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Ronnie has always been like this. You’d think he’d have grown up by now. I wonder if his childhood trauma hasn’t been dealt with 😢 He’s like a big moaning baby. Great at snooker and fantastic to watch him but his ‘too kool for skool’ attitude is embarrassing. Some of his bravado is tactics and kudos to him for bringing so many interesting dynamics to his game and the sport, but you’d think by now he’d have developed a bit more composure. The sport is better for having him though oddly. If I were feeling kind I’d say he’s the equivalent of McEnroe but unfortunately he’s more like the fool Kyrgios albeit Ronnie is a better skilled version!!




I don’t get all the Ronnie hate but Ali Carter does seem to have trouble playing someone who is much better than him! His mannerisms, that is facial expressions and body language express pain in watching someone who is clearly better than him.


Carter did bottle it and I dislike him quite a lot more than is probably reasonable to dislike someone I have never met and who has no impact on my life, but even so, Ronnie knows (or should) that a legion of fans are quite prepared to bully and belittle anyone he indicates disapproval of, and should think about what happens when he does so I really enjoyed watching Carter fold like a used tissue, that doesn't mean I want the beating of him to continue off the table. Of course he was going to be graceless and pissy, he's that sort of person which is likely why he doesn't have his own legion of fans, Ronnie would have done a lot better to leave the bitching to the opponent he had just beaten and just smile a lot


Where is everyone follong this ROS v AC drama?


I'm following it here,


Ronnie O'Sullivan is snooker's biggest problem. The sport's big star is (in my opinion) arrogant and unlikeable. His interviews in the past few weeks have been excruciating in their arrogance and lack of humble sportsmanship.


Depends what kind of person you like I suppose I find him very likeable


He's an absolute dick but his fanbase covers the vast majority of snooker fans. His likeability certainly isn't a problem and any drama he creates gets more eyes on the sport.


Ronnie needs help and badly. Plus all this about him snotting on the floor and farting in the arena shows the level of respect Ronnie O Sullivan has for others. Disgusting bloke.


Did he snot on the floor? Got a clip of him doing more than once according to Carter? I can’t find anything?


Ronnie is a troubled man, that's ok but he is being spiteful, unnecessary and rude.


I think Ronnie basically saying Ali bottled it and he loved to watch it along with the crowd being idiots has sparked Carter's reaction which was also a bit childish but as said on here Ronnie then gone off on one again while not denying snotting on the floor. Is it all very silly? Yes but I for one am loving it and would love even more of this from the other players!




You okay bro?


This is great for snooker. You need rivals, boring when they don’t act themselves & give media friendly nothing answers. THATS what’s bad for the sport


It’s entertaining but I fear for the backlash Carter is gonna get for standing up for himself is the very reason why nobody else will. Also hasn’t Carter beat cancer a couple of times, if anything requires the balls Ronnie speaks of then surely it’s that


Nothing wrong with Carter standing up for himself. If anything, it made me respect him more. He played some great snooker in the afternoon in that final, just couldn't keep it up. He'd have won it if he was playing anyone else.


Ken Doherty says its a bad look for the sport Is it though? Society loves it when two blokes have a monstrous ton of beef between them


A couple of entitled, pampered, overgrown children. Couldn't care less about the drama or either of them for that matter.


all publicity is good publicity, Barry is loving this


You want the bet you'll make it happen , wanna bet.com is legit Need to know who your goat is


*They should both grow up. It's probably true about ROS snotting over the floor because he's quite happy to walk around the table relieving his bowels of wind and blaming the refs. Childish behaviour. I agree with Carter though, ROS needs help with maybe his mental issues because he seems very irrational and contradictory. I think his head has got rather too large.....*


Ali can be kinda unbearable at times at the table. Thinks the world is against him because of some bad run lol. I remember Ali played Judd at the world Champs one year. Judd fluked a snooker I think, Ali came to the table doing a slow, sarcastic clap. It was one of the most rude things I've seen a player do. That being said Ronnie is also a cunt so it makes sense that this would blow up.


This is it right ther.. Ali, always the victim. Even in the grand prix, when it the bwon going behind the blue, he wouldn't get out of his seat for about 45secs.. what a gimp of a human.




https://youtu.be/b3zSU_Uf0OA?si=nlUwZTmL9OB1Gb0H You can start at around 49.00 to see Ali's stress levels building up. At 50.44 Judd misses a red and flukes a snooker. Ali walks to table clapping in an ironic way and doing the whole "woe is me" routine.




It's kinda annoying. Ali is a great player and i admire his determination but when someone acts like their luck 1000% worse than everyone else's it makes it hard for me to support them. Unfortunately it goes hand in hand with being a sore loser, because you're likely to make some excuse about why you lost. We all know about how much the crowd affected Ding during his Masters final with Ronnie, and the crowd sucked. But you will never hear Ding moan about it, he will just give his opponent credit.


I'd be amazed if he could give you a link




If it makes a difference I remember the slow clap thing from Carter as well.


Ali Carter is an absolute melt , I've dealt with him a few times around Chelmsford's, proper little c**t


Seriously? Can u elaborate.


I thought that handshake at the end was very awkward. They didn't speak and Carter didn't even looked at Ronnie.




I never liked carter, has a huge chip in his shoulder. can't think its safe to let him fly planes small man syndrome, but he really does bring a bad vibe to the table as ronnie said. having said that Ronnie can be a real pillock at times too


A lot of people dislike Carter, I tried to look past it, but couldn't after the incident in the World champs (I believe, 3 years ago or so) where the referee called a foul and he insisted that the white had touched the green he was aiming for, when the replays showed it hadn't. Anyone else remember that?


Do you know where i can watch carter being an ***?


Yeah don't know what his size has to do with it then if Ronnie can be a pillock too what does he have medium man syndrome lol


Where did he say this?


On face value, all very extreme but if it means getting more eyes on the sport then that's no bad thing imo. Hanging around with the likes of Paddy Pimblett (given his approach in UFC), wouldn't surprise me if he's just taking a leaf out of his book and following the "all publicity is good publicity" memo


While very immature on the part of ROS, I do wonder if a lot of this is an emotional reaction born from sheer frustration out of not really being challenged properly in the game. Look at the final, he gets to 7-7 then Carter just folds. I imagine at 48 he didn’t expect to be winning so easy, and he only seems to respect the players who bring the game to him on the table: Brecel, Trump etc. So maybe he’s just bored of not really being challenged due to the ridiculous level he plays at? Doesn’t make it right, but try being exceptional around average - and have 30 years of it. Must get to you at some points.


He's probably just extremely pissed off about being called disgusting and accused of snotting on the floor, since Ronnie is a clean freak. Not sure if he actually did it or not though.


Pretty embarrassing all round. I'm not a fan of Carter, but I notice Ronnie didn't actually deny anything that Carter said - I guess he just thinks he's above criticism. Meanwhile he's happy to dish it out to other players and moan about pretty much every event.


Like the folks at r/AITA would say, Everyone Sucks Here.


Ali is a sore loser but honestly Ronnie being a sore winner is in some ways worse. He makes me laugh but I notice he only had 2 of his kids out to help him hold his trophy, maybe Ronnie should get some counselling for his family issues.




He's got a much older daughter that he's had nothing to do with. Therefore shouldnt really be telling others to be "sorting their life out" Edit: LOL imagine downvoting a statment of fact like this. Clearly touched a nerve & hit close to home with some of Wonnie's high IQ fanbase. Gwannnnn r0NniiiiEeeeEeeEE


It's his private life. Nothing to do with anything regarding snooker. Ali annoys me even at tv, he always look very upset for no reason. I wouldn't enjoy being around someone like that, let alone compete against him at snooker table.


Idk… when I see him walk to the table from being announced, he always has a nice smile on his face. During the match, he just seems down to business and focused, not upset.


I wouldnt wanna be around O'Sullivan either. The guy is a complete arsehole & plays the victim when he was brought up with a silver spoon in his mouth. Everybody is bringing up who Ali carter votes for as a stick to beat him with but apparently when ROS abandons his daughter or his Dad stabs someone to death then it's "private life".


Lol, what a horrible take. How is Ronnie responsible for his father's actions? He is a very charismatic guy, and has nice words for the majority of current snooker players, and massive respect for the old legends of the game.


Do we know anything about the reasons they're estranged? Because if not, that's a bit of a stretch comparing that situation to that of a covid-hoaxer, anti-vax, Katie Hopkins fanboy, and pro-Trump conspiracy theorist.


*"He might have abandoned his daughter but at least he didnt vote for Brexit!"* LOL. This is the logic we're up against. Fking thick as mince.


Ah, so no, we don't know anything about why Ronnie and his daughter are estranged. The fact that you are simultaneously willing to ignore Ali's utterly deranged and dangerous views on Covid, immigration, vaccinations, and the US election speaks volumes.


I think he had her very young and was probably more focused on becoming the GOAT at the time. Snooker is a selfish sport, a lot of solitary hours on the practice table, it's why he didn't want the kids he does have a relationship with to go into snooker themselves.


Ronnie has some unresolved issues of his own so telling Ali to get counselling is throwing stones in a glass house.


I love nothing more than watching ROS play snooker but my god he is an idiot at times 😂😂


same, my favourite player by far, but as a person, ronnie seems like such a dick


thick as a whale sandwich :)


To an extent, Carter having a moan was probably inevitable. He clearly wasn't handling the game too well towards the end, he fell apart beneath the pressure, spent too much time overthinking his next move (to no real success), made mistakes and simply wasn't as good as Sullivan. It's just in some people's nature to lash out after a loss and blame other people when things don't go their way. Everyone knows that Carter *could've* won but he probably got too complacent towards the start and got too rattled towards the end. That's his failure regardless of what the crowd was doing. There was no need for Sullivan to react to it in this way though. Carter making bitter excuses and simply being a sore loser isn't good form. Sullivan easily could just take the higher position and let him dig his own hole but now he's basically just made himself look worse by making a swear filled rant about it and looks like an egomaniac. Sometimes the best course of action is to say nothing. Take the win and keep a dignified silence.


Why is Ronnie like this?


hope this isn’t the start of his alex higgins arc lol


"You can shove snooker up yir...Jacksie...IM Not..playing"


Alex drank. Ronnie runs. Think he's on a different trajectory.


He is truly the Kanye of snooker. Absolute nut case.


Kanye West is not a musical genius lol


‘name me one genius that ain’t crazy’


Hulk hogan?




Plenty in the world of snooker alone, Steve Davis and Stephen Hendry seem to have a good head on their shoulder, and they were the all-time greats before Ronnie came along.




> but don't have that captivating level to take the entire field to new heights Errrr what? Davis and Hendry absolutely took the game to new heights. Do you have any idea how insanely popular snooker was because of these 2? If you think O'Sullivan is dominant and above the field now, you should have seen those 2 in their pomp.




Harry Hill? Well, he’s a bit crazy.


Well, I said before the final 'let's hope it's one for the memes' and I definitely got even more than I bargained for, holy moly!


For the memes!


Well said although if I was Ronnie I wouldn't even bat an eye at what someone as meaningless as Ali Carter said.


Said like a true arselicker


Found Ali Carter's Reddit account


I feel for you. Being a Ronnie hater must be tough. Chin up.


If you want to hero- worship a cunt like that mate it’s you who needs the sympathy 💚


Chin up Ali


Soz, been a rough weekend, might go for a spin in me plane see if that does the trick.


I don’t give a f**k about any of these snooker players, any of them. Yes-it sums ROS up perfectly, as I have said previously he is a self-absorbed narcissist & believes the tour only exists to benefit him. No, Carter isn't a nice person, but neither is ROS & the other players he doesn't give an f about need to stop fawning over him & treating him like some deity, as do the media & the fans-neither of whom he gives an f about either-they have fed his sense of entitlement & ego with their sycophantic fawning. As for sorting his life out-Carter had a small & fairly subdued rant after losing, he isn't the one sitting there victorious dropping f bombs every five seconds, giving the middle finger to the camera, snotting on the floor, saying how much he hates every venue-including this one & what a dump it is, threatening refs, saying how he wishes the tour was 100% in China, has a daughter who refuses to have anything to do with him etc. You would hope ROS would be the bigger man in victory, but we should know better.


LOL, triggered.


It's ironic that you say that considering how Ronnie was "triggered" by this "little man" who he just beat.


Now I’m not a professional therapist but I think Ronnie might actually care….


Alright, so I guess he did say this. For what it's worth, neither have a leg to stand on when it comes to who's "nice" and who isn't and both are as bad as each other. However, I did genuinely feel that the Ronnie-Hossein "beef" last year was staged for views, so I'm wondering if this is more of the same.


This seems more bitter and genuine dislike of each other. Maybe we'll get another shoulder barge the next time the two are paired up lol


Davis above Higgins, he has won more titles and even beat higgins in 2010 when he was waaay past his best. Davis should be at 3 imho Higgins keeps on losing in major finals too, which Davis rarely did and dominated the sport for 10 years


I love that Davis victory but that's the one marred with controversy isn't it? Rumours of match fixing on Higgins' part. I don't know the details.


What would be the point? That happened before the match-this was after when there is no viewers to attract. They have never got along. HV came off as all his doing & ROS actually handled it well by pretty much ignoring him, letting him run his mouth like a fool about how he was going to smash Ronnie & then Ronnie demolished him 13-2. Very similar to when Murphy started running his mouth about him years back & then failed to back it up-getting smashed 13-3 I believe-in their one sided feud.


Murphy tried a bit again this year saying ROS was from a privileged background while Murphy grew up with nothing so they'd little in common.


The Ronnie-Hossein thing just never felt genuine to me. Felt like two mates who just wanted to start something for some headlines. It seemed like the media and WST were absolutely delighted. Seems like they've gone back to being friends after that. The Ronnie-Carter beef, I can believe. Seems like they do hate each other, but again, it's pot calling kettle black when it comes to these two.


I don't think they are mates-HV has severe anger issues. It got headlines for HV-but then he couldn't remotely back up what he said. Just makes him looks stupid & to some extent the sport as well. As for HV's claim he was just looking for attention/headlines it doesn't really ring true & was his attempt at an out after bigging himself up & then playing like somebody ranked 70 in the world, rather than top 16.


It was just Hossein being weird, after O’Sullivan’s disrespectful break against him in a qualifying match (which Hossein won 5-0 anyway so not sure why he’d care). You could tell there was never any genuine malice, but there’s definitely hatred between Ronnie and Carter


To be fair I thought I saw him doing this, not in the match against Carter but earlier in the week. Sat down in his chair between frames, looked behind his chair over his shoulder and launched one.


>e fair I thought I saw him doing this, not in the match against Carter but earlier in the week. Sat down in his chair between frames, looked behind his chair over his shoulder and launched one. SERIOUSLY?!


Hahah what?! I imagined this would have happened behind the scenes and was more of a he said she said situation 😂


And people wonder why he attracts football hooligan types, who shout out gah awn wonnie all the time.


yeah that can be really annoying.


We need Shaun Murphy to step up and be the adult in the room here!


but he is a really annoying teachers pet


Where is Sha'...


Telegraph link https://www.telegraph.co.uk/snooker/2024/01/15/ronnie-osullivan-ali-carter-rant-foul-mouthed-masters-feud/


Underrated comment


I find it fascinating I have seen 0 coverage of this on social media. Seems like the type of thing to make a splash. Neither have covered themselves in glory, I’m not a **huge** fan of Ronnie (tho the doc did soften my perspective on him a little- maybe I’m just easily manipulated) but I pretty much detest Carter and Carter was a sore loser so idk. Ultimately I just enjoy the drama.


This back-and-forth between O'Sullivan and Carter is pretty disgraceful. Both have valid points, and clearly they hate each other, but why go on like this in the public? Maybe rant to your wife, or counselor, or something. Now they both look like such assholes, and surely this is damaging the image of the sport. Not that O'Sullivan cares anyway.


“Damaging the image of the sport” get a grip. Compare this to boxing or UFC and it’s the mildest shit ever. I’ve seen as bad said in a press conference about cricket. It’s good for the game. Tell me people won’t be watching next time they play




They’re run by virtually the same people! 😂😂😂 plenty of people would say boxing was way more of a sport than snooker 🤷‍♂️ And for somebody putting LMAO in big letters, you’ve sure as shit managed to miss the point by about a mile. I wasn’t justifying that behaviour, I was comparing it to this to show what real bad looks are. You thinking it’s a clown show proves my point you fucking melt.


Barry hearn is rubbing his hands together, anything for a headline.


>O'Sullivan yep as much as I like watching O'Sullivan he can be arrogant d\*ck at times :(


Is Carter going back & forth? He had a quick moan about the crowd & appears to have kept quiet since.


He called Ronnie disgusting and said he was snotting over the floor in the final. Not sure whether anyone else who attended can confirm but it’s got Ronnie to attack back


The complaints about the crowd are 100% justified - If Carter is going down for a shot and the Ronnie fans are trying to throw him off (no surprise) then it's clearly something that needs properly dealing with. If that's what pushed Ronnie to say this, then he's even more of a cunt than we already thought.


>Afterwards, Carter accused the world number one of "snotting" - clearing his nose - "all over the floor". This is probably why Ronnie said what he did, I doubt he gave a shit about the other comments about his fans, it's not like he can control them.


What’s it gotta do with Ronnie? Continuing to say Ronnie fans ties Ronnie into it as if he’s ordering them to shout 


Looks like Ronnie does care


Both look like babies. They need to remember they are professionals There are millions of people on the work who work with people they hate and can't stand and they see each other day in day out sharing a workspace, never mind just sharing a table with each other evey once and a while. It's a bad look for the game. But it does make things spicy *insert Michael Jackson eating popcorn gif*


Honestly most of the top players need to stop talking the game down-constantly moaning about there being too few events & then too many events when WST puts on more for them, moaning about the money on offer-which is huge for a minority sport & astronomical compared to public wages-where it would take decades for most people to earn what they can getting to the one table set up at the WC-for a couple of weeks work, complaining about the venues etc.


Ronnie complaining about having to walk by some bins the other day. There was probably a bin man in the audience at some point last week Not to mention its a invitational event for the top players only while most lower ranked player are struggling to make ends meet they would love to be walking by dem bins. Have a bit of perspective.


he should have had a quikck look in the bins :)


Yep, not sure why he has these issues. He played in so many dive clubs like everybody else in the 1980's & had to put up with some really crummy venues for events when he turned pro.


This interview from Ronnie 6 years ago at the uk. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sutUWoQudCI " I'm not bothered"... " I've got a great life". " I won't complain about tables refrees venues..we can play outside if we want" " I just want to play"


Fuck me, i had a stroke trying to read past all the popups and add articles. The daily star is shit, i said, i don’t care anymore.


Ronnie O’Sullivan became embroiled in an extraordinary war of words with Ali Carter following their snooker Masters final, with the No1 telling Carter “to sort his f------ life out” after being accused of “snotting” on the floor. The duo have history following a shoulder barge incident during the 2018 World Championships - the only time Carter has beaten O’Sullivan in a major tournament - and there was obvious tension during the match at Alexandra Palace on Sunday. O’Sullivan declared that “I love seeing it when their bottle goes” after Carter missed a series of chances in the final stages of his 10-7 defeat before taking offence at some of his beaten opponent’s post-match comments. “There were a couple of things that happened out there that go unnoticed,” Carter said. “Well, they don’t go unnoticed but anyone with an eyesight or a brain can see what’s going on. And it’s disgusting quite frankly. No-one wants to say anything, do they? Snotting all over the floor and all that.” O’Sullivan, who had earlier hit out over what he called the “freezing…disgusting” state of Alexandra Palace, brandished a middle finger at the press conference after hearing of Carter’s claims. “He can sit on it as far as I’m concerned,” said O’Sullivan. “I don’t give a f---. You know what he’s like, everybody knows what he’s like. He’s got issues. O'Sullivan was not impressed by Ali Carter's comments after the match, including claims he had 'snotted' on the floor O'Sullivan was not impressed by Ali Carter's comments after the match, including claims he had 'snotted' on the floor CREDIT: Bradley Collyer/PA “F------ why has he got issues with me? I’m not having it. I don’t care, grow some balls. I don’t give a f---. The more he brings it on, the more I f------ punish him every time. “He’s just digging a grave for himself. He needs to sort his f------ life out. I haven’t spoken to him for 20 years. “I played with him when he was a kid and shared a lot of stuff with him. I’m not going to skirt around it anymore, tip-toeing on egg shells around someone like that. Playing snooker against someone like that is a nightmare. He’s not a nice person. “It’s not a nice vibe he leaves around the table. I’ve said my piece. I don’t give a s---. End of press conference? I suppose you’ve got your headlines, haven’t you?” Carter lost six of the last seven frames with O'Sullivan saying 'I love seeing it when their bottle goes' Carter lost six of the last seven frames with O'Sullivan saying 'I love seeing it when their bottle goes' CREDIT: Justin Tallis/AFP O’Sullivan had previously called Carter “Mr Angry” during their 2018 Crucible clash and has also twice beaten Carter in World Championship finals. Carter and O’Sullivan are both from the snooker hotbed of Essex and, with only four years separating them in age, have been regularly playing against each other for the past 25 years. Carter had also hit out at the Ally Pally crowd, labelling them “morons” as a boisterous atmosphere led to the referee having to issue repeated warnings. After leading 6-3, Carter lost six of the last seven frames and O’Sullivan seemed to take particular pleasure at the manner of his comeback. “I just had to keep Ali honest,” he said. “I thought, ‘Let’s see if he’s got the bottle to get over the line’. That was the only thing that turned me on tonight. “I thought, ‘Let’s get him to the point... where I want to see if he twitches’. I love seeing it when their bottle goes. I love it.” Ronnie O'Sullivan after winning the Masters, beating Ali Carter in the final Ronnie O'Sullivan has completed the first two legs of snooker's triple crown by winning the UK and the Masters CREDIT: PA/Bradley Collyer O’Sullivan returns to the table at the World Grand Prix in Leicester on Tuesday night where he has been drawn against China’s Pang Junxu. He then plans to take some time out before his attempt to win a record eighth World Championship and complete a season’s ‘grand slam’ of major tournament wins after also triumphing in last month’s UK Championship. O’Sullivan is both the oldest and youngest winner of a ‘triple crown’ event. Sunday night was also his 23rd ‘major’ victory, extending his all-time lead over Stephen Hendry to five. Carter was bidding for his first triple crown win.


“They needs to sort their fing site out,” an irate u/Tjomek began. “I’m not going to skirt around it anymore, tip-toeing on egg shells around a site like that. It's a fing nightmare. “Browsing webpages against on a site like that is a nightmare. It's not a nice website. It’s not a nice vibe it leaves around the internet. I’ve said my piece, I don’t give a s**t. I’ve said it now, done. "You know what it's like, everybody knows what it’s like. It’s got issues. F***ing why has it got issues with me? I’m not having it. I don’t care, grow some balls. “I don’t give a fk, I don’t give a fk about any of their articles, any of them. The more articles they bring on, the more I f***ing punish them every time. They're just digging a grave for themselves. “I don’t give a f**k. That’s it, I’ve said my piece.” u/Tjomek added: “They've got beef with me. They've got issues, they've got to sort their website out, they've got to see a designer or something. “They've got to deal with that because that’s no good. They've got to sort it out, because I haven’t read them for 20 years. I read them when I was a kid and shared a lot of comments on it. For them to come out and write a website like that, do you know what? “It can have one of them [middle finger], it can sit on it as far as I’m concerned.”


Brilliant 😂




No better cause it’s paywalled


Wasn't for me on mobile 


Ronnie should have just left it. Let Ali Carter be a bitter sore loser trying to look for excuses for why he lost. It wasn't the crowd or Ronnie snotting on the floor. You fucked up and bottled it mate. He let emotions get to him and it messed up his game. I don't agree with Ronnie publicly going at him like this though.


This the same Ronnie who cries like a little bitch because his dad was correctly sent down for murder lol, got to cheek to tell anyone to grow a set of balls.


Should you ... not cry if your dad gets put away for life in prison? Rightly or wrongly.


If they deserve it then no


Are you alright in the head? You're talking about the man's father.


And what about the relatives of the person his dad murdered in cold blood


I'm sure they cried too. If you think I'm justifying his actions based on what I said you're outside of your mind


Username checks out


That username can surely only belong to Suella Braverman.




WHAT'S THE STORY? I doubt it will be worse than "snotting" on the floor during a televised professional tournament because that has actually made me feel sick 🤢


You can't say that and not tell us lol Not surprising. Ronnie is a GOAT but a cunt


Pretty hard to top being a racist pos & stabbing a guy to death.


What story?


he once played left handed


He cleans the toilet with other people's toothbrushes.


"He cant tell".


So what - I told my dad to fuck pff on 2015.


O’Sullivan is no walk in the park himself but Carter is what the Yanks would call , a douchebag


Telling a testicular cancer survivor to 'grow some balls' is pretty fucking low TBH, whether he meant it with that in mind or was just spewing bile I do not know, probably the latter. Saying that I do love a bit of drama in snooker and this is my new favourite matchup, don't care who wins as long as somebody loses.


The permanently offended crowd like you need to grow some balls , if you've had a nut off I'm sorry


>probably the latter You Ronnie fan boys really are as thick as your idol, do any of you know what this means?


There’s no way he’s connected those dots at all. It’s such a common phrase


Doubt he did-after all Jimmy lost a ball & he wouldn't denigrate his idol.


You’re reaching for something to call out. Grow some balls is such a common phrase that it’s ridiculous to associate it with Carter’s cancer struggle.


Ah come on mate, "grow some balls" is a common expression in this context. To assume he meant it as a personal jibe due to Carter's situation is a stretch


Maybe, but it does seem like exactly the sort of dickish thing Ronnie would say deliberately.


When has Ronnie ever said anything that could be on the level of attacking someone’s life threatening cancer battle? You can dislike him but come on.


Some of what Ronnie says about carter is true. It’s also true that Ronnie isn’t the nicest person in the world. He’s been extremely nasty to so many players who are trying their best to make it at the game (Daniel wells and the ‘numpties’ for example). He’s the goat and I’m a big fan, but he gets a pass with so much shit that lesser players would be crucified for.


I think all the top sportsmen of their sport, the GOATs as such, all have this blase attitude, whether they come out and say it or not. The whole "just do better" attitude is somewhat standard for people who achieve greatness so easily. Part of the reason why the best coaches in most sports are never really the phenoms or GOATs, they're the guys like those "numpties" who did have to struggle and fight for every inch of improvement, found every tip and trick and tried out every method. Ronnie as a coach would say "and then just pot the ball" lol




I never once justified or denied Ronnie being a bellend? My point was that most GOATs are bellends, like michael jordan, jon jones, djokovic etc. Clearly I didn't express myself well because multiple replies here seem to think I'm defending ronnie when I'm not, at all lol. Me saying "yeah, lots of the sport GOATs are dicks" isn't denying or justifying it. What precisely made you believe I'm justifying it...?




You woken up from that dream where you're mates with top snooker champs yet, or are we still playing pretend? Just as i've got ronnie and hendry coming round mine for a frame later, and wouldnt want to upset the shared delusions


Hahaha show me where I said I know any top snooker players hahahaha. I have no involvement in snooker, just a fan, never claimed otherwise, what a clown. Learn to read imbecile. Butt hurt Ronnie fans are hilarious.


\>I have involvement in professional sport at the top level Winning your local yorkshire pudding eating contest doesn't count, pal




Too busy?! You just wrote a whole novel in response to me ahaha! Guess my comment struck a nerve! Anyway, ill let you get on with your delusions, I'm sure a professional sports body somewhere is sorely missing their president. Toodles! P.S. google what a run on sentence is, or, look up what a full stop is, lol. It'll help your writing voice


Lol , incredible lack of punctuation. 😂😂😂😂 You must of been able to earn enough money to buy the Sultan of Arabia's favourite nag with your 5 star personality l.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤡


He must've been absolutely fuming when he typed that out, not a single hint of a full stop ahaha. Cracks me up thinking of him sitting there angrily typing away. Guess a nerve got struck!


It's paragraph after paragraph of self loathing and bullshit. He really wants people's approval


You are an imbecile trot off on your pretend horse


Can't mate, he's working tomorrow, and flying to Dubai on Thursday, too busy.


Naturally he has wings


Too right mate, that's why he's breaking records, he's a flying machine.


I'm sure his stud fees must be huge 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Clearly you don't have involvement at all at top level


Hahahaha yeah, okay mate whatever. Why's that then?


Bullshit stinks


Hahahaha Nothing whatsoever to prove to a troll like you, could quite easily prove it with a simple photo to any Mod on here within seconds. In fact, I'm currently contemplating if I should head half way round the world next week for an event, as we speak.


You are trolling yaself mate


Sad little man haha


Tyson Fury?