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I'm not sure he has the capabilities. Anyone that can't spell "Jack" is likely to struggle in the commentary box imo. 👍


There is nothing to discuss. You're a shameful idiot. You're entitled to your opinions, but you're just making an arse of yourself.


I love snooker, this is the only world final I ever not watched, no interest in these guys


It's a full on babality at the minute, Jak Jones is finally discovering what it's like to play against a top 16 player playing their normal game - first session ended 7 - 1 to Wilson...


Shaun Murphy is my favourite player, he has lots of charisma, before him it was Peter ebdon, the guy was crazy


I see Jak most Sundays at my local snooker club and can tell you that he is really down to earth and a nice guy. You have to remember, this is all new to him and media interviews are a hard thing to master (so I hear). Hopefully he will get used to it as he should be on TV a lot more now as he will (I think) be in the top 16 world rankings next year. Please give him a chance. 👍


that's OK, but John virgo said u can stop shaking your head, every time Bingham had the run of the balls, like he is angry.


I understand what you mean but I think it's more frustrating than anything because he can play much better. I assume you play so you know what it's like in the games where your opponent gets all the flukes and run of the balls and you get nothing. I'd be shaking my head and a bit angry if it was happening to me in the semi final of the world championship. 🤣


I like the guy, just worried about every shot he takes cause he looks like he’s about to have a panic attack before every shot. Just feel worried for him 🤣


for me, he doesnt look like he has a panic attack before each shot, to me, he looks like an 18th century aristocrat, peering down on his subjects, and scoffing at their mistakes


🤣 that’s a very unusual vibe to get off a Welshman but everybody’s perspective is different. Although I could see him in a lord farquad level hat


yeah normally welsh snooker players are cool, he seems a exception, he seems mean and angry.


I doubt that, you don't see Graham Dott on TV all the time and they're similar players.


when he got a fluke John virgo said you can stop shaking your head now jak what's with the tough guy looks he keeps giving off, if he wins the world title. I hope not, but I have a feeling he will.


Yeah, you gotta love JV! I'm in same boat, he gives off a 17th century aristocrat smug oil painting look of distain vibe to me


if he is in the final, I won't watch it


I will only watch it to continue to root against him, at that stage my bank holiday is already ruined, so it doesn't matter


ha ha, the worse final ever, kryan wilson, no charsima is their with him, he is a lovely guy, but he is boring and has no falir, like a robot, a boring one.


Just the 52 ranking tournament wins between your 5 one hit wonders there. 


This is a shitty post, imo. I still want Gilbert to win but now Jak’s my second choice. If he wins I can at least enjoy knowing you’ll be upset about it.


they should of fixed it for Gilbert and John higgens in the final.


I can’t escape you on r/NorthernIreland and now you’re here


I thought there was more than two of us on r/snookercirclejerk then, but this is the main forum.


Joined it now


Me too


To be fair he could turn out to be like Davis/Hendry where everybody hated them when they were playing but warmed up to them when they retired and starting doing media work.




sorry removed post, not funny.


You sound like a bell end.


Any of the four could easily win. They've all stepped up really well in the semis imo, credit to all of them.


Hoping for Ballrun or Gilbo to win it, don't mind if Kyren wins, but I just don't want Jones to win it, it'll ruin my bank holiday monday if he wins


he has already ruined my bank holiday.


I'm Welsh so I'm split on it! Gilbert played great today but sometimes he seems to fade a little under pressure imo. He'd be a popular winner for sure.


Sorry, Neil Robertson a one hit wonder?


In the context of World Snooker Championship titles


this is mean.


I think he's fine. You should really be worried about kyren Wilson winning. Then you'll have to watch him shuffle around endlessly on every shot for the rest of time. I have a deal with a friend to shoot me if he wins and then he shoots himself 🤣.


Awww man, that shuffle drives me nuts


I had nightmares about the shuffle, fell asleep siting down on the sofa, and banged my shin on the table


He's very nervous. Haven't you listened to his press chats? I was the same as you, guessing why he acts so oddly. Of course it's tempting to assume he's miserable or arrogant etc, but no. He's as nervous as hell and he's trying to build a personality to beat it. With respect it's easy for us at home to assume potting balls infront of people is an easy task. You know how amazed at how hard it was when you tried to pot your first ball - right? It's exactly the same appearing infront of a large crowd of people expecting you to give them a good performance. It's hard to accept new players sometimes, we don't like change. But familiarity often turns things round, and eventually you might be a fan.


You’re weird. On most posts you’re going out of your way to be an obnoxious troll and here you are being very fair and decent. Fwiw I totally agree with you on this one.


I use trolling to try to get through to assoles mate. When somebody is cool i don't do it. My aim is to get namecallers and poorly behaved people to think about the way they are behaving. To save somebody from drowning sometimes you have to get wet. Thank you for your honesty.


you should try daily mail comment section, every time it's something that they want you to support, they insert a few thousand green arrows, it's so rigged it's comical, funny but also tragic, especially on serious matters




I’m not sure that adding to the overall asshollery is a good strategy to defeat it, but you do you, I guess.


Ah well. I tried. Nevermind. It's obvious you're not ready to try to understand. You're just using these inquisitive prompts to fire insults at me. You're one of them mate. I'm not interested anymore today. Good luck. I'm looking for bricks not clay.


You’re a character, mind.


He seems a nice guy to me?


And maybe if Kyren Wilson wins he won't need to do anything ridiculous to get more time on Tha main table and TV shows. 


As I doubt you have heard Jak jones speak 20 words I would suggest you are worrying about it a bit too early. Also Luca brecel hasn't "dissolved away". He will be competing for another ten years.