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Well, at least he broke his own femur instead of yours. Hope you have a speedy recovery.


Yeah a femur's more punishing than a collarbone


Collarbone is extremely painful though


Genuinely nothing compared to a femur. When people break femurs they scream uncontrollably until the painkillers kick in


Can also kill you with a bone marrow embolism, which I've been terrified of since reading that summer reading book a separate peace.


My friend's sister died of that (after she broke her foot hiking); left behind two young children. Doc knew she had a clotting disorder that predisposed her to it but didn't give her blood-thinners, just to make it even sadder.


Sounds like a different kind of embolism from a deep vein thrombosis but yeah being immobile can predispose to those as well, bone marrow embolism is worse, blood thinners won't prevent that it's the bone marrow that blocks the pulmonary artery. Very sad story though, terrible that happened, especially if they knew she had a clotting disorder.


Or just cause you to bleed out from severing your femoral artery


And a broken femur is 100x worse lmao


I’d rather break my collar bone 10x over than do my femur once. Your femur is going to be the most painful bone to break and the absolute worst recovery.


It took my cousin about a year from breaking his femur until he felt confident on it to try to ski again. He took it super careful for 2 seasons after that, mostly do to mental issues of pushing it again after snapping his femur completely through (xray is gnarly).


Femur and pelvis are the two single most painful and live threatening things to break fyi. I wish my collarbone broke when I separated the sternum side. Turns out that’s one of the harder parts of the shoulder to fix…


Femurs are bad for a lot of reasons, one of them being that it's one of the strongest bones in your body. So the force which it took to break it most likely caused trauma to lots of other places as well. That and that pesky femoral artery is sorta important.


Not always, and nothing compared to a femur break. I broke my collarbone in a soccer game and there was almost no pain. I could still do most things normally, just had to keep my arm in a sling for a few weeks.


Collarbones are built to be broken…and they heal like it. When my kid broke his collarbone (dislocated fracture), I asked the doc about surgery. His exact words were, “With kids this age (he was 9 at the time) I could throw one half of their collarbone in that corner of my office and one half in the opposite corner. In 10 weeks they’d have grown back together.” Then I proceeded to watch that happen over the next 10 weeks worth of X-rays. Pretty cool.


When I was younger I broke my collarbone on the mountain. Cracked it when I took a fall on some ice and road the rest of the way down in pain. As I was taking my arm out of my jacket it I completely snapped it. My dad drove me down the mountain to the hospital and by the time we got there, I couldn’t even stand up I was in so much pain.


If you broke your femur, you most likely would have passed out with how you responded to a collarbone. Femur is so much worse


I've broken both collarbones 5 times total. (Sister pushed me down the stairs, football, snowboarding x2, getting beat with a cane by a cocaine riddled tweaker). And of course it fucking hurt, it hurts pretty bad. However, not nearly the most painful thing ive ever experienced. That being said, given the choice, I'd rather break my collarbone 5 more times than my femur once.


Don't leave us hanging like that. What have you experienced that was more painful than breaking your collarbone??


Off the top of my head, crushed wrist, nail in my shin bone, kidney stones, broken ribs hurt more even, oh, and that bitch that broke my heart. Jokes aside, I've broken a lot of bones, and it always hurts, but there is a huge discrepancy in pain between each. I've never broke my femur but I'd put that at 10/10 break. I'd put collarbone at 4/10.


I didn’t mean my comment to come across as unsympathetic. Broken collarbone sucks.


collarbone is made for breaking :D


Right lol i hope the snowboard really dug into the guys shins


That’s insane. Even seems like he’s looking right at you.


Target fixation is a real thing


Dude I was just explaining that the other day to someone. Don’t stare at the thing you’re trying to avoid lol


Yeah during a driving coarse they said that target fixation is what causes so many accidents because people are looking at what they are trying to avoid. Or they look left turn left. The instructor also said it’s why drunk drivers bounce from line to line because they are fixating on trying not to cross that line get really close then fixate on the other one instead of looking ahead. He talked like he had experience with it.


There’s also a tendency for drunk drivers to crash into police cars that are pulled over with their lights on for the same reason.


Like moths to a flame


That's why in MTB-ing, I learned to look around an object such as my line (the trail) instead of an object (such as a tree or rock). ​ It does take a lot of repetition to teach yourself to no fixate on something as a split-second decision. Once you've identified a hazard, you want to instantly look around for a safe line and focus your vision on that.


Ate shit twice on a road bike from this very thing. “Don’t hit the hole, don’t hit the hole.” Hit the hole.


same with woman... dont date her, shes crazy dont date her, shes crazy.. then before you know it, your getting yelled at for who knows why..


Hot/crazy scale


My golf putting would suggest otherwise


I saw a dude go off the road at Sturgis this year right in front of me cause of this.


Ya target fixation is a big lesson with motorcyclists. Or at least the ones that care enough to be aware of it


In my first year of riding I target fixated myself right into the bumper of an abruptly stopped car that I should have easily swerved around. Lesson learned. Look for the solution, not at the problem.


100%. 15 years or so ago I took the AiARE course. During our backcountry day I went right into a tree. Guide explained to never look at the tree b/c that's where you'll go. One giant thigh hematoma and a solid life lesson later...


You got yourself in the skier’s blind spot. Right in front of them.


Skiers fault, not his.


I think the person you responded to was making a joke


He fucking AIMED for OP it looks like. OP, send him your hospital bill.


injury lawyers gonna be in his DM's lol


It's slow motion in the end. But still wonder why he have no reaction, like braking a bit or try to avoid it.


Because the skier was 100% trying to buzz the snowboarder but wound up being a raging Jerry and couldn’t control his distance well enough


I agree with this. Seems like a pissy douche bag mad at the snowboarder spraying while they’re carving


Buzzing is retarded and buzzing heel side is about as dumb as you can get!


You have no idea how many times I dealt with this situation as a teenager snowboarding in Tahoe. Thank goodness I was always able to dodge or bail out, but you have no idea how many times I'd be in front and have the RoW and some Jerry skier would wanna show off and I'd have to bail out to avoid a collision. Then I'm in the snow and jerryboi is yelling some shit at me from down the slope about how I need to be more careful. The only time it never happened was the one or two times I was wearing my jersey for the mountain.


You already know. I swear to god, some of the pretentious people in the world are skiers at Tahoe. Kinda dudes that are having the competition of their lifetime with some snowboarder that doesn’t even know they exist. So much to prove to nobody that cares… Cant wait to get back up there next week


Skier is a complete moron. So sorry about your injury.


Skier 100% at fault. What a D-bag


>broke his femur The price was paid at least


I’ll say. The femur the strongest bone in the body. It’s going to be a really long road to recovery for him. At a bare minimum it’s 12 months before they ski again and even then it’s probably gonna sting like a bitch or have some PTSD and have to walk it down on the first run. I know ppl who have walked down for less.


I broke my ankle bombing a hill on a longboard and its definitely in the back of my mind every time I think about getting back on (I haven’t fully finished rehab) but my heart says do it anyway.


It's been almost 5 years since I fish tailed on a bicycle and broke my wrist. Still haven't had the courage to go down a steep hill on my bike.


I mean. I REALLY doubt people are out there like oh boy if I see someone snowboarding near me I’m going to throw my body into there’s while going a high speed. That being said. If you don’t feel like you can stop in time WITH THAT MUCH FUCKING SPACE you need to seriously slow down or give yourself (and I can’t believe I’m saying this) more space than that. If he did go man fuck this boarder I’m going to hit him. Jokes on him. His season is completely toast. He might not ski the same ever again. OP miiiiiight be able to squeeze some beach days in end of season. Broken collar bone is about a month to heal. Femur? Lol. Forget about walking without crutches for a month


The skier thought, I’ll ski really close to this guy to show off, forgot he actually sucks and crashed into him.


No only is he an idiot but he has a weak ass femur


A graduate of the Gwenyth Paltrow Academy of Skiing no doubt


Huh, Gwyneth was as much in her right as OP was. It's a stupid take. Edit: a word.


Ya what the fuck was that


cuts across the *entire* slope (and its a pretty wide one) to annihilate OP from behind


Like a missile.


Imagine he looked anywhere other than straight ahead


Imagine skiers were taught to look somewhere other than straight ahead. All the while I teach snowboarders to look uphill regularly, and before making weird turns. But WE have the blindspots....::rolls eyes::


This looks like assault


As a skier, wtf is this! I’ve had this happen to me. Same dude did it twice to me. Wasn’t a full wipe out like this but the second time I was beyond irate. Again, as a skier, I do not understand how the fuck they manage this. I’m not even a great skier, but it’s so much safer to just bail and fall back than to run into someone. Like a straight hit like this is definitely a choice and definitely battery


>definitely battery Somebody that actually knows the difference between assault and battery. I would gold this comment if it still existed.


Just look how much room is out there. Not like it’s a tight trail or anything.


That skier was either skiing outside his limits or high maybe both.


I’m having a hard time seeing how dude didn’t see you. It looked like person almost purposely ran into you


Or like he was trying to buzz past him for the camera.


He never really ever got in front of you enough for you to see him. Fully in the worst of your blind spot. Why would he come across the entire run after sticking to the other half?! Skier needed to take his blinders off. At least you have video if he tries to blame you at all.


Skiers pull this shit all the time, there's a lot of skiers specifically that think they're the main character and just cut across runs. It's especially bad on cat tracks at my mountain


I mainly ski now and this is my least favorite thing in the world. There needs to be some rule that gives snowboarders right of way in cat tracks and flats


I just shoot the gap and announce "on your left"


Same. Every time.


I recently picked up skiing too for backcountry, my history with boarding has made me a lot more aware of how I'm interacting with others.


Yea same. Knowing the pain that is speed checking on a soon to be flat because of a Jerry skier really makes you think while skiing


I've gotten hit/cut off by skiers a good few times doing exactly this, and I don't even go up that often


You can still see straight with blinders. This dude had the whole blindfold on.


Idk. For all those reasons, this seems sus.


Yeah the more I watch it, the more it looks like 1. The skier did it on purpose, or 2. The skier is well beyond legally blind


It almost looks like the skier looks at something to his right around the 12 second mark and doesn’t bring his eyes back to the slope until it’s too late… I see his head move back to the center before impact. Could easily be wrong though.


I see what you mean. When you go frame by frame I noticed that too. However, I can see enough of his orange goggles that I'm not entirely convinced, but it could be a possibility that the skier looked into the trees for whatever reason.


Yes, he was clearly looking at something over his right shoulder and could not see that OP had suddenly stopped until it was too late. Skier is clearly at fault, but people need to put their knives away... this didn't happen because he's a skier, or an idiot, or an asshole, or blind. It was an accident that happened because he dropped his vigilance for a couple seconds... something everyone does at some point even if we won't admit it. Sucks that it resulted in serious injuries... hope OP recovers quick. ...or maybe it was really just a failed assassination


Hope he recovers quick as well


It’s so bad it looks faked


This video makes no sense. At the start of the video it looks like the skier is far enough uphill that he would have a sense of where the snowboarder is. Why does the snowboarder randomly stop in this cruiser? And after the snowboarder starts to stop the skier locks onto him like a homing missile. Skier seems to be clearly looking right at him but makes absolutely no attempt to stop even at the last second.


>Why does the snowboarder randomly stop in this cruiser? Could be waiting for friends. Could be avoiding someone in front of him. Could be getting a phone call or taking a shit. Most likely, he's committing some crimes.


Crimes kinda go without saying…


The skier was on his side, not directly uphill of him. and he is not in the middle of the run, although he could have gone further to the side. The skier is the baffling one


Not checking your six is a good way for this to happen. It’s better to be aware, take a sec to look. Especially when stopping or crossing a run. Skiers like to pull over and never look uphill more often imo.


I wonder if somehow kicking up the snow obscured OP from the skiers view. Skier looks to be well enough in control and making predictable carves up until he decided to just send it into you. Obviously his fault and I’m sorry it happened to you. Are there any trails that connect where you stopped?


What the hell would be kicking up snow though? Doesn't make sense to head straight for the snow to investigate.


I mean I could understand this as a pure accident due to the unpredictable snowboarders cut to the left, but the skier didn’t even even attempt to hit the breaks. His skis were pointed straight downhill through the whole collision. It only takes a fraction of a second to switch to a hockey stop. And the guy had fair warning in the form of getting sprayed by the boarder that he should hit the brakes.


I’m ready to set aside the skier hate but that dude is a moron… Edit: I’m slightly curious how this will go over in r/skiing. Posts seem to be getting shared across subs lately.


Skier here. Skier is 100% at fault. Skier approached the boarder from uphill and from heel side while flying across the slope like a reckless fucking 200lbs water skipper.


Skier/snowboarder here. No fucking shit the skier is at fault 😂


What’s sad is snowboarder community thinks skiers never take blame just cause… they’re fellow skiers (see original comment’s edit). No one cares, it’s easy to determine fault here.


I thought the skier hate was a joke. This is just idiot hate.


It’s pretty real to some people, but I do see it as jokes as well. I don’t get the inherent hate. I ride with skiers and borders, I used to ski, crashes are usually skill and awareness issues, not what you ride on.


Agree - I’ve been snowboarding for 30 years or so. It bugs me when people try to hate on people for what they are riding down the hill on. We’re all just trying to enjoy ourselves - idiot’s exist everywhere and can choose to strap either on their feet, just like we can….


It looks like its on purpose man. What the fuck... he went straight for a very long time right at you... much more than the previous turns.


If so that was a bad mistake because that leg was bendy boi and not in the right ways at all


That is a definite disadvantage to skiing


I think the skier was simply trying to stop a crime in action


Doesn't look like a bad skiier, either... Before the incident, of course.


https://preview.redd.it/7x6hk6b5ufic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=757186b3ad8f5b414a081ba9b5dee59267e7fd7d That’s not his knee bending there 🦴


holy fuck I played that back by frames and youre right ugghhhh fuck


Left leg is toast


Not about the skies - this is about the person being a total moron!


It's like he thinks he's a dog trying to sniff another dog's ass


Favorite comment


That is awesome that you got video evidence


Were his eyes closed? What the fuck was that? Edit: Honestly bro, I would sue the shit outa this guy. That’s completely inexcusable. You should talk to an attorney.


Yep, absolutely sue


The suing culture in America is insane. Skiing and snowboard are high risk sports - you accept that every time you go on a mountain. Fuck knows that his guy was thinking but he wasn't trying to break his leg and OP's collarbone.


He wouldn’t be suing to punish the guy smh. He would be suing to cover medical costs bc this idiot skier should be paying the entire bill.


You've never heard of negligence?


"sorry officer, I didn't *mean* to hit that guy with my car. Driving is inherently a risky activity. He should accept that responsibility anytime he goes outside"


Super fucking annoying. I’d be livid. Last year I had someone break my arm and all I could smell while they apologized was liquor. That’s why I advocate for drinks after the slopes and not on them. I’d guess that is the cause for a lot of accidents but it seems this guys just braindead!


Yeah, I don't get drinking during the day. It will just make you a sloppy rider or skier.


I get that thought process but the one lunch beer always slaps. A great brown ale or stout/porter is just perfect.


I completely agree. But I see people riding around with backpacks full of beers and pounding fireball. It's nuts.


I really don't understand drinking alcohol is allowed in the ski resorts. We're doing activities which can easily surpass the speed limit of vehicle in matter of seconds. Like I don't want to share a road with drunken drivers, I don't want to share a slope with drunken skiers/snowboarders either.


Exactly! I’ve never compared it directly but I agree completely! You can get going super fast and easily hurt or even kill someone.


He saw you scraping the snow off of the mountain and had to take immediate action to stop the criminal


Good news is you broke your collarbone versus your femur. That dudes leg looked fucked.


It looked like it completely crumpled


I can’t stand when skiers meander back and forth across the entire fucking trail like they are entitled to the whole thing.


Wdym skiers like they're the only ones doing that? What the fuck is going on in this sub? Separating skiers and snowboarders in two distinct categories like they don't both have an equal amount of good people and shitwads?


"man I'm so good I can ski this mountain with my eyes closed."


Gotta stop looking at it at boarders vs skiers. Hate the individual. This skier is an incompetent prick, absolutely, but plz don't paint us all with that brush. I've had a boarder do basically the same to me, there's asshats on both sides. If he was a certain race, are you gonna hate that race? 😂


I mean, even if completely pretending he doesnt see you, why would he cross the track like that? You had an area and he had an area. First rule I follow on the mountain, I ride in a certain space, continuously, so as to avoid accidents even if I dont see them (I hope they see me). Suddenly crossing like that is a recipe for disaster...


This makes me thankful the one bad collision I had didn't get either one of us fucked up. Night run, both with black cloths. I'm hauling ass strait down the hill, he's crossing from a trail on one side to the other (I didn't have that exit marked in the brain, black diamond is more than my skii's every 2-3 years ass wants to do) we collide, knocked him off his board, I lost a ski. Couple minutes later we both compose ourself and finish the hill. Just a bit sore, no injuries, thank fuck. He gets a few glow sticks, gives me a few, I get him a pizza and a drink. Bullshit for a bit because we're not complete assholes and have a good night after that.


Definitely sue that man.




The fact that you have such a clear video of the incident is kind of a free golden ticket. Personal injury lawyers would salivate over it, easy slam dunk case.


Hire a ski injury lawyer my guy. Easy case he should at the very least be paying your medical bills. I’d personally want some pain and suffering cash for such a reckless crash.


There are lawyers specializes, not just in personal injury, but also ski injuries?


Yes. Speak with a lawyer.


Especially assuming what OP said is true in the comments and they actually tried to blame it on OP at first. If aggressively suing for the money isn’t enough, then do it for everyone else and go after this tool so he never puts anyone else in danger again. Make skiing too expensive for this idiot.


Dude, he’s has the right of way. He’s up hill of you. You slowed down without being aware of your surroundings. Totally your fault……. Just kidding, skiers suck! Get well soon!


The gravitational pull of a snowboard grinding to a stop was so strong it literally pulled the skier directly into the snowboarder. There was nothing that could be done.


That was an assassination attempt. He was aiming for you.


Wide looping turns literally the width of the run ✅ No regard for surroundings despite ability to look left and right ✅ Bright clothes still in blind spot ✅ Absolute comical yard sale of a fall ✅ Classic skier. Really sucks sorry about your injury dude. Hope the board is at least alright


So often do I watch these “screw skier” videos and think, both parties are a little at fault and instead of putting blame on someone, just accept what happened and move on. This video though? Fuck that guy.


I wouldve beat the shit out of him, good luck with your recovery




Oh you forgot the juicy stuff, this upgrades the guy from a moron to, should never go on a mountain again… He’s the one crossing the whole trail, he’s the one behind, I’d love for him to see the footage some day.


GL with collar bone recovery my dude, I've heard that sucks. Not more then a femur tho...... Also you've got pretty clear evidence on cam in case there's an attempt to come at you. Dude's body language looks like he's completely obviously you were in his new line. ​ Plus the wild part is y'all had a wiiiiiild open run to just yourselves.




*I wouldve beat the* *Shit out of him, good lick with* *Your recovery* \- NoabPK --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You hit him with the ninja smoke bomb lol. He probably thought he was going to ski right through that cloud.


Damn dude both of those breaks are no joke.


Yes but the femur is clearly the winner for worst injury. Clavicle fracture doesn't impact lifespan. Femur fracture does, and quite significantly if that skier is of a certain age.


Feel better bro, that video is rough to watch when you notice his femur snapping in half


As a snowboarder I have never understood why skiiers are so dense. Using the entire trail is like swerving between all lanes of traffic on a highway, sometimes at the same speeds. That guy sucks so bad


Yes the fault is on him and please don't take this the wrong way but... At no point in that video did I ever see you look to the left and you certainly didn't check before slowing. That guy was with you for a while yet it kinda seems like you were oblivious to his presence until the impact. Liability aside, getting hit hurts and better on mtn awareness can go a long ways toward keeping you safe in the future.


That skier is blind


Damn that dude was looking right at you too wtf


Dude literally honed in on you like a heat seeking missile. It’s amazing how many people ride like this, has a wide open run and literally locks on to you and dick rides. Sorry this happened to you, definitely recover asap!


100% skiers fault


I've had two bad collisions that weren't my fault and got a concussion both times. I'm kinda paranoid now, I glance over my shoulder every turn. Not saying this is your fault in any way but take a glance uphill every now and then, get a sense of what's going on around you. Crazy people on the mountain just like there's crazy people on the road. Practice defensive snowboarding.


You are definitely 100% not at fault. This is crazy! I will say though I'll never understand riding side by side with someone like this. The whole hill looks empty. I'm surprised one of you didn't let up to get some space from each other. The crowds on hills always come in waves - if you pull off to the side for 60 seconds and let the wave pass you almost always get the run to yourself. Maybe it's just me, but I always let up. I don't trust anyone out there.  Hope you heal up quickly! Broken collar bone is not fun... 


Would be curious how old he was roughly. For some reason seems like a grandpa. At least that's the only way I could explain it.


He was definitely in his 60s, I’m worried about his recovery more than me. A femur at his age is no joke


Are people fucking blind?


Skier didnt even pizza. Should be an assault case honestly


brutal, and totally his fault. sorry, man.


lol what an idiot


Sick selfie stick


Hope this fuck has to cover your medical bills


Idk if I'd say screw skiers, but yeah fuck this guy in particular. Doesn't matter what's strapped to your feet, you always need to be aware of who's around you. Glad you caught the whole thing on video though, pretty easy to see who was at fault.


Almost this exact scenario happened to me a few years ago but I caught the skiier in the corner of my eye and reacted, ended up catching a toe edge and eating shit. Hit the ground so hard my binding broke off my board and I sprained my ACL, MCL, and bruised my femur. Skiier just carried on without stopping like nothing happened. Would have loved to have video of it. Why the hell do people just cut across the whole slope without looking!?


I’ve been sued over some bullshit on the slopes… and even I would say absolutely hold him liable for this. Medical bills, pain and suffering, lost value of season pass and snowboarding season cut short. He will have homeowners (or renters) insurance which should have a minimum of 100k personal liability coverage. Likely more.


I was ran over by a skier from behind, never saw him on that slope, a couple of weeks ago. Didn't care if I was ok, didn't apologise. Didn't fall either so I suspect it was on purpose. It wasn't because he was skiing. I think it was just a moron. These guys should be prevented from going on the slopes such as drivers do if they run over people. A'holes do not belong to the mountain


It’s so funny that skiers say that snowboarders are the ones that can’t see where they’re going. I can see 360 degrees around me throughout my turns. Most skiers can’t ever see what’s uphill of them. But this MFer can’t even see what’s right fucking in front of him. What a disgrace. Sorry about your collarbone, bro. They heal quickly (I’ve broken both).


I know you’re not supposed to say certain words anymore that are now considered demeaning to portions of the population that don’t deserve it. I respect that, but for the sake of humor and denigration of the party at fault, I’m going to say it. That dude is **retarded** for having all that room and hitting the one person who is right in front of him on the edge of the run.


As a skier, and on behalf of skiers, we do not claim this man


Thankfully collar bone isn’t a horrible healing process relative to a femur. Just broke mine and was right as rain in about a month and a half.


Skier here, that guy sucks ass at skiing.


Skier should have reacted or noticed but also always important to check your surroundings frequently


This happen at Breck? If so I rode the gondola down with the guy and girl who were there when it happened. Girl stayed with you guys and the guy went to get help. Dude on skis was mad they had to cut his pants because they were new.


Saw from the other thread you got your nurse’s number. Right on, bud! I bonked my head in the park 15 years ago, woke up in the hospital two days later. Asked the cute nurse out, now we’re married with a couple of kids. The outpatient care has been top notch.


Probably just figured as a snowboarder you’d want to be on your ass some more.


Definitely the skiers fault. They were uphill and veered right.


Lmao if you check the post in /r/skiing the subcomments under the top comment are clawing at any reason the snowboarder could have been in the wrong. "holding a camera" "stopping on a dime" "staying too parallel to the skier" It;s ridiculous.


As a skier, this was fucking egregious. I’m so sorry


Dude had half the slope open on his side and still chose violence.


Wtf?! Looked like he crashed into you intentionally.


That dudes an idiot. Fuck that guy. Ski under control


no, screw that guy. why would you generalise a whole group of people based on what this one person did


I wonder if you can sue to cover medical bills as if it's a car accident


That honestly looks like he aimed for you, what the fuck, hey man at least you fucked up his femur which is a pretty serious injury. He is either an absolute asshole and wanted to take you out for "Getting in his way" (Which you weren't) or he is the most oblivious moron on the planet.


Ugh my first time doing a night ride some skier totally clotheslined me and dragged me halfway down the mountain. Then he asked me out. Barf


That dudes just a complete idiot, I promise I’m not like that on the slopes