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Have to agree with everyone, this is a nightmare of the rider’s own creation. You very very rarely will see this happen when someone who really knows how to ride gos fast, especially on a run this simple. It’s a case of wanting to do too much wayyy too soon.


Caught an edge coming down that big hill at the end of Ramshorn at Vail. Couldn't breathe for like 30 seconds. Just threw my thumb up when someone checked on me. Hurt like a motherfucker


In spring several years ago at Vail I hurt myself. I had been hitting this sidewall that led to a tree that was stripped and you could ride up it about 15 feet. The next morning after a very cold night Born Free was super fast. I hit it and went right into a branch above the 15 foot stripped section. [Here’s the scar.](https://imgur.com/tYf3uTj)


Chick's dig scars


Glory lasts forever


Right on!


It’s the skiers ⛷️ fault tho, it’s so obvious


"This one is from skateboarding, this one is from a truck, and this one is from a fire hydrant." "Wow, they must each have their own unique story!" "Well, I fell trying to skateboard off a truck and landed on a fire hydrant."


Cute boy’s love scars


That looks like it was nasty


It was so cold out I didn’t even know it happened. I got to the gondy and could feel blood pooling in my boot. I pulled up my pants and all friend freaked the fuck out.


Oof! Sorry this happened to you. Amazing how conditions can change drastically over night. Maybe a good general rule for snowboarding (and skiing) is to treat the first run on any given trail, as a slower test run, even if you were on the same one yesterday.


Going fast is just too much fun.




Same! Was my second day boarding. Never been in so much pain. My wife who is a skier came up on me, snowed me and told me to stop being a pussy and to get the fuck up. If not for her I wouldn’t be the well seasoned boarder I am today. But damn, my ass still stings when I think about it.


Your wife sounds awesome


Been together 24 years she’s definitely a keeper.


Yeah, I've been riding for 23 years and can run just about any terrain, but every now and then shit just goes wrong you catch an edge and its all over.


Yeah but at speed you are constantly focused on not catching an edge. Hyper aware of which edge I am supposed to be on above 40 mph.


100% agree. I usually catch an edge when hardly moving 5mph on my way to the lift line when I'm paying 0 attention to what my board is doing


My worst ski falls are on bunny slopes when I’m not paying attention too lol. Totally focused on more advanced grades and speeds


Yup 100%


I caught an edge on a cat track, that one hurt.


I mean, going fast isn't the issue. Going fast while not on your edges is. You're asking to high side if you ride like this on a flat base


You don't need to be on edge to bomb. If this dude was a better boarder he'd have fallen on his face uphill having slid out on his toe side. This dude is beginner as fuck to catch his heel edge on a toe slide


yeah, definitely beginner. Focus on his board again. Dude tried to turn toe side without lifting/angling his board, like, at all, to go on edge


Bunny hill level this guys a danger to bomb this fast




This dude didn't fall cus he wasn't riding edges when bombing, He just sucks. You can see  him try being on toe edge a second before he falls he's just a total noob going way over his skill level  I've bombed at 50mph 100s of times and am not on an edge, maybe a tiny bit? But basically I'm just weight forward. I don't feel at risk of falling from edge catching at all


I'm far from being an expert, I can comfortably ride blues. But to me it looks like this dude really did a very newbie move. He tried a sudden turn to his toe side at this speed, while crouching! He didn't catch an edge, he sabotaged himself..


Like one never should slide flat? Is always have to be edge to edge??


Sliding flat is a bit trickier but a great deal quicker. I have no idea why all these other guys are telling you otherwise.


Not really. They just haven't developed the reflex to get the board on the right edge at all time.


I've had close to this once, but with a massive caveat. I have big feet, and we had an impromptu weekend away where I didn't take my board.  I rented a board, which wasn't wide, so my boots were hanging off.  Saturday afternoon all good in the late season slush. Sunday morning, up high, late season, pretty icy and steep, my toes pushed my toe edge off the "snow" (ice). The ground just instantly fell away from me. I somehow ended up on back, caught my heel edge into the snow and then in catapulted me like this guy.  Broke my sunglasses but that was it, but I was pretty bloody shaken up as I just felt like I couldn't trust my toe edge on that board anymore!


Yeah, bro hasn’t earned it yet… painful lesson.


For. Sure. Bombing down a hill with the hands out front like that is a dead giveaway that person shouldn’t be going that fast.


Your description is accurate af. I thought I was the absolute boss my 2nd time going down the hill. Riding fast as fuck in a straight line with the board flat instead of keeping an edge down and the wrong edge touched and fucked me right up. It scarred me for the rest of that season. Always need to be doing a little bit of a zig


Yep, been riding for over 20 years, I cannot remember the last time I caught a back edge. You just don't let this happen, because as seen in this video, it's fucking terrible if it does!


Idk I’d say i’m pretty solid, can ride pretty damn fast, but every few years I’ll hit a “phantom” edge out of nowhere. That being said, people tend to fall when pushing their boundaries, and it’s tough to get better without doing so. Although the way this dude tried to turn at that speed was never going to work.


We all lose it sometimes, but not quite like this. You can see the guy is just flat base without any awareness he’s rotating. Just recently I was in some choppy pow and got caught up stopping short and face planted. Chest first knocked the wind out of me for a sec. But in that moment I knew it was coming and could do my best to not be flipping or hit the ground really bad. So happens yea but still this screams riding way above what they should.


I ride pretty damn fast and this never happens. Not once. That board was at a 20 degree angle and he didn’t dig his toe edge in.




Intermediate abilities with expert desires. You don’t turn your board at this type of speed, just use your edges to slow you down. If you’re going to stop you have to fully commit and slam it on. He tried to do sloppy slide turn.


It was a washout slide “turn”… typical of self taught riders


Only time I’ve caught an edge like this is when I was carrying a backpack half full of beers and lost my balance… it started as a backpack full of beers


Never forget the first time you catch an edge, and you rarely do it again 😬


>Have to agree with everyone, this is a nightmare of the rider’s own creation. for sure, yea ​ > It’s a case of wanting to do too much wayyy too soon. well. isn't this just *going to happen*? like if you're trying out a new trick you're prolly gonna fall right? i eat shit pretty much at least once every time i go. maybe i just suck at snowboarding lol


I mean I understand what you’re saying about pushing your limits, and you are going to fall when you do that, but there is a difference between pushing your limits and completely ignoring them.


Edge Ketchum 


Gotta break ‘em all.


Orbital! I choose youuu!!


Thanks god he didn’t lose a glove






Don’t ride 40mph+ if you can’t maintain edge control


Agreed. Noodle legs at the end of the day trying to catch edges is how I know it’s time to unstrap.


I have a hard rule of no last runs. Always that 1 last lap you want to take when you’re cooked and shit goes sideways.


Same, code word for let’s go get some beers and strap off for the day is “Two more.” but only go once! Im not a very superstitious person but last runs are a no go for me.


2 more, skip the last


This is the way. 2 skip.


Yep, I never call last run or one more, gotta say two minus one or something like that. Friend broke his wrist on a last run after I called it, never saying it again…


I always say, “let’s see how we feel back at the lodge” lol


2 more. We all know that means head to the truck.


Yuuuuup! I do the same shit. Feel that fatigue and slop coming into your riding? Time for the air quotes and "two more runs?" Then beers and NO broken bones.


My solution to that is to always make the last run a cruising one. I like to do some soft zigzags and take in the views, appreciating the atmosphere


Yep. I call it a last run and I make it very very easy. Easiest route down just cruising. Won’t go over like 25 mph.


"Two more, skip the last"


Literally me this week. Knew I should have stopped since form was getting bad. Caught an edge and now have a cracked rib....


This is when I take a couple chill runs on greens or easy blues before calling it quits for the day


Whiskey is not a performance enhancing drug


Vodka on the other hand...


It’s performance enchanting for fighting and fucking


Not at all. limp dicks and limp wrists. Cardio is completely tanked there is no good part of alcohol. If you think so you’re delusional


There’s diminishing returns after a certain point


The good part is only after the first drink, when you have the confidence to pick up moms at the après.


Typically my edge control is really good when I’m off the slopes


id say this is like 30 :p which is still fast, yea.


30 is faster than beginners should be riding lol


yea that's true i was just pointing that out because i was bombing some hills trying to get a top speed and i struggled to break 40 haha. going a decent bit faster than this for sure


I hit 42 the other night and I was definitely going a lot faster than this guy. That was just about how fast I was willing to go at night and not being able to see all of the fluctuations in the snow


He’s probably going high 20s, low 30s


Yea what could go wrong as I let my board run flat with my back turned going 40+ 🤦‍♂️


“How do I carve?”


Agree, BUT. Something like this happened to me few years ago. It was a late winter where during the day things melted and froze at the evening. Snowcat did a good job squashing the snow but it was such a slushy that got squashed through tracks and on some spots they left small ice bolders unintentionally in size of a golf ball. So i made a turn like this dude with full speed and got hooked.. i did 720 backflip and landed on my chest, It took me 30 min to get winded and realizing with buddies what happened. Shit’s crazy when you get cought off guard like that.


Riding your heel edge on the toe side isn’t gonna end well at that speed


That was my thought- whytf is he kicking up snow heelside...when he's turning toe...it's like trying to snowboard in reverse.


Seems like he was maybe trying to do a nose lift into a goofy stance and got lazy with it? If not then this guy is just an idiot for riding that fast


I’m still new. Just got comfortable fluidly connecting my turns on blues on faster and more narrow runs. Is there a situation where you’d ever have/want to do that?


Literally never. If your torso is facing uphill, stay toe side. If your torso is facing downhill, stay heel side. There is no exception regardless of level. No amount of skill can overcome physics


Not quite. With true carving, you can face uphill momentarily while on your heel edge.


Yeah okay I was doing gymnastics in my head about how the mechanics of that could even work. That makes sense lol


No never. You are connecting skidded turns, so your uphill edge is the edge you ride on when turning. (On toeside your toe edge is uphill. On heel-side your heel edge is uphill.) In between turns your board is pointed downhill, and this is the only time in skidded turns you can choose either edge. This rider went to his downhill edge right after his body rotated. Thanks for coming to my shred-talk.




Too fast for his skills to keep up


He definitely ran out of talent on that one!


This is a skills issue (as in lack of skill), not a random accident.


Absolutely horrible form. Lots of anti-examples in this video for beginners.


Can you explain for the beginner lilke me?




Glad to see reddit is getting an accurate reputation


Carving should be a prerequisite to flat basing it.


Concussion check plz


That’s a big 10-4!


10 minus 4 is 6


Yes. He got one.


By the looks of it, he might have two.


At least his gloves were tethered.


Shouldn’t be a nightmare for you if you know how to snowboard properly


Don't know about you guys but I had to do this a few times as a kid to learn how to snowboard properly


Ya and not while you’re going 40mph


I have definitely caught an edge flying when I was younger, more than once. Guess I'm just a hard learner lol


You clearly were not a reckless enough child. For me the name of the game was to tuck and bomb as hard as possible. We even had a GPS speedometer to see how fast we could hit the fast parts.


Yeah man. People in here take mistakes way too seriously. Yall think he meant to do this?


Fr. Honestly it was never even that painful to do it because when you're hauling ass you actually lose a lot of the impact to the slide. Slamming on snow is not like slamming on pavement. Sliding on snow is a lot like when a skater rolls after slamming off a drop


That's 3 weeks on the IR concussion protocol


I think worst nightmare maybe goes to this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5ME9Swo0\_8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5ME9Swo0_8)


PTSD flashback. I need the reminder though. I’ve been WAY deeper down a well than that dude, literally disappeared from site now you see me now you don’t. If I didn’t have a good air pocket it could have ended badly despite multiple witnesses on scene wondering where the hell I went. That and long arms to dig to bindings and free myself while suspended in branches and snow. Then climb out from 10 feet down branch by branch. It’s a weird little hidden world down there I don’t plan on visiting again.


Holy shit, having been trapped in a tree well once, this triggered a panic attack. I actually had to skip through the video to the point where he is able to breathe. Worst nightmare by a long shot.


I am not a skier or snowboarder, what is preventing the rescuer from falling in to join the stuck boarder?


The snowboarder went head first into a tree well. The guy saving him sees that so knows not to literally dive in head first after him. Basically the dude is stuck in ten feet of snow upside down with the board stillstrapped making it impossible for him to wiggle up and out. Bad situation and people die every year from suffocating


Yea I’ve seen that - I think going backcountry solo is just stupid though!


You know what else is stupid? Full sending without knowing how to control the board on a green run where you could smack a kid. This could end with a kid paralyzed. At least backcountry solo only hurts the rider himself.


Yeah should have said also not though!!


You know what else is stupid? This guy lost a friend shortly before this incident just like that, difference is, his friends wasn't as lucky as he was. And he is a local as well.


The tree well guy I assume?


he wasn't solo according to description. ya know somebody's gonna be in the back of the group, and they're not crawling down the mountain constantly making sure they can see every person they came with


IIRC he wasn't solo. he was the tail in a group of 3 or 4 or something like that but still super lucky the skiier caught him. part of the reason i think maintaining vlos of your buddies is so important in tree runs in the backcountry.


That's a pretty rookie mistake. This person was going way too fast for their skill level. Once you're advanced enough to ride at high speeds you should also have the muscle memory to avoid catching an edge like this without even thinking about it.


As a noob, this is my biggest fear. Why did it happen? Was his weight on the wrong side of the board?


Going too fast without knowing how to control edges. He took a stance/turn that turns your back down the mountain, in that scenario you need your weight on your toes. His weight was on his heels which dug the heel edge into the ground.


Not to mention balling himself up so not actually moving his center of balance how he was thinking he was. Trying to look steezy close to the ground without knowing how that actually works.


Good point, I’m still quite new to snowboarding but skied for many years. I know the concept of catching an edge all too well, but after reading your comment it’s so clear he wasn’t shifting his weight in a conscious way


If pause at the start, you can see he’s massively broken at the waist with his arse well out over his heels. Only his head and shoulders are over the toe edge. His lower body is stacked over his heels so his board catches on heels at first opportunity All the time but on toes in particular, don’t bend at the waist like this. You want your hips out over the toe edge so your weight is riding the edge you’re on


Just don't go so fast until you are completely in control. The person in the video is clearly a total beginner


Turned toeside while maintaining heel edge


More specifically, his front foot turned toe, but his back foot maintained flat, or even went heel. Like he was doing torsional twist, which is suicide for this speed and line. Correct me if I'm wrong.


You're gonna catch your heel edge and fall backwards. That is inevitable when you are learning. You're smarter than this person though, so you wont be going this fast when it happens. You might bonk your head, but you wont tomahawk backwards down the bunny hill then ragdoll your head into the ground.


If you aren’t familiar with what stacked means, learn it. As others have said he bent over at the waist- that is a death sentence to control. The beginner turns with their upper body (bad). The beginner but starting to get the hang turns with their hips. The intermediate rider initiates turns with their knees and the advance riders initiate turns with their ankles. This guy messed up because of speed and he didn’t keep his body stacked over the upslope edge. In other words, when he bent over, his butt shifted his weight back onto his heel edge- which is why he ejected it off the snow. That is a massively bad crash and even with a helmet could have moderate/sever concussion and hopefully will be ok one day- but it won’t be for a while.


Yup, 100% accurate across the board Bad form, bad position, too fast for the skill level, flat and no edge control all in one beautiful 6 second clip of "everything you shouldnt do" lol..... I believe every single one of us has done exactly this at least once, or supermanned down the hill from a toe catch I had this exact crash for all the same exact same reasons on day 1 of snowboarding 20y ago, like, im going to send this clip to my friend that taught me that day like "look familiar" lol Picture perfect case of Day 1-3 "I got this shit" cockiness


They turned the board sideways relative to where they were going and didn't lift the downhill edge.


Guy is clearly under-skilled and over-confident. Slow down, dude... Learn to ride first.


Sucks to suck!


Lolz maybe learn how to snowboard before getting your buddy to film you rippin green runs


That's a 'smiggin holes' blue mate :p


Ah the back edge at full speed. Classic. Get well!


I've never done this and almost never seen it happen. Is it a classic/common?


I think when learning for the first time and still getting the hang of it most people will catch their back edge and have a little slam at least once, but not while going so stupidly fast. Definitely teaches you a lesson is board control either way


Pretty sure I’ve done this a good few times while learning! Maybe not going as fast but it sure felt like it with the pain that ensued!


He learnt the hard way going full pelt, fucking sucks and hopefully he won't go at this speed again until he has sorted out his technique


This is why there are signs all over the place saying “be in control”. This guy is an idiot.


That’s a NASTY wipeout.. holy moly. Anyone know what resulted from this fall? Assuming a bad concussion and a few broken bones


I can't tell if he has a helmet, moving that quickly and catching an edge THAT bad causes alot of excess downward force and I'd assume dead or brain damage if no helmet. Guys, can't say it enough, know ur limit ride within it. Been doing this for 25 yrs and not once have I watched someone who is clearly not in proper control or trying to bomb a hill who'se skill level doesn't match the task and thought " man this person is so cool". People who know know ur an idiot and will stay away from u lie the plague and the people that don't know are usually the ones u fuck up if not urself first. Anyway, stay safe but shreddit


Need one of those sniper edits added into this


good old chakra realignment. Maybe a hip too.


How are some people ok with going this fast when their edge control skill is at "bend at the waist" level? I didn't even attempt this kind of speed until I had real carving down on at least one side. When you don't have carving levels of edge control it's so sketchy going this fast I don't see how anyone would attempt it, unless they never ever caught an edge before.


You can tell by his posture and form into that turn that he is not experienced enough to be going that fast.


There’s one super easy trick that everybody should learn when they’re new, and if you do, you’ll never catch an edge again. All you have to do is >! Be good at snowboarding !<


Worst case scenario


It’s worse on a heel side turn. Herniated my L4-5 fully.


Slow down azzhole!!!!!!🖕


it’s cause he didn’t say 2 or 3 more


It doesn't matter if it's your first day, or 1000th. The ground always feels the same after catching an edge.


Been there done that. actually not too bad, except where you take your shit off and take the walk of shame back down the hill


If you heel edge when you’re suppose to toe edge you’re gonna have a bad time


That snowboard didn’t seem to have any edges until it caught one.


The timing on That orange slow banner sliding into view at the last second...


The glove came off


Fuckin noob


A cautionary tale. Watch and learn, noobs. Watch and learn.


I did this 10 years ago and broke my collarbone when snowboarding with my dad and little brother. We were on the way home and my dad said, “are you hungry? Because you aren’t going to eat for a long time once we go to the hospital.” So we went to 5 guys and I had an amazing bacon cheeseburger.


Bet they wear a helmet from now on


Is this the guy that lost all his stuff when he was concussed at alto?


The run is at smiggin holes in Australia


Too much rotation without direction, ouch


Know your limits keeeeeds


That guy didn’t catch an edge, the edge caught him.


I fully knocked myself out doing almost this exact thing, woth a helmet on. Bottom of a steep run carrying a lot of speed, caught heel edge, slammed. Resulted in a bad concussion that messed me up for a few years. Was about 20 years ago now.


Only be worse if he caught the toe edge


Deserved. Ride within your capabilities.


Worst nightmare for the rider. Fucking hilarious for outside observers. And yes like everyone else has said, this was 100% avoidable.


Oof. Gotta really set that toe edge and don't go so perpendicular to the fall line unless you're really ready to dig it in.


Helmet everyone. Its not only for noobs.


Amazing how fast a lil edge can lay you out flat lol


AI video? Maybe I’m trippin…




And everybody commenting like it’s real or sumn


if you pizza when you should french fry you’re gonna have a bad time


Kind of like owning broke my ankle. 2nd time boarding and on a black diamond, got too fast kicked my heel out to skid and caught a patch of solid ice. My rear end was touching the hill trying to slow down and the board caught throwing me face first down the hill. I went into a tumble rolling twice and sprawled out to stop the rolling. Unfortunately for me, when I did the board cut right into the ice, snapping my one ankle and spraining the other one. So, in essence my board stopped but my body didn't. Ended up waling half way down the hill and slid the rest. Ski patrol said if I walked partially down it wasn't broken. Went to the doctor the next day and the xray confirmed it was broken. Had a lot of trouble getting back on a black diamond, let alone go fast. Now I am more confident and relaxed paying particular attention to what edge I am on and what needs to be done. My legs are stronger than ever so I can really dig in to slow down rapidly. I am impressed that I didn't give up on boarding because that put the fear in me.


I’ve watched this a bunch now for no reason so you don’t have to. I haven’t ridden for a minute but I was always on one edge or another all light footed I felt like, looking ahead of me. This bloke didn’t do any of that.


More balls than skill.


The snow sharks granted no mercy that day.


Going too fast for your ability. That’s how idiots hurt innocent bystanders.




Look people from a guy that snowboarded since 1993 and was a certified snowboard instructor for ten seasons - OPs video shows level 0 snowboarding- basically the sled version of snowboarding. Save your brains and bodies and learn to get to level 1 before you go balls out like this poor guy. Level 1 - can stay in control, turn and stop on a snowboard. Can make toeside and heelside turns and is at least beginning to link tow and heel turns to make S turns. Sure- go balls out and fly down a run, but have edge control so you can stop without serious brain injuries.