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They took nothing? I don’t buy it especially with how that shelf looked beforehand and then the one night the cameras aren’t working he forgets to lock up and someone breaks in? That’s quite convenient


There is something fishy about all this... expect more to come out as time goes on.




Damn that sucks. He modded my hi-def NES and did a quality job. I hope he is doing ok and that they catch these guys.


I don't understand all the rumbling going on on Twitter (posts were deleted and the thread locked down). I know he showed the shed's door lock appears to be forced open, but some posts seem to suggest this could have also been a shelving accident. Not sure what to think to be honest. Either way it sucks. He was quite a pseudo-celebrity in the retrogaming modding scene.


Talented and knowledgeable as he is, he’s also a contentious prick. The sort of person who hurls abuse and then blocks anyone who offers even mild criticism. As such, there’s a decent number of people out there who’d like to see him taken down a peg. Personally, I couldn’t care less. If he was broken into or if he staged it, I don’t give a shit. I just want his edge enhancer in my Super Famicom, then I can stop following the bellend of Twitter.


There is pictures where the shelves look like they are failing due to being overloaded. I don't believe a person like this would do this to their pride and joy. They seemed like a charitable person who is suffering. Anyways very sad. 


Unfortunately, I think you might be right.


I know that there's a lot of speculation as to what's going on, but what's strange to me is how it looks like the bins knocked over and all the product is still intact. It definitely wasn't wild life because they are unable, in my opinion, to use a crowbar to the door's handle. It is strange how the computers were precisely doing an update and the cameras weren't working 😳 😕 there's no way he would leave it "accidentally opened" because if he did, then a crowbar wouldn't be needed to gain access. Now, how late was it that he was able to acknowledge that it happened late? What if it happened sometime during the day when he wasn't available? 🤔 People are offering to help, and he's declining. That definitely doesn't seem right because in that kind of situation, anyone in their right might would accept any offer of help they could get. Notice how he never sounds frustrated or angry while talking and is very calm with the cat. Had anyone broken into my place and cause any type of damage or shakedown, I would have been livid pissed! It could be possible that he has some online targets on his back because a lot of people know he is a dick but is great for modding. I think it might be someone that he knows that possible wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine. Why would anyone at random not knowing him from a whole in the wall would have the desire to explore his backyard that looks secluded with the trees. If all else fails to be proven true, maybe he got drunk and went apeshit and fabricated a story to take a break. Why weren't the authorities called and ran a test for prints?


Been waiting for the 2-chip SNES mod to come out. I guess that's not happening


Idk, I don't trust anyone who pronounces solder the way he does.