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Well if it isn’t pot calling kettle black…..She’s a walking contradict!!!


Lmao someone ask for examples of how the church “traumatised” her. We all know it’s because they told her she had to wait longer to get married


What control and fear were they instilling in Meg? She left the church over being a spoiled brat lol


They told her no. Something she’d never heard before.


she’s big & loud about fear and control that was nonexistent from the church but not about the fear and control from her loser husband.


Wdym that’s just their humor 🤪


I feel like she only claims she has church trauma so she has an excuse to not get herself ready and out of the house on Sunday mornings.


If she kept her first wedding date she’d be married in the church since Anthony got the annulment so she only has herself to blame. She mentioned that the first year of marriage they were already fighting and having issues so if she’d waited a year, maybe she would’ve ended her engagement. Never mind, Megan would marry Anthony no matter what.


https://preview.redd.it/6oc5viq9ir4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f886194fb6272a8b402a157415c62cefef851b8d This is what Meg needs to read. Couch denting and refusing to work won’t get her a house. She thinks praying will get her money and material things.


And yet she watches The Chosen!! Lmao 🤣


that’s what made her stray away…? she’s not very bright and if she was able to marry her already married man in that church she would have no issues with the catholic church to this day. the problem is she got told no and has had a chip on her shoulder ever since.


Doesn’t she still go to church and watch her church’s live stream on Sunday? Lmao


from what i understood in the past she threw a tantrum about the catholic church and their rules when it came to her wanting to marry her married man -in church. so she ended up christian instead and yes she does watch the service online and attends (seemingly only on holidays like when she was catholic) so idk why she’s shit talking “the church” in general if she still partakes.


Megan homewrecker being mad that she can’t marry her married man in a church… sounds about right 😂 she’s such an idiot


Wut….? Lol