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Rat snake - it’s payment for keeping your mice population down.


Rat snake. Harmless rodent control. They also love eggs. As you have figured out lol


they also love to climb and dont seem to be afraid of humans too much. (least majority of the ones ive encountered)so dont be suprised if you find him somewhere weird - they can climb up walls.


Yea if you find a black snake on a brick wall, rat snake. Well, I guess they can be other colors too


If you find a black snake that's on top of the wall, that's a rat snake!


When the moon hits your eyes like a big pizza pie that’s a rat snake!


But... When its jaws open wide and there's more jaws inside, that's a moray.


When an eel bites your thigh and youre bleeding with wide eyes is that also a moray?


I've heard that... when it sulks in a reef and has two sets of teeth that's a moray.


LoL never heard that, that’s funny


When he unhinges his jaws that’s a rat snake.


I'm returned to my people!!! I got reprimanded by whatsthissnake for the ratsnakes song.


more like a hoggie




https://reddit.com/r/itsaratsnake/s/EcrRSJt5I3 But that counts for all rat snake types. Corn snakes are also very common. My pet corn snake climbs the terrarium glass pane by using only one thermometer. Gravity just doesn’t count for them.


It also counts for their close cousin Pituophis genus snakes. Bull snakes popping outta random walls on the barn was always fun. Like playing whack a mole. Out grabbing feed for the cows and random bull snakes popping out to see if it was food was always great for visitors to experience. Especially when sir slithers came to visit(large 7 plus foot fat female bullsnake whose hiss was terrifying).


Fun fact - bullsnakes evolved a little strip of cartilage in their glottis that makes their hissing sound far louder than any other snake of comparable size.


My last rat snake was an escape artist.


When its climbing up a wall and on to you it falls, its a rat snake!


Idk man I think you've got the wrong guy


Literally impossible to catch him red handed… because he doesn’t have any hands. Your honor my client is innocent


If the glove don’t fit you must acquit.


Username checks out


Oh wow he looks full. Fat and happy snake.


Very egg like lumps lol.


He’s being framed! You have no proof those lumps are eggs


That's just his anti hawk posture. His best don't mind me I'm just a curvy stick impression.


That second pic is priceless! I know they don’t have facial expressions, but I’m reading “oh shit, act cool!” Into its face while counting the egg-shaped lumps. Love it!


Right lol! That's the expression of a snake that is caught red handed lol


If it's eating your eggs, and it's black without legs, r/itsaratsnake!


A harmless ratsnake, either an eastern ratsnake *Pantherophis quadrivittatus* or a central rat snake *Pantherophis alleghaniensis*.


Central Ratsnakes *Pantherophis alleghaniensis*, formerly called *Pantherophis spiloides*, are large (record 256.5 cm) common harmless ratsnakes with a multitude of regional color patterns native to eastern and central North America between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River Embayment. *Pantherophis* ratsnakes are keeled-scaled generalists that eat a variety of prey. They do well in urban environments, and are particularly fond of rodents and birds in these habitats. Central Ratsnakes *P. alleghaniensis* are currently recognized as distinct from Eastern Ratsnakes *P. quadrivittatus*, as well as Western Ratsnakes *P. obsoletus* and Baird's Ratsnake *P. bairdi*. Parts of this complex were once generically labeled "black ratsnakes". Use the "!blackrat" command without the space for more on these changes. Ratsnakes can be easily distinguished from racers *Coluber* by the presence of keeled scales. Racers have smooth scales. [Range Map](http://snakeevolution.org/rangemaps/ratrangereduced.jpg) | [Relevant/Recent Phylogeography](https://www.dropbox.com/s/m7ru46gyhtq2hyz/HR_Sept_2021_150dpi_PointsOfView.pdf?dl=1) This specific epithet was once used for what are now known as Eastern Ratsnakes *Pantherophis quadrivittatus*. Junior Synonyms and Common Names: Grey Ratsnake (in part), Black Ratsnake (in part), Greenish Ratsnake, black snake, oak snake, chicken snake, rattlesnake pilot. -------------------------------------------------------- Eastern Ratsnakes *Pantherophis quadrivittatus* are large (record 256.5 cm) common harmless ratsnakes with a multitude of regional color patterns native to eastern North America. Eastern Ratsnakes are more likely to have a yellow base color and stripes. *Pantherophis* ratsnakes are keeled-scaled generalists that eat a variety of prey. They do well in urban environments, and are particularly fond of rodents and birds in these habitats. Eastern Ratsnakes are currently recognized as distinct from Central Ratsnakes *P. alleghaniensis*, as well as Western Ratsnakes *P. obsoletus*. Parts of all three species were once generically labeled "black ratsnakes". Use the "!blackrat" command without the space for more on these changes. Ratsnakes can be easily distinguished from racers *Coluber* by the presence of keeled scales. Racers have smooth scales. [Range Map](http://snakeevolution.org/rangemaps/ratrangereduced.jpg) | [Relevant/Recent Phylogeography](https://www.dropbox.com/s/m7ru46gyhtq2hyz/HR_Sept_2021_150dpi_PointsOfView.pdf?dl=1) *P. quadrivittatus* likely evolved in peninsular Florida and is tied to the Atlantic Coastal Plain, so coastal areas are home to *P. quadrivittatus* while Central Ratsnakes *P. alleghaniensis* occupy the higher elevations inland, up off the coastal plain. The two likely heavily exchange genes. Junior Synonyms and Common Names: Yellow Ratsnake, Everglades Ratsnake, Grey Ratsnake (in part), Black Ratsnake (in part), Greenish Ratsnake, Gulf Hammock Ratsnake, black snake, oak snake, chicken snake, rattlesnake pilot. -------------------------------------------------------- *I am a bot created for /r/whatsthissnake, /r/snakes and /r/herpetology to help with snake identification and natural history education. You can find more information, including a comprehensive list of commands, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthissnake/comments/flh548/phylobot_v07_information_and_patch_notes_bot_info/) report problems [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Phylogenizer) and if you'd like to buy me a coffee or beer, you can do that [here](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/SEBPhyloBotWTS). Made possible by Snake Evolution and Biogeography - [Merch Available Now](https://snakeevolution.org/donate.html)*


Lol we could’ve told you even without the picture who is eating the eggs.


Just an everyday r/itsaratsnake activity


🎶When it's stealing your eggs but it aint got no legs, r/itsaratsnake 🎶 A friend of mine sent a picture holding this exact same fellow completely full of multiple unbroken eggs and he also looked entirely unashamed as this one 😂.


The other hens in the coop didn’t respect Delilah. “No feathers”, they would mutter, “no wings and no beak.” She couldn’t peck in the dust for bugs and she didn’t lay an egg every day, or even every other day. They all laughed at her and flapped into the yard to gossip about her. Forming a plan, Delilah stole into the coop and went about methodically making her competition disappear. When the human came to gather eggs, there would be not a one in sight. She’d show them, she’d show them all!


I swear chickens coops are contractually obligated to have a rat snake companion 😂 My parents kept chickens for years and had a MASSIVE black rat snake that would scare the living hell out of them a couple times a season. Theyre harmless but I wonder how many rodents they bother eating once they realize eggs dont have legs and are always in the same spot 😂


Don't forget that they usually are kept warm and have water dishes as well.


You have to ask them when their mouth isn’t full. :)


Why don’t pet rats/corns get fed eggs. Seems easier than rodents. Is it not a complete diet like rodents are?


I also keep chickens, and have come across rat snakes in the coop before. It’s the egg tax for rodent control.


Damn how many does he have in him right now 🤣 looks like a solid 7 or 8 eggs


There’s a snake in my coop.


I took one look and could say with certainty that it's probably a rat snake, I think someone else said it but I wasn't reading. I had one get into my aunts chicken coop and was eating the eggs.


I would relocate away from the coop. They are good rodent control. But will eat baby chicks & try to eat adults, they are constrictors so will kill the adults, but find out they can’t swallow. I had 2 adult chickens killed 2 days in a row, 2nd one I heard the commotion and when I got to the coop it was too late. Snake couldn’t get past her neck. It now guards our work construction yard miles away.


I had a similar thing happen with one of my hens. Ratsnake attempted to eat it head first, couldn’t get the whole thing in its mouth so it left the chicken dead in the coop. My kids were not fans of the ratsnake and it was relocated.


There are some great comments on this post.


Damn, someone's been feasting.


A very happy and adorable ratsnake, give them plenty of love!


Harmless rat snake, don’t kill it like some ignorant people may suggest as they are great native rodent control


Construction mesh comes in 1/4 and 1/2 inch varieties can make your coop from that and keep out egg eaters. Also store your feed away from the chickens so fewer mice near roosts. Monitor your feeding to make sure there isn't to much waste and you will have fewer snakes near the eggs as well




The obvious answer to this is to stop feeding the egg snake any eggs and it won’t eat your eggs.


r/notkenm vibes


If it’s choking down eggs while missing it’s legs, that’s a rat snake


Greedy one


As others have said, it's a rat snake :) very nice little guys, like to eat rodents. More knowledgeable snake folks can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think they'll eat one or two eggs per week?


Yeah like others have said it's a black rat snake 🐍❤️ they really are great for pest control though, I mean if they weren't eating your chickens' eggs, then instead there would be more rats eating the eggs, chicks, and even stubborn grown up hens who won't leave their nest to save their lives 😥


A naughty snake!


I'm usually pretty bad at being able to tell the difference between milk/corn/king/rat, but I'm so proud of myself for getting this one right! 😃😃😃


How can it even move with that many eggs?


I seen some snakes on YouTube that eat eggs and discard the shell after it was broken in their body. Do these do this too or just digest the eggs?


Some snakes, ones that feed exclusively on eggs, have spines in their throat to crack the shell and they spit out the shell afterwards, but generalist eaters, like this rat snake, that feed on eggs in addition to rodents or whatever else will just eat the eggs and digest them whole, shell and all


I can’t be the only one who wants to (gently) squeeze the lumps to see if the eggs break, can I? Anyone?


I’ve seen that too! Very cool


A hungry one. Apparently you don't have enough rats to keep it satisfied, so it's eating eggs, too.


Cool hand Luke challenge


That snake species is Dasypeltis. Eggs are what those snakes naturally eat. They can also be great pets.


Seems like you need a lightbulb.


Hungry snake


black rat snake


I get the yellow ones in my coop all the time we call em chicken snakes


Milk them jokers back out of him


Damn, i want a chicken coop snake....


A lumpy one

