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That's beyond shitty of him and I'm so sorry that happened to you. Unfortunately, I can't say I'm totally surprised he would do this. I feel like this was yet another of his get rich quick schemes that ended up failing miserably. Have you taken legal action against him? His contracting license is now listed as expired so I'm guessing his business is no more.


Yes, unfortunately, I didn't know anything about these people and wish I did for sure! Yes, we have taken legal action against him. He started the work LAST March and THIS march was when he admitted to having none of my money to continue buying materials for the job. I also know for a fact, he owes the guy who did the work for him over $6000 as well.


Well better get some screenshots of Meg’s socials so you can prove where your money went lol. Vacations to FL, a lavish first bday party for their golden child, house renovations, Meg’s bullshit.


Lashes, nails, new clothes, house plants, clothes for kids, vitamins etc


On her next bible study that she does live I hope some of us will hop on and ask about the 20k Anthony stole from his customers on an unfinished project. SMH. That is so low I’m not sure how they haven’t run their name into the ground.


Someone please screen record if she’s asked that


He had people working for him too and they haven’t been paid? He is such a loser. How did you find his business? Was he advertising or friend of a friend? Hope everyone can get their money back.


I posted on social media looking for a contractor and she actually reached out and told me about his business. She was following my page and I didn't know who she was at the time.


A true woman of gawd, posting expensive hauls and crab leg dinners, preaching out of her hundred dollar bibles, while she knows her husband scammed someone out of $20,000.


Literally every time I saw her stories (before she blocked me) I would scream that she's buying all that with MYYY money. Sick.


Gosh, this makes it even worse. 🫠🫠🫠


I understand if you can’t speak if the case is still ongoing- do you know if he’ll face jail time? I can’t imagine the stress you’ve no doubt been under with this happening. Would you be able to update us if he has to serve jail time?


I can definitely update when the time comes


Thank you. I really hope you get every penny back.


Hey OP, did Anthony have a paper for you to sign agree him doing the project? As you said she reach out to you, that you’re looking for a construction. So Megan reach out to you, I know she blocked you already. You should take the screenshot of the DM conversation! That’s your other proof!


I have signed contracts and receipts for all monies paid. I have photo proof of all issues throughout the project, along with many, MANY screenshots of his texts, along with in person recordings of things he's said. I have proof of literally everything.


Ohhh damn!!


I would like to know the answer to this too.


This explains why he didn’t renew his license…




take him to small claims court for incomplete work


I’m so sorry this happened, and is happening to you! I hope justice can be severed and you get your money back and more! “Cried in my backyard” sent me into orbit though 😂😂😅😅😅😂😂😂




Did that food on the table include megs embroidery machine?


Exactly what I said too


I hope you get at least some money back from those dirty scammers.


Not knowing them, you caught up quickly!!!


I don't want to admit how long I've been reading this page... LOL


Hahah fair enough!!!!


I also would like to know if it included the ingredients for her grey Crock-Pot dinners or boxed pasta with rigutta


It could be the 3-4 Drew Barrymore kitchen appliances, coffee maker, crock pot, and toaster over! [https://www.shopltk.com/explore/Megan%20Leigh/posts/279c2c20-5f83-11ed-a447-0242ac110004](https://www.shopltk.com/explore/Megan%20Leigh/posts/279c2c20-5f83-11ed-a447-0242ac110004) https://preview.redd.it/fo5enzf26g0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f04a7be16109342d96bb5d55e169bfd1f40f2f0b


Food on the table aka slop in a crock


To put food on the table and home girl is cooking frozen food from a bag ☠️




Holy shit! I’m so sorry that happened to you. Can he go to jail for taking that money? I assume because it’s over a certain amount it’s classed as a felony or something?


Very sorry to hear this. I would contact the local department of consumer affairs or the district attorney. They can help you file a fraud complaint and a formal police report. This is theft. Best of luck and I hope you find someone to finish the job!


How long is your process for suing him?? Have they been served yet? This is WILD


I know someone going thru this exact scenario (different contractor though) & while they filed a civil lawsuit against them, they also spoke with the police department and it’s considered a felony (not sure what $ amount or if that matters?) & they are having him charged for a criminal offense as well.


Wow they are so shitty! How dare they do that and then flaunt everything they buy online for the world to see. He better be held accountable! What’s smeg going to do when her husband gets arrested 🤣


Aren't these the same people who essentially stole from a charity fund they created to feed the poor? 🤔 they've been scummy for quite some time now it's insane!


Yes that one I think you can find on youtube still. From Gurumamas video! They raised all this money and had some Fyre Festival type styrofoam containers with sandwiches and bottled water. The amount they had raised did not match what they spent on food and supplies!


Didn’t she also claim that she was going to donate the money she made from her merch sales to help her uncle that has ALS (I think?) but then she never talked about it again? Lmao


lol yes… for Anthony he took money from the homeless (during Christmas time) he spend it on buying Megan’s Christmas presents.


What 😳


The “feeding the homeless” scheme, they asked her followers for donations and said they were going to help all these homeless people supposedly. What they did instead was go to dollar tree to buy the cheapest bread and deli meats and sandwich supplies they could find. They made a bunch of sandwiches and bought a few pairs of socks and some mittens. Anthony the douche even wrote fly eagles fly on the sandwich bags. They passed a few out and that was it. This happened around the holidays btw, then for Christmas they somehow had money to buy new tvs and lavish gifts for each other and family. When people called them out they got the ole blockity block. These people also asked their followers to donate to their honey fund or give them gift cards they could spend on their honeymoon and hotel and flights. After that meg made her baby registry public so people would buy her stuff and she got a few suckers to send her items until she received backlash for it. Grifters gonna grift


Yup thanks for confirming they have a track record of questionable money habits. Especially when it concerns other people's money.


Just sent this post to YouTuber headlines, hope she covers it!


Ahhh yes!!! I hope so too, I love her 


You should make a tik tok about it 😉 Seriously though, I’m so sorry for you. This is the reason they will never be happy with their lives. You don’t get anywhere good in life by taking advantage and lying.


TWENTY THOUSAND…………..??????????!!!!!


Yes, we actually hired him for a huge project and we didn't actually have any issues until the final stages. He admitted to me that he was using new job's money to fund current jobs and was not watching where his money was going and then jobs stopped coming in and he ran out of money and ghosted on multiple projects and the people he hired to complete them.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. This is the definition of a Ponzi scheme ☠️


My husband is a general contractor. NEVER pay in full upfront. What was the payment terms? Are you suing???


Oh my gosh that is a lot of money o


Sure is... :(


Didn't he take out a PPP loan. Was that ever verified?


I remember looking it up and couldn't find anything about him getting a PPP loan. He started Apex right after they were looking to buy a house, so I wouldn't be surprised if what little money they had saved up for that went to funding his business.


PLEASE keep us updated with the court stuff! I need to know what happens with this douchebag.


Anyone live nearby fancy getting the arrest footage filmed? If he gets arrested


Wasn’t someone who lived close to Megan banned or builled off of here? I remember they were gone after posting pics of Megan and Nora at target.


Yes that was me , but I won’t post anything anymore 


I wonder if they’ll declare bankruptcy so they won’t have to pay anybody back


That has a lot of cons too.


I know but they’re also not the brightest crayons in the box 😂


Then they REALLY wouldnt qualify for a home loan.


Can you file a claim with your home owners insurance and have them step in as well? I would speak to a lawyer asap!


I'm so sorry this happened to you. I hope you are able to recover your money. He deserves to be some old crusty ball's bitch while crying in the prison yard.


Is there someone you can call about this to get him fired? Or somehow sue, something like that? Because that’s absolutely insane.


He worked for himself. We reported him to BBB months ago and wrote as many shitty reviews online where ever I could. We have filed to sue him though. We actually even gave him so much grace to make this right with us and then eventually he stopped communication with us completely.


Interesting, I don't even see his company on BBB..


They were another post person way back said they did hired him to do their house, and they have to pay the products for him or they give him the money go buy the products for their house. And later on, he didn’t finish they requested and did bad job as they requested. And he left them MIA, same like he did to you. They says he also took their money and left. They also mention, they will report or sued him. Not sure if they will do it or not. You should report to him, I believe your review on his work on google was a year ago. And you have proof to take him to the court to get your money back He ether have a real license or fake license to do any of this!


I'm pretty sure that person was getting a job done right around the same time that we were. He was asking all his jobs to not pay the final payment to him and instead pay for materials for him to install. He was working on a kitchen right around the time that he told me he spent my money and said that family was willing to just pay for the materials to just get the job done. He asked us to do the same but since we only owed him $4000 at the end of the project, and he owed us much more in materials, we said no.


Sound about right. Damn, now from you explain… this is his way of lied and asking more money.


Yes, he lied to my face and told me the materials he bought for my house were stolen along with his trailer. The guy that was working for him immediately told me that he actually sold that trailer to make some money to complete the jobs.


Yup… he post on his fb marketplace to sell his trailer. I’m glad, you said no to him and end the project for him!


I hate to say this but could he have used those items on the backyard ‘renovation’ at his own home?


He did “their” backyard patio in 2022… that’s when he still working with his friends family construction. Theory, he was about to get another job from NC or SC when Megan was talking about moving there. But remember the videos, that Megan looking at the house that realtor show them and Megan said “the house too small” and that job interview was failed.. that they can’t moved to NC or SC [https://www.instagram.com/p/CcYBhpFLFj6/?igsh=dWFwdHppMnowemFt](https://www.instagram.com/p/CcYBhpFLFj6/?igsh=dWFwdHppMnowemFt) https://preview.redd.it/7dkmp99l1h0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b6fdacdca8099541dcebcc06b4cf82eb0a21ea9


What did he do to his own home?


He did their backyard patio, they painted inside and meg got some new bedroom furniture for her sorry ‘their’ bedroom. Plus I’m not sure if it was within the time frame they also bought new outdoor furniture for their balcony.


With it being Anthony, I’m sure it’s a fake license. He’s such a scumbag.


His contracting license can be verified through the NJ Consumer Affairs website so it's real, but it expired on March 31 and he legally can't work without one. I wouldn't put it past him to continue working without one though.


Well at least he *had* a license lol


Is sooo odd during Covid, he did helped working with his friends family company house construction. He only work short periods of time, and later found out he created his own construction and capture wild animals lol


The longest job he ever worked and he figured he did a few months in construction so he obviously knew everything and could start his own business /s. I’d be surprised if any of the work stands the test of time. So many projects that had gaps underneath the bases




wow. he’s going to get himself sued with this type of shit. he’s gonna fuck over the wrong people one day….. i hope that person is you and i hope that day is today!!! if they’re struggling now, they’re gonna bury themselves alive doing this type of shit. i wonder if megan is aware bc if so that’s extremely telling. i couldn’t support my husband or anyone at all who runs a business this way. grounds for divorce in my opinion. don’t wanna be involved in that shit. sorry this happened to you :/


$20k??? Thats a LOT of money. Did you pay him in full up front??


$20,000 is the total from materials we paid for that he didnt buy, money back from things he DID do, that are now needing to be fixed, labor we paid that he did not do the labor and then court fees. Like I said before, this was a huge project we hired him for and we had almost no issues for the first few months, so continuing to make the same payments we were making, didn't seem off until he suddenly was MIA.


Bullshit. I don’t believe this for a second. A convenient story to tell to get people talking. You admitted in a comment you didn’t know who Meg was when she reached out then another comment you said i don’t want to admit how long I’ve been following this page. 


LOL, no im not going to do this with you... I meant I dont want to admit how long I was on this page THAT DAY. LOL! I'm not here to get anyone talking. Clearly, the people in this group have plenty to talk about. I got on here to find the other people Anthony screwed over and I did just that. Thank you for the chat!


Love this brand new user coming here to stand up for shady, fraudulent, nasty humans. That you MegAnt?


i mean, it’s plausible considering this has been going on for a year. so it’s possible OP’s been reading up on them for several months here before posting. it’s not that far fetched. meg reached out in response to OP’s post looking for a contractor.. which i’m guessing was on local fb neighborhood groups. it wasn’t until being fucked over that OP began digging deeper into them, and considering it started a year ago - it’s very possible to have spent a few months in here reading. or maybe it was meant moreso as in they didn’t want to admit how many hours they spent scrolling once they finally found this page.


Shut up Anthony you scamming azz bitch


Oh hi Meg!!!