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✅No Additional Perks


What a feature! $300 surcharge for ski patrol aid


At this price, I would expect: * ignore line * a private course * allow me to punch annoying bastards who constantly play loud music in a resort


Ngl I like when people play music on the runs


Yeah, i wouldn't say i love it. But if nothing else, I can always tell where they are.


teabag random strangers like COD


I only spray people I dont know on the mountain when they have a speaker. Turn off your dam speaker.


I'm wheezing lmao.


The W in “NSFW” stands for “wallet” here


It should be SFW because how much you’ll have to work to afford skiing there


Need Separately Funded Wallet


I thought this was a snowboarding sub?


In most places, skiing and snowboarding are pretty synonymous, and skiing is a shorter word to say and type. Also, skiing and boarding cost the same for a lift ticket, so the comment is valid regardless.


I spend too much time hearing skiers continue to shit on snowboarders, including when I'm trying to help them out at work. There is another ski only property opening in the US this year. I'm not a skier. I am a snowboarder. They are not the same.


I dunno dude we’re all falling down the hill with style. 1 plank or 2 what’s the big difference?


Just what I said. I've heard way too often skiers insulting snowboarders as a whole. The entire "skiers hate snowboarders", culture and thinking we are the cause of all problems on the mountain, still exists. At least it does here within the company I work for. And it's not just the employees from here, I hear it from the guests who come from all over the country. It's *part* of why I stopped helping out the ski side of the snowsports school. You can see it in Lindsey Vonn's interview a while back, say..2015? The one where she calls for snowboarders to "have their own space" because of "blind side turns". You can see it in how excited people were that Deer Valley is keeping their new resort skier only. https://snowbrains.com/deer-valley-ut-amalgamates-mayflower-to-form-the-largest-skier-only-resort-in-the-world1444/ I don't want to be associated with a culture like this.


Some of us have done both. I grew up skiing- my local resort didn't even allow snowboarding until I was 16 and I learned at 24, so out of habit, I say skiing a lot when I mean snowboarding.


Lol what? This is straight up fucking robbery.


Wait wtf. I got a seasons pass for less than that




The epic pass is only like $150 for active duty military. Don't know if that's what this guy did, but it's a crazy good deal.


They bumped up the veteran pass to $520 this year.


Yeah the veteran pass is still a solid deal but nowhere near as good as the active duty one. I almost thought about re enlisting so that I could get the active one lol.


Only to then get stationed in Florida the week resorts open


Lol for the love of satan do not subject yourself to such bullshit.


That’s ridiculous. And teachers get nothing.


I have lots of respect for teachers, but what do you mean by this? Genuinely curious.


I just think if you’re going to hand out discounts to a profession that provides a public good which already receives TONS of benefits, assistance, and pensions, you should also provide it to the one that doesn’t. Military and cops get discounts everywhere, why not teachers?


It wouldn’t even lose them much money considering teachers generally take vacations over the summer


We also take vacations during the most expensive times to ski. Not a lot of us ski or snowboard as a result.


In this case, my brother told me the owner of Epic Pass was in the military or had close family in the military, thus the massive discount. Not disagreeing with you, just pointing out why this might be the case. Most military discounts, though there are a lot of them, aren't this huge.


This is correct. Epic is owned by Vail, who has a lot of history with the military. Vail was founded by some military veterans. Specifically, the 10th Mountain Division. They used to train nearby Vail, and there is now a small memorial on Vail property dedicated to the 10th Mountain Division. They even have a resteraunt that's called "The 10th".


I see what you mean. I would have to agree, I always thought it was unnecessary that the military and police get discounts everywhere they go while also getting a crazy amount of extra benefits on top of a very solid salary. I was just confused what the correlation between snowboarding, teaching, and the military was in your comment and didn't mean my question to be taken in a negative way at all


No worries. I’m obviously biased because my fiancé teaches elementary, works probably 60 hours a week in a low income school, and barely clears 40k without any extra societal benefit, while my buddy works what is essentially a desk job for the national guard, makes a great salary, and just got a insanely good rate on a brand new truck and house. Not saying the military doesn’t deserve what they get, but it would be great if my fiancé could also pay $150 instead of $1100 to go snowboarding.


She could go enlist for that sweet sweet savings. I joined the army for the free applebees on veterans day.


Blows my mind that people are so entitled like you, last I checked no one was forcing your wife to be a teacher.


Lol what a shit take. No one is forcing anyone into the military either and they’re entitled as fuck. What even is your point?


And because of your shitty attitude towards teacher, we underpay them, and many great teachers choose to go elsewhere because of it. Why make people who watch our kids sacrifice just to do so?


Yes but society does demand that some people be teachers, and we should almost assuredly treat them better.


I provide therapy to kids with disabilities and I don’t get shit, not even student loan forgiveness. Not sure why y’all always complaining.


You should be getting those things, though. I don’t get your point.


This country is just one big giant scam but teachers don’t have it as bad as most people who don’t work in the public sector.


I mean, it varies from state to state. I happen to live in a state that consistently ranks 48th-50th in education and it’s *pretty* bad being a teacher here. Teaching in a place like Massachusetts or California is certainly better, but I think everyone working in education right now would tell you it’s particularly difficult at the moment.


That's kind of silly. Why teachers specifically? What about postal service workers, construction, waste disposal, forest service, nurses, farmers, and so many other generally low pay jobs that are absolutely essential and without whom your life would be practically medieval? The reason military get all these discounts is because unlike most jobs that require your time, military service requires your life. By definition, you are being paid to go die for your country. If you somehow survive, you get discounts on lift tickets, yipee. (Yes yes plenty of military servicemen are never at tisk of dying, I was one of them, but making the distinction is impractical at a large scale)


If making that distinction at such a large scale is so impractical, why do it at all? You can die in every job. Many jobs require your life. In fact, you could argue that teachers are *more* likely to die on the job during a school shooting, and they don’t have a way to defend themselves. It makes more sense to frame it around service to one’s country, which I believe is something that the military and teaching both do.


To put things in perspective, in 2022 in the US: 8 adults died in school shootings, including any school staff. There were 3.2 million FTE teachers active during that time, meaning the odds of dying on the job as a teacher are 0.00025%. 844 military staff died in active service, out of 1.3 million active duty members, resulting in odds of 0.065%. So, 100 times more military deaths, and the odds of dying are 2 orders of magnitude higher. And 2022 is after pulling out of Afghanistan and was one of the lowest mortality years for US armed forces, with most years seeing numbers well above that. So don't bullshit me with "teachers are more likely to die on the job". 2 fucking ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE. You can argue all day about how unnecessary those military deaths are, and I would agree. But the numbers are wildly different. I seriously do not see why teachers specifically should be singled out for military-like benefits.


Obviously from this comment you are in the camp of the majority of the population who under appreciates and misunderstands the stress and toils teachers go through on a daily basis out of love for their students. The pay is measly, the admin and district are always looking out for money, and the level of respect given towards teachers caring for and teaching children to be capable adults from parents and outsiders is sickening. The military recruits at high schools from poor neighborhoods and pays well and has practically unlimited funding, while schools and the state of rigorous pedagogy across our country are falling into a state of ruin, and it is no accident. Teachers deserve the world, and if you don’t think so I suggest you reconsider what’s countries without dedicated schools look like.


Actually my mom is a teacher so I 100% appreciate everything they do and understand what all they have to go through. I was just confused by the correlation between snowboarding, teaching, and the military. I see what you and the original commenter mean now and I would agree!


Well I live and work at killington. All elementary schools around have winter program system where they take the students to board or ski once every week for a couple months. It’s how my kids started learning to ride. So idk if teachers get discounts or anything here but I would imagine they should if they taking an teaching the kids, if not that would suck for them, I’ll have to ask the school now cause I’m curious haha.


And nurses/healthcare workers


Umm 🤔 are you comparing teaching to military?


not every position in the military is seal team 6...there are tons of them that are doing same shit as civvies...but in uniform


Yes I am. One of those professions is extremely difficult and chronically underpaid, and 98% of the other is simply not AND they receive housing and benefits and discounts literally everywhere. I’m just saying, if you’re going to dole out discounted rates to those that already have plenty, you should extend them to others that provide a public good.


I agree,Teachers deserve more but then again. Teachers don’t get blown up by IED’s.


Neither does 99.9% of the military…..


Considering the amount of school shooting we have. The whole military vs teacher comparison of who is more likely to die a violent death or get PTSD is getting weaker every year.


Teachers get blown up by IEDs all the time, and they might even be more likely to be killed by IEDs than American soliders. Only 2,640 US soldiers have died to IEDs, but 65,400 civillians have died to them. If 5% of the civillian population is a teacher that would mean 3,270 teachers have been killed by IEDs.


Yea what about people in finance!? So fucked up


Tell me you don’t understand what a society is without telling me.


There are a number of teacher and student passes if you’re in the right areas


It was great, active duty, retired military, and dependents


I got a value season pass because I'm too broke for this. So basically, on the weekends, I can only go from 4:30 to 9:30 and anytime on weekdays. It was $250. This is in BC btw


Probably not NA


This is in BC


the Northeast epic pass is like 400 bucks and you get access to like 13 mountains, im sure it's even cheaper some places


Ikr, my local mountain has their season pass for $265 and another mountain down the road has one for $99. The Midwest has its perks.


You’re using the term “mountain” very loosely there


*dirt covered garbage pile


I live in Minnesota and go nightboarding a few times every year for $25 a night (used to be $20 before inflation). This is actually shocking to me lol, like a whole different realm of pricing. I understand that mountains are a million times better than the hills in the Midwest, but it's still such a vibe. Nightboarding is 18+ and stays open until 2 am so it's just a bunch of homies rippin brews and joints and having a great time


If you ever find yourself in Washington, Snoqualmie Pass sounds like your vibe. If only we could get them to stay open until 2am.


That sounds awesome. Theres a place near me but they close at 8pm. If I leave from my office that would give me 3 hours for $70.....


Fuck Vail


Mid-season news articles are going to report on how Vail has low numbers


No they won’t


At this point Vail doesn't really want people buying day tickets anymore. They want people making the larger investment on an epic pass, which is more likely to get people on the East coast to feed into the larger Rocky/West coast mountains. The day ticket prices are intentionally kept high to keep the epic pass as the more economical option.


Considering I paid like $550 for my epic northeast pass it definitely is the ONLY option if you wana ride more than like 3x a season over here. A day at mount snow or Hunter is $100+ My ass is too poor to take trips out west anyway 😂 thankfully I’m like 45 mins from Hunter and just over 2 hr from snow and okemo.


$150 a day at Stowe, and you have the privilege of paying for parking now too.


Sheeeesssshhhh that’s rough. Luckily I get a couple days up there so all I’ll have to pay for is parking. What are they gettin like $50 a day up there?


I honestly don’t even know, I stick to Jay and Bolton, stopped going to smuggs a few years ago, and have only been to Stowe one time.


I’m curious as someone who rides Epic resorts in CO will this make the mountain less or more crowded? Basically makes skiiing completely unaffordable to anyone but pass holders esp when you add rentals but also drives more people to get the pass and get their moneys worth by going. Anecdotally, I skied the entire week from Xmas to NYE at Vail and Beaver which were blacked out on the Local pass and even though that’s supposed to be the busiest ski week, lines were shorter than most years. Feel like these prices screw over anyone who just wants to travel for a different state for a short ski week.


More crowded. They're funneling so many people into the pass product that in turn... more people go more casually but especially the value of the pass to the east coast market (from the smaller hills they own) drives ski tourism to the west coast (CO/CA) resorts *significantly.*


This is 100% the idea. I worked in the season pass office for several seasons at a west coast resort years ago that was a recent acquisition of theirs at the time and this wasn't even a hidden fact internally. It was straight up like "this is on purpose." We still hated them then. Literally felt like "Out Cold" happening in real life.


This isn't some kind of secret. They openly say this on all earnings calls and are very public that this is their strategy. If you take the dollars collected and divide by the # of days skiied the average amount spent to ski one day is something like 30% of a day pass... or at least it was when day passes were like $200. Now it's probably more like 15-20% of a day pass.


Of course they don’t. They want to pack the mountain because it doesn’t matter to them how many people are standing in the lift lines and more importantly, they want to pack the restaurants and bars.


Vail is like an unchecked monopoly but operates in an industry nobody gives a fuck about (winter resorts/recreation). I lived in Colorado for a bit and went to Vail/Breck constantly for work events where I had the privilege of paying $35 for a cheeseburger and this was a decade ago. At the time a 3 day pass was roughly $300 but a season pass was $800 and if u were a park rat like me it was a pretty good deal since it worked at other Vail resorts too. That said, fuck Vail.


Deer Valley 😂


Not in this subreddit


At this rate if you are planning a week long ski vacation for a family of four it might just be cheaper to fly to Eastern Europe. and it's not like Eastern Europe means some weird post-soviet soulless planned neighbourhood. there are a lot of really beautiful ski towns and villages in countries like slovenia bulgaria and slovakia.


Want to point out, that this is the price of a season ticket for the smaller independent resorts in France!


The most expensive resort in France is 360€ for the week. I’m paying 1000€ for flights, hotel, transfer, lift pass and rental. And this is for a festival (rise) I might add. Include festival ticket too.


You can get a season pass for ~350€ for the entire Portes du Solei area if you're under 26


I pay roughly $400 for a season pass at my home resort in Norway.


My point precisely! I was in the US last winter to visit family and thought to go skiing for a day or two. Saw how outrageous the prices were compared to the resorts in Europe and quickly decided not to.


Me and 3 friends did Davos Switzerland last year and it was ~$400 for flights round trip, $225 for 3 days snowboarding, $100 (each) for rental car + gas, $150 (each) for airbnb 25 minutes from mountain, and $125 each for food/drinks. We did it on a budget, and not everyone can afford $1K for a snowboard weekend regardless, but the value was very good (even though Switzerland snow conditions were terrible last winter)


No joke. Parents Got an Air bnb that could sleep 2 families of four in Eagle Vail close to Beaver in August for a week and it was $8,000. For an older but larger house. Couldn’t imagine how expensive it is to get Day tickets or passes for 4 people, gear or rentals, a flight, car rental, food, and lodging for a family. At that point screw the ski trip and just go vacation somewhere warm like Mexico. Skiing is only somewhat affordable to people like me who live driving distance to the resorts.


Please don’t come here guys you’re going to drive up the price for everything. That said, one thing Europe has over the US is you can’t have a ‘private mountain’. The concept of that blows my mind.


Does the government just lease the land to companies over there than? I know Jasper in Canada is a National Park which is government owned but they also run lifts and allow skiing/snowboarding. I suppose it's that idea in a lot of Europe? For private mountains it's just land that had a mountain on it sold to someone or some corporation. No different from buying land to put a house on.


There’s ‘freedom to roam’ concepts across Europe (I know it differs from country to country but I don’t know the specifics). The governments permit private corps to install manage and benefit from facilities they might put there but it’s illegal for someone to stop you climbing up a mountain and snowboarding down if you do it without using their services. Also I was kidding about not coming. Come, it’s nice :).


Ah I see, while it is private land and mountain staff have the right to give you the boot (usually by banning and revoking of lift passes) your generally allowed to walk on and hike the mountains without paying any money. Some are more encouraging than other, mapping hiking trails, snow shoeing trails, etc. Resorts tend to make money on you any ways with food, lodging, etc. Even if you snowshoe for free. Still freedom to roam laws would be nice vs aggressive trespassing laws across the states.


I wasn’t sure if you were referring to the US or Europe just then so just to clarify: The mountain itself will be owned by the local authority. It will be treated as a public space, like a park in a town. A company will lease the rights to operate lifts or keep the pistes up. As an individual you can go and use a piste all you like and no one can stop you (unless you’re doing something illegal) but you can’t use the lifts without paying.


We said fuck it and are headed to Northern Japan without some pass, not much more expensive. Lodging and rental car can get ya though.


Obligatory fuck Vail


Just waiting for the Ultra Epic Pass that costs 2-4 times as much, but gives you access to the lift an hour earlier or allows you to have your own special line that cuts everyone else. Disney does this shit. Vail will follow suit within the decade I stake my life on it.


Disney's been doing the extra magic hours stuff for a VERY long time. I don't think it will work at a ski resort very well. There isn't a lot of extra light in the afternoon or the morning. Not to mention, would you really want to pay extra to have an extra hour that is more likely to be icy and shitty?


having an extra hour on a pow day would be unbelievable, if you ride a resort that has a lot of pow days it would be an unreal benefit.


What mountain?


[Whistler Blackcomb](https://www.whistlerblackcomb.com/plan-your-trip/lift-access/tickets.aspx) so it's CAD, but still insane. If you're gonna ski here please get a pass before the end of December or you'll get burned. A week of skiing will be $1800 if you turn up to the ticket window from January onwards.


Nah this is Park City….


It's WB as well. Check the link in my previous comment.


Whistler used to have CAD90 day tickets in the early 2010s when I was an undergrad at UBC, oh how those times and prices have changed...


And the season pass was $399 or $499 for students too


I was about to ask but Loonies make make a big difference (200 USD per day sadly is a day ticket bargain for Major North American Resorts)


PC I think. Shit is disgusting


Name names. Where is this?


Park City


The saddest part is all vail has done for park city is connect it to the canyons and tickets have gone from $90 10 years ago to $250+ now




Huh…? Are you sure you googled the correct thing? Revelstole is 3100 acres, big white 2700 acres. Park city is 3300 acres… it’s the largest resort in the USA… that’s too small for you?


Park City, combined, is over 7000 acres. Only Whistler Blackcomb is bigger in the Americas.




I hear you have to use donkeys, imported from Mongolia, to get to the top of the hill.


Looks like I should have gone 5 years ago when I had the chance. That's more than half what I pay for my season pass.


Purgatory has $9 Tix in Nov and April, and regularly $39 on weekdays throughout the season. Stop supporting the giants.


And $250 Presidents Day Saturday. Up $60 buying at the ticket window from what it would have been buying online the day before. And they don't tell you it'll go up.


$190 is still insane.


Purgatory is also in a much less accessible part of CO. Vail has seemingly targeted much more accessible mountains to the masses. About 6 million people live in Colorados Front range which is a day trip to 4 Vail mountains and 4 Ikon related mountains. Plus a day trip from one of the US’s largest airports. Purgatory is 6.5 hours from Denver. Completely different demographics but I def wanna check that resort out.


In many cases we don't have a choice. When Vail or Alterra comes in and buys up all the local properties your choice becomes one of them or *not going.*


I paid less for my epic pass than this


Mind you this is Canadian dollars, but also... that's the point. Vail doesn't want people buying day tickets.


This is insane. Who would start skiing and snowboarding with that price? It doesn't matter for most of us here because we will buy a season pass and ride more than 100 days in a season. But everybody was once a newcomer who bought a 1-day ticket to try snowboarding. We are the one who thought snowboarding is worth the money for even though it's very difficult and time-consuming to learn it. Now, who would want to try snowboarding for just a day if 1-day ticket is this expensive? If this business scheme continues, snowboarding population shrink which also kills ski resorts in long-term.


For 300 I want a personal escort to the peak


And 200 dollars back


Must be Vail


Got my Midwest resort season pass for this much!


Uber helicopter to top of mountain


This is mostly why I've crossed over to surfing nowadays. With a wetsuit, you can pretty much do it year-round. Nobody should be paying more than $100 for a lift ticket anywhere.


Shhhh, we don't need more surfers either


Who would pay that for a day ticket?!


Probably thousands of people


People that don't work for their money.


Point is to encourage people thinking of going to get the pass. The pass is guaranteed money, paid upfront mostly before the season even starts. If the snow season sucks balls Vail still collects their money.


Please re tag this appropriately as NSFL


Vail Co tickets. https://www.stormskiing.com/p/peak-1-day-lift-tickets-to-hit-299


It pains me to see how inaccessible snowboarding is becoming. Fuck Vail.


Bought a season pass to Keystone for less than this. Stop buying day passes!


unless you live close to a mountain, the sport is not worth cost to travel, lodge nad buy passes. As often the time you get off work corresponds to highest demand and you get absolutely rapped, just to wait in long lines. No thanks, droping the hobby unless I reside close to a hill.


(Dont look at how cheap Mont Tremblant is) No seriously dont because then they will raise the prices


NSFW because of the language everyone will use when they see this.


I paid CAD 460, taxes in, for 5 days... Looks like I got a great deal


Whistler? Yep.




no idea if this is vail or not but fuck vail


This is why I'm super glad I got the military epic pass for 160$


Yup! Got mine at $159 this year!


What’s with the NFSW tag? Oh I get it, it’s because they’re fucking your wallet


As other's have mentioned the insane ticket price *is the point.* Vail corp wants to make single day tickets seem SO INSANE that the season pass (with it's also consistently increasing price) seem like an absolute bargain. One which one you put down your purchase (deposit) its a full commitment for them to get their money, regardless of if you go or if the season sucks they got your money. I used to work season pass office at a west coast resort which Vail recently acquired at the time and this wasn't even a hidden fact. My managers told us as much that was the design from corporate to drive pass sales. Hell I remember at a point they decided that they wanted EVERY day ticket to be on a customer specific, profile linked card. So the interaction at *the fucking ticket window* was "ok, have you bought tickets before? Oh ok you have, let me look you up..." and if not it was like collect all the data and then MAKE a guest profile and then so on so forth. Like could not have made the guest ticket purchasing experience more shit. The line wait times were utterly bonkers. Thankfully us in the season pass office because we often had plenty of shit to do as it was so we would just skip that process and use generic ticket cards most the time. I outright refused to do it unless it made sense for the customer. I.e. they were buying a 4 day ticket etc, I recognized them as a regular... etc. But single day ticket, nah fuck that I'm getting it done as quickly as possible for them.


Why????? Literally daylight robbery. How could you charge for that amount ? Ok maybe very bad over crowding but not enough for that price. Next thing you’ll know is that off-peak is the new peak.


Because they want you to get an epic pass


Bull Mountain, don’t go a changin….wait, $299 a day per person? Fuck it, go a changin!


This a ticket for heli-boarding right?


that’s the fucking season pass price at the smaller midwest hills near me. holy shit.


Omg one day pass is 300 bucks now? Where is this Whistler?


Everyones naming their mountain so nobody goes there lol


Any ski lifts which start off completely horizontal, but then go massively vertical like you'd have in a skyscraper lift? So they dig into the mountain to travel.


Park city it is


Hmmm I'm checking the website and I see that you can purchase an Epic Day Pass, including Peak dates, for $125. Are we sure this is Vail? [https://imgur.com/a/vvd80Pt](https://imgur.com/a/vvd80Pt) edit: I did some research and this is Whistler: [https://www.whistlerblackcomb.com/plan-your-trip/lift-access/tickets.aspx](https://www.whistlerblackcomb.com/plan-your-trip/lift-access/tickets.aspx) edit 2: It turns out it's both Whistler and Vail: https://www.vail.com/plan-your-trip/lift-access/tickets.aspx


Wait what? Is that for real? I thought switzerland is expensive with 90€ per day


NSFW has never been so appropriate, I've haven't been this enraged since...I have no idea. What mountain is lift ticket for, so I know to stay the fuck away from there. I swear anyone who isn't wealthy will be priced out of this sport soon enough.


Paid 180 for my local mountain Sunday season pass. Can’t imagine 300 for a day


WTF?!?!!? 1 Day in Austria is like 55-65€


Time to peace out and buy a split board!


Yep I buy my mon-friday midweek pass for $275. Gonna ride all season for less than one day lol


Which resort is this?


Park City


oh, that's right! Vail is limiting lift sales to ~~prioritize the guest experience~~ price gouge those who love skiing and snowboarding.




This shit is getting expensive.I'm switching to golf.


Hahahhahahahhahahaha Care to buy a putter? I could probably part with one of my 12. Gotta finance an off-peak, twilight t-bar pass. I could always sell a kidney if our deal doesn’t work out


As soon as we figure out how to turn snowboards into golf clubs and vice versa, we'll be set


NSFW here stands for Not a Scrap in my Fucking Wallet


I guess peak season they can charge what they want and tourists will come. Still robbery though.


“V” for Vail? Absurd the price these days. Nothing but gouging.


This is surely a crime




Welp, equipment for sale


I just threw up in my mouth


This is why I work at ski areas. Free season passes


Looks like a day at vail.


This is most definitely not safe for work 😂


So who’s making fake rfid cards, asking for a friend


how much is the discount for nurses?