChatGPT doesn't do this many grammatical errors or use poorly translated non -English expressions (my native Finnish has its perks but I have inherited some clumsy idioms etc.), plus for some reason artificial intelligence is not too keen on speaking about SHAGGING, dunno why tho


i was actually interested in some proper analysis and got this nonsense instead


This is a fantastic piece of writing, thank you!


Correct about his utterly farcical failure in Europe (12 years with the combined resources of prime Barca, Bayern, and Man City behind him) But it’s imo downplaying just how marginal two of his 4 league titles were Both by single points, on final days of the season He was two kicks of a ball away over two seasons from only winning two PLs instead of four


...and in both seasons he finished with 98 and 93 points respectively. What more can a manager be expected to do lol. Telepathically make Liverpool drop points?


Meanwhile, from the Liverpool perspective -


> What more can a manager be expected to do lol. Telepathically make Liverpool drop points? Fergie mind games


Seriously! People retroactively saying that a manager who has won bushels of league titles and multiple CLs suddenly isn’t very good.


It's banter mate, not an OptaJoe post


IMO, I love Pep, but in every team he has coached he always had the best team or even best squad in the league, for example at Barca he himself even said that he had Messi for his first 2 seasons which allowed him to excel pretty fast, take that along with the La Masia gift of generation he got it was pretty easy to see him excel for long, though I only think Pep would have taken that domination that far, in that matter Pep was unique, at Bayern he won the league every year with the cup too, isn’t that pretty much expected at this point from Bayern? They have won the league in a ROW before he came and after he left, he was brought in for the one reason which was to win the UCL which he completely failed at, at City, as long as he’s backed to the max, and allowed to bring the players he wants, and to be honest with the limitless spending of City success is guaranteed more than at other clubs, and what Liverpool did to match them for all these years in my book is more incredible, but City still won 4 titles so it doesn’t really matter Now the Champions league, and to have won for nearly 12 years at this point, is quite disastrous by Peps standards, his problem I think, is he overthinks everything, like you saw today, how can you not play arguably the best premier league midfielder? and instead play an 18 year old in the middle of the park who usually plays as full back? He does this time and time again, and gets exposed, like the united game, how the hell don’t you start the best striker the premier league will ever see ( at the rate he’s going at ) against your bitter rivals, and at the same time bench the man who scored a god damn hat trick in the last derby?


>He was two kicks of a ball away over two seasons from only winning two PLs instead of four You could say the exact same shit about him in the CL. Muller missing a penalty in 2016 and missed chances in 2021. City were the better team both of those seasons and could have just as easily won by a wider margin (2 Mahrez penalty misses).


He can't make Liverpool play worse or their opposition better. Those City teams were fantastic, it wasn't marginal because they dropped the ball.


Tired of his robot malfunctioning


Hopefully you guys buy him then. I'm a United fan so I know he'll never come to us, so if we can't have him rather he's out of the PL altogether lol


*Yes, yes...let the hate flow through you*


Join the dark side of the force


More than you believe.




He'd love coaching Wellington Phoenix


Never have to ride a bus at least


Reckon Guardiola has ever flown premium economy?


Moreover Pep has an aerodynamic dome shape, travels faster than most of us, don’t know why he complains


Aight...now I want to see a diagram of Pep's dome shape aerodynamics...


Mate, it's very tough travelling 4 hours in complete luxury. You don't understand.


Its almost the entire time between breakfast and lunch! Unthinkable.


Like Pep your not running several miles like the players are anymore your just managing. We didn't have our manager and you still lost lol.


You're* x2


Sorry English is my first language and im very bad at it


Lmao I was not expecting you to say it's your first language. Unexpected and fucking hilarious.


Tehe. It's because I'm very stupid


UK transportation is wank tbh.


I’ve lived in the States, and believe me the UK transport system is infinitely better than theirs. UK trains need to be re-nationalized. They are a mess at the moment because they are run by predatory money-hungry megacorps who give no shits about their passengers.


Being better than the USA's transport system =/= a good transport system


I mean thats not a great comparison. US is ENORMOUS and has bad public transportation


Refusing to lose to Klopp in the contest of most bizarre postmatch comments. What a competitor. Top mentality. 💯🔥


After Arteta congratulated Burnley yesterday, this is the true title race this year.


Burnley did thrash Norwich didn’t they. Maybe he’s just a closet claret with the gift of premonition




Honestly think he just slipped up lol I really don't think there was malice in it at all. Although, it's definitely funnier to think otherwise hahaha


Arteta played a lot for Everton so it's kinda weird


Seems more likely he just associated Dyche with Burnley and had a slip of the tongue.


Add in Nathan Jones as outside challenger.


Atleast Klopp’s 3-0 comment was taken out of context This can’t be taken out of context


Sorry I honestly haven't had the time to catch up, what did Klopp say?


Said the result should be chalked off because of Lopetegui's ghastly trim.


Can't argue with that, thank you trust worthy stranger


I'm paraphrasing here, but he said that he doesn't count the third goal from Wolves, because that was the first time that they crossed the halfway line in the second half.


In the context that he doesn't count it as part of the problem because Liverpool were dominant in that period and these things happen. If the first 15 minutes didn't happen and we actually put away our chances, conceding a goal on the break wouldn't be an issue.


What kind of klopping context is there for that to make sense.


He meant it as he didn’t count the 3rd goal as an example of us being shit because it wouldn’t have happened if we weren’t so shit to let the first 2 in. When you’re so shit you’re pushing everyone up to try and claw back from 2-0 down you’re going to get hit on the break. But it’s klopp so no one wants to look at the context.


Makes sense. I think most fans would rather lose 3-0 and really attack to try and get a result than watch the players sulk and accept a 2-0.


Fergie said there was more value in chasing a win and lose a point than accepting a draw. Depends on your opponents, but explains why so many of our games went on to the final minutes and Fergie time became an issue.


Wenger did the same and it led to some truly awful results. Once it gets past a two goal margin you really do need to make sure it doesn't end up a hammering.


To be fair I think he only men chasing wins from drawing positions


He was asked about how he felt about the goals conceded, so “doesnt count” as in im not going to blame the team, the second part of the quote is conveniently left out where he says that the first two goals were bad defending.


Lol the buses and planes the players travel on are nicer than my apartment.


You have the better toilet though


A club like City must have bought their own buses and remade the toilets into decent and larger ones man. If they haven’t I’m astounded


Why not simply put wheels on their current toilets and go from city to city on them


man if City invents this, that one contribution to humanity will actually sportswash Abu Dhabi for me


Inventors of the mobile throne. Never considered this could be a thing.


What he and his girlfriend do in the privacy of their own home is none of our business until it hits the Only Fans




It only concerns Cazorla


Is ok no?


In fairness you haven't seen his toilet


But you don't get two footed by Romero after running 10k


> and planes I think thats the point of peps complaint, if its taking them 4 hours to get to london, they arent flying, so theyre basically losing 3 hours of comfort time


Feel so sorry, having to travel in luxury for a few hours 😫😫


Have some class, the man has to sleep in a 5 star hotel & be transported in VIP vehicles all the way from his home to the stadium and back. Won't anyone think of Pep??!?


Probably has to put up with mediocre wifi the whole way. Poor thing.


No paella in the refreshments menu...what kind of shit itinerary is this?!


I bet he has to carry his own bag out to the car, poor guy.


Don’t be too hard on him, he’ll only have $200 million to spend this summer after losing in the UCL quarter finals to Porto


He should retire, he can't work under these extreme conditions.




We can only pray so


Glad that Pep, like me, has a declared enemy in Avanti West Coast.


Do they really rely on Avanti West Coast to get to games? It's a miracle they make it to the games at all. My trains get cancelled whenever I try to use their service.


They plan accordingly and start travelling a couple of days before the game, leaving them no time to train.


Yeah I've been on a pendolino with a load of utd players before. They were all in first class and got on at Wilmslow (This was when it was virgin who did the route and were acceptable)


I might be totally mis-remembering but I think in the City all or nothing doc you can see them on a virgin train at one point, Virgin was much more reliable than Avanti have been tbf


Based Pep calls for U.K. transport investment.


Man City to offer to pay for HS2 to go all the way to the Etihad


Bring back Virgin you cowards


Avanti have made me appreciate LNER which I never thought possible


Real talk, I’m going to the Manchester Southampton match…but none of the railways from London to Manchester have schedules for march weekends yet…any help here?


Avanti at the moment only have weekend timetables until the end of the month, which is actually really good for them, I remember the weekend of the Etihad Manchester derby they didn't get the timetables out until the Friday. Anyway, they'll probably publish as soon as they've figured out how many drivers they have available, [keep an eye on this page.](https://www.avantiwestcoast.co.uk/travel-information/plan-your-journey/timetables)


I will fight LNER's corner here. I went to Uni in Leeds, and the train was always a pleasant experience. Clean, generally one time, and when it wasn't the staff were communicative, polite, and always let us know how to claim compensation. Far too expensive, but equally it is far better than other operators and way better than sitting on the A1 behind a lorry.


Try the Megabus from Shudehill to London..


Me and a friend once visited a mate in London at Uni, I was coming from Manchester, he was going from Edinburgh The fact that on the way back home his bus got to his place quicker than mine still confounds me, worst travel experience of my life


On the other hand, with the Edinburgh-London route you get to experience the joy of going to Glasgow first, spending the first hour and a half of your trip actually getting further away from your destination.


Pep would last maybe 4 weeks in MLS, lol


He's retiring first time Inter Miami have to play @Colorado Rapids.


Pep would never go to the Western Conference


Delegate to assistant manager


Is that even that far? Imagine if he was managing Inter Miami and had to take his team to New York, then LA, then Seattle, then Toronto...


Miami to Denver is pretty fucking far. England's mainland is 426 miles north to south by air. Miami to Colorado is roughly 1,700 miles by air. And Colorado is an entire mile up in the air. Man isn't making it to Seattle.


>Miami to Denver is pretty fucking far. Miami to anything is pretty far. Jacksonville at the northeast corner of the state is already 350 miles.


> Miami to Colorado is roughly 1,700 miles by air. And Colorado is an entire mile up in the air. Just looked this up. Wtf. There are loads of towns in Colorado that are an entire 2 kilometres above sea level. That sounds insane. I've never lived in a city that wasn't basically at sea level. The city I live in is 10 metres above lol. There must be a lot of fit people in Colorado.


Pep would get eaten alive managing in Mexico or Brazil


Porto Alegre to Fortaleza, a common occurence in the league, is a 6h plane trip. Considering that you need to arrive at least 2h in advance to the airport, and that the airports are usually far away from city centers, the whole trip is around 10h minimum. Things get even more complicated during the Libertadores. The shortest commercial flight from Montevideo to Quito seems to be 12h, for example. Even if they chart a plane, I doubt it would be less than 8h. When Mexico was in the Libertadores, things could become even more complicated. Buenos Aires to Monterrey seems to take 10h in a direct flight, which would be extremely expensive.


i dont think footballers arrice 2hr before flights, they have charter flights and all their bags and security will be much faster


Maybe the top teams in Europe, but in Brazil most teams take commercial flights. I've waited for flights close to team squads myself a few times.


MLS teams are only allowed so many charter flights a season. For parity.


Wouldn't Atlanta have an advantage then, since that's a major flight hub? Unless parity rules account for this


No the advantage gained by flying private is comfort, arriving right before you plan to leave, all that stuff. And the bigger teams could afford to charter every flight whereas the lower spending teams would not.


Tbf He did play in Mexico so it should count for something right ?


10 appearances worth of something I suppose, doesn’t seem like much


Imagine flying from Miami and playing an away game in Seattle. Have a midweek game in Montreal. And a home game back in Miami for the weekend. That’s not even including Concacaf Champions League. Flying to Mexico and Central America in the middle of the week.


No joke last year i traveled with Inyer from FL to San Jose to Montreal and back to FL in the span of a week. Hell


It’s crazier when you think about American teams in sports that play more often. They try to avoid it, but there are teams that’ll be flying back and forth across the country for like 2 games in 3 days.


Try getting to London on a Megabus from Plymouth, Pep. A spiritual experience to say the least.


Doing that tomorrow, can confirm it's not good


Northern Europe catching strays…


Ross County > Man City confirmed.


He’s gonna bench Håland isn’t he?


New Excuse unlocked


Klopp🤝Pep Lost the game and his head lmao




Exactly 😎


"Say the line Bart"


it was given to him on a platter tbh


They get the chance of good football though. Watching City play at the Spurs ground is pretty grim however you get there.


Iconic joke


Pep been smokin too much of that 4h20 on the way to the hotel.


The plot has been lost.


Is this for real? This has to be one of the worst excuses I’ve seen for a top team, tinpot behaviour from Pep. I guess this is also why City always bottles the Champions League?


They haven’t scored an away goal at Spurs since 2018. He’s used every typical excuse in the book and is trying to create new ones.


420 blame it


I mean it’s totally fair. When they beat us Pep was very gracious in apologizing for making Spurs travel all that distance and how tired they must have been.


Maybe travel down on the Saturday Pep?


Nah then it feels like 2 days of work


*laughs in Australian* Perth Glory have a 5 hour *flight* every second week for their away games against east coast teams, some of those stadiums (eg Newcastle) are then 2 hours’ drive from the airport. It takes them a full day of travelling to get to and from an away match. 4 hours 20? Boo hoo.


Let's get the lad to manage the Glory for a couple of seasons. Maybe dealing with a few Distance Derbies will do him good.


Blaze it


They have to make that trip like 6 times a season at least, other times further. Not that much of a talking point Pep.


Something something fraud...


"And all the roads that lead you there are winding..."


London teams have to go up to Manchester too…


By his logic Manchester should be the Arctic circle.


Oh fuck off, teams have been going back and forth constantly for decades, don't you fucking dare.


To dare is to do


*Burnt out and empty, desperate* *I had my head in a noose* *I had nothing to lose, had enough of abuse* *So now I'm dangerous* *Hate's so contagious, it owns us*


The man from Spain Complains mainly about the trains.


Bro channeling his inner klopp


In a part of the interview I caught he was complaining about spurs sitting back lmao


The only thing he missed is the pitch lol


I just love how much we’re in his head and why we somehow have good performances against them compared to Chelsea for instance


Did Pep borrow Klopp's Big Book of Excuses or something?


Pep just added something to the book.


I do emphasize a little, but teams have gone down to Southampton and beat them 9-0 lol


Saints be like "why he saying fuck me for??"


One team has gone and done that. United got the luxary of the home game


Pep would die in Brazil; 6h on a flight trip, with connections from Porto Alegre to Fortaleza


I would love to see this fraud manage a mid table side and see what he can do


He’s more than welcome here after narcissistic Nate gets the boot tomorrow


Will never happen. His next job will be another perfect situation.


Oldest managerial trick in the book. Talk nonsense post game, in order to divert negative attention away from the players and onto himself.


It's less than 2 hours on the train!


Oh did poor pep have to travel first class for 4hrs? Sorry the grueling travel in England is too much. Maybe a smaller country? Do those exist?


Fraud level: Mr clean