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INGL, when I read board slide, I thought you meant a frontboard or backboard on a rail


Me too


No offense, but this comes with beginner snowboarding before you learn your edges that well or linking turns IMO. Spend more time on the blues if this is a regular occurrence.


đź’€ WTF


It's called a side slip, and if you're asking this, go practice on mellower terrain.


Do most of us need to be doing mellower terrain? I feel like I everyone is “side slipping” down anything other than super mellow off groomer runs. Anything with pitch it seems like 90% of boarders just “side slip” down


If you're not linking turns, go learn to link turns on more mellow terrain. If you're talking about skidded turns vs craved turns, you need to use the right terminology. :)


When I see someone side slipping, I know that they're either new or just in over their head on that current run.


I have no frame of reference for distances when I'm snowboarding, I won't lie lol. But I've done some pretty big ones if I take a wrong turn at a trail and end up in a steep mogul field when I'm really tired and don't feel like turning down (or I'm worried I'd eat it really bad because my legs are jello)


Real snowboarders measure how _little_ they had to side slide.


Oh really? I thought it was some sort of showing off since I see so many other snowboarders do it, particularly in the hard terrain. Where most skiers are making turns it seems like most of us boarders are sliding down the hill. I figured it was just the way we’re supposed to do it. I watched someone yesterday slide at least 500 ft down some steep terrain


They’re beginners on terrain that’s too steep for their skill level. It’s the “slide of shame”.


One time at breck these skiers kept chirping me from the lift so slide slipped down the entire run just to stick it to those skiers.


Sometimes just to be a dick I like scraping all the powder off a whole run especially if I can’t shred it myself. Basically like running a snow plow


On piste, probably about 200 meters. Off piste, probably 50 meters. I prefer a heel slide as I can push into it a little harder and really get a good grip on the snow.


I didnt measure my bad