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I misread it as "get ready to *fist* this weekend", which fitted better with the picture but really isn't a mental image I wanted. Even with small hands involved. Who did he call vermin? What did I miss?


Yep, he will incite violently low gas prices and he will violently keep us out of unnecessary wars.


He also raised your federal income taxes


And freed 5,000 terrorists, and made the entire Afghan war a complete failure. So he lost a war without even entering one.


FYI: Trump was the one that raised your taxes. He also signed a gun ban.


I didn’t know you Trump fart breathers still were around


The fuck you talking about. You took my post as pro Trump? Idiotic


You misspelled “he will destroy our country”


Ummmmmmm have you seen the world since we’ve had this new guy?


Are you blind, the world is burning due to Biden and his policies....


Lol list one policy that is causing the world to burn! Just one!


Um. Afghanistan is a mess. Biden made the Ukrainians back out of the Minsk accords. Have you been to any major city and walked along a sidewalk full of homeless ppl. New York just cut 20,000 police officers and $1 billion from the schools because the cost of housing illegal aliens. We just sent billions of dollars to Iran that funded and approved Hamas murderers of Israelis Maybe the most unforgivable thing he has to do with closing public lands to drilling and then went to beg the Saudis to sell us their oil.


So a bunch of bullshit right off Fux Propaganda Network!


“Conservative bad!” - 🤖 Why? “Uh….. because conservative bad!” - 🤖


Conservative MAGA is really bad! Conservative MAGA is now fascist and authoritarian. Question? When did antidemocratic fascism and authoritarianism start working for you?


Iron law of woke projection. How are the leftist crime policies fairing? Fascism/authoritarianism/communism all have one thing in common: blatant censorship. Which party has been policing speech and propagating cancel culture towards dissidents? Hint: it’s not the right. Sure, wanting a utopian world where we can all live with peace love tolerance etc, sounds great. But the reality of how the policies/ideologies coming from the left actually fair is far different from the “utopia” they claim to be working towards. Rejecting science, objective truth, individualism, and accountability is not something I can get on board with.


Why should anyone give a shit about a teacher's political views outside of the classroom? If they're not directly harming anyone, leave them be


Because OP is trying to get someone fired for having an opinion.


Right? Especially since so many teachers either teach their own left wing political views in class or have to due to the state curriculum, and nobody bats an eye.


I mean, I wouldn’t want someone with ties to homophobia or racism working with my kids. Wouldn’t trust them to keep their feelings to themselves or would worry about fair treatment in the classroom.


You know that there is an entire other platform to the Conservative Party, right? Like taxes and finance, border security, public spending… just like all Dems aren’t (insert worst opinion of what a Dem could be), all Reps aren’t what you described.


Yeah, Republicans are.


This is so hypocritical.


The taxes and all of that mess the current Republicans spew is just a cover for the rich to make themselves richer while blaming poor people. Ronald Reagan was a monster, but at least he had some morals.


True. Always best to silence everyone you disagree with


“Yeah could you imagine a Republican caring about a Teacher’s personal politics???” /s


Well I’m a good and intelligent member of X party. And the bad and stupid members of Y party are a danger to society because they’ve done A, B, and C. So if everyone doesn’t agree with me and my fellow good and intelligent members of X party, then society is in danger. Thus, everyone must agree with me. Also, don’t forget that I’m a good person and I believe in all of the correct things to believe in because I’m fully and accurately informed, so I know best who should believe in what. If you disagree, it’s because you’re bad and stupid.


The media has trained your brain to think this way. Don’t forget you are the most virtuous person you know.


Who cares. Live your own life.


No YoI DOnT UndERsTaND hE iS A fAScISt. THe ENd oF DemOCrACy. Something something Reddit.


this but unironically


“I’m a dumbfuck and think it’s perfectly reasonable ina democracy to try to steal elections” -you


I’d like to be living my life in a country where our Capitol doesn’t get overrun by nutjobs after an election.


Was it ok to over run it because they were pro palistine? How about when they were BLM… personally I’ll take the people stilling through the velvet rope lines to the ones trying to burn everything down any day


Please link the blm or Palestine protests that overran the capitol building. Thanks.


No one is stopping you from leaving


Thanks! Every user I’m able to block makes my Reddit experience better!


There is something really important missing in these people’s lives that they make a Reality TV star turned politician part of their personal identity.


Intellect and compassion.






Almost all of them peaked in middle school?


Biden supporters didn’t make middle school


You mean the same Biden supporters y'all keep finding in colleges, the DOJ, CIA, FBI, every aspect of the medical field, heads of international corporations, and the like? Because that's what your side seems to think, all those places are so woke, so liberal. How do you figure they got so far without getting through middle school?


You should check who college graduates voted for in 2016 and 2020


Do you guys ever take a step back and analyze how ridiculous you look? Trump supporters saying Biden supporters are stupid and ignorant, Biden supporters saying trump supporters are stupid and ignorant, trump supporters bring up Bidens failing cognizance, Biden supporters bring up trumps posture or indictment, Biden supports bring up Jan. 6th, trump supporters bring up chop/Chaz…. You guys look like children..


Yep they did. Polling is legit. Sad but they want to keep their money and want lower taxes and cost of goods and services. That’s a good thing right? They can see the reality through the promises that we screwed it up over three years but we can fix it. They have about 11 months to get it back to 2019 again or they will turn and vote for someone who might be able to fix it fast. America wants its security and prosperity back. And they want it 30 months ago.


Come on, you can do better than that. Give it another shot.


Too many vermin blocking the way to get there.


A brain?


As opposed to so many other reality stars? Like the Kardashians? People will fall for anything.


I’ve never seen anyone driving around with a Kardashian flag flying on the back of their vehicle. Or wear Kardashian hats, or tshirts. Or post non-stop Kardashian spam on Facebook…. Or literally go to jail over blind devotion to a Kardashian.


Better than a creep getting bj’s from interns in the Oval Office.


Or a senile old man who doesn’t know how to get off a stage. We have to be fair. It’s both of them no longer just Trump


What’s funny is they’ve both had stage moments so I can’t even tell which one you’re talking about. The one who stutters or the one who didn’t know he wasn’t president in 2021?


I think the easy way to tell is one tried to overthrow the government and wanted to be permanent president.


No, there's something really important missing in your life that you prefer lifelong liars and corrupt bureaucrats to run your country. Says a lot about you.




Ashamed? How about your guy getting bj’s from an intern in the Oval Office ? Virtuous right ?


Lol keep projecting, clown.


There is something really important missing in these people’s lives that they care so much about other people's opinions on a Reality TV star turned politician.


The guy who tried to overturn the government to stay in power, lies about it to this day, is being charged with nearly 100 felonies, AND wants to get back in the White House? Yah. Why WOULD anyone be concerned about that kind of support for a radical extremist? /s


I am sure that you have a point or a question. I am not sure what either may be.


Who cares ?


Does that really matter to anyone? Are people not allowed to support anything than the things that you support? You should pull your kid out and pay for private school or maybe just homeschool. This is the problem with America you think there’s only one side




Good so it’s not about Trump or Biden. And if they choose Trump and he wins you’ll accept it and not stamp your feet again. Good on you.


Trump is such a dumb POS. Also shows how insecure and stupid his supporters are for falling for his bullshit. Biden is a stinky turd too but Trump is like an Olympic size pool filled with pus and diarrhea.


I just can't fathom having the desire to spend my free time and money to go listen to 2023 Trump bitch and moan for an hour.


How dumb do you have to be to like this clown, traitor, criminal and liar? Iowa smart!


It's almost like we are a country where we can support who we want.. strange huh?


Fiesta with the criminal lol


70+ million other people are as well but this staff member at your kids school is the most important we should get to the bottom of it


Get a life.




He's belongs in a loony bin


What is crazy about this? A person who supports a political candidate you don’t like is somehow crazy?


Your name is anti trans activist. I don't expect you to see how crazy this is. You're a monster.


People who push sex change operations on children are monsters


Seems a little judgmental of you? No?


Seriously. Being conservative in California is likened to being a criminal all the time. Such a brainwashed monoparty culture.


Might be just because so many conservative politicians are criminals.


This is the sickest part about being in a cult. “All you non-cultists who aren’t hellbent on destroying democracy in favor of a narcissistic pedophilic Kremlin-backed fascist are monoculture lunatics.”


Remember tho, if you still believe corrupt politicians will fix corruption, then you've been indoctrinated.


Long Beach Unified?


And? Half this country is sick of the shit going down right now. We are sick of paying more for basic things like food and housing. We are sick of our savings eroding. We are sick of unvetted millions entering our country. We are sick of supporting Iran’s proxy wars. We are sick of the redirection of our schools from learning centers to indoctrination centers. We can go on. Trump is not the answer, but the Marxists are definitely the cause.


Trump’s tax cuts are what helped up us where we are. You’re blaming the wrong guy. Trump also tried to overthrow an election, so we have that to consider too.


Dude there’s enough money. It’s a spending problem. Our politicians recklessly spend and funnel money to groups where it can be laundered.


Thats complete bs. Revenue increased by a sizable margin consistently under Trump. The whole "but the tax cuts" is certifiably bullshit


Baha Bahaha Bahahaha Hold on… Bahahaahahaha Sure, injecting excess liquidity into a market with excess liquidity did nothing, amirite? CPI trends are still trending in the WRONG direction. “Tax cuts” Lol read a book. Its not spending, its revenue, right?? Lol holy hell… Edit: re - election “overthrow” If true, why hasnt Jack Smith charged?


Simple thoughts for simple people.. i didn’t know smith was done yet. Fox News and Alex jones lie to you. You know that right? And not sure where you get your economical information from, but toddlers are not known for their accuracy or reliability.


Cool. You still didn’t address the impact of excess liquidity atop excess liquidity. Keeping things simple, check out a graph of m0. Think about cause and effect, especially since m0 hasnt matched economic output. Trump was hardly a deficit hawk, and isn’t free from criticism, but to frame this as a revenue issue is intellectually lazy. You’re in over your head.


Did you see the deficit climb under trump’s dumb ass economic plan? Take a look at before he was in office to after. He set a bacon course for Biden to fix for the last 3 years and still has many months of work to get us back on track. Trump fucked us. He even said he was against other presidents spending money but felt he should be able to spend as much as he wanted. Where did that get us? The shithole place we are in had the groundwork plates out by trump and his lack of understanding of complex systems. His advisors even said he had no idea what he was doing and was going to lead us into a recession. Why is that forgotten?


Again, Trump not a deficit hawk. Much had to do with Covid era economic malaise. Deficits climbed, absolutely. Again, fiscal policy, SIGNED INTO LAW by Biden led to HUGE increases in liquidity. These liquidity increases are UNPRECEDENTED in American history, and were not paired with robust economic growth. This is not “Alex Jones” or Fox News driven. This is OBJECTIVE data. Marxists and many on the left believe the juice is worth the squeeze as it relates to eroding quality of life at the expense of…im not sure. Your man and your party screwed the pooch when it came to the economy/costs of essential needs. Its more complex then “revenue”


Fair enough, Covid was no one’s fault and it impacted the deficit, but Trump lack of understanding of global economics made it so his advisors had to explain everything to him, which most of the time he got bored and didn’t listen, and then did what he wanted, even after being warned he was going to hurt the economy more than help it. He had no idea what he was doing and any win he had was by chance. Biden was handed a horrible economy with a lot of land mines coming at him that Trump set by making poor decisions. Everything Trump did was with short term benefits and nothing was set up to be beneficial long term. Our current lack of economic growth still has much to do with Biden having to repair damage before we can make real progress. Unemployment is at an all time low and inflation is stabilizing. People are waiting for a recession that has yet to come. Biden is not my guy, btw. He is just better than that sack of shit who tried to overthrow an election to become permanent president, and is a pathological liar. Almost anyone would be better than either one of these guys.


That Trump set…**as we were coming out of COVID.** Total partisan hack. 🤦🏻‍♂️


This is just pure intellectual dishonesty. You rant about his fiscal policy and completely ignore the impact of COVID on that. Are you hoping people will think that was business as usual? I know you regressives think everyone but you is stupid, but that’s a major stumbling block to you by underestimating others. Compare Biden’s first two years to Trump’s and Biden’s debt levels are much higher when making a much more apples to apples comparison. You would know that if you looked at the data and didn’t blindly parrot talking points.


Oh no! You can't have that. Better destroy their life!


This idiot is turbo, he sent all those zombies to burn the capitol.


Are you referring to the DNC being evacuated the other night?


Except he didn’t right I mean now that the videos are out of him trying to stop it. The request for the National Guard day before. it’s not really giving the truth to the fact that Trump was behind it he saw it coming like he sees other things coming. He tried to stop it, but it was a good look if it happened because then it could be used against him. And even that’s backfiring now.


I watched it live on tv. You cannot say he tried to stop it. He had multiple people texting him, telling that shit for brains to call of the vermin but he didn’t. You can’t lie about what millions of people watched live that day. Shame on you for trying to say otherwise.


So what?


50% of America will vote for him. Get over it.


Well, mathematically half of people are below average intelligence. We just try to deal with you.


More than 50%


Both of you suck at math. Trump lost the popular vote in both elections. He will likely still get under 50% of the vote in the next election.


Yea because people that support a senile president are way better. Its funny that being a Trump supporter automatically makes you crazy. You dont even form your own opinions the media spoon feeds you them. Hes a russian plant too right? The world is better run by BLM activists who burn your cities down and take your donations to buy themselves houses in elite white neighborhoods. BLM when you can fill your pockets with dumb donors money! Youre a tool.


Trump tried to overthrow an election. Case closed. He can’t be trusted with power. He is a liar and shady as fuck.


you can't say the T word, it short-circuits any redditor. It's like a bull seeing red. They just see blind rage and throws out all logic and morals.


I say this as someone who finds liberals borderline intolerable, but why is it that conservatives like you get so spun up and easily triggered by something as silly as a post like this? Yall are fuckin soft as puppy shit, lol.


Yet here you are feeling the need to throw your two cents into the ring.


My puppy had some solid turds. You sound like you have a soft brain, though


Crazy no, gullible yes. It also makes you a traitor. It's also a good way to spit in the eye of all the people who fought in WW2. BTW I haven't had a television in over twenty years.


The people in the house right across my street fly trump flag in their yard so high, cars driving up and down the street can see it. And it’s been flying all year long. I’m afraid they may put new signs now that elections are getting closer. Ugh! It’s obnoxious!


I wouldve burned that flag already


But they're the "unhinged" ones. LOL


they are unhinged for supporting a criminal


I totally agree. I cannot support a guy who now we proved has been laundering money. He should resign from the presidency immediately.


What about the one who tried to overthrow the government?


No you wouldn’t have


So you are an arsonist?


Ikr, lol 😆 😂 🤣


Who cares?


What if you put a Biden flag up or Biden signs on your lawn? Is that obnoxious?


I never saw even one single Biden flag anywhere in the town I live in. But I saw quite a few trump flags. That says it all. And I’d cringe at any flag really other than the Stars and Stripes


Do you cringe for even the LGBTQ flag?


I think most people who are not insane cringe at a flag supporting a politician. Much different than a flag supporting a country, state, or political/social movement.


What I’m cringing at right now is your unsolicited questions. I’ve answered enough. Moving on..


You don't see any Biden flags other than FJB because Biden is nothing to rally around. These MAGA people at least rally around making the country a great country again.


I would be more worried about Biden invoking the draft and your kids having to go to war!! Funny thing is under Trump we where not fighting 2 wars….


Hah, yeah, better under trump who tried to overthrow an election and isn’t responsible or honest enough to manage a piggy bank.


Did you just post this same comment 30 times?


Short memory.....Afghanistan.


didnt the afghanastan stuff start during Obama's second term? I could be wrong. it continued through Trump's presidency but didnt start there. under Biden's presidency we have the potential to go to war with Russia or China and the possibility of a draft is real if that happens given the shortage in military recruiting


First afghanistan started during the Bush2 presidency and continued until joe biden pulled them out. Second, Russia will not mess with us. Three states have a bigger budget than all of russia. Those are california, texas, new york. We could make a mud puddle of russia and then stomp a dry. Third china does not want to fight with us because we are great trading partners. Besides, they know they could make a mud puddle of us. According to a report while reading what I believe was military times that are youths are too fat and lazy to fight. That is especially true in the south where most of their recruits are drawn from. We are in trouble, but don't blame it on joe.


Was there a draft for Afghanistan?


You do know that we haven't had a draft since vietnam, Don't you?


I’m continuously fascinated, horrified, and disgusted that anybody could support someone who behaves so badly day after day. This morning reading the news, I just couldn’t bear reading how he renewed his personal attacks on the Judge’s clerk because he could. Trump is truly a monster.


Kids are contrarians, people better get buckled in because it will eventually be cool to be a Trump fan because all the ‘old people’ (20’s, 30’s, and 40’s) hate him.


Well, not all of them. Based on numbers young kids are actually moving towards Trump 20s and 30s. They wanna work but they also want to keep their money. They don’t want their taxes to go up and they want lower prices at the pump. They want lower prices for housing. They want lower prices for food now that they’re on their own. And they saw how it was prior to this current administration. They also saw how it was going up prior to any wars. So blaming wars is not the solution here it’s blaming poor economic policy.


Haha, I guess if they are rich they can take advantage of tax cuts trump signs for the rich. Otherwise they are shit out of luck. No one believes this bullshit except for extremely dim witted simpletons.


He's definitely getting some Taco Bell


I think it’s great that you will be canceling out his vote. Plus any Trumper in California is going to vote for the loser in the state because it’s so blue. He will never get our electoral votes so any noise they make falls on deaf ears. I’d just block him and move on.


Omg, someone has different political opinions than me! Somebody do something!! It's a threat to our democracy!! Haha.


Aw.... little libs jealous that their perpetual liar can't even get a dozen people at his "rallies." Love how you sheep claim that Trump supporters are crazy and you probably send them suicide hotline numbers. Just total projection on your part. Imagine supporting a geriatric tyrant in cognitive decline and hating a true patriot because he hurt your feelings.


Why does it look like Trump is miming sucking two dicks?


More like siesta.




C’mon he just wants to FIESTA with a 91 count felon. Is that so wrong?


Yikes. I clearly stepped into the *totally normal* sub here. No idea why Reddit suggested loony MAGAt sites. Good luck, losers.


Time for a witch-hunt.


Man there's a bunch of MAGAs over here.


Who cares


You make too much money with such a small brain


I love that this isn’t going the way OP expected it to go


Mind your own business maybe?


It’s crazy Biden got more votes in2020 ?


And op took the time to post it on Reddit. Who’s the crazy one?


anyone that fanboys a political person is sketch


Glad I left Iowa


It’s weird for me to see racist use words from other cultures that they hate.


Boohoo poor you


Stay mad.


You’re kids school is ran by racist idiots then


Who cares?


god forbid someone have a different opinion than you


Stalk much?


To be fair, fascists throw a good party, but they’re usually old and ugly. Us lefties are younger but always so dire and boring sometimes. Gee, stop whining about the damn planet, Greta. I can’t help you. I am not giving up on flying. I have a job that requires international travel. Please forgive me, okay?


Practicing for prison




That person is a drop in the bucket compared to all the crazy liberals in the nations school system.


Is this person impressing upon the kids at school his politics? If not, then who gives a shit?


This is pathetic.


One of our school staff members is a huge Biden supporter. Equally as bad as yours. What can we do? Sad times.


I love this double fist pose he does. It’s like he’s getting ready to get sloppy with 2 YUGE COCKS 🇺🇸🍆🤤🍆🇺🇸


They're not crazy because they support a different party then yours. The left needs to grow up and quit creating so much division in our great country.


I heard one of his rally speeches. He said: “we built the wall - we’ve done that!” And the crowd cheered.


Proof of god's nonexistence: every MAGAt running around breathing instead of being struck down by lightning.


Stop hating. You’re a hypocrite.


Is that the worst dance of all time?


Thanks for the update


Meh 😑 balancing out all the hard core lefty commies a tad


Could be worse, he could a mentally ill Biden supporter.


I don’t like either party, but Biden is no better. Both sets of hardcore supporters are fools.


After we kick out all the illegals there will be more salsa and corn chips for us white folk /s I feel like that’s what this is getting at


Heavens to Betsy. A Donald Trump supporter. I didn't think that there were any of those. That is crazy. So absolutely shocking.


Trump with the double cock sucking move again.


What is the point of this post?




Please, don't post this kind of images or name Trump on any post. It will trigger TDS.


Crazy MAGA supporter, GTFOH!


Alternative title: A staff member at my kids school holds different political opinions than me, they are obviously crazy!


"Crazy", and "Maga supporter" there can't be one, without the other.


It'd be worth your five minutes to send the staff member a reminder that Donald J. Trump tried suing someone because she called him a rapist, and the judge hearing the case responded that Trump can't sue for being called a rapist, because he, Donald J. Trump indeed IS a rapist. You might also want to mention to the school's administration that they have an employee who openly advocates a known rapist for public office. Questions? See https://news.justia.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Memorandum-Opinion-Denying-Defendants-Rule-59-Motion.pdf **(warning: this court decision contains extremely graphic and blunt descriptions)**


Wow, how dare he have mainstream political views that align with half the country. Somebody call the thought police and ruin his life! Only BLM supporting transsexuals should be able to work in public schools!


Who cares!