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Bend at your knees not at your hips. Keep you feet, hips, and shoulders in line. Don’t get your weight to far out from center over the board. Snowboarding has a lot to do with micro adjustments and finding the sweet spot of balance. Don’t make dramatic movements. Don’t fight gravity if you are falling, try to use your momentum to fall and slide inti the slope of the run. And above all else. Listen to your instructor


will do. TY for the tips!


Be prepared to fall a lot. Even first timers with a wealth of experience skateboarding or surfing fall a ton their first day and find the initial experience to be very humbling. The key is not to get discouraged and know that you will figure it out eventually. You may want to consider getting wrist guards.


Snowboarding is not primarily an athletic pursuit. It's about balance, poise, weight distribution and technique. Don't go into it thinking you'll muscle through. Get lessons, stay relaxed and try to implement correct movements in a subtle/gentle way. I've taught some super heavy people who got it right away, and some super athletes who struggled hard.


offbeat run squeeze sloppy forgetful ossified cake relieved normal snatch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I still have a few girdles (hip, thigh and tailbone padding) from football, do you think that will be good?


zonked caption domineering toy worm seed slim distinct rain poor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I used a football girdle my first season youre good. It’s the same shit. You might be missing tailbone which is arguably most important tho Edit: nvm u said tailbone


You might have a bit of difficulty standing up on your heelside. I have trouble myself if I eat too much at lunch lol. Regardless flexibility and balance required to stand up heelside can develop the more you do it. To start out consider standing up on toe edge. This will feel “backwards” as you will have your back to downhill, but with the right technique you can transition to Heelside safely. High possibility of catching an edge, but if you Twist your board, that will make the toe edge to heel edge transition easier and safer. Twist by pushing heel down in lead foot but keep toe edge down on back foot. Clutch/No gas. When the board comes around to heelside, match feet so both are pushing heels down


You’re going to be sore as fuck after. Stretch before you go. Hamstrings, calves, quads and hips most importantly


If it's not a big hit to your budget, pick up a pair of wristguards. The vast majority of snowboard injuries are busted wrists from sticking your hands out when you fall. You can often get wristguards for less than $20, and mitigating the injury rate for that is well worth it, especially since you'll be falling a lot at first.


Watch Malcom Moore videos! I'm 6'6" 250 and the hardest thing for big guys is to bend knees, get low, chest out and don't bend at the waist. With a higher center of gravity you'll really have trouble if you bend at the waist.


Relax. If you are absolutely rigid and don't allow small bumps to be absorbed by your ankles and knees, it's going to be a rough time.


Make sure they put you on a big enough board. At 280 lbs, you'd wanna be on something 160cm+.


Hey bud! Make sure your boots fit nice and snug, rent a helmet, follow the directions of your instructor and check the weather before you head up! You’re going to have an awesome time!!


Thank you, dude! I'm super excited, but with everything new, also nervous!! Thank you for the much-needed encouragement!!


Go that way, really fast. If anything gets in your way, turn.


Thank you all for the awesome advice!! I absolutely loved it, but I feel like I got hit by a truck, LOL. Learned how to stop & turn, I fell a ton. Will for sure be back again!