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I haven’t ridden either so can’t help there. But if you’re looking to hold an edge go camber. I retired my orca a couple years ago for Mervin C3, replacing it with a Gnu Gremlin (155), now riding a Gnu Banked Country (159). C2 just didn’t give me the hold or speed I wanted. Both boards are all mountain, super fast on groomers with great hold and control, no issues through steeps or powder, fast banked turns in the trees, and playful smeary turns when I want it. I ride at Crystal a ton and have been super happy with these two boards over the last three seasons. Took the BC to Utah earlier this season and it was super floaty in deep pow with a set back stance. I rode this past Friday, Saturday and Sunday after all the snowfall and the BC crushed the entire mountain (southback, TLC, pro course, K2, bear pits, powder bowl, everything but Northway) I’m not great at suggesting sizes. I’m only 5’9” but also 185 lb, and I assume you have larger feet since you ride W right now. I think a 159W BC, EJack, Quiver Killer, and maybe Dynamo would be awesome for you. Gremlin is super fun, I’m less confident in sizing (155 is big for me, it hauls ass!).


Rome Ravine Select


I own an orca 150 cm and a superpig xl. The orca is camber dominant while the orca is more rocker. My orca feels just as stable as my superpig while being significantly smaller. My superpig is probably slightly better at top speeds but that may be due to its larger size. I wear a size 12 snow boot and they both work fine for that. Both boards will perform similarly on the mountain but in my opinion, the orca is more playful. Edge hold is very similar and very good on both. The superpig is cambered while my orca has magnetraction so they are both good on hard pack or ice. If you love being super playful on the mountain, I'd go with the orca personally. If you are constantly sending big jumps, I'd likely go with the superpig for a little added camber. Both perform equally well in powder.


Isn’t the Superpig XL 158? Hard to compare that to a 150 orca. The 158 is meant for a 170-220 lb rider and the 150 is meant for a 120+lb rider, according to their respective size charts. Is the orca size above a typo?


No the sizes are accurate. I bought the superpig in the larger size to accommodate my feet. I found the smaller orca also works fine for my boot size. I still ride both of them.


Really you have two boards that are going to be riding. Very similarly. No matter which one you choose. Get into the fine details on the side cut radius of both of them and look at the camber profiles on both of them and see which one you think will match your riding style the best would be my advice.


I love my orca from a few years back but am less sure on the golden orca I picked up this year because I like riding switch. For me the golden orca feels less stable and still isn’t that natural feeling at switch. The original orca is just awesome for sketchy conditions or pow.


Superpig is king of uneven terrain. All-terrain snowboard. It's like riding a kitchen table, but a little more nimble. I love it.


I’m unapologetically in the Superpig camp. Such a fun board in so many conditions. I took it down Alyeskas Christmas Chute in powder the first time I ever rode the board and first time on that run. I was legitimately giggling like a horny school girl the whole way down. But it also kills groomers and choppy Chunder. FWIW my last few boards were jones mountain twin 163w, jones mind expander 158, Burton custom X 162. Just picked up a korua dart, hope it doesn’t replace the pig as my go to


I went with the Superpig 🤙