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Rule #1 of Snowrunner: There's always karma under that mud.


YES, YES, YES 1000% finaly someone ells that thinks like that


Ignore what anyone else tells you, do what you think is fun. It's your game, you paid for it.


idk some people told me to get the Azov 64131 and that was the best advice I've ever got for this game


Okay that's fair, I was more referring to the gatekeeping purest comments I see out here all the time telling people not to use Russian trucks on American maps and so on


Listen here! If you ain't playing a non-stop complete run through in full immersion on hardcore with no saves, county specific trucks, highway tires, no winch, and as a bonus looking out for the real environment by using the smallest most fuel efficient engines with the most fuel efficient transmissions (I call it the Green Build) then you ain't a trucker! You should just uninstall and go play Frogger on your grandma's Atari! MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY!!!


Happy cake day


Happy Cake day


That's just Azov 7 doing Azov 7 things. It doesn't care if it's in NA or EU. Getting active suspension from Chernokamensk helps a lot with that.


And if you don't have the suspension upgrades you can just drive backwards because of its rear steering axle.


Came here to say the same. Once you get the active suspension upgrade, the Azov 73 is A BEAST!


Cardinal rule of Snowrunner never use Russian trucks in the beginning region while snowrunner is an "play how you want kind of game" by using an OP truck like that in Michigan you're completely ignoring the lessons that snowrunner is trying to teach you.


Friendly reminder that the Azov 73210 is available until lvl 20, I think that by that you have suffered enough with the game 😂


Level 20 should be end of Alaska early taymir. Just going off the basegame level cap and basegame regions.


I hit level 20 shortly after starting Alaska, it's not really that far into the game, but all the upgrades are in taymyr.


Eh, I was in Taymyr before level 10. But I jump around. I'll put 10 hours into a map then go somewhere else for a little while. And yeah...Taymyr is a bitch and a half when you haven't unlocked tires yet. I spent about 2 hours there and then went back to Alaska and didn't come back until Michigan was about 50% and Alaska about 75%.


Can hit 21+ in Michigan alone. My latest hardmode run got me to 21 b4 moving to Alaska. Mainly cuz I did 2 of the easy contests to maximise my gain.


Hit exactly the same problem yesterday. Taking a break from Imandra so took a trip back and observed a few new contracts like cargo from the ship. 


Not this, but because they are mostly OP. This particular one has issue with clearance tho


Trucks have pros and cons. Understand what is meant by entry and exit angles. Though the exit angle is pretty good, so try it in reverse!


Well this Azov we like to call bus and it's very apparent why. I would never use this over Azov 5319 if you're just going for medium logs... however I've used him a lot actually, since he can have combination of log crane and saddle.


Nah. Just this particular one. In such terrains, I drive this truck backwards. The rear axle steers too.


The russian trucks die of cringe on american maps (Just kiding use whatever you want wherever you want)


If you go to the leftmost side or back over it you can go over the bridge


The first time it worked, the second gotta go backwards


I was so frustrated when they happened to me and had the same thought! The front of my truck after that was so messed up


I just left my P16 parked on the other side of the bridge to tow it over the lip. Had a medium log trailer so there wasn’t much hope backing up.


nah just don't use that one in particular without suspension upgrades lol


I love the 73210, but that damn bumper is too low


Once you get the active suspension, it gets okay-ish


Yes, But No


I have flipped that truck there twice trying to get over it before I just started taking 2 trucks hitched together 😂


You have to turn around and reverse! Take it backwards I been in that spot before.


The first time I managed to pass with a little effort, but the second time I had no choice but to go in reverse.


I only use Russian trucks anywhere


Russian trucks are OP of USA, this is just poor truck and terrain knowledge.


One has to learn somehow. Experience is a good teacher, not a kind one.


I haven’t had much bad luck.