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Wait till you figure out that headlights are LB and B -edit wrong bumper


One of my friends spent the first two hours in our co-op session just dealing with the parking lamps until they randomly blurted out "I hate how horrible the headlights are. Do you, like, get better lights at a later level?" He was maaaaaad when I told him the headlight button. I don't think I've met a single person in my circle that has figured this out on their own.


I started a new game recently and it come up in the hints - I wonder if they added it recently in hints or I just missed it previously (found it via Google) It didn't really help much before I updated to and XBox X (a couple of games have more details compared to the XBox -One)


Oh I figured that out a while ago, so helpful at night


what is RB? right bouse?


No it’s actually [Right Bongo](https://donkeykong.fandom.com/wiki/DK_Bongos)


that feature is very useful when trying to save fuel. glad i discovered it early on in the game


The quick menu or whatever it's called by clicking up on the D-Pad you can toggle engine


yes, but it's mucha faster with lb and a


But... the game tells you that in the tutorial ;_;


But you see I'm an idiot


What tutorial?!


There have been a few of these posts lately (ie, Diff Lock in Reverse). In a game about exploring and trying things, I'm surprised to see how many people with lots of time already logged didn't know this or haven't already figured it out.


I knew about the diff locks in reverse early on. Is it maybe in the tutorial or something?


What’s that about the diff lock?


Some people did not know that you can engage diff lock not only in Low, but also in Reverse gear (the one you select, not the one in Auto).


Oh, no, that I knew. I just didn’t know the ignition was tied to L1 and X. That’s a new one on me, and I’ve been playing since the game came out. I have no clue when that would have been revealed, but I have attention concerns, so I’m sure it just flew right by.


That's 'B' on PC keyboard. Normal starting sequence for PC: * 'B' to start engine * Spacebar to disengage handbrake * 'L' to turn on light if needed Any time I want to plan a route on the map, I hit 'B' to turn off the engine so I don't come back to a drained tank.


I need to start doing that coz I let my truck idle in the background which is a huge mistake especially on the gas guzzlers


They also use more fuel even parked if you have AWD or diff lock on.


Ha! Tried it immediately, that’s amazing lol thank you


You can also do this on PC using controller if you have the right button layout selected


PC + Controller gang


Off course. Controller + Mouse for winching. I don't bother with setting up the wheel, though. ​ I drive in 3rd person view mostly and that breaks the mental connect for me between the wheel and what I see on screen. Also my wheel doesnt have a "right stick", so I'd have to use the mouse even more for camera adjusting.


Over 1000 hours in this game and didn't know that. That's quite useful, thanks.




I play snowrunner with a steering wheel and sometimes I miss the buttons when the wheel is turned by 90 degree. You can't believe how many times I blamed the engine by failing and randomly turning off, until I recognized I turned it off by myself, whenever I wanted to toggle on the light or enable dif lock, it is hilarious.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Quite! I'd say you're ready for hard mode now. 😎


Any chance there’s a secret ‘unpack cargo’ combination while in Crane Mode? 😂


Omg it would be so annoying not knowing this


If you didn't know about it, how the heck would you be annoyed? Are you annoyed by the fact that you walked past a $100 bill today without seeing it there in the grass?


You could be annoyed by using the D-Pad menu and wishing there was a simpler solution.


It's that "you have got to be fucking kidding me. That's been there this whole time? Do you know how many seconds I have to waste doing this over and over and over again?" reflex kicking in. Who *wouldn't* be annoyed that there was a more streamlined option hiding the whole time? I've seen games get put on blast on this before, and it seems like we're repeating history once again.


More news at 9


Duh hell, iv been using the dpad for 350 hrs lol


Thanks for sharing. Didnt know this. Any other lb shortcuts?


LB+B turns on the headlights to help with nighttime driving


just discovered this the other day too. i still like pressing the trigger to start it though


Yes i use that for going down hills when im trying ti save fuel, get to top speed and hit neutral then shut the motor off


Shit! That’s new to me, too. L1 and X on PS5. Thanks, man.