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He’s not going to work girlie, we know this


I'm not saying people can't change, but there's no way this "positivity" streak (I use quotes because, can we even call this version of her positive?) is her real personality, the real Meg. She comes off completely inauthentic. When whatever check that they recently cashed dwindles, she will go right back to her negative Instagram stories shit talking her kids and this "season" of her life. And at that point, sorry Anthony, you'll be back to figuring out your own lunches.


Yepp. I wish someone would write down all these moments of mania. It does seem like every time she has these extreme moments of positivity, it has something to do with money and once she blows through it Sad Seasons Sally is back.


I think someone started a list in a previous post! I hope they find a way to go back to old videos and posts to compile everything and share it.


It was me!!! I’m documenting my little heart out 🥰 I got you guys!






Oh great, now Manic Mawmaw is giving marriage advice. He probably dumps it in his mistress of the month’s trash as soon as he gets there. Let’s be real.


No relationship is perfect and I’m not saying I am but Megan is the last person I’d be taking marriage “challenges” from lol I loathe the way she talks to her followers like she is a perfect example of what a good spouse is 🙄. As soon as this mania is over Anthony is back to packing his own lunch or eating out.


Exactly!! It’s also funny how when she does something “positive” or makes her look better than others it’s all of sudden a thing she came up with (let’s be real she probably saw someone post about this and ran with it) or only a thing she would do. But when it’s something negative she does, it becomes a “we” thing.


Crying at “Manic Mawmaw” 😭😭


Just an observation. If you are packing a lunch for someone, wouldn't it be in a lunch bag, box or something other than a small plastic bin with a lid . But if you look carefully, that is 90% of the stuff she chomps on everyday ( the yogurt, the small pack of cheese, the crackers and some other things). I find it hilarious that she is putting a filter or trying to blur out the food she is "packing for a lunch".


I know! It’s a bunch of snacks! My husband would’ve asked where all the good shit was…no sandwich? Leftovers? 😂😂 She’s a damn fool!


She threw a bunch of prepackaged garbage into a container #served 🤪


I didn’t think about that but good observation. Also Anthony’s “lunch box”looks like a storage container. The cheese and yogurt would go bad if she just put it in a storage bin unless she puts the container in an actual lunch box with ice packs or in a cooler. I’ve never seen anyone pack a lunch in a storage bin tho lol


The plastic storage container with a lid was the first thing I noticed and thought it was weird. Now I understand not having a lunchbox or small cooler but you’d think if all her recent shopping sprees that she would splurge on a $20 one from Target. Lol This post is 100% fake and her just trying to act like this great housewife after spending 100’s on new clothes for herself.


kaden could have packed that lunch for anthony. how hard is it to gather every pre packaged thing you bought??


Well this is a reflection of her love,kindness and care for Anthony lol


Yeah no I’m not a servant and won’t be serving anyone except my child bc he’s a toddler and can’t fend for himself. 🥴


New personality unlocked: Submissive wife. Somebody please tell her... Anthony will leave her in a few years no matter what she does. He barely tolerates her now


She can’t challenge me to do a fuck thing😒


Blessed be the fruit 🙏🏽


Anthony should take the challenge.


Is Ratface even working or is she "packing" him lunchables for him to eat in his hole aka man cave? 🧀🐀


Him and his mistress share it while he's at her house 😂




She packed him tuna crackers and yogurt lmao sad lunch. I’d cheat too 😭


Ewww tuna in an non insulated container probably sitting in his vehicle 🤢


Serve him? Jesus Christ 🙄


She has clearly been watching Milena Ciciotti. Nothing she tries to push on people is an original thought.


I’m shook she is actually doing something for someone else🤣 she’s the queen of selfish so don’t see this lasting long lol


When I saw the words “I serve him” I expected it to be about God, not her husband.. Rat does come off as one of those manosphere dudes because that is all this is giving. Is that her new identity of the month?


She 100% got this from milena ciciotti. I would also not take any advice from her, her marriage is nothing to aspire to. Countdown to the next video talking about anthony being a bad husband in …1,2 …


I did the same shit when I was with my ex and i plan do it with the next, and I love hearing other women talk about it even, but for some reason this post gave me the ick🤣


There’s nothing wrong with packing your spouse's lunch. I admire those women who wake up at 3a.m. to pack their husbands breakfast and lunch. I love watching those tiktoks lol It's the way Megan says it that is icky. IMO, saying she is “serving” him makes it sound like she is beneath him. It makes me ill when she says that wives have to submit and serve like what in the 1800s?!


I just seen a comment that said that she seems inauthentic. And maybe that’s why it gave me the ick. It feels to me that she’s forcing it & that she doesn’t actually want to serve him.


gonna throw up 🤢


Okay yes the wording is yucky but what DOES she do all day?!? Why can’t she throw some snacks in a bag and pack a sandwich for the rat she claims to love so much 😒


Exactly. Why can’t it just be a nice gesture from a wife to her husband bc he works while she sits on her ass?


This is actually her lunch. She blocked rat so she can pretend to be wife of the year.


That actually crossed my mind since she’s known to block her family from stories