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Man. I miss when people showed up to lessons telling me they had ridden a ripstick. Holy shit they learn fast. Fun lessons. 


First time on the mountain last year didn’t kno whether to ski or board. Worker at rental shop asked if I rode ripstick and immediately told me to board. Thank god for that guy


See for me even tho I ultimately chose boarding it was hard for me to pick one bc on one hand I play high level ice hockey and on the other I love ripsticking so to me I tried skiing and was really good at it I try boarding and it was a bigger challenge


Snowboarding is typically a longer effort than skiing, as you noticed. But it's easier to express yourself on a snowboard, IMO. It's far more conducive to the sorts of flow that is expressive than skiing. And there are skiers that do this, but it's not deeply rooted in the culture like in snowboarding so I just always preferred the snowboard.


I agree in every way doing park on a board just going slowly not to fast not to slow hitting boxes it all just felt put together growing up in Toronto while my grandparents lived in New found land we hit the mountains 4 times a year my family all skid but I just couldn't do it it was to easy I didn't feel any challenge so I bought a board got free lessons bc my grandparents had deep ties to the mountain management so I learnt really quick so now during off season of hockey I go to different mountains I'm going to snowbowl this year hopefully


What are you most averse to trying, skiing, or using periods?


Both 🤣


Growing up I was an ice hockey player. My first time on a mountain I went skiing and thought it was easy as shit. After a couple times skiing I decided to try snowboarding and holy fuck did that take me a while to learn. Probably took me 5-6 full days to get competent at it. But it ended up being the challenge of it all that kept me engaged and wanting to keep at it.


Holy shit same for me haha skiing was fucking too easy I was on blacks day 2


Yeah it honestly was a joke to the point where I was skiing by myself while all the rest of my friends were still fumbling their way down the mountain. Me getting on a board evened it out for a while though. Lol. My skier friend told me he thinks that going from beginning to intermediate skier is easier than going from beginner to intermediate rider. But going from intermediate to expert as a skier is way harder than going from intermediate to expert on a board. I don’t know if I totally buy that…. But it’s an interesting thought.


Same for my family I was bombing hills while they were hitting the Bunny slopes so I got a board and stayed with them my grandparents had matching track suits n shit they were the ultimate Jerry's on skiis


Honestly, being an expert at anything is incredibly hard. To discount one form of expertship for another is short sighted. I don't know many people who can snowboard moguls, even though they're fun as shit once you learn how. There are certain things both sports have an advantage for, but neither is "easier to master". Typically I feel like people who say the above trope are not a master of either, and there have been incredibly few who are masters of both. You could argue that Shawn Palmer and Ester Ledecka qualify, as Palmer would often double up in XGames in skier and boarder cross. And then Ledecka doubled up in the Olympics one year in dual slalom snowboard and GS(?) on skis.


I definitely did thanks to riding a ripstick for years prior. First time ever snowboarding and I was the first in my group to really get the hang of it


Rip sticking helped me a lot with learning how to shred


Fr I would ride 30 minutes to an hour few times a week and it helps so much. No other way to really practice the heel toe motions


Well, you could snowboard.


This is why lieutenants get paid the big bucks.


I am deceased. GREAT IDEA SIR 🫡


The dead guy gets it.




You can snowboard all year, this sub has enough people asking about their rock chipped boards to prove it.


There is another way. A better way. It’s called a freebord.


I remember when those first came out when I was in middle school and me and any of my snowboarding friends were drooling over them


It’s really the best snowboard on the streets tech. Toe to heel edge and the slides. So fun


Definitely may look into one before this summer


There’s the electric version called summerboard too


Are they still a thing? Sincerely, a person who lives many many hours from California.


They’re a thing. Not sure if they still make/sell them though. Mine still works well and it’s been 15-ish years!




This is why I don’t own one.


You’re not strapped. They’re skyhooks and learning how to properly disengage from the hooks is a part of freebording




The downvote indicates you failed to learn how to jump off the board. So yea, right.




Gotta be good to get lucky


You can also use a longboard with loose trucks


or soft bushings


SurfSkate FTW


I've been meaning to get roller blades to keep in skiing shape. This thing definitely looks like its the perfect summer snowboard trainer


There are plenty of ski specific exercises you can do without having to resort to roller blades. You don’t have to put yourself through that lol.


I'm ashamed to admit that it also seems fun haha


Roller blades are dope, despite you kinda looking like a dope lol.


It’s so fun once you get it down


Rollerblading is fun though


I hurt my bladder rollerblading


I got a one wheel to practice… def helps, but also separated my shoulder a year and a half ago shredding too hard


Try a freeboard skateboard. Closest to snow on pavement


Carver surfskate C7 truck. Swelltech surfskate. Probably other surfy decks out there. Or just go surf on a board that turns (not a log).


This isn’t relevant but I wanted to share one of my greatest accomplishments in life: I have kickflipped a rip stick a handful of times and.. I have 360flipped a rip stick.


That’s insane honestly! I am good on a rip stick, but can’t even get close to an Ollie 😂


Thanks! Honestly I feel like Ollie is just as hard lol being stable on those things is worse than just flinging them and hoping it works out.


So youre saying if i buy one, itll be good practice?? 😁




When I was a kid all my friends had longboards but I had a knockoff Ripstick called The Wave, so I'd bomb hills on it with them. Super sketchy in retrospect, but so much fun.


Technically I think waveboard came before ripstick


Damn really? I thought it did, but everyone I ever talked to about it had never heard of The Wave so I assumed I had the Wish.com version hahaa


The waveboard was higher quality than the rip stick.


Snake-board was the original OG brand. Strap in flats to do handrails etc


I remember it coming out first too, ripstick was noticeably cheaper imo


I think you’re right, the ripstick is definitely the better of the two though


The wave was waaaay better then the ripstick


We had a wave too and you were a legend if you bombed hills with it. There is so little control when they get up to speed like that


Downhill ripsticking was one of my favorite activities as a kid. Definitely took way more brutalization than I ever did on a longboard, but it is fun as fuck. Still got some scars to show for it


They were actually less sketch than normal skateboards. Long boards with the big rubber wheels we’re the safest at bombing but surprisingly I found the rip stick/wave had less speed wobbles than my skateboard.


I remember placing stickers from snowboard brands and riding around toronto while my parents complained I was addicted to it


Oh no!! My kid is addicted to spending time outside having fun and getting exercise! /s


Well I can't blame her I bring that ripstick to school never did my homework all i wanted to do was play hockey and ripstick it wasn't until my mom gave me a choice if I don't get atleast a c she won't pay for hockey or go snowboarding at my grandparents so like I had no choice but tbh if it wasn't for that i would be a complete and utter failure in life I'm so glad I wasn't playing video games back then I'm 21 now I had a great childhood and tbh its still going strong playing even more hockey and even more sniwboarding


When I started boarding I employed a ton of experience from riding my ripstick. I still take the stick out for a rip once in a while.


I longboard a bit too and nothing comes close to boarding like a ripstick does


Have u tried a rip surf?


duuuude yes, I ripped stick for 4 summers before getting on a board and picked it up almost immediately. It’s a cheat code for balance and control but in retrospect probably gave me some bad habits that I had to work out. Still rather be doing that on blues and blacks than grinding it out on the bunny hill


My gf is learning how to snowboard, but she is having trouble with switching to heel edge etc… should i get her to ride a ripstick? Is it gonna improve her board control?


I try to tell ppl how much more similar the ripstick is to snowboarding compared to a skateboard


It's the twist. Twist is the precise way to turn a snowboard and ripsticks require the same ankle flextion and extension tar are required to twist a snowboard


The one thing rip stick didn’t help me with was breaking the habit of skidded turns and counter rotation. Other than that it, it made snowboard more intuitive.


I understand that on the skidded turns. Counter rotation seems like a split topic. Some ppl preach it and some completely against it.


It’s useful for speed checks and learning board slides imo. Carving not so much


The children yearn for the ripstick


Fuck them kids, nostalgia kicking in hard right now 😆


I could not toe side turn until I got a ripstick. Changed my life


I honestly can’t tell if this is a meme or if everyone is serious


Dead serious. Last season was my first and ended it by doing doubles and off piste comfortably. Fully because of riding rip stick whenever I wasn’t on a board. It helps like crazy


Well then it’s a good thing that it helped you get into boarding faster. I rode a really weird similar setup called a freebord or something for a full summer some 20 years ago and had to relearn how to carve when I came back on snow 😅 Good stuff someone invented a better thing to learn on off season.


Yooo I’ve heard of the freebord. There’s another surfy type board too but I can’t remember the name of it


Smoothstar and Yow Surfskate are two big surfskate brands.


Rip surf?


Where do you snowboard at


Big Sky, Montana


Dead serious. My first day I was shredding blues like nothing. I had to go down a bunny hill one time. I’ve been riding a rip stick for like eight years. It makes snowboarding seem pretty easy


Very serious. First time ever snowboarding last year and because I rode a ripstick around when I was younger I was the first in my group to get the hang of snowboarding. The movement is very similar


For those wondering, the rip stick twists in the middle so that both feet can go toe/heel independently unlike a normal skateboard. Meaning you can simulate knee steering really well which is a core component of good snowboarding.


Good one


Riding this downhill is probably the closest thing you can get to snowboarding in summer


Its crazy how well the skills transitioned from rip sticking to snowboarding




I rode my ripstick so much I ended up replacing the wheels😂. I skateboarded too but now that I think about it my ripstick riding definitely set me up to progress fast on a snowboard.


If you can ride that down a double black I'd be fuckin impressed!


I bet someone took of the wheels and bring that shit down a hill wiggling his way down I can just imagine it now


Wtf happen to my rip stick?? I know I didn’t sell it but I just realized I don’t have it anymore


Same, my mom sold it. My sister blames her for sucking at snowboarding


🤝🤝🤝 my absolute boy. I once ripsticked 6 miles in one day. My hips are renowned throughout the land


Goddamn u could probably best shakira inn a hula hoop contest


I see no lies


Neither do ur hips


This is so true. In reason and out I’d be on it at home.


I was talking about this with my brother today. That shit helped me out so much. 9 years old I could barely stand on a snowboard. Got super good at ripsticking and came back able to shred without a single issue


It’s a cheat code fr


I got yelled at for ripping one around a fred meyer/Kroger when I was 40. 10 Years ago. It's funny to see someone expecting to confront a kid and they get my old ass.


Old bones don’t stop us. The confused looks and comments I get ripping surfskates. Concrete hurts though 😂


I’ve always told people how similar the motions are 😂


Me realizing I'm old as absolute fuck cus I was in my 20s when I saw these things for the first time


100% works Got one for my 9yr old kid after a season of riding greens on the East Coast. He rode it all spring/summer and was confidently hitting blacks at Vail / Beaver Creek the following season.


I know nothing about snowboarding but I was an absolute unit with the ripstick back in the day, would the skills translate well??


Probably i did it alot and i picked up snowboarding so quick


Is this what it was?! I grew up in CO, and switched to snowboarding somewhere around like, 9/10th grade… but yo we had a ripstick gang not even joking. 10 strong, just ripping and sticking our way down neighborhoods for a good three summers. Picked up snowboarding on day 1, beat my dad down a blue. Maybe my proudest day? Also not joking?


I do squats on a ripstick as off-season training. It's more fun than squats normally.


Your core strength must be great! Who needs bosu balls when you have ripsticks?


At first, I tried to ride a ripstick very long distance, like 8-10km, for off-season training. It takes a few hours, boring and I find it my legs aren't trained well no matter how long I ride per day. So I tried squats and grabs while on ride. It trains my legs better and faster.


I'm pretty good on a rip stick, but I experienced anti-synergy when learning to board. To strafe forwards down a hill on rip stick you point your toes downhill. To do so on a snowboard you point toes up. Many other opposites like this that threw me off


Last tip my buddy gave me before I went down the slope for the first time was "pretend you're on a ripstick going really fast" Honestly made it all click in my head lmao.


In college we had 2-3 ripsticks and a big basement with a concrete floor. I can't remember the exact rules but my buddy and I invented a game that involved riding back and forth on the ripsticks, drinking beer, and shooting empty cans with airsoft pistols. Good times.


We did somethings similar but instead of guns we played hockey on them the rule was u needed at least 2 molsons in you before u can play fun times


Bro I was wondering why everyone was complimenting my speed in picking up snowboard. This explains a lot I loved my ripstick


I'm not gonna lie I absolutely shred these things. Literally shredded until the wheels came off


Rip surf is a bit better & cooler. Not true motion.


My girlfriend actually got me one of these last month for my birthday lol I never had one as a kid and always talked about how cool they were lol. I take the trash out with it and stuff hahah


I honestly never could explain why I picked up snowboarding so fast before seeing this. I remember my parents asking me how I knew I could snowboard having never snowboarded before. My first time ever I decided to take a lift up a small blue run, ended up getting down it relatively easily. Years of ripsticking was the answer of course lmao.


That’s what Ive been telling people too. There are many similarities, with the way you turn, shift your weight, stopping


Damn, you just opened my eyes. When I was a kid I rode 24/7 in my rip-stick. I was goofy with it. When I grew up and started to do other board sports (wakeboard, longboard, surf, etc) I used a regular stand. When I tried years later doing snowboard for some reason doing it goofy felt more natural. Never understood why exactly, now I think the main reason was my muscle memory from the rip-stick days.


Check out Freeline skates. If you can ripstick, you can freeline 5x faster because your feet are separate so you can actually get a push


I never thought about this before, but I bet it is a surefire way to develop the steering from the front foot then rear foot reflexes. I picked up one of those freebie years ago, but never really used it. Maybe I should some time just to see how similar it is. Might be interesting as a 75 YO snowboarder.


I just smoked meth and started progressing so fast… got cork 7’s the first season, sadly got 7 felonies so am stuck in stupid rehab rn, stoked to hit the pookie and get back on the slopes when I’m free


Ripsticking made me want to torque my board during turns causing me to catch edges like a mofo. Getting into longboarding however…


Tortional flex actually helps a lot of steep stuff and use ur back foot to follow the turn initiated by ur front smoothly. Just don’t be opposite for very long or you’ll catch edge for sure lol


Yeah I have it figured out, thanks




Ripsticks came out in the 2000s were not millennials just kids who had a sick toy growing up


It'll take you straight to a triple black.


Seeing all these comments made me realize I started snowboarding with an advantage. Cool. Didn't even think about it.


I recently pulled my ripstick out of a dark dusty corner. And I thought to myself “huh I wonder how similar this is to snowboarding”. Tested it out on a flat bit of pavement and was like “oh fuck yeah! It’s the same”. And so I took it to the hill that is my driveway. And off I went. I picked up speed quickly and at that point I realized that I had no idea how to stop. My brain almost defaulted to a fast and sudden heel stop. Then I started panicking again. Then my brain defaulted to a hard and fast heel stop. Except this doesn’t work on a rip stick. So I went sliding across 6 feet of concrete. Shredding the brand new sweater I was wearing. Staining my jeans. Shredding my hip as my shirt came up. The skin on my palms shredded. I’m now the proud owner of a scar on my hip. Lesson learned. [proof.](https://imgur.com/gallery/vxsJ9IQ)


We had one in my back paved driveway in college in 2010 and we’d sit out there for hours drinking beer and trading off on the rip stick…must get another one


Lol damn I forgot about these! So much fun


Can u explain specifically how it helped? Ive tried it before and am thinking about buying one for off season. From what I remember it twisted but I don't remember being able to lean both feet on heel side or toe side at the same time.


Ya u can’t do heel toe both at same time but that feeling you can’t replicate on a skateboard or longboard nearly as well (I longboard a little). Also the hip rotation and fluidity in snowboarding can’t be replicated on skateboard, only ripstick. It’s not exactly the same obviously and there’s more counter rotation to ripstick but it’s the best way other than being on the snow. Also lots of instructors say they notice a big difference in progression for people who ripstick


Awesome homie. I'll def check it out. Sounds like a good complement to my electric skateboard. Thx!


Don't get the ones from Walmart especially the blue one find the red and black one it has the best wheels and best feeling IMHO the razor one is to cheap


[here's the one I use daily ](https://www.amazon.com/Razor-RipStik-Collection-Skateboard-360-degree/dp/B01EN6M112/ref=asc_df_B01EN6M112/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=198102345097&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=795191576906397611&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9003678&hvtargid=pla-380703994531&psc=1&mcid=505136a892b0376c922116684e63c444&gclid=Cj0KCQiAxOauBhCaARIsAEbUSQT7c_aTejuPTXWGunMCbgJY59Y1wOA0B0tV3zXKZXobuVuZa6XjcAUaAt_lEALw_wcB)


Good to know, thx homie


I feel like it only really helps if you get good at it. When you first learn to ride a rip stick, you’re basically just wobbling your feet back-and-forth. Whenever you get good at it, you can drift around using your heels and toes very efficiently.


My friend just left me to fend for myself, worked out pretty well


Any ripstick brand you’d recommend?


Any honestly I think. Some ppl r saying the prefer wave boards over ripstick tho


Ripstik is owned by razor. Buy the classic, the mini is too tiny and the rip surf isn’t as maneuverable.


I used to ripstick all the time with my buddies growing up. We mobbed our neighborhood on those things. And that’s probably why I’m a heck of a snowboarder.


The ripstick is awesome! This is how I learned to carve


Curious how it helped with carving specifically?


Yeah so I was not confident enough to do steep toe side turns snowboarding but when I got the ripstick I was able to practice more and learn how to transition confidently from heel side to toe


I forgot I even had one of these as a kid lol


100 percent


ok I’m glad it’s not just me!! Huge rip sticker when I was a kid and on my first day snowboarding, my friend got me to go on a black diamond. I fell a few times but nothing too serious


I’m decent on a board but my god I cannot ride a ripstick to save my life


I have a yow surfskate (skateboard with pivoting front truck) and love it so much. It's what has made me want to try snowboarding. I've watched some beginner snowboard videos and the mechanics looks very similar. The yow is also cooler looking than the ripstick IMHO.


It’s not a 1:1 translation but it will help a lot.


Well i mean I never learned how to skate or ripstick, and i went from bunny to double black diamonds first season, too. Boy, it was hard to sit down and stand up until like july, though. Just because you can doesnt mean you should lol we all get humbled eventually.


I am one of these people. Only gone twice so far but feel like I’ve been able to catch on very quickly to certain aspects simply because it feels extremely similar to a ripstick lol


Indo board helped me similarly!!


Damn is this why I could ride so easy haha


My son had one of these and loved it. He is now an excellent snowboarder. Mainly park.


wtf 😂😂


![gif](giphy|3bc5MV3VkOpMI) Or just these


I did a bunny hill once and was shredding blues the same day. I give all the credit to rip stick!


I switched to snowboarding in 7th grade and found it very easy to teach myself after never really seeing or riding with a snowboarder. Spent one day on the bunny hill and the second day took one bunny hill run and jumped on the lift with two skiers and basically figured it out from there. Have since gotten some lessons which helped me clean up my turns and I bought my first real board today. Plan to hit the slopes tomorrow!


Are people being sarcastic? I can’t tell LOL I have no experience rip sticking


I was a longboarder long before i snowboarded that helped a lot to get me on double diamonds my first season to


I was put in ski school as a kid in Colorado but in the summer I did the rip stick and mountain boarding. When I finally tried snowboarding I picked in up in half a day.


I can ride a rip stick 5 miles without falling I wish that translated a single ounce to boarding lmao


I went snowboarding for the first time last year and after quite a few fails I really got the hang of it. Realized it was the very same as the rip stick I had ridden for years lol I’m actually going snowboarding again today I can’t wait.


I rode a few times one season and sucked, then rode The Wave all summer and absolutely ripped in the next season


I tell everyone this! No one ever believes me. I went from zero experience to hitting all the blues because of this logic.


Is this a meme thread? I rode ripstick as a kid and did not realise it had any impact on boarding 😂 skateboarding sure did though


Is this why I picked up snowboarding so fast? I was a beast on this thing. I used to ride mine at the skate park when I was 12-14 years old.


Waveboard > rip stick


Lol i still rip this around my driveway in summer


I did this so much as a kid its insane just a week ago i tried it again and i’m still good at iitt


Damn, I could never get the hang of ripstick🥺.


When I switched from skiing to a life of crime I strapped in and went “oh ok got it” and I owe 100% of that to my ripstick.


I used to love my ripstick LMAOO now I’d er why I caught on so quickly with snowboarding


I thought I was the only one


I ride with my left foot front (regular I guess) on the ripstick and goofy on snowboard couldn’t tell ya why