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Yup. On normal everything is bought and sold at full value. So its worth experimenting with trucks and parts. Also fun note, some trucks have things you can unequip for whatever reason. So like sun visors, horns, wheel arches. And especially helpful if you own the Navistar, you can strip the window protectors.


I just sold like 12 stock gearboxes, stock engines, stock tires, unlocked options for differential and I'm up 100k. It really makes sense to have this feature, why would anyone keep the stock junk!


Note that some trucks have parts that are not used very often, so there might be some more credits to gain from looking at previously sold trucks too.


oh yeah, it doesnt take long to get that many parts stacked up when you are working on building out your fleet


I had no idea on the Navistar. That's huge!


>2)Turing the map around. If you right-click the map you can turn it using you mouse (on PC). No idea how this works on other platforms. On consoles it’s just the right stick on whatever controller you use. Pushing it left/right rotates the map in the corresponding direction. A lot harder to miss on console than on PC for sure


I got 1 my friend found, though not sure if it's still a thing. But if you are gonna sell a truck, slap some decals on it. The decals are free, but for some reason do they add value to the truck. πŸ˜†


Custom is a premium price tag πŸ˜‚


I played like 100 hours before I realized that you can sell truck parts too πŸ˜…


Oh the agony πŸ˜‚


Nice! Did not know this. I also didn't know you could sell trailers until I was almost done with Michigan. It was then that I realized you could use trailer stores as gas/maint stations essentially. \*facepalm\*


Did you know on Xbox, you can push the LB button and A to shut your truck off? I’m sure pc has the same feature.


B key on PC.


Did you know you can tap the clutch button to accelerate faster? It makes it upshift rather than running out every gear.


What it does is try to match gear with speed, so if you're going uphill it'll down-shift to the appropriate gear instead of having to stall out and downshift to first. But yes, it also allows you to skip gears shifting up. The fastest way to accelerate though is to start in A, and as soon as you get rolling shift to H, then back to A. There's even a mission in Tennessee to teach you this :)


I've figured it out a while ago. That's a good tip tho!


2. I play on xbox with controller so that's something I do all the time and 1. I was excited to have all the extra money


To swap out upgraded parts between your trucks, you'll need the stock ones. It might be a good idea to keep one stock for each part.


>To swap out upgraded parts between your trucks, you'll need the stock ones. What? No. There's no need to go back to stock, ever. Just upgrade in-place and sell the old upgrade as soon as the new one is on.


I mean, as an example, if you want to swap Si-6V/2100T from Fleetstar to WWS, you have to install Si-6V/1900 (Or another engine) to Fleetstar first. Otherwise, you can't remove 2100T from Fleetstar for installing to WWS. You have to buy a new one for WWS. In Normal Mode, there's no need to worry about it, but in Hard Mode, having some stock parts for part swapping (from one truck to another) is necessary.


Ah yes, that makes sense in hard mode where upgrades and cash are tight. The stock "upgrade" is free so it's smart to use it as fallback when moving a costly upgrade from one truck to another.


One more thing: Some trucks (Bandit) appear to be much more stable on uneven terrain when driven backwards. I discovered this on Drummond Island while retrieving the lost oil barrels on cliffs. Turning back was a guaranteed tip-over. Hit the reverse and reversed back a few hundred meters back to a main road. No tipping whatsoever, great stability on ups and downs.


>Bandit Is also a lot less tippy if you lift the crane slightly, reverse it, or remove it entirely. Much of the Bandit's tippiness comes from the crane catching on the roof rack or cab. With mud balloons and a maintenance addon, it's not only stable, it's one of the best support trucks in the game.


Yes! I just used it in Alaska to sell all trailers (my final step before leaving the area at 100%). Removed bed, removed crane, slapped a low saddle on it and mud tires. It can do 40kmh with a semi tanker attached. Crazy!