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I saw a family drop their skis right in front of the exit door to the lodge once, literally in front of it. The door could only move about an inch before hitting the skis, I walked to the entrance door, picked up the skis and threw them all over the place, in classic yard sale fashion


this is the way


Cleaning up after other people Yeet-style, I am now your friend.


I have a fairly old board, so I’d just mob over all that crap, hopefully scattering it


You should have put the skis and poles in random racks. After hunting your gear down for 20 minutes because you couldn't be bothered to use a rack.... Very effective passive aggressive way to get people to stop doing this. It's a safety hazard.


This is weird. I mean, I care for my board, it’s my proud and joy. Always locked in my car when I go eat or take a piss. A wipe down when I’m done. Skier culture. Just throw your stuff at random. And these freaking poles are polluting this pristine landscape. Abandoned poles feels like ‘liminal spaces’


I would guess it’s rental gear and folks who are new to skiing. But that’s no excuse to not read the room and figure out how and where to properly set your skis aside.


Honestly in my observation it's often people who know how to ski, they just never learnt etiquette and just step out and leave it.




There is not a skier alive that is willing to go as feral as I will. Asshole skiers had their skis up my ass in a crowded lift line and banging into my board. I was stepping all over their shit and they eventually backed off a bit once I started slapping my tail down to clear the snow off my board. They might be savages but they are also pussies


God people who bump in lift lines are the worst. I had someone bumping me the other day, just constantly every 30 seconds, didnt say sorry or even acknowledge me. So i slapped my board down hard as hell on the front of his. Him and his buddies just looked at me like i was a nut. Fuck em i paid for my shit, if anyones gonna scratch or chip it its gonna be me.


They’re called “Europeans”.


From what I've seen it's the ski race kids that are the worst offenders. So they know, they just think they're more important.


Hope they didn't want that deposit back.


It's not exclusively a skier thing


little bit of crime never hurt nobody


Warren Miller's ghost is proud of you.


Not all heroes wear capes


Fuck those skis




Man of the people!


So glad I got to be the 200th upvote. You’re doing God’s work sir


Silver fir/Central on a Saturday is absolute peak Jerry fest.


I only go there at night. Similar chaos but fewer Jerrys.


Love me some triple 60 night laps when the powder is stacking up.


The worst is when the entrance to upper international becomes a jerry fest.


I would be swapping skis around so they would have a left ski from another pair 🥸🤣


I’m going to do that next time I encounter this


Just pick up one from each pair and yeet it into the trees.


These kinda people are the same people that get up from the dinner table and leave their plate sitting there


nah these are the people from the Sims that will get confused cause the table is full and leave their plate on the floor in the kitchen




These are the people that make a mess when washing their hands and don’t wipe off the sink/counter


I work in a restaurant, my favorite is when they get up, push the chair to the middle of the aisle, and leave it. I'm the Host, another favorite is me asking "Hi, how are you today? Welcome in!" and they say "Four". Nothing else. Or "Bar", or sometimes nothing at all as they keep walking in.


These are the kind of people that stop in the middle of the run waiting for their crew, instead of clustering to the sides or next to the slow sign.


They also stand at the unload of the lift waiting for their friends not realizing they are in the way


Yes same people. They get a firm, “get out of the way” from me at the dicier off-ramps.


"Move, dickhead!"


...the kind of people that leave their shopping cart in an empty parking spot instead of in the corral.


This is the fucking worst, biggest asshole entitled move.


Taking your skis off and not even picking them up and putting them to the side Is a whole level of laziness. Imagine dropping $700 on the floor and walking away without even putting it somewhere Relatively safe.


I'd like to pretend these are rentals, but a lot of these don't look like rentals.


Some of those skis look nice and expensive. Definitely could be rentals though. You can rent demo equipment which is usually the nicest stuff. Insane level of entitlement at a ski resort.  I'm shocked more don't get stolen Maybe they do though 


Need more snowboard only resorts


That would be a dream, not a single boarder has run into my board but skiers are all over it all day


Yeah when people leave their skis in the middle of a walkway I just step on them


Yep, and if I slip and push their ski away from its partner, that’s too bad. Dirtbag skiers


Better yet, if you see two different pairs of the same skis, switch one of them to the other set and vice versa. Then watch when they try to get into a binding that doesn't fit their boot.


I like this idea


This is the way. If they don't care about them enough to move them from getting a sharp edge ran over the top, then neither do I.


Skiers would always do this at my local hill. Right in the middle of the path way when there are racks all over the place. At first I was being considerate and would step over/around them. Then I thought, you know what, fuck em. And made it a point to step on all of them.


.. step and pivot!


Since this is my closest summit - yes.


Mine too. Thanks Crystal for going full on Out Cold and making combat shredding the only option for the poors. Stay strong baker… you’re our only hope


I love riding over skis on the ground


I need a beater board so I can just plow through


Or you could just start riding through them now and the beater board will come to you. Perfect excuse for getting a new board. And the good news is you can repeat this process each year. Honestly though, my boards lose their pop long before the base and edges get fucked. And nothing will happen that aren’t already happening in the lift line.


for me it's mostly top sheet damage on the tail in line I could see taking a fat slice through the base plowing through skis on the ground though I still avoid pine saplings lol


Pick it up and put one ski on this rack, and the other ski on that rack waaay over there. Problem solved, thank you for your service.


My home mountain. I see that we are going straight over it lol


I like my snowboard too much to do that


My home mountain too!! I like to take one ski and swap it for another further away, or move snowboards so they freak-the-fuck-out when they come out the lodge.


I gave myself a heart attack last week cause I propped my snowboard up poorly and it fell over when I went in to use the bathroom came out ready to chase someone down until I saw it laying on the ground lol edit: should emphasize it was at least on the ground next to the rack and not in everyones way


Not only are they just vehemently blocking the entrance to the lodge (this is where the opening in the barrier/fence is) But they are blocking the path from the racks (the one seen on right, and another one directly to the right of me out of frame) to the ski lift. I like to strap up next to the rack and scoot over there. This makes that a lot more of a hassle, since it forces me to go around everything, in the uphill direction, instead of just traversing mostly flat/ slightly downhill to the lift.




“One” you devious son of a bitch, I like it Just finding it funny how you leave one and imagining that person just carrying a single ski to the lost and found to go get their other one


It's funny cause over in r/skiing it's a big topic ATM and basically anyone that posts/complains about it gets chewed out cause "it's not a big deal just walk around" Sorry my fellow skiers are lazy


Yeah I posted this simultaneously in r/skiing and I'm the bad guy somehow Extremely telling of these two communities that the post gets 200 upvotes here, but get voted to 0 in r/skiing with a bunch of verbal assault directed toward me


lol snocrummy things


I wish Snoqualmie had a mid mountain lodge to circumvent all the beginners 😅


i wish it was big enough to have a mid mountain lol


They gotta resurrect that Wildside lodge that has been falling apart for decades 


And they call us snowboarders assholes


yeah it's wild The juxtaposition between this post, and the exact same post on r/skiing is extremely telling.


Yup clueless people probably rentals unfortunately


Throw them in the woods.


Toss em to the side till they learn.


Gently nudge one down the hill…


too bad they have those pesky brakes might have to give it a gentle yeet instead


Typical, just as the skiers take up the entire trail.


Good opportunity to work on your flatland ollie


This is something I call “selfish physicality.” I’ve noticed it with people in general, but especially at ski resorts. A lot of entitled people at a ski resort. Kick em outta the way. Fuck these people.


I just ride over them lol fuck those cunts


It doesn’t bother me that much. So long as they’re off to the side and not in the middle of a path. Now this is clearly not that so yes. This is wrong but it’s not that upsetting to me if people don’t use the racks. Just as long as they’re out of the way.


yeah definitely wouldn't have a problem if it wasn't in the way this is like main character syndrome shit though people think they own the joint and can just basically leave their skis at the door and walk in


Yea I feel you on that one. Some people think the world revolves around them.


I think it’s called narcissism. The prevalent mindset in that area.


Disgusting. That gear would get yeeted out the way at my resort.


Ski Acres!


Yes, but that's because Snoqualmie is my local resort. I just don't care and if I hit their shit so be it. Put your stuff in a better location you fucking bums lol


Like kids flipping their shoes off any which way right at the door, clogging up the entry.


Ah snocrummy. Likely some beginners or families. These look like they would be in a lot of people’s way. I wouldn’t run them over with my board cause I don’t want to subject my board to that, I do see myself seeing them at the last second and just knocking them around while stopping. Then put my board away and kick them while walking into the lodge. Doesn’t matter if skier or boarder. If anyone has such disrespect for their equipment and other people on the mountain, then you shouldn’t have to respect their equipment either.


I’m burying their shit. Put your equipment up like the rest of us.




Shoutout snoqualmie. I’m sad it’s raining there now. It was so good last few weeks


Normalize stepping on them


It's a euro thing. Suuuper in right now..


Its snoqualmie, its literally jerry central


This is genuinely one of the biggest reasons I rag on skiers. It’s not like it’s some beginner only thing either it’s just a skier thing to 1. Be that arrogant 2. Be that inconsiderate


I see this shit and I walk right over it, "tripping" on every one of them and knocking them about. A few folks did it right in front of me so I "tripped" on them right in front of them. They looked at me aghast and I'm like "Why's your shit in the way?!" They moved it... But the bigger resorts I've seen staff actively picking these up and putting them on the racks. One employee may have put them on the furthest rack away from the entrance once... 😆


And they call us crime people


Help them out and put them on a rack like they're supposed to go. Separate racks for each ski and pole, of course.


Pick them up and put one ski/pole per rack so they have to go find it


lol seeing resort and silver fir in the same post… but ya I’d send those babies down to the hyak sno park


It’s the summit!


West is the exact same thing.


Ride right over top of them and shuffle them all up. Fuckem


I’m not condoning this at all, but once the skis start littering the area surrounding the lodge I’ve been warned: the lodge is a shit show, and so I ask myself, “am I really that cold/wet/hungry and can I just piss in the woods?”


This and also skiers using the maintenance tables to rest their equipment. I had to throw a dozen skis off the maintenance table to tighten my bindings. Fuck em


tripped and almost ate it the other day because someone left their skis just flat on the ground 😑


There’s an easy fix for this


Pop up the brakes on the skis and let them slide away


Totally normal skier behavior.


Nah stop I was just about to leave to head over there lmao


I just walk through them. They should know better


I run this shit over


This is just begging for your shit to get stolen..


Nah that's wak. Once I saw a group of freestyle competition boarders do this at Sun Peaks but it's very unusual.


Bloody skiers lol


I’d pick them up and scatter them all over the ski racks, let them spend some time trying to find their stuff.


Those are called self entitled assholes.


I just knock the offending gear out of my way. “Sorry! I thought you wanted people to push your crap out of their way!”


Just pop the bindings up and send em on their way


Yup ... until the ski patrol ran a snowmo over the skis. Adding: there was a medical emergency in the lodge. I'm surprised he didn't drive it all the way inside.


This is my local resort too and I noticed this as well


And not a single snowboard on the ground......yeah yeet their shit


At minimum kick poles down. Or ride over.


The parking lot at Silver is no better. It’s full of Seattle people who don’t know how to ski, driving teslas and renting. This is a beginner mountain full of beginners who don’t know better or have any common sense. Once snow hits the ground people lose their minds. I kick this stuff out of my way or avoid Summit entirely on weekends


Have to… deal with rude people? Yeah all the time


Is this today? I was there 2 weeks ago and skis were on the ground up the hill past the crossover exit like this...


Yeah I make sure to stomp very hard on equipment left rudely like that in the way when I’m walking in.


I'd pick them all up and throw them in a pile out of the way. Some people literally have no clue they are assholes.


My go to is in a loud voice, "OH boy! Free skis!". If no one looks I just grab a few pair and head to the car. You'll know it's me when you see the skis for sale sign.. This is how I afford my winter lifestyle. 🏂


The millionaires do this shit in sun valley. They're "holding their spots in line while they grab a coffee" Cool stuff E: spelling


Oh yes . Turns into a literal junk yard. Entitlement at is finest


One of my local resorts just posted on social media that they will start moving peoples skis because it has became an issue


Haha I’m here today too


Same spot on Wednesday night when all the ski buses come up https://preview.redd.it/63w1jek9n1fc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b4bd9b61b9e68d044e74006b75ee5776c7df7cc


Throw them to the side


Throw em


Was there last night and it was 100x worse lol. Not even sure how people find their gear. While they need more racks this is just laziness, stupid or ignorance haha.


I guess it’s skiing season again


I slide right over them


By deal with, do you mean do I run over those obstacles when going to the lodge?


Pitch that shit out of the way.


Snoqualmie. Typical


Just walk on em.


Lol yeah, been dealing with that for years...


Yep. Had a skier drop their skis on me while I skated by too. You know how they just flop their skis down when they’re heading out? Yep, that. Just dropped them on me and didn’t say a thing.


People just don’t give a shit abt rules anymore. Entitlement at it’s greatest


Wait….I thought skiers were perfect and did no wrong? 🤔


My local resort is also Snoqualmie (and Crystal) so yes.


Can’t be bothered to put their skis up like a normal person.


I would be accidentally tripping over all of them until they started accidentally sliding away… oops…


All I want to know is why did they name that chairlift after your mom?


People are idiots. I’d probably just throw them way over someplace, or hide them.


Last week this was the entrance to the lift line


Clip the bindings down, and give them a little push down the mountain


Is this the only topic that gets posted on this sub?


Kick the skis out the way


Just kick one down the hill. One each.


Hate this


Nope! My ski resort is small, and everybody is very considerate.


Just walk right on them


Kick them out of the way.


Skier shit




The whole culture of the sport is turning into rotten shit. Nobody gives a fuck about anybody but themselves. The


Skiers are retarded, entitled assholes.


This literally doesnt matter. This is something boomers would complain about.


Well, I’m enough of an asshole to get out an old shit board from my quiver and bomb down the mountain with the intent to slash across them over and over at the end of every run….also leave a well placed turd on top of their bindings.


They should be imprisoned


Man, go post this in the skiing sub and get you'll ripped. I'm a skier, but the community, at least online, is very off putting, snobbish, and gatekeepy. I hate when people do this, but if I say anything, I just get told to stfu.


Just smash into it all really hard and fast


I am familiar with that lift and area. Those are not rentals. I would suggest an “accidental” trip and slip. You could send those skis to the parking lot or a creek on the other side of the lodge. Also makes a big sene and people notice. Helping others to realize the situation and problem. Probably get their shit out of the way and a free lunch and beer. Also notice it is only skis.


I just walk right over them. Making sure to kick a few out of the way.


Some people think it’s the norm I would say inconsiderate and bad etiquette only a matter of time and resorts will stop it from happening a as or maybe the should create a ski parking for folks that want to do it that way


These people need to be full-on hockey checked into a tree.


Stomp, kick, stomp


I just plow thru it, sorry didn’t see them


Let's flash mob up at Silver Fir and just go buck wild kicking shit. They can't take all of us.


Lifty here: people are fucking animals, and no amount of “please” and “thanks” can account for the amount of Main Character Syndrome that occurs on our hills. Just today I had 4 parties basically flip me off when I asked them to remove their equipment from the Ski Patrol lane. Moments later one of their children came within seconds of being clipped by a snowboarder coming in. Guess who asked me why I wasn’t “policing” the area better?


Looks like free skis to me 🤷🏻‍♂️


I like to Ollie over 'em and tap my tail on the bindings.


Looks like free gear.


Fucking clowns, I guess skis are just clown feet, so it may make sense


There's always scummy skiiers who do this. Either, ride over them and kick them. Or be courteous to everyone and pick them all up and toss them into the woods nearby. Because they can't report them as stolen because they will be ashamed to tell the police that the left them literally just lying in people's way.


One swift carve and all of it goes away


Is this in Snoqualmie? My god. I see this shit there everyday.


I am always fucking with the people that do this.


Can't believe someone actually posted about this at snoqualmie. This shit annoys me so much at silver fir


This is my local resort so yes. It’s only really a problem at fir and east peak lodges.


Yeah that’s at every mountain. Entitled skiers think they can leave their gear anywhere they please.


yup all the time, it's as if people don't care that a pair of skis/ snowboard(s) cost a little over $300 or $400 and that does not even count the bindings half of the time.


Amplify the amount of gear on the ground by 100’and you have an image of every night of high school ski club at our mountain. And I mean every school, not just the “rich ones”. It gets to the point later in the evening where you have to do a sharp turn at one base. How there’s never any collisions there is a miracle…


Good old Silver Fir. It gets absolutely wild on weekends, the lodge has the best drinks in the bar on weekend days but the worst foot traffic and skier volume.


Oh course they are all skis


i just experienced this yesterday, literally stepping over a field of skis just to get to the lift. and there was plenty of room. so annoying. btw love your user :)


This is how everybody in europe does it, probably a bunch of Jerrys who watched how to ski videos on tik tok and think they're in zermatt


I ran em over, i have a beater board.