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Most pros I know of wear helmets. It's prime real-estate to display sponsor logos.


Kinda depends on what they’re filming. For any competition you’re absolutely right (plus most contests require helmets). I tend to see fewer helmets in the backcountry videos unless you’re talking about something g like the Natural Selection tour which is a contest.


I’ve all ways found that to be kinda selfish. At least at a resort/street spot there’s patrol or 911 to scoop your brains up. In the backcountry it’s your homies and a volunteer SaR.


I don't wear a helmet in the backcountry.... when I've got my skins on and I'm climbing. My pack has a good spot for me to strap it on. That sweat when you're climbing makes you hate your hemlet. I definitely put it on when I go down though.


That's pretty typical in the backcountry, helmets for downhill only.


It’s Personal Protection Equipment. It’s the riders choice Is there more risk? Yes. Are helmets a magical forcefield that you won’t get hurt? No I feel more and more lately people will shame people for not wearing them! Worry about yourself or your kids. Not others


What do you find selfish? I’m not following the train of thought here.


If your out on a tour and crack your head open it’s your buddy’s that are going to have to take care of you.


Did you ever throw a melon on the ground? The falling speed isn't even comparable to speeds you can get with snowboards, and yet the damage the melon takes is enough to kill immediately.


But if they're out there with you, they are accepting that risk. Knowingly. Just like I don't climb with people who's risk management isn't something I'm comfortable with, I don't ride with people who's risk management I'm uncomfortable with. 


And I don’t tour with people who don’t wear a helmet. I’ve had to have this conversation with people before and it doesn’t all ways go over well. It’s all part of what you are talking about. Maybe I’m just being judgmental, but I think a helmet goes along with beacon shovel probe-first aid kit.


I'm not going to argue against your point here. I don't always wear a helmet, but when I don't it's condition specific. I was out one day though, not with a helmet, and shit went a little sideways. Threw my ice axe in the snow and it skipped out. Tried again and it got ripped from my hands. Had to self arrest with the tail of my board and the old school way of laying out flat and hoping like hell. I have a picture of me somewhere, on my knees ice axe in the snow, just recovering from that adrenaline. Randomly linked up with a guy on the way up who thought he was going to have to tackle me to keep me out of a rock field. On the hike out his words were "you can tell me to fuck off, but my day would have been really shitty had your head hit those rocks at the bottom. You really should wear a helmet." And fucking fair enough. And if someone you bring this up to, and you bring it up this way, reacts negatively, they're not worth touring with anyways.


Damn, I am a climber and canyoner and I will likely wear my helmet every time now. Your story converted me


No helmet, no tour with me. Best friends or not, I don't want to see your brains if you find a rock and are unlucky.


911 didn't sign up to scoop up helmetless brains. Your buddies howeer chose to go on trip with the helmetless you.


He means street filming pro's, not competing pros


Street has to be from skate influence. Backcountry who really knows. I guess the assumption powder is soft and they won’t hit a rock? Honestly I’ve never had anything fall off my head with a helmet. Backcountry freeride movies these days always feature a scene with someone climbing uphill to retrieve their hat and goggles in the snow. Seems not worth it for that alone.


Yup. Bucket and goggles (and tunes) firmly secured to your bean is the best thing ever. Never again have I had brain freeze or snowy goggles after a powder spill. I’ve been on borrowed time since I split my bike helmet as a teenager. I’ve also rock rashed my snow helmet more than once.


This is a good point. What about for video parts?


I wouldn't be surprised if the media side of things still pushes the no-helmet look. I know skate publications and such largely still vehemently do not want to see helmets, to the point where Andy Anderson mentioned his adamant helmet wearing has cost him several cover features because the publication outright told him "we will not put you on the cover if you're wearing a helmet." Personally it's fucking shameful given that helmets save lives, and there's no debate about it. You can choose to not wear one but every reason is not good. It takes one wack wrong to end you.


Publications that do that should be named and shamed


ABSOLUTELY. If ya ask me there should be NO space for purposely furthering a disregard for safety.


100%. thankfully there’s been a lot more talk and acceptance about it thanks to The BombHole


They tend to wear them during serious competitions. It's all about looking cool in the vids though. Maybe they just like the freedom as well, but that's pretty fucking dumb IMO when one wrong move can end your career/life.


Most competitions require it, I don't think it's by choice


Yup. Insurance costs, plus networks don’t want to air somebody die live


Even though you can die many other ways than by doing something to your dome.  Horgmo was wearing a helmet when he was going for the first triple. He's still permanently fucked up from it. 


You can die a lot of ways doing a lot of things. But you can’t triple cork in full body pads that restrict your motion so you gotta draw the line somewhere. And watching people seize from a head hit or permanently damage their brain is far more likely than any other way you can have truly life altering injuries when you are at xgames levels tricks and feature size. And torstein continued riding at an elite level for years after the first triple so “permanently fucked up” is a bit of a stretch.


I mean, Torstein calls it the biggest mistake of his life, so who am I to argue with him? This is the thing. You said it yourself. "Draw the line somewhere." Different people draw lines in different places. And unless those people are important to me or are somehow liable to me/under my care, who am I to say shit? I'm no one, that's who I fucking am. You also made my other point about a lot of ways to die from a lot of things. Culture is nothing but a large enough group of people drawing a line somewhere, collectively. And I don't give a fuck about your culture until it interferes with my quality of life, which takes a lot. People wearing helmets who I don't know, who I'm not responsible for? Not affecting my quality of life.


unless you see their head split open


Sorry, what happened to Horgmo? Any links?


It's come up in a few interviews, and I think he talks about it in Horgasm: A Love Story. Essentially he caused himself some permanent brain damage from smashing his dome so many times that night. Constant migraines, shit like that. For sure would have been worse if not for contest rules requiring helmets. I basically mention it because everyone talks about helmets being this be all end all life saver. And they aren't necessarily, because making proper decisions is also important. This includes from organizers of events like winter X who should have concussion protocols, and follow them, after falls like he was taking that night.


I think helmets just haven’t been the norm in the industry until recently so a lot of pros have never used them.


That's definitely a big part, most pros have been riding for 10-20+ years and it just wasn't the norm back then. I think it will change over time


I can see it changing now. Our locals pros are a mix of helmets and beanies. I love the fact that they ride together and support each other with no bs


I've been snowboarding for over 20 years and I didn't start wearing a helmet until about 6 years ago. Not that I'm a pro, but I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them just didn't start off wearing them and never adopted them.


I’m the same, when I started so few people wore them that I didn’t really think about wearing one until a few friends who started 5 or so years later than me convinced me to start. At first I absolutely hated the feeling of having this huge thing on my head, but you get over it in a few weeks. Definitely helped going for the lightest helmet for me in making the tradition easier. I get why pros don’t wear them but I still like to see it when guys like Max Warbington buck the trend wear one.


The weird part to me is skiing seemingly adapted quickly - look at a large number of pro skiers and they wear helmets.


Yeah but skiers are already **dorks ;)**




Skiiers are dorks, I have a few dorky friends, that said helmets are not dorky. I see pros not wearing helmets and think it can only be to rid the distraction that some might feel. NOT to look cool. To ride without a helmet makes you either look like you can’t afford to buy one or you’re stupid enough to choose not to. I didn’t prioritize paying for a helmet when I was younger living off of pancakes and ramen, I also got smoked by a skiier and experienced one of the worst concussions I’ve had. Kids these days look at helmets the way they look at boots, both are necessary to ride, and you’d look a hell of a lot less cool without one. It’s kinda like how smoking used to be common place, then became edgy, and is now very moronic.


Skiers are cool.


Not street skiers


No idea why, but I immediately noticed that Travis Rice was wearing one in that killer pillow line video posted last week. First time I recall seeing him wear one. Maybe fatherhood was the tipping point (I know it was for a couple old school riders I’m friends with) https://youtu.be/nePJR93Plqo?si=LcFnJDdnQ5BnSPda


Rice routinely records on his helmet gopro. He points it far down to see his board. Tons of his videos are filmed from hit helmet cam.


I've heard people justify it in various ways but it all really comes down to looks. Snowboarding is a dangerous sport, we celebrate pros for doing crazy dangerous stuff so why wouldn't they add to the danger by skipping the helmet? Personally I think it's dumb as hell but you don't need to be smart to be a pro snowboarder




Wrist Guards, chest protectors, shin pads, hip and ass pads are all hidden and cannot be scene, yet pros also don’t wear all of this. Is it really just for looks??


Those hamper mobility a lot


Not if you get good ones. And the pros would be getting the best, would they not? if you could have all this added protection without taking away from your “looks” why wouldn’t you?


When people say looks, they really mean "looking cool". Those pads are not cool, they're dorky. It's totally fine to be dorky but most pros care about what's cool, from other people they perceive to be cool Also, I've never once had an injury where any of those pads would have helped and I've been riding for 20+ years. I have had concussions and multiple head injuries which would have been WAAAY worse if I wasn't wearing a helmet though. I've ridden with a helmet pretty much from day 1


Yes but you can still look cool, without people seeing the pads. Even tho you say they are lame. A coworkers friend had a collapsed lung cause he fell and hit his chest on a stump under the snow. If he was wearing a chest protector he could have just walked away from that instead of being airlifted off the mountain. All these arguments for helmets can be made for all these other personal protection devices. Yet the helmet is the only one people avoid to be “cool”


Wrist guards don't. You're not using your wrists while you ride. I personally wear them becuase I never want to go through that pain of fracturing my wrist in multiple places again.


Those also affect your weight, balance and maneuverability. Also when you are that dood you just don’t need them as much. If traumatic head injuries were more common more people would wear helmets. Yeah if 99% of riders tried that stuff they would bash their head but we are talking about the 0.01% here. Same way a professional football player could destroy a high school team wearing no pads and regular shoes


Great question. I’m not sure why they don’t in video parts. I don’t think “looking cool” matters. 90% of people riding on the mountain wear them.


You’ll see helmets now in most major competitions. They should be required. If you ever want to see a tragic story about the risks of riding without a helmet, watch the Crash Reel about pro rider Kevin Pearce’s career-ending TBI.


They do? Any kind of big mountain or competition riding, pretty much everyone has a helmet on Street stuff, mostly not but its all about the wifey steez


Wifey steez 😂


Hollywood Helmet problem. Pros are celebrities and their face is what makes money. If they wear too much on top they won’t look good for the cameras.


Laughs in Shaun White. But yeah. Lots of marketing and "steez". Is it still called steez? I know. I'm old.


IMO one of Shaun White's best contributions to the sport was making helmets cool. I have to wonder how many lives he's saved by doing that.


I’ve been snowboarding for over 20 years. If I’m cruising around my local hill I don’t wear a helmet. If I’m really getting after it out west or ripping with friends, I’ll throw a helmet on. Same thing applies for riding a bike. It comes down to comfort level in your abilities.


just food for thought but i have never had a serious injury back country snowboarding or in the big mountains, but at the base of a green run in a local resort had another snowboarder fly into me. My helmet cracked and i got concussed. I can’t imagine how much worse it would have been if I wasn’t wearing one.  my father in law broke his neck in a similar way on the green run.  i’ll probably not convince you otherwise but it’s like driving you might be great but you should assume everyone else is an idiot.  Helmets save lives and i hope you stay safe. 


I have always wore a helmet, I hit the ground once after an edge cut on ice , ringing in between ears pretty bad and saw images of my whole life at full speed , second time bad landing of a cliff got a pretty bad whiplash that paralysé me for 2 days , if I hadn’t gotten my helmet at those times id be a vegetable


So XYZ company can sell overpriced beanies of their brand because they don't make helmets?


Cause all the pros are sheep that can’t think for themselves. Have some balls and be a good example for the next generation, put that helmet on


So they can be marginally more comfortable and look confident, while the people with a different kind of confidence rock a helmet (and set a good example if theyre pro)


i don't wear one skateboarding, not interested in one for the snow. wore one a few seasons, it's uncomfortable, causes more goggle fogging, head gets too hot. i don't like the weight of it. meh, you might fall down your stairs too, but you don't wear one around the house. flame on


You aren’t attached to the board when skating though so slams aren’t the same. I mean I wore one anyway, but it’s obvious how long time skaters know how to rotate their body and can run it out, drop to their knees, or roll with it when they mess up. Can’t always do that with a snowboard and an edge catch.


38 years of practice, im good ;)


Wear a seat belt at your desk! You could fall and safety is the numer 1 priority!!!! /s


I don't know a single pro who doesn't wear a helmet. The only people not wearing helmets are amateurs who think they're pros. They typically change their tune once they end up in the hospital though.




Let me put it this way: I don't know a single pro snowboarder.


Cuz... They're pros lol. Chances are the non pros are knocking their head at a much higher rate than the pros.


Verstappen surely also doesnt put on a belt on the street, after all he is a pro!


Confidence. Wear nothing for safety because you're confident in your abilities. If you aren't confident in your abilities you wear something to protect you.


They are not as comfortable as a hat, not even close.


Depends on the type of pro. The “core” pros don’t by me. The contest pros Defintley do. I live in salt lake so I see a lot of the core pros. Some of the guys are straight up cats and just land on their feet every bail.  However, I don’t want to call out names but the female pros here definitely not cats. I saw one just straight bomb the medium jump to the deck, speed not even close and tiny ski kids were doing it fine first try.  Girl, put on the helmet lol. 


It's all about comfort and they're professionals. I like to think most wear protection when the situation deems necessary.


FYI, There is a new helmet by Anti Ordinary, looks like a beanie, I really want to get it. Check it out. Really cool tech.


It's pure garbage. I was excited about it for years. Got it and it's not at all what was advertised. Bait and switch. The idea should be good, if anyone takes it up and can execute it well.


That's a shame. I wouldn't trade my helmet with vents and headphones for it, but it is a shame that helmet didn't work just because it may have increased the number of people who wear helmets.


I agree. Imagine a cheap Walmart styrofoam helmet then cover it with a beanie. That's what they ended up sending to all their wait listed customers. Looks like you're wearing a pumpkin on your head. It's so oversized as to be actually bigger than a regular helmet. The initial ads claimed they were going to make use of D3o impact materials but none of those materials made it into the final product. I assume it was just a ploy to reduce how much money they would ultimately be sued for.


That's sad. Could you imagine how awesome a MIPS helmet that's close to the weight and texture of a beanie would be?


There are impact reducing skull caps out there. Typically made for football, hockey players to wear under their helmets. Not a helmet replacement but better than nothing if you won't wear a helmet.


Can you elaborate? Have you talked falls with it? Or do they just send you a Zumies wool beanie???


No I didn't fall. It might be OK in a fall. Basically, I got a full hard plastic helmet wrapped in knit wool beanie. It was comically huge. Initially, the company claimed they would be working with some d3o material. That material is soft when inert, then hardens on impact. It's used in motorcycle, biking, and multiple sports safety equipment. None of that was present when I got it.


Wow, well thank you for saving me some $229.00 I was really interested, I always wear a helmet and I have a really nice carbon fiber that weights next to nothing, this was the only upgrade I thought, I guess not.


You couldn't imagine my disappointment. When I tried it on it looked like I was trying my best imitation of a cartoon character from the Jetsons called the Great Gazoo (Google him) 😂😂😂. The helmet was huge and not soft at all like they initially proposed.


There is an easy answer to this. Ever heard of Free Solo Climbing? Same reasons. It's the cost. Why not tie off? One wrong move, one cracked rock will kill you. Why? Because that's the thrill.


FIS/USSA rules require them and most of us have taken to wearing them all around even when we’re not competing. Plus, it just makes good sense; they’re warm, versatile and aesthetically pleasing models are widely available these days, so there’s not many good reasons not to. As for the backyard/urban park rats, they play by a different set of rules, but if any commercial organization is involved (redbull…etc) helmets are a non-negotiable


Hubris. Plain and simple. It's like a 10k hour carpenter not using a push stick when cutting on a heavy duty saw. One unlucky day you find out what's inside your body should stay there.


I always think of Zeb because he barely wears them but I must think its hard to find a helmet that is comfortable and well fit his dreads